The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 262 Liberate the Golden Dragon King! Creation!


The void in the plane outside the God Realm fluctuated slightly, ‘Silver Dragon King’

In an instant, he recovered into the huge Dragon King's true form.

The sharp claws filled with divine glory flickered in the void, directly transferring Qin Dong's 'Mountain and River Cauldron' to a piece of scale armor on his body, and the divine power fluctuated slightly, locking it in place.

Immediately, the Silver Dragon King's eyes fell on the plane wall of the God Realm, which was faintly surrounded by a layer of bloody light.

Although the current boundary wall of the God Realm has slightly changed from what it was before she escaped in the endless era, the most essential rules of operation have not changed at all.

The majestic and extremely cold giant dragon eyes quickly flashed with a trace of fluctuation. At this moment, her Dragon King's true body could already sense the desire and attraction coming from the God Realm.

Every inch of flesh and blood, muscles and bones on the body, as well as the divine power and soul, began to tremble slightly. This was the desire of the two dragon kings contained in the deepest depths.

Whether it is the Golden Dragon King or the Silver Dragon King, they seem to be split bodies of half of the original dragon god, and they both possess god-king-level combat power, which is better than the other nine dragon kings of the dragon clan.

But in fact, neither the Golden Dragon King nor the Silver Dragon King were split by the Dragon God voluntarily and on their own. Instead, they were split by the divine fusion technique 'Sword of Trial of the Three Realms' jointly performed by the five divine kings of the God Realm. The Dragon King is not a perfect split.

Therefore, both the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King have flaws deep down in their origins, and the only way to make up for the flaws is to devour the other's origin.

Not only the Silver Dragon King, but also the Golden Dragon King who was in the seal at the moment also felt the approach of the Silver Dragon King.

The dark golden dragon eyes filled with violence and madness instantly revealed an extremely exaggerated desire and bloodthirsty. It was an appetite that was pure to the extreme.

"Silver Dragon King······"

The extremely violent light of divine power burst out crazily, and the knotted muscles under the golden scales were constantly trembling. The pure and terrifying power even made the space at the seal tremble slightly.

The frantic struggle against the seal instantly caused the golden body of the Golden Dragon King to be covered with bloodstains, and even many of the golden scales were stained red by the blood and scattered.

But there was no lag in the violent and crazy huge dragon eyes of the Golden Dragon King, as if he didn't feel the injuries on his body.

The next moment, the scattered scales on the Golden Dragon King and the blood stains all over his body quickly began to recover.

In an instant, all the marks on the Golden Dragon King's body disappeared, as if there had never been any damage.

If the Silver Dragon King inherited half of the Dragon God's reason, wisdom, and elemental rule control, then the Golden Dragon King inherited the Dragon God's extremely powerful body, strength, and violent animality and madness.

As for why I chose to kill the Golden Dragon King instead of sealing it, it was because I was worried that after the death of the Golden Dragon King, the origin of the Dragon God in the body would converge towards the other half of the Silver Dragon King, and it would be entirely possible to resurrect the Dragon God, even if The Dragon God has not been resurrected, and the complete Dragon God origin is enough to create a terrifying existence that is not weaker than the Dragon God.

To kill the Silver Dragon King and the Golden Dragon King, it is actually not difficult for the five god kings of the God Realm. At least the Golden Dragon King who is in the seal has no ability to resist them at all.

It is not difficult to make the Golden Dragon King fall, but it is not that easy to wipe out the dragon god origin in the Golden Dragon King.

Even if the five divine kings jointly used the magical fusion technique 'Sword of Three Realms', it only split the origin of the Dragon God into two.

Its original personality and size have not been weakened at all, otherwise the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King would never have the strength of a god king.

It is precisely because of this that all the five god kings in the God Realm knew that the Silver Dragon King was seriously injured, but they did not pursue him, even the Shura God, who was the most ruthless towards the dragon clan.

After all, the seals arranged by their five great god kings can suppress the Golden Dragon King who has a dragon god-like origin, but they can never suppress the Golden Dragon King who has a complete dragon god origin.

Outside the boundary wall of the God Realm, the Silver Dragon King instantly determined the location sealed by the Golden Dragon King, and the dragon pupil lingering with the divine light of the seven rules instantly locked an area on the boundary wall of the God Realm.

Just like the brilliant silver blade wings trembled slightly, the void instantly collapsed, the figure quickly disappeared, and at the same time, a strange and incomparable aura of rules and authority quietly rose.

The thick and extremely tough barrier of the God Realm is like a splash of water. It only stirs up some waves and then disappears directly into the barrier of the plane.

God Realm~~~

An area full of exposed rocks and soil without any vegetation or life, like a barren area.


The space was torn apart by a powerful force, the dense light of the seven rules shone, and the huge and beautiful Dragon King's true body of the Silver Dragon King instantly condensed under the light.

Looking at the 'barren land' in front of him, the Silver Dragon King did not hesitate at all. The seven levels of elemental light with power comparable to the limit of a first-level god suddenly condensed and merged.

The terrifying coercion of the peak of the God King suddenly descended on the God Realm, instantly causing many gods in the God Realm to kneel down on their knees without having divine status.

The coldness and majesty of the pressure made the bodies of many divine servants tremble crazily.

The next moment, an extremely bright divine light burst out instantly, as if countless blazing suns rose in the God Realm in an instant, followed by a terrifying shock that extended to the entire God Realm.

But this is just the beginning...

The next moment, a dragon roar filled with endless madness, violence, and terror exploded.


The overbearing and terrifying majesty raged crazily, and the destructive thoughts filled in the dragon's roar directly seriously injured the group of divine servants in the God Realm who did not even have divine status in an instant.

The sea of ​​consciousness instantly burst, and blood quickly flowed out of the seven orifices of the many divine servants.

And the moment the dragon roar fell, a cold, indifferent and beautiful voice echoed instantly.

"Half a quarter of an hour... is enough!"

"Elemental destruction!"

In an instant, the entire God Realm of fire, water, wind, earth, light, darkness, space, and the seven-fold elemental rules and authority were forcibly controlled by the Silver Dragon King.

The extremely splendid seven-layered elemental rules merged, and the destructive wave instantly spread throughout the God Realm.


The plane is void, millions of miles away from the plane of God.

The expressions of the four divine kings of life, destruction, kindness, and evil who were originally at war with Qin Mo's side changed.

"not good!!!"

"It's the Silver Dragon King..."


"Damn it, she wants to devour the Golden Dragon King..."

The four great god kings all had extremely ugly expressions on their faces, and they had obviously thought of the key point. No wonder Qin Mo in front of him burst out with absolute suppression without hesitation, probably in order to let the Silver Dragon King devour the Golden Dragon King to undergo transformation, and then...

The God King of Destruction instantly glanced at the battle formation composed of many gods, and then quickly looked at the two great God Kings, the good and the evil kings, and said with great indifference and decisiveness: "Good and evil, leave this place to me and life, you guys Return to the God Realm..."

The God of Destruction's tone paused for a moment, and then turned harsh: "We cannot let the origin of the Dragon God be least not at this time..."

As soon as these words came out, the two great gods, the good and the evil kings, both understood it clearly and agreed without any hesitation.

As the wife of the God King of Destruction, the God King of Life naturally guessed the plan of the God King of Destruction in an instant. Looking at the gods in the god battle formation, a trace of unbearability quietly flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly erased. Now The situation does not allow for any mercy...

Without any words, the two divine kings of life and destruction erupted with extremely powerful fluctuations of divine power, and the ultimate rules and authority of life and destruction were instantly realized.

The super artifacts 'Tree of Life' and 'Scepter of Destruction' instantly condensed behind the two god kings of life and destruction.

The power of life to create life and the power of destruction to destroy are instantly blended...



"God King Fusion Technique—Creation!"

In an instant, the two extreme forces that were originally like two parallel lines without any intersection, and even extremely repelling, suddenly began to converge and merge...

The next moment...

The rules and authority of ultimate creation and destruction of all things are like the yin and yang levels of Tai Chi, instantly deriving a supreme power that overwhelms all forces.

The two divine kings of life and destruction instantly converged and merged, condensing into a supreme and powerful fuzzy figure.

Even though his strength was suppressed by 40% by the 'Dojo', at this moment, the God-King Fusion Skills used by the two God-Kings of Life and Destruction still broke the boundaries of the God-King level.

"The Creation Blow..."

Like an accent, the voices of the two divine kings of life and destruction echoed instantly.

The next moment...

A terrifying blow that could open up and create all things in the world instantly covered Qin Mo and the 'World Cauldron'.

It was as if he wanted to completely annihilate Qin Mo and the 'Qiankun Ding' with this blow.

This blow cannot be avoided at all... This is absolute cause and effect and can only be endured.

Feeling the threat from the terrifying blow of the supreme figure condensed by the two god kings of life and destruction, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with solemnity.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' instantly dropped countless bright and regular divine lights, like three thousand avenues, quickly covering Qin Mo's body.


The simple and mysterious trembling sound quickly echoed from the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’.

Under the trembling sound, all time, space and rules around Qin Mo were isolated and exiled, forming a desert of rules...

next moment.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The terrifying wave of destruction that was like destroying the world suddenly erupted, and the terrifying wave of annihilation instantly decomposed and annihilated all matter in the void of the plane.

Qin Mo and the 'Qiankun Ding', who faced the blow, were directly bombarded for countless billions of kilometers.

There are countless cracks all over the divine body and the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’.

However, the creation phantom condensed by the two god kings of life and destruction did not fare well, and the terrifying shock directly caused the creation phantom to collapse.

The auras of the two great god kings of life and destruction also fell directly...

This is a powerful blow that consumes the source. If the two god kings of life and destruction hadn't survived for who knows how many epochs, and the source was rich enough, I'm afraid that this blow would have exhausted the source and fell into a deep sleep. .

But in comparison, the ones who suffered the most heavy losses were the many first-, second-, and third-level gods who formed the battle array of gods.

Even with the protection of the evil god king's super artifact 'Judgment Scale', the third-level gods, whose strength was weakened by 75%, still could not resist. Nearly half of the third-level gods could not even withstand the aftermath. They were completely wiped out, and many of the second-level gods were seriously injured directly.

Fortunately, this plane of void is only a million miles away from the God Realm. Even if it is in the area covered by the 'Dojo', the gods of the group of third-level gods after their death have not been plundered, but have successfully returned to the core center of the God Realm.

For the many gods who fell or were seriously injured in the battle of gods, the four great god kings of the god world did not pay any attention to them, or they had no time to pay attention at all.

The divine thoughts of the God-King of Destruction instantly sounded in the minds of the two great God-Kings, the good and the evil ones: "Quick, take advantage of the moment..."

The two divine kings of good and evil did not hesitate at all. The two super artifacts "Judgment Scale" and "Kind Heart" instantly turned into streams of light and disappeared into their bodies.

The majesty of two powerful divine kings suddenly exploded.

The space roared crazily, and the void of the plane continued to tremble.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Vaguely, a gap was torn open in the 'dojo'.

The eyes of the four great god kings were overjoyed, but not before the two great god kings of good and evil entered the gap.

Qin Mo's extremely cold voice sounded loudly,

"Where do you want to go..."

What followed was a terrifying tremor that shook time and space.


In an instant, the gap opened by the two great god kings, good and evil, was instantly distorted by spending a lot of divine power.

If this level of distortion gap is entered, even the divine bodies of their god-king-level beings will be torn apart in an instant, and the four great god-kings all have extremely ugly expressions on their faces.


"How could it be so fast..."

In comparison, Qin Mo's face was also extremely ugly. The aura on his body was not weakened at all at this moment, and there were no cracks on the 'Qiankun Ding'.

But... the origin of the 'Douluo Plane' in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was directly evaporated by nearly a quarter.

This also means that the time that the "dojo" can shortened.

······(End of this chapter)

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