The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 266 The origin of the Dragon God who is treated as a consumable! Refining the God Realm!

Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of surprise when he looked at the void of the plane that had been cleared away in front of him, as well as the Silver Dragon King with a calm expression and no aura weakening on his body.

I didn't expect that the Silver Dragon King, who had just unified the Dragon God's origins and was far less powerful than the Dragon God at his peak, could burst out with such a powerful attack, and the most important thing was that it didn't seem to consume much after the explosion... ··

But in fact······

In the sea of ​​consciousness of the Silver Dragon King, something like a supremely majestic and domineering voice echoed.

"You are so willing... you actually used the source as a consumable."

"Why...are you worried that I will regret it and use these origins to do something to you?"

Facing the voice of the Dragon God reviving his consciousness, the Silver Dragon King's spiritual thoughts fluctuated slightly, and his consciousness responded quickly, with an incomparable calmness in his tone.

"Father is joking, if you wanted my body, you could have done it long ago..."

"These origins are the origins of my father after all. With the imprint of your past, if I want to go further, I will give them up one day, otherwise they will become shackles. In this case, why not now... ·”

"And... I think you think so too..."

Hearing the Silver Dragon King's extremely calm response, the Silver Dragon King's consciousness was silent for a moment, and then the Dragon God's hearty laughter sounded. It was only at this moment that the Dragon God truly recognized the Silver Dragon King in his heart.


"Okay, very good, this is how I, the descendants of the dragon clan, should be..."

"If you are really obsessed with my past origins, even if you can increase your strength to my peak in a very short period of time, it is just another me, even if it is because of the strong man outside, he is at most more powerful than me. Take a step..."

"But that's the limit..."

Hearing this, the Silver Dragon King didn't pay too much attention to it, or in other words, when the God Realm fused the half of the Dragon God's origin in the Golden Dragon King's body, it was obviously his own body, but the Dragon God who was resurrected was almost powerless to resist. After suppressing it to the deepest part of his consciousness, the Silver Dragon King made a decision.

Although she doesn't resent the Dragon God in her heart, after all, it was the Dragon God who created her, but the origin of the Dragon God...she doesn't want it anymore...

Even if it can reach the strength of the peak dragon god in ancient times in a very short period of time, or even surpass the peak dragon god...

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Dragon God, who did not receive a response from the Silver Dragon King, did not pay too much attention. Then he left a slightly regretful voice again and fell completely silent.

In fact, although the Dragon God's consciousness has recovered, his condition is not very good. It can even be said to be in an extremely weak state, especially after controlling the origin and fusion.

"But it's still a pity. If these little bastards absorb these origins, they can at least create a few god kings..."

Feeling the dragon god's consciousness that had fallen silent in the sea of ​​consciousness, a wave of fluctuation flashed in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King.

outside world······

The 'Qiankun Ding' in Qin Mo's palm trembled slightly, and the space rippled and floated, directly pulling and swallowing the broken super artifact fragments of the two great god kings, good and evil, and turning them into the foundation of his own 'Qiankun Ding'.

The next moment, as if he sensed something, he quickly looked at the Silver Dragon King in the void not far away, and said calmly: "I'll leave this place to you..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the Silver Dragon King to respond, an invisible space ripple quickly enveloped Qin Mo, disappearing directly into the void and appearing in the God Realm a million miles away.

Shortly after Qin Mo teleported away, several powerful elemental fluctuations appeared in this void that was extremely clean under the terrifying power of the Silver Dragon King. The elemental fluctuations also carried the unique pressure of the dragon clan.

For a moment, several huge figures surrounded by various elemental rules and power fluctuations, with auras comparable to those of top first-level gods, quickly gathered towards the Silver Dragon King like void battleships.

Fluctuations of divine thoughts with extreme excitement, anxiety, and reverence echoed rapidly.

"Meet the Dragon God..."


Outside the void of the divine realm!

Qin Mo's eyes quickly swept over the blood-stained plane wall of the God Realm. Feeling the Shura's intention on the blood-colored plane wall, there was a trace of fluctuation in his eyes. The gods of the God Realm are chessmen after all. Just one move away...

Looking at the long and narrow crack that stretched almost half of the boundary wall of the God Realm, Qin Mo could already clearly sense that the God Realm was gradually collapsing at this moment. If he left it alone, the gods who ruled the many planes of the lower world would be destroyed in half a day at most. The world will completely disappear.

It is even countless times faster than the collapse of the ordinary lower plane. If the origin of the ordinary lower plane escapes, it will take at least a hundred years to completely disappear.

If there are still gods in the God Realm, it may be possible to alleviate the situation, but unfortunately, there is no god with the status of a god in the God Realm at this moment, and even the divine attendants are also affected by this shock. Most of them were destroyed...

Divine thoughts fluctuate slightly...

In an instant!

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' hanging above Qin Mo's head began to tremble in vain.

The extremely mysterious and ancient trembling sounds seemed to spread from the long river of time and space.

The nine-color rule divine light flashed, and the size of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' began to skyrocket in an instant.

In just a moment, the size of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' expanded to the level of the original 'Douluo Plane', but this is not the limit, far from...

A few seconds later, the vast divine cauldron, which seemed to be able to accommodate endless galaxies, stretched across the void of the plane.

The originally huge realm of the gods is now like a child in front of an adult in front of the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’.


The nine-layered divine light lingering on the body of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' condensed in vain, turning into nine endless vast divine chains, just like the chains of heaven.

It swept directly towards the God Realm plane, like an anchor of the world, piercing into the God Realm plane.




The sound of chains colliding almost spread across the void of many lower planes.


The huge god realm plane was quickly dragged under the chains of the nine-level rule authority of the ‘Qiankun Ding’, and it continued to approach the ‘Qiankun Ding’.

The violent plane void vibration even caused an extremely huge void plane storm and countless void plane cracks.

The vast fluctuations instantly attracted the attention of the Silver Dragon King in the void a million miles away, as well as several dragon kings with first-level godly combat power who had been quietly hiding since their defeat in ancient times. Except for the flash of understanding in the Silver Dragon King's eyes, the other Dragon Kings all showed extremely frightened and trembling expressions.

But before the dragon kings in front of them could ask questions, a silver light flashed in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King.


The space instantly began to fluctuate, directly covering itself and the Dragon Kings.

The next moment, it disappeared directly into the void of the plane. It was obviously transferred directly to the different space opened up by the Silver Dragon King.

Not paying attention to the auras of the Silver Dragon King and several first-level gods a million miles away, the divine power in Qin Mo's body continued to burn, and the nine-turn 'inner elixir' was also activated to the extreme.

His eyes were fixed on the realm of gods that was constantly approaching the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’.

for a long time······

When the God Realm plane was completely submerged into the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the nine-layer rules that were originally like chains of heaven instantly turned into divine fire and quickly began to melt the God Realm plane.

Turn all the origins, rules, and authorities of the God Realm into materials and integrate them into the Douluo Plane.

Although in terms of plane strength alone, the God Realm Plane is stronger than the Douluo Plane at the moment, the potential of the plane is far insufficient. In other words, the strength of the God Realm Plane completely relies on the support of many lower planes. Very poor stability.

But in the realm of gods that has lost all the gods, facing the refining of Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron', it has no ability to resist at all and allows Qin Mo to seize it.

The 'Douluo Plane', which was nourished by the origin, rules and authority of the God Realm in the 'Qiankun Cauldron', instantly began to enter a state of transformation, and the invisible light of the origin shrouded every inch of the 'Douluo Plane' The face is empty.

Including but not limited to the earth, oceans, forests, lakes, and even humans, soul beasts, etc. living in the 'Douluo Plane'...

Obviously, this is an essence that is constantly improving its essence and completely distancing itself from the creatures in the ordinary world.

If the 'Douluo Plane' completely digests the God Realm, then even ordinary people without any soul power, or ordinary soul beasts without any cultivation, will have great power in the ordinary plane world. Even extremely powerful.

In the core area of ​​the God Realm plane, it seems that the Shura intention in the plane world is constantly dissipating.

The super-artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword', which had been completely silent and almost never revived, instantly began to roar.

"Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!"

The terrifying blood-red sword cry erupted instantly, and even the void at the core of the God Realm, under the sword cry of the super-artifact 'Shura Demon Sword', cracked open countless dark space cracks.

As if trying to awaken the will of Shura in the plane of the God Realm, the super-artifact "Shura Demon Sword" turned into a towering giant sword in vain. The Shura authority and rules engraved on the sword reflected the entire God Realm.

The Shura intention that wanted to prevent complete integration with the divine world dissipated.

But unfortunately, this is in vain...

Even if God King Shura is resurrected, he can't stop this scene, let alone a sword without an owner.

The action of the super-artifact ‘Shura Demonic Sword’ is just gradually dying out.

From the outside world, after sensing the fluctuations in the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo's face suddenly flashed with a hint of surprise, and he also felt a little enlightened.

However, there was no extra action to stop it. The power of super artifacts may be extremely powerful and precious to ordinary gods. Even after completely refining the God Realm, Qin Mo can also control the rules and authority of God Shura. Able to perfectly unleash the power of the super-artifact 'Shura Demonic Sword'.

But to Qin Mo, it is nothing at all, and it only has a collection function.

What's more, two of the super artifacts were destroyed in Qin Mo's hands.

Instead of collecting it, it would be better to directly turn it into the treasure of the 'Qiankun Ding'. For Qin Mo, there is no need to choose between a useless collection and real and worthwhile power.

This is still the case even if the qualifications transformed into the super-artifact ‘Shura Demonic Sword’ can only increase the power of the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’.

Within the plane of the God Realm, as the blood-colored Shura intention in the plane gradually dims, the rules and authority shining on the super-artifact 'Shura Demon Sword' that transforms into a towering giant sword also continue to dim, and the aura continues to fall. .

It is obvious that within a few moments, the rules and authority contained in the 'Shura Demonic Sword' will be completely wiped out and turned into an ordinary sword without a divine form.

In comparison, Qin Dong, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others in the 'Douluo Plane' are more worthy of Qin Mo's attention.

Those who are most affected by the transformation of the 'Douluo Plane' are not the ordinary creatures living in the plane world, nor are they the first-level gods who subsequently surrendered and the Silver Dragon King, whose combat power now exceeds that of the God King.

Instead, Qin Dong, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others used the rules and authority of the Douluo plane to consolidate the divine status and become gods.

At this moment, even the weakest Qin Ming and Lin Nuo, due to the continuous transformation and upgrading of the 'Douluo Plane' at this moment, have reached the level of second-level gods, and are even continuing to move towards the level of first-level gods. The levels are changing.

As for Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ning Rongrong, who were already better than Qin Ming and Lin Nuo, they directly broke through to the level of first-level gods. Although they were just first-level gods, you must know that they have become first-level gods. God's time is less than a few days...

Qin Dong, who is the most powerful and possesses the nine-turn 'inner elixir', has directly broken the boundaries of first-level gods and reached the level of god king.

In comparison, Ye Lingling, who also possesses the nine-turn 'inner elixir', has not yet broken through the boundaries of a first-level god, but he is infinitely close. Before the divine realm is completely refined, he will definitely be able to reach the level of a god king.

Of course, the reason why the surrendered first-level gods and the Silver Dragon King, whose combat power was above that of the God King, were not as promoted as Qin Dong and Ye Lingling were not because of Qin Mo's selfish motives.

But compared with beings such as the God of the Sea, the God of Emotions, and the Silver Dragon King who have become gods for many years and have most of their own strength, Qin Dong, Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong have just become gods. Most of his strength is completely dependent on his divine status.

Coupled with the God of Sea, the God of Emotions...and even the Silver Dragon King's own divine status rules and authority, after all, they are subsequent attachments, rather than directly understood from the 'Douluo Plane', so the innate compatibility will naturally vary. gap.

Even Poseidon, who ascended to the God Realm from the Douluo plane, is no exception. After countless years in the God Realm, the rules and authority of Poseidon's position have been blended with the authority of countless lower planes, and have lost their purity.

Not only them, but also Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue who inherited the divine throne.

However, although this improvement is not as good as Qin Dong, Ye Lingling and others, it also brings the combat power of first-level gods such as Poseidon, God of Emotions, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, etc. closer to the combat power of the God King.

······(End of this chapter)

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