The void where Qin Mo fights with the four great god kings of the god realm is only a million miles away from the god realm. The four god kings can sense the god realm a million miles away. The two silver dragon kings and golden dragon kings in the god realm God-king-level beings naturally also sense it.

Especially the Golden Dragon King, as he inherited half of the Dragon God's ultimate power, the strength of the Dragon King's true form is unparalleled in the world. Of course, he also inherited the violent and crazy side of the Dragon God, making the Golden Dragon King extremely vulnerable to this violence. , crazy influence, and because of this, the sensitivity of its senses is far beyond ordinary, as if it is the most essential perception of life.

The moment they sensed the aftermath of the power beyond the God-King level coming from the void outside the God Realm, the Silver Dragon King and the Golden Dragon King who were fighting crazily were all stunned.

The Golden Dragon King, who had entered an extremely violent, crazy, and bloodthirsty state because of the desire to complete himself from the deepest source of the soul and bloodline, sensed the familiar aura in the aftermath of the power that transcended the God King series. At the moment of opportunity, the golden and terrifying dragon eyes of the Golden Dragon King were filled with extremely cruel killing intent and hatred.

Originally, even if the Golden Dragon King was half as powerful, violent and crazy as the Dragon God, he would still have reason and wisdom as long as he was not in the same space as the Silver Dragon King. But at this moment...

Coupled with the divine aura of the God King that sealed him, the Golden Dragon King's few senses and wisdom were completely overwhelmed by murderous intent and hatred, and he transformed directly into a terrifying killing beast.



Crazy dragon roars echoed crazily, and the golden Golden Dragon King's true body instantly burst out with an extremely domineering attack, tearing away towards the Silver Dragon King. The void of the God Realm was like an extremely fragile piece of paper.

It instantly became fragmented under the domineering attack of the Golden Dragon King.

The cold, noble and indifferent dragon pupils in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King also shrank instantly. As the half of the Dragon God in charge of reason, wisdom, and elemental rules, there was an instant guess.

Seeing the Golden Dragon King who had completely lost his mind and fallen into madness in front of him, the Silver Dragon King also became a bit more bloody and ruthless. At the same time, his spiritual thoughts moved slightly, preparing to remind Qin Dong and others hidden under the scales.

But before the divine thought could burst out, the ordinary light of glass instantly became extremely bright, and the lingering light of life also surged.

Obviously, not only the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King were affected, but also Qin Dong, who was extremely energetic in space methods.

Inside the 'Mountain and River Cauldron', Qin Dong's eyes were full of solemnity. The nine-turn 'inner elixir' in his body had already been activated to its extreme. Countless miraculous spatial divine patterns were flashing continuously, and it seemed that powerful power could erupt at any time. generally.

Beside Qin Dong, Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong's faces were a little pale, and the divine power in their bodies evaporated countless times every moment. The shining light of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda and the Nine Heart Begonia in their palms filled the entire space inside the 'Mountain River Cauldron'. It shines extremely brightly.

If they had followed the plan, even if Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong were to amplify and treat the Silver Dragon King, they would definitely leave the power to protect themselves, in order to prevent the Silver Dragon King from devouring the Golden Dragon King and then regretting it. This was also Qin Mo's original plan. arrange.

After all, although the Silver Dragon King reflected the rules and authority of his divine position in Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron', once the Silver Dragon King devours the Golden Dragon King and the origin is restored, he can escape at most at a small price. Control, that is to say, if the Silver Dragon King wants to go back on his word...

But at this moment, when they sensed the terrifying fluctuations millions of miles away, Qin Dong, Ye Lingling, and Ning Rongrong knew that it was impossible to hold anything back.

Randomly, Qin Dong's slightly aged voice quickly sounded in the Silver Dragon King's consciousness: "Three minutes..."

In an instant...

The Silver Dragon King only felt that his strength had doubled again, and the speed of recovery from his injuries also skyrocketed.

Listening to the voice coming from Qin Dong's spiritual thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness, as well as the surge of strength in his body, a sneer flashed through the extremely cold dragon eyes of the Silver Dragon King. It was obvious that he was very disdainful of Qin Dong's fear and precautions.

However, he did not say anything more, but accepted it completely. His spiritual thoughts fluctuated rapidly, and a cold, noble and indifferent voice quickly sounded in the inner space of the 'Shanhe Cauldron'.


The next moment...

The entire God Realm was in vain shrouded in seven layers of brilliant divine light, and the terrifying pressure of rules instantly turned the entire God Realm upside down.

The battle situation that was originally just a slight advantage turned into a crushing wave at this moment. The destructive wave of the seven-fold elemental rule instantly transformed the violent and irrational Golden Dragon King into an exaggerated hole with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Even the golden dragon king's tyrannical body, which is unparalleled in the world, was unable to resist the destruction of the seven elements rules exerted by the silver dragon king whose combat power was doubled. Countless flesh and blood were evaporated and annihilated in an instant.

The extremely tyrannical resilience is suppressed and eroded by the seven elemental rules and authority controlled by the Silver Dragon King.


A shrill roar of pain instantly erupted from the ferocious dragon head of the Golden Dragon King, and countless golden dragon blood with extremely hot and domineering fluctuations rained down.

The intense pain directly caused the lost sanity of the Golden Dragon King to return for a moment, but in the next moment, he was completely overwhelmed by the pain and became even more crazy, just like a ferocious beast on the verge of death and serious injury in the ordinary lower plane, the golden dragon eyes were It's all crazy.

He didn't pay any attention to the huge hole in his body, and instead went towards the Silver Dragon King even more crazily.

Upon seeing this, the silver dragon king's eyes surged with vain divine light, and more than half of the originally abundant divine power in his body instantly evaporated, and a wave of elemental fusion and destruction that was even more terrifying than the previous blow erupted.

This is the ultimate power that the Silver Dragon King can unleash...

"Tide of Elemental Destruction!!"

"Green!" "Red!" "Blue!" "Yellow!" "White!" "Black!" "Silver!"

The seven elemental rules merged instantly, turning into a terrifying tide of destruction that covered the sky and the sun.

The seven incomparably bright elemental divine lights of wind, fire, water, earth, light, darkness, and space, coupled with the increase in Ning Rongrong's 'Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda', instantly burst out with unprecedented terrifying power. The power of the attack has exceeded the limits of the God King.

Under the terrifying power of the extremely tyrannical elemental rules and authorities, all the rules and authorities in the entire time and space were instantly expelled, leaving only the seven elemental rules controlled by the Silver Dragon King.

Like the Lord of the World...

In an instant...

The terrifying death threat instantly caused the Golden Dragon King's dragon eyes, which had no sense or wisdom at all, to shrink crazily, and his extremely sensitive sensing ability frantically warned the Golden Dragon King.

"Danger!" "Danger!" "Danger!"

"Unstoppable!" "Unstoppable!" "Unstoppable!" Under the threat of terror, the Golden Dragon King's sanity returned instantly. Looking at the tide of destruction of terrifying elements that nearly submerged and covered the entire world, the huge brilliance of the Golden Dragon King The golden dragon king's real body froze immediately.

He is simply unable to resist or dodge...

A trace of despair flashed uncontrollably in the golden eyes of the Golden Dragon King.

But the next moment, the despair in the eyes of the Golden Dragon King disappeared instantly. The Golden Dragon King with reason is different from the beast that has lost its reason. Combined with the fluctuations of the Shura God's position being merged into the divine world not long ago, and the abnormal situation in the divine realm at this moment, the Golden Dragon Wang guessed a lot in an instant.

Feeling the power beyond the God King unleashed by the Silver Dragon King's attack, he showed an extremely cheerful and crazy smile, and even directly stretched his huge golden Dragon King's true body to the maximum, facing this event that nearly overwhelmed time and space. Tides of elemental destruction.


"Okay! Silver Dragon King, I lost, and the Dragon Clan will be handed over to you from now on..."

"Don't forget to send those four bastards, Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil, to accompany me..."

The Golden Dragon King's hearty and crazy laughter instantly appeared in the Silver Dragon King's sea of ​​consciousness.


With the most brilliant light, the destruction that annihilated all things suddenly erupted.

The huge dragon king's true body of the Golden Dragon King was directly wiped out by the elemental destruction tide erupted by the Silver Dragon King, just like being erased by an eraser on the canvas. The ultimate body that is the best in the world does not even have the slightest resistance. .

A full half minute...

This tide of terrifying elemental destruction that surpassed the God King level gradually subsided.

This terrifying blow not only wiped out the Golden Dragon King, but also directly destroyed nearly one-tenth of the void in the God Realm, forming a permanent area of ​​elemental destruction.

The moment the Golden Dragon King was completely annihilated, the Silver Dragon King fell directly into an extremely magical state.

In an instant, the surrounding time and space seemed to be completely frozen. Countless golden streams of light were like giant dragons, converging towards the Silver Dragon King, instantly shrouding the Silver Dragon King under the golden divine light, and the void in the God Realm began to go crazy in vain. Trembling and boiling, as if he couldn't bear this terrifying fluctuation.

The aura on the Silver Dragon King's body began to surge at an unimaginable speed in vain, and the incomplete Dragon God origin in the deepest part of the Dragon King's true body began to gradually become complete.

A perfect rhythm quietly lingered in the Silver Dragon King's huge Dragon King's true body.

The bright silver six-diamond dragon scales began to gradually transform. The originally slender and beautiful Dragon King's true body gradually became more domineering and violent. The crystal clear and gorgeous dragon horns also became much longer, and it seemed to be vaguely like the ancient times. The majesty of the Dragon God.

Inside the 'Mountain and River Cauldron' placed under the Silver Dragon King's scales, Qin Dong, Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong all sensed the changes in the Silver Dragon King outside with great solemnity.



The roar of the ancient dragon, as if the heaven and earth had just opened, instantly resounded, reverberating in the God Realm, the Void, and even many lower plane worlds.

In an instant, countless beasts with dragon bloodline in the lower plane all knelt down, hiding in different spaces and dragon tombs. The only remaining ancient dragon kings who had not died and possessed the combat power of a first-level god were An extremely excited look appeared in his eyes for an instant.

"Dragon God!"

Then it instantly turned into a stream of light, directly breaking through the space, disappearing in place,

The eyes of the four great god kings of the god world, who were millions of miles away from the god world, instantly became extremely gloomy, especially the two great god kings of life and destruction.

You must know that in order to prevent this scene from happening, nearly half of the third-level gods in the God Realm were wiped out directly by them and Qin Mo, but the result was...

Feeling the terrifying aura rising in the God Realm millions of miles away and expanding towards the God King, a heavy pressure instantly appeared in the gloomy eyes of the four God Kings of Life, Destruction, Kindness, and Evil.

The Dragon God in its heyday in ancient times was only one step away from the realm of the Creator God, and its combat power far exceeded the level of a God King.

If it weren't for the different state of the Dragon God at the time, and the magical fusion skill 'Sword of Three Realms' jointly used by the five god kings, they might not be able to defeat the Dragon God.

And the most important thing is that although the 'Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms' defeated the Dragon God, it actually only cut off the Dragon God's origin.

Even if the dragon god's original unification cannot reach the level where the dragon god was far superior to the god king, he can definitely reach the power above that of the god king.

And although the four great god kings of their god world all possess super divine weapons, if they want to achieve combat power above that of the god kings, they can only use divine skill fusion skills, but...

On the contrary, Qin Mo's face, which had become extremely ugly because a quarter of the origin of the 'Douluo Plane' in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was evaporated, softened a lot, but he quietly became more vigilant in his heart. , pushing his own sensing ability to the extreme, ready to explode the power of space at any time.

But in the next moment, the empty space of this plane was shattered in vain by an extremely powerful and overbearing force. The terrifying aura in the God Realm millions of miles away disappeared instantly, and a domineering and noble dragon shadow instantly traveled through time and space. Across the void.

Compared with before, the Silver Dragon King, who has completed the incomplete Dragon God in his body, although his body shape has not changed much, the energy in his body is a bit more domineering and majestic, and his strength has also been transformed, surpassing the god. The terrifying coercion of the king level came instantly, like a terrifying void storm in the plane.

Directly force the four great god kings of the god world and the remaining gods to retreat.

Ignoring the reactions of the four great kings of the gods and the remaining gods, the completely transformed Silver Dragon King's dragon claws shining with divine light instantly touched a dragon scale on his body.


The void fluctuated slightly, and a mysterious giant cauldron with endless mountains and rivers imprinted on it and lingering with powerful spatial fluctuations was directly thrown by this huge dragon shadow.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyebrows instantly stretched, and the void in front of him flickered rapidly, as if a mysterious door had been opened, and the 'Mountain and River Cauldron' was steadily returned to the 'Douluo Plane'.

······(End of this chapter)

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