The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 264 God King’s Fusion Technique The Scale of Good and Evil! Chaos time and space!

Looking at the indifferent and cold expression on the face of the 'Silver Dragon King', Qin Mo didn't care at all. In other words, he would have been the same if he was so suspected, even compared to the 'Silver Dragon King' 'It's even more obvious now.

This situation had already been anticipated when Qin Mo thought of letting the 'Silver Dragon King' go to the God Realm to devour the 'Golden Dragon King'. Reality is not a novel or a game, and no one knows the future direction.

Moreover, it seems that what Qin Mo wants to guard against in the end is the 'Silver Dragon King', but in fact it is not the case. Although he has not known the 'Silver Dragon King' for a long time, he is very clear about the pride in his heart. Certain effects basically won’t cause any problems.

What Qin Mo was most wary of was the complete dragon god's origin after being devoured by the 'Golden Dragon King' by the 'Silver Dragon King', and the possible madness that could result from the fusion of the 'Golden Dragon King'. After all, the 'Golden Dragon King' inherited It is the absolute power and violent side of the 'Dragon God'.

The former's unified complete dragon god's origin may revive the will of the dragon god who died in ancient times. With his domineering and madness before his death, he is undoubtedly a dangerous existence. In front of the 'Dragon God' himself, Qin Mo does not think that 'Silver Dragon King' will be the opponent.

Although the threat of the latter is not as good as the former, it is still very dangerous to my old man, Ye Lingling, and Ning Rongrong. The fusion of the Dragon God's origins can finally enhance the strength of the 'Silver Dragon King' To transcend the level of the God King.

If he is affected by the violence and madness inherent in the 'Golden Dragon King', even if his old man's combat power is comparable to that of a peak first-level god, coupled with the ninth-turn 'inner elixir' and his powerful space control ability, he will not be able to persist for long... ····

Fortunately, the situation did not go in the two worst directions.

But it's not that it didn't happen. In fact, when the 'Silver Dragon King' merged with the other half of the Dragon God's origins that gathered after the death of the 'Golden Dragon King', he did revive the will of the 'Dragon God' who had fallen in ancient times.

It even once occupied the body and consciousness of the 'Silver Dragon King'. As the source of the dragon clan, it has almost absolute suppressive power over the dragon clan, not to mention the 'Silver Dragon King', one of the split bodies of the origin.

The moment when the Dragon God's origins gathered together, just the lingering aura of the 'Dragon God' after his resurrection caused the consciousness of the 'Silver Dragon King' to be instantly suppressed to the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, without the slightest ability to resist.

But at the moment when he completely took control of everything about the Silver Dragon King, the Dragon God, who had revived his will, saw Qin Mo in the memory of the Silver Dragon King, or in other words, he saw the nine rules controlled by Qin Mo and the refined ones. The later 'Douluo plane'.

The occupation stopped in an instant, and was replaced by unparalleled excitement and excitement. The fall of the 'Dragon God', who was so powerful in ancient times that it was almost broken, was not to find a way forward, but at this moment...

After being excited and excited, I also noticed the abnormality in the rules and authority of the 'Silver Dragon King'. Although the 'Dragon God' could solve it if he was willing to pay a certain price, it would undoubtedly take endless time.

In the past, the 'Dragon God' would have waited. But now that he sees the way forward, how can the 'Dragon God' hold back, especially after knowing the situation outside...

And the 'Dragon God' is worthy of being called the 'Dragon God'. If he completely replaces the body of the 'Silver Dragon King' and completely integrates the origin, there will definitely not be enough time. After realizing this, the 'Dragon God' did it without the slightest hesitation. Having made a choice, he instantly released the consciousness of the 'Silver Dragon King' that was oppressed to the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, he made a deal with the 'Silver Dragon King': he would do his best to help the 'Silver Dragon King' integrate the dragon god's origin and remove all the hidden dangers.

As a price, the 'Silver Dragon King' will create a body for the 'Dragon God' and protect it for thousands of years after everything is settled.

In other words, the 'Dragon God' who has not yet been fully resurrected will directly return to the origin of the Dragon God in its heyday, giving up all efforts to become the 'Silver Dragon King', just for the sake of the future...

In this regard, the 'Silver Dragon King' agreed without any hesitation, or had to agree, whether it was the identity of the 'Dragon God' or the absolute suppression power of the 'Dragon God' itself over her... ·

And the most important thing is that this is a matter of mutual benefit.

It is precisely because of this that with the help of the 'Dragon God' consciousness, the 'Silver Dragon King' was able to completely integrate the origin of the Dragon God so quickly, push his combat power to the level beyond the God King, and rush to the void of the plane.

After all, with the master of the origin personally taking action, the integration of the origin is a matter of course.

Otherwise, even if the 'Silver Dragon King' fuses the dragon god's origin into one, it will definitely be affected by the violent and crazy half of the 'Golden Dragon King''s origin, and his combat power may not be able to reach the level beyond the god king.

The cold, indifferent and overbearing gaze of the 'Silver Dragon King' instantly swept over the four great kings of the God Realm and the many remaining gods. The overbearing gaze instantly caused the gods to stagnate slightly.

Especially the group of gods who had faced the terror of the Dragon God before the Endless Era shrank slightly, their eyes quietly lowered, and they did not dare to look at each other at all.

The four great god kings were sensing something with great solemnity, their eyes gleaming uncertainly.

Regarding the naked perceptive gazes of the four great god kings, a trace of irritation and anger flashed in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King. It was obvious that he knew what the four great god kings were afraid of.

Indeed, if it weren't for the fact that Dragon God chose to give up at the last moment, she might indeed have fallen into silence. Although Dragon God would not kill her, it would also cause her to completely lose her body.

Without the slightest hesitation, the terrifying divine power beyond the level of a god king burst out in his body, and his divine thoughts instantly locked the two great god kings, the good and the evil, who were at their peak.

Compared with before, after the Dragon God's origins were completely integrated and unified, although the Silver Dragon King's combat power at the moment was not as good as the Dragon God at his peak, he was still much more powerful than the four major God Kings in the God Realm.

This is true even if there is no super artifact. In other words, for the Silver Dragon King at this moment, her extremely powerful body is the strongest super artifact.

A cold voice with a hint of irritation quickly sounded in Qin Mo's mind: "Leave the two great gods, the good and the evil, to me. You can handle the rest by yourself..."

It was obvious that he didn't bother to fight against the God King of Life and Destruction who had exhausted his divine power.

As for the remaining group of first-, second-, and third-level gods who were like ants, they didn’t take them seriously at all.

Before Qin Mo could even respond, a powerful and overbearing attack power instantly tore through the void of the plane, killing the two great god kings of good and evil, as if the end was coming.

Facing the attack of the Silver Dragon King, the good and evil god kings locked by the Silver Dragon King did not dare to be careless at all, and without any hesitation, the ultimate good and evil god lights burst out, and a fierce and incomparable fluctuation of rules and authority was instantaneous. Filled the entire battlefield.

The super-artifacts 'Kind Heart' and 'Judgment Scale' controlled by the two gods of good and evil also burst out with extremely bright and vast light in an instant, as if the rules and authority of the entire time and space had been completely tampered with.

Two powerful auras merged instantly.

It's like the voice coming from the deepest part of the rules and authority.

"God King Fusion Technique - Scale of Good and Evil!"

Unlike the divine skill fusion skill ‘Creation’ used by the two gods of life and destruction, which can erupt with power close to that of a creation god, this is an absolute rule-based skill.

The chaotic chain of regular divine light instantly entangled the Silver Dragon King as well as the good and evil god kings. This chain was invisible, phaseless, and did not even have the slightest binding ability.

But as the rules of the two god kings, good and evil, were adjusted, an extremely huge and magical illusory scale appeared at the end of the chain.

“The Scales of Good and Evil—Judgment!”

‘Crash! ’

The crisp and clear sound of the collision of chains quickly sounded from the Silver Dragon King and the two great god kings of good and evil. In an instant, the two gods of good and evil were shrouded in a layer of extremely pure white light. The combat power that had been suppressed by 50% by Qin Mo's 'dojo' began to recover at an incredible speed, even rising. In an instant, he completely recovered and surpassed the peak level.

On the contrary, there is the 'Silver Dragon King'. Under a layer of extremely turbid gray light, the combat power that originally surpassed the level of the God King began to weaken at an extremely terrifying speed.

The originally overwhelming attacks against the two great god-kings, good and evil, began to weaken rapidly.

This is a regular and absolute magical skill. Unless you can absolutely suppress the rules and authority controlled by the two great god kings of good and evil, you cannot resist it at all.

The balance of its judgment is weakened and strengthened, and it is completely controlled by the two god-kings, good and evil.

If it were Qin Mo, or the Dragon God at his peak, the fusion skill of the good and evil gods - the Scale of Good and Evil, would have little effect at all.

But for the Silver Dragon King, he was just able to exercise restraint. This was also the reason why the two god kings of life and destruction had delayed Qin Mo just now.

Although the Silver Dragon King at this moment is completely unified and perfectly integrated due to the origin of the Dragon God in his body, there is still a gap compared to the Dragon God at his peak.

If we say that the Dragon God in his peak period has reached the pinnacle of the God-King level in terms of ultimate strength, body, soul, elemental rules, and limits of authority and power.

Even though the Silver Dragon King at this moment has reached the level of a God King in terms of ultimate strength, body, soul, elemental rules, and authority, he is still a lot weaker than the Dragon God at his peak.

Individual rules and authority are nothing compared to the two great god kings of good and evil.


The Silver Dragon King's attack, which was weakened to barely beyond the level of the God King, was directly shattered by the evil God King who was promoted and balanced to a level beyond the power of the God King. If it weren't for the power of the 'dojo' that suppressed him, he and the good God King would not be able to fight each other. His combat power is fully capable of suppressing the Silver Dragon King in this state.


Feeling the surge in strength of the good and evil god kings on the opposite side, as well as his own suppressed strength, the Silver Dragon King's eyes instantly showed extremely cold pupils, especially when he looked at the gray turbid regular light shrouded in his body, hegemony, Terrifying murderous intent suddenly erupted.


Silver Dragon King's endlessly cold voice echoed instantly: "Let's see how long you can hold on..."

Obviously, the Silver Dragon King also saw the weakness of this powerful fusion technique of the two great god kings of good and evil, which was a terrible drain on the god's power and even his origin.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

In an instant, an incomparable burst of blazing light suddenly descended. In just a moment, three terrifying beings whose combat power exceeded the level of a god king fought hundreds of times.

The terrifying shock seemed to have completely shattered the rules of the plane, space and time, instantly causing the remaining first-, second-, and third-level gods in the distance to tremble crazily. Even the strongest Seven Gods of Original Sin, in their eyes at this moment, They were also full of fear. It was obvious that they had guessed that they had been abandoned by the God Kings, or that the God Kings no longer had the ability to protect them.

There is no way to avoid it, there is no way to escape...

At this moment, they are not protected by super artifacts. If they are affected by this terrifying fluctuation, I am afraid...

When the Silver Dragon King, Good, and Evil were fighting, the two God Kings of Life and Destruction did not hesitate at all. Even though a lot of the divine power and even the source in their bodies were consumed, they still activated the God King Fusion Skill again.

Fortunately, this plane of void is within the absolute coverage of the rules of the God Realm, and can provide great help to the gods of the God Realm, at least in terms of the restoration of divine power.

The sound like an accent sounded again, and the light of creation exploded instantly.

"God King Fusion Technique - Creation!!!"

"The Creation Blow..."

The tallest and most powerful vague figure appeared again in the void of the plane, and the two extreme forces that were extremely repelling suddenly began to gather and blend...

It was as if the supreme divine light was like thousands of torrents, flooding towards Qin Mo in an instant.

Facing the supreme blow of the God King of Life and Destruction, Qin Mo's eyes instantly darkened, and an extremely fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The fact that a quarter of his origin had just been evaporated made Qin Mo extremely heartbroken, and now he dares to repeat the same trick...

"How dare you repeat this blow in front of me...seeking death..."

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the palm of his hand multiplied in vain, and the extremely bright nine-layered divine light began to erupt instantly.

"Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the five elements create and destroy each other..."

"Yin and Yang, the two are in opposition, transformation, growth and decline, and mutual root..."

"Chaos time and space!"

The five-color and five-element rules of divine light instantly merged the two god kings of life and destruction into a supreme creation strike that collided with each other.




The five colors and five elements of divine light that create and destroy each other and the supreme light of creation are extinguishing crazily.

In the next moment, the ultimate yin and yang came one after another, turning into a magical pattern of black and white, instantly freezing the supreme creation.

As if in a linked reaction, disordered chaos quietly began to emerge.

Chaos time and space - coming!

······(End of this chapter)

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