The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 265 The terrifying chaos and mist and the Dragon God destroying the world


The void of a hundred thousand miles of plane with Qin Mo as the center was instantly obscured by chaos, like the beginning of heaven and earth, but also like the end of the world.

In just one breath, the supreme divine light of creation, which was originally able to counterbalance and annihilate each other with the divine light of the five colors and five elements, was instantly dissolved by the chaos and mist in the void, and turned into the nourishment of this chaos and mist.

Not only the supreme divine light of creation, but also a battle formation of gods that was accidentally shrouded in this chaos and mist, failed to block the chaos and mist floating and lingering in the void, and lost the super artifact of the evil god king. With the protection of the 'Judgment Scale' and the terrifying suppression of Qin Mo's 'dojo', the role of many gods only increased Qin Mo's cost of maintaining the dojo.

At this moment, even the second-level gods and even the first-level gods could only hold on for a few breaths longer. The lower-level third-level gods could not even scream, and their divine bodies were completely dissolved in an instant. , even the rules and authority of his divine status were completely transformed into material by this chaos and mist before he could return to the divine realm.

Fortunately, there was only one first-level god who died. Although the remaining second-level gods and third-level gods were numerous, they were not of great importance to the divine world.

In addition, not long ago, the god-king-level Shura throne completely returned to the origin of the God Realm, so it only caused a small tremor in the void of the God Realm, but did not cause the loss of the origin of the gods and gods in the God Realm and the decline in strength.

The only ones who can resist the chaos and mist within this hundred thousand miles of void are the two great god kings, Life and Destruction, who have transformed into the phantom of creation.

Even so, in this chaotic mist, the phantom of creation merged by the two god kings of life and destruction, the supreme divine light of creation lingering around it is also constantly sounding, and the divine power and origin in the body are flowing in an unimaginable way. evaporated at a rate.

"How can it be······"

"What's this······"


The overlapping voices of the God King of Life and Destruction quickly came out from the mouth of the creation phantom, and the face under the illusory light and shadow was full of shock and shock.

The feeling from the deepest part of the soul told them - danger! Danger! Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous!


The light and shadow of creation instantly erupted with extremely powerful fluctuations that surpassed the king of gods, and directly turned into a bright light of creation, hoping to escape from this chaotic and misty area.

Normally, even if the two God-Kings of Life and Destruction do not use the fusion of divine skills and turn into a creation phantom with power that surpasses the God-King, the distance of a hundred thousand miles in the void is only a few breaths at most, even if it is just pure burst speed. between.

But at this moment... this chaotic and misty area of ​​100,000 miles is as boundless. Even if the phantom of creation bursts out at the ultimate speed, it has not left even an inch. It is like chaos without boundaries. generally······

In the center of the chaos and mist, Qin Mo, who was in charge of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', also had a face full of pain. Although the power of the chaotic time and space that descended was extremely terrifying, its consumption was also extremely exaggerated. Compared with the previous direct confrontation with Creation, The creation of the shadow is terrifying every time.

If it were not for the creation strike of the two great god kings of life and destruction, as well as the divine battle formation containing a first-level god, many second-level and third-level gods, melted into their own resources. .

I'm afraid that not even half of the original source of the 'Douluo Plane' in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is left.

However, when Qin Mo's flesh ached, he looked at the crazily struggling Chuangshi phantom not far away and showed a hint of excitement.

The creation strike erupted by the creation phantom and the god battle formation composed of the first, second and third level gods can only be regarded as appetizers.

Without any hesitation, the floating 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm instantly vibrated and turned into a towering giant cauldron, which exploded with a trembling sound like the sound of opening the sky.

The terrifying shock instantly caused a terrifying storm in the chaos and mist of this one hundred thousand miles away.

In an instant, the Creation Shadow, which was still able to maintain the divine light that protected the divine body, only felt the pressure increase sharply. There was a trace of fear in the consciousness of the two great God Kings of Life and Destruction within the Creation Shadow, but that was not the case. Fear not for yourself, but fear for the other person.

And at the moment when fear was born, both were sensed by the other party. After all, the two were in the fusion of divine skills at the moment.

The next moment...

An inexplicable sound of shattering and wailing sounded in the consciousness of the two great god kings of life and destruction.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Even if it is as powerful as a super artifact, it cannot withstand this terrifying chaos and mist.

Countless cracks emitted the light of life and destruction, and madness arose on the super-artifact "Tree of Life" of the God King of Life and the super-artifact "Scepter of Destruction" of the God King of Destruction.

The illusory face of Creation Shadow changed instantly, the originally trembling divine light suddenly dissipated, and Creation Shadow quickly began to collapse.

A flash of despair suddenly flashed in the hearts of the two great god kings of life and destruction. The super-artifacts 'Tree of Life' and 'Scepter of Destruction' collapsed directly and turned into countless fragments shining with regular fluctuations.

The two god-kings didn't even have time to say anything. They only had time to hold each other's hands, and then they were completely overwhelmed by the chaotic and misty vibrations like a wave of world destruction.

The god-king-level divine body that lost all its divine power could only last for less than ten breaths in the chaos and mist. Then it was completely destroyed, leaving only two bodies lingering in the chaos and mist with supernatural rules and fluctuations of authority. of god.

Even the god-king-level gods were unable to withstand this chaotic and misty dissolution. After being scattered for just a moment, the light of the two god-king-level gods dimmed a lot. If left alone, they would be completely dissolved in a matter of minutes at most. invisible.

Seeing this, Qin Mo quickly shook the floating 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm, causing the space to tremble slightly, and quickly swallowed and refined the two god-king-level gods.


Beyond the chaos and mist of a hundred thousand miles away, the battle formations of more than a dozen gods who were luckily not enveloped looked at the chaos and mist in great shock.

In their induction, a hundred thousand miles of chaos and mist rose up and enveloped them, and the divine position in their bodies began to vibrate.

In the past, they may not have had any idea about this aspect, but during this time... it was obvious that the team of gods whose strength was almost the same as theirs was accidentally shrouded in chaos and mist. Being wiped out in an instant, even the most powerful first-level gods could not survive for a few breaths.

Even the gods in their bodies were completely shattered and annihilated, otherwise their gods would never be able to produce such a shock.

Even the two great god kings, the good and the evil, who were fighting with the Silver Dragon King, couldn't help but pay attention for a few minutes, and felt an extremely bad feeling in their hearts.

Seeing the distractions of the good and evil god-kings, the Silver Dragon King who fought with them did not hesitate at all, and instantly burst out with extremely powerful fighting power, directly causing the two god-kings to suffer a heavy loss.

Although the combat power of both sides has been balanced due to the fusion of divine skills, the power of the Silver Dragon King, who has obtained all the origins of the Dragon God, is undoubtedly comprehensive.

Before they were distracted, the two great god-kings, good and evil, could barely keep up with them, but as they became distracted, they fell directly behind.

At this moment, the Silver Dragon King, who has completely perfected his dragon god origin, seems to have transformed into an extremely ferocious killing beast. The sharp claws, fangs, wings, whip tail, dragon horns, and even every scale on his body are extremely terrifying. The killing power. Wherever the attack passes, there are countless cracks in the void.

After gaining the upper hand, the Silver Dragon King's offensive became even more explosive. Even if the two great god kings, good and evil, had super artifacts to protect themselves, many cracks were torn out on the god's body, and the golden body was torn apart. Divine blood spilled into the void.

In comparison, the Silver Dragon King is undoubtedly much better. Although there are many scars remaining on his body, and there are even cracks in the dragon's horns, he is recovering at an extremely exaggerated speed.

After completely swallowing and merging the dragon god's half of the Golden Dragon King, he naturally inherited his extremely powerful physical body and recovery ability.

As long as the attack does not damage the source, some broken scales and broken dragon horns are just minor skin injuries, which will not take long to recover.

The battle between the Silver Dragon King and the two great god kings, good and evil, also affected many remaining gods.

Even if the two great god-kings, good and evil, exerted control over the battlefield, the number of gods who perished in the aftermath of the fighting was still nearly five hundred, including even two first-level gods.


The God Realm a million miles away began to tremble violently in vain. The newly repaired God Realm plane wall that reflected the color of blood once again cracked an extremely narrow and terrifying crack that almost penetrated half of the God Realm realm.

The bodies of the two great god-kings, the good and the evil, who were fighting in vain, trembled in vain. The vast source of the god-level within the body began to flow away again, and the aura quickly began to weaken. Within a few breaths, they fell directly to the level of the god-king.

Not only the two great god-kings, good and evil, but also the many gods who were lucky enough to survive in the aftermath of the fighting. The speed at which the rules of divine status and authority are passing away is even more terrifying than the fall of God-King Shura not long ago.

The two great god-kings, the good and the evil, instantly looked towards the chaotic and misty area not far away, with extremely ugly expressions on their faces, even with a hint of fear.

"How can it be······"

"Life, destruction..."


On the contrary, the Silver Dragon King directly felt a powerful force coming from the god's throne, and his combat power quickly began to surge. Even if it was limited by the rules of the two great god kings, the good and the evil god kings, he was able to recover directly at this moment. Reached the strongest combat power.

The sudden change instantly halted the fight.

Even though he had some guesses about Qin Mo's terror, when he sensed the power emerging from the god in his body, the Silver Dragon King couldn't help but show a hint of shock in his eyes.

Not only the Silver Dragon King, but even the Dragon God left in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Silver Dragon King was also very surprised, and at the same time very lucky. Even at his peak, he wanted to kill the two God Kings of Life and Destruction. It's a huge price to pay, and I don't know how much time it takes.

But at this moment, less than a few minutes later, the two gods possessing the fusion of divine skills, capable of erupting powerful beings that surpassed the combat power of the God King, were just destroyed. Even the gods in their bodies were completely refined and turned into resources. Food, how terrifying...

At the same time, after completely refining the thrones of the two great god kings of life and destruction after their death, Qin Mo quickly took back this chaotic and misty area that occupied a hundred thousand miles of void.

With only half of the 'Douluo Plane' left in its origin, after obtaining these two god-king-level gods, especially those belonging to the two rules and powers of life and destruction, it not only completely replenished all the consumed origins Qi, even more than twice as rich.

As the chaotic and misty area dissipated, the extremely angry voices of the two great god kings, good and evil, instantly echoed in the void of the plane.

"Damn it! What happened to your destruction of life..."


Two streams of gray and white light instantly erupted from the two great god kings, good and evil, and attacked Qin Mo.

Ignoring the wrath of the two great god kings, good and evil, with a thought, the space instantly folded, directly deflecting the attacks of the two great god kings.

Then Qin Mo's eyes quickly swept across the void, looking at the Silver Dragon King frozen in the void, his brows moved slightly, and he said calmly: "It's not solved yet? Do you need help?"

As soon as Qin Mo said these words, the expression of the Silver Dragon King who was frozen in the void instantly turned cold, and his domineering and extremely cold dragon eyes directly burst out with extremely horrifying murderous intent.

The cold voice echoed like an eternal glacier.

"No need..."

The next moment...

"Dragon God - destroy the world!!!"

A terrifying dragon roar erupted that shook the world. Fear originating from the deepest source suddenly rose from the hearts of the gods, and despair lingered instantly.

The huge dragon shape that destroyed the heaven and earth hovered, and the entire space and time seemed to have completely fallen into a mass extinction.

Then there was a dazzling divine light that was as bright as a super star explosion.

At this moment, the entire void seemed to have stopped in time, and then a huge roar swept wildly along with terrifying fluctuations that destroyed the world.

In an instant, chaotic time and space erupted that was no less inferior to Qin Mo's arrival.

The remaining thousands of first-, second-, and third-level gods were instantly wiped out.

Even the two great god-kings, good and evil, could not withstand it for too long. Together with the super-artifacts 'Heart of Kindness' and 'Scale of Judgment', they were completely wiped out by this mass extinction.

Originally, it was not that easy for the Silver Dragon King to kill the two great god kings, good and evil, but who caused the god world to be shaken at this moment? In addition, because the origin of the 'Douluo Plane' was twice as strong, it directly made her His combat power has returned to its peak.

In addition, with a large amount of Dragon God's original power as the source, this all-consuming power exploded directly.

It is a pity that the void of this plane is in the most powerful range of the God Realm. After the fall of the gods, all the rules and authority have returned to the God Realm.

However, Qin Mo didn't care at all about this. When all the gods in the God Realm have fallen, what if all the power, authority and rules of the gods have returned to the God Realm? To Qin Mo, it is no less than a treasury with an open door. .

······(End of this chapter)

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