The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 260 Lost the initiative! Dojo weakness? bet!

Relying on the Douluo plane in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that gradually began to transform towards the strength of the God Realm, Qin Mo was able to sense the four terrifying powers rising in the God Realm from extremely far away.

Not only Qin Mo can sense it, but the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil who are far away in the god world can also sense Qin Mo who is approaching quickly.

However, rather than Qin Mo being able to directly sense the power of the God Realm in the far distance, the four God Kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil relied more on controlling the core center of the entire God Realm.

Of course, the most important reason is that Qin Mo didn't cover it up, or couldn't cover it up.

The fluctuations of the transformation of the 'Qiankun Ding' are no less than that of a huge plane world running through the void of the plane at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Covering up fluctuations at this level is simply not worth the gain for Qin Mo.

For the center of the God Realm, it is tantamount to arrogantly lighting a lamp in the darkness, and focusing all the lights with arrogance to directly illuminate the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil. Pointed out the direction.

Feeling the fluctuations that were rapidly approaching the God Realm at the core of the God Realm, the eyes of the four God Kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil all showed extremely horrifying killing intent.

The terrifying thoughts of destruction instantly caused the void to crumble. With a slight vibration in his hand, he directly placed the 'Shura Demon Sword' without any fluctuation at the center of the God Realm, as if he wanted the 'Shura Demon Sword' to witness their revenge for God Shura. generally.

The next moment...

As if it could freeze everything, the extremely cold voice, with endless power, quickly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness of all the gods in the entire God Realm.

Immediately, the super-artifacts 'Tree of Life', 'Scepter of Destruction', 'Heart of Kindness' and 'Scale of Judgment' controlled by the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness and evil burst into light, instantly covering the entire divine world.


Thanks to the sacrifice of God Shura, the combat power of the gods in the divine world was completely released.

Although the rules and authority of the Seven Elemental Gods were completely broken, causing the rules, authority and power of the gods in the divine world to decline, in fact, the gods have survived for who knows how many epochs.

Especially for those generations of gods who have never chosen to pass on the divine throne, although the power brought by the divine rules and authority is not weak, it is not dominant, even if the power provided by the divine rules and authority is lost. Strength is nothing to them.

And this group of gods is precisely the most powerful existence in the God Realm.

As for the few gods who have just inherited the divine throne for a short period of time, and most of their strength is provided by the rules and authority of the divine throne, although their strength has plummeted, it does not have much impact on the overall strength of the divine world. , doesn't matter.

The four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil activated their own super artifacts and directly brought all the gods in the god world to appear millions of miles away from the wall of the god world.

This is the battlefield chosen by God Shura for the four great god kings of life, destruction, good, and evil before his death. It is also the limit distance at which the growth of the divine realm will not be weakened.

As the holders of the rules and authority of the divine realm, the gods of the divine realm are undoubtedly qualified to mobilize the origin of the divine realm to increase their own power. Within this distance, the gods of the divine realm can obtain the full amount of the divine realm. increase.

At the moment when the space moved to the void of the plane millions of miles away from the boundary wall of the God Realm, many second-level gods and third-level gods quickly moved under the orders of the Seven Gods of Original Sin... and more than ten first-level gods. Rally.

More than a hundred third-level gods serve as soldiers, more than a dozen second-level gods serve as generals, and the first-level main gods serve as commanders. In an instant, a battle array of more than ten gods was formed.

The extremely powerful pressure of the gods exploded, instantly stagnating the void of the surrounding millions of miles.

Originally, with the strength of the second-level gods and third-level gods, they were not qualified to intervene in this battle in which even the god king might fall, even after forming a battle formation.

Only those whose combat power reaches the level of a first-level god are eligible to intervene.

But even so, the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil still gave orders to many second-level gods and third-level gods, and led these second-level and third-level gods into the void.

The purpose is not to make these second-level gods and third-level gods die and consume their opponents, but to restrict Qin Mo's 'dojo'.

Similarly, this is also the information, guesses, and solutions provided by God Shura to the four great god kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil before his death...

After all, the shackles of Qin Mo's 'dojo' that were enough to suppress 30% of the combat power of the God-King level, and even suppressed 50% of the combat power of those under the God-King level were simply too exaggerated.

It can even be said that if it weren’t for the terrifying shackles of Qin Mo’s ‘dojo’ in that battle, even if their side of the God Realm lost, they would never have lost so miserably and with such shame...

Although the battle was not that long, with the extremely strong cultivation level of Shura God King, coupled with the understanding of the rules and authority of the world, a lot of information was revealed.

There are only two ways to restrain yourself.

One: Destroy Qin Mo's 'dojo' with absolute strength, just like the absolute power that God Shura erupted when he sacrificed himself, with the magical skills possessed by the two god kings of life and destruction, as well as the two god kings of good and evil. The fusion technique can only briefly break the shackles of suppression, but it is not enough to win a decisive victory.

Two: It is based on quantity. Even though Qin Mo's 'dojo' is powerful enough to suppress a god-king-level existence, there will always be an upper limit.

One god king and more than ten first-level gods are not powerful enough, so what about the four major god kings in the God Realm, plus the remaining ten first-level gods, hundreds of second-level gods, and nearly two thousand third-level gods in the God Realm? ?

Even if the combat power of hundreds of second-level gods and nearly two thousand third-level gods is not strong, what if they form a battle formation and mobilize the rules of the divine realm for blessing?

The only way to mobilize such a huge combat power is to completely eliminate the danger of collapse of the God Realm.

And those who have the ability to do this, or are qualified to do this, are only the five supreme god kings in the god world.

But the four great god-kings of life, destruction, good, and evil all have fusion skills that can erupt into god-king-level combat power in a short period of time.

Only God Shura...

It is precisely because of this that God Shura was so decisive in sacrificing himself and even the supreme position of God Shura in the God Realm to complete the God Realm.

It is a reminder to the four great divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil in the divine world, and it is also the only method that Shura God can preview that has a chance of winning.

Originally, if the five great god kings were to mobilize, they could completely eliminate all disobedience by relying on the five great god kings to jointly use the 'Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms'.

Facing the 'Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms' cast by the five great god kings, even if Qin Mo completely refined the 'Douluo Plane', he still had no confidence in taking it.

But it is a pity that God Realm missed the simplest and most relaxed method, and ultimately underestimated the threat this time.

The God Realm has completely lost its upper hand...

But this is not surprising. After all, no one would have thought that the connection between the lower plane and the lower plane is severed. Even if it is a lower plane that is extremely important to the divine world, at most there will be a god-level silver dragon king. It can have such a terrifying impact on the divine world. Even the losses caused by the Dragon God disaster before the Endless Era were not as horrific as this one. That was the almost eternal God King of the God Realm...

As the four divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil who are the same as God Shura in the divine realm, they also understood God Shura's reminder in an instant.

Therefore, even though God Shura was defeated and fell, the four great kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil in the divine world still gave absolute trust to the information, guesses, and solutions left behind by God Shura before his death, without even a trace of hesitation. Didn't show up.


Outside the void of the plane, which is an unknown number of billions of kilometers away from the God Realm, Qin Mo, who is constantly breaking through the void, seems to have noticed something, and his body stagnates slightly.

There was a faint flash of divine light in his eyes, as if he had directly crossed a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers and saw the arrangements of the four great god kings and many gods in the god world.

The next moment, a trace of surprise suddenly flashed in Qin Mo's eyes, but it suddenly became clear. At the same time, he once again had a little more respect for the fallen God Shura.

Obviously, Qin Mo also saw the arrangement of the God Realm, or guessed the reason why the four great god kings of the God Realm arranged it this way.

Just as God Shura had guessed, although Qin Mo's 'dojo' was so powerful that it could suppress even a god-king-level being, it was not without its weaknesses. No, it should be said that it was not a weakness.

As a 'dojo' created by Qin Mo based on myths and legends, there is actually no upper limit to its power.

Not to mention four god kings, more than a dozen first-level gods, hundreds of second-level gods, and nearly two thousand third-level gods. Even if the number was ten times greater, they would still be able to suppress it.

But... the arrival and coverage of the 'dojo' requires energy consumption, and it is a massive amount of energy.

If it is just to simply descend and cover the 'dojo', it is nothing. It can completely swallow and extract energy from the void to be self-sufficient, without any consumption, and there is even a surplus.

But if you want to explode the power of the 'dojo' and suppress the enemy, then just extracting and swallowing energy from the void is far from enough.

What is consumed is the soul power in the world of Douluo Plane, the origin of the world, and even the rules and authority possessed by the plane world.

Just suppressing one god king and more than ten first-level gods does not consume a lot of combat power, but if you suppress four god kings, more than ten first-level gods, hundreds of second-level gods, and nearly two thousand third-level gods, Super god.

Even though the 'Douluo Plane' at this moment has begun to transform towards the intensity of the God Realm, it is still not the God Realm after all. Even the God Realm may not be able to maintain this if it is not supported by countless plane worlds in the lower world. Number of gods.

In half a quarter of an hour at most, the 'Douluo Plane' will be completely drained by the 'Dojo'.

If you want to crack it, you can only kill or expel all the second- and third-level gods, which Qin Mo could easily do with his current strength.

However, the group of second- and third-level gods formed a battle formation under the orders of the four great god kings, and the battle formation was led by a first-level god, the main god of the God Realm.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo frowned slightly, and the speed of tearing through the void quietly slowed down a little. At the same time, he kept sighing in his heart, God Shura is worthy of being one of the five supreme god kings in the God Realm. Even if he falls, he can still bring Qin Mo back. Such big trouble.

But the next moment, a thought suddenly flashed through Qin Mo's mind...

"Golden Dragon King!"

His eyes instantly glanced at the God Realm, which is a million miles away from the gods, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes. The God Realm at this moment was an empty nest...

Originally, the distance of a million miles in the void was just a thought for the four great kings of the God Realm. Even at the speed of a third-level god, it could only be crossed in a few minutes at most. Therefore, there was no danger of being attacked, even in the God Realm. There was an accident, and it took only a moment to come back for help.


"I didn't expect that the deal I agreed to with the Silver Dragon King would be completed first..."

Qin Mo's voice echoed quietly in the void, and then a ruthless look appeared in his eyes: "Half a quarter of an hour... I hope there is enough time, otherwise..."

The next moment, Qin Mo's voice instantly sounded in the minds of the Silver Dragon King, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling and his old man Qin Dong in the Douluo plane of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

"Silver Dragon King, I will ask my grandfather, Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong to cooperate with you and go to the God Realm to devour the 'Golden Dragon King'... You have half an hour. If you haven't arrived in half a quarter of an hour, battlefield······"

"Ling Ling, Ning Rongrong..."

"Grandpa, I need you to send the Silver Dragon King to the God Realm, and at the same time protect Lingling and Ning Rongrong. If it is the 'Silver Dragon King'..., I will leave an imprint on your 'Shanhe Cauldron' martial spirit" ·······”

After finishing speaking, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' hanging in the sky above Qin Mo lit up an extremely obscure but extremely terrifying spatial fluctuation.

In an instant, the void hundreds of millions of miles away from Qin Mo trembled in vain, a bronze tripod that completely hid its breath without any fluctuations, flickering quietly like a mortal thing.

Feeling the aura of his old man gradually disappearing, Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of depth.

"Silver Dragon King... I hope you won't be too smart, otherwise..."

Just like the Silver Dragon King made a huge gamble on Qin Mo not long ago, Qin Mo is also taking a gamble this time.

However, unlike the Silver Dragon King, who loses once and loses everything, even if Qin Mo loses the bet, he only loses the 'Douluo Plane' bet and there will be no other losses at all. After all, the most important foundation of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is Already written.

Even if you lose the 'Douluo Plane' and rely on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' to directly refine the remaining lower realm planes, you can still completely recover under the power of the 'Dojo', and the loss is only a little time.

Although the divine rules condensed by Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Lin Nuo belong to the world of 'Douluo Plane', their core origin is in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. The 'Douluo Plane' disappears, at most. It is just that it has temporarily lost the blessing of the plane world, and its own strength will not be weakened. When the plane world in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is restored, it will naturally return to its heyday.

As for Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong, with their old men reaching the first level of god fighting power, coupled with the spatial means that the ninth-turn 'inner elixir' can explode, even the Silver Dragon King devoured the Golden Dragon King, and they were upgraded to a level comparable to that of the Dragon God back then. At such a level, it is very easy to procrastinate for a while.

For the God King of the God Realm, a million miles away is just a thought, but for Qin Mo, it is no different. He is even better at it than the four great God Kings of the God Realm... (End of this chapter)

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