Douluo Plane—Poseidon Island!

Within the Poseidon Temple, Poseidon felt a little dazed as he sensed the vast and infinite power of divine rules and authority within his body that was completely different from before.

At this moment, Poseidon feels that he can definitely defeat his past self easily, especially based on the rules and authority of the god.

"This is...the God King..."

If we say that before surrender, nearly 80% of Poseidon's strength had been completely transformed into his own combat power, and the remaining 20% ​​became attached to Poseidon's rules and authority.

Then the composition of the power in the body at this moment is completely reversed. The strength possessed by oneself only accounts for 20%, while the power of the rules and authority of the god's position accounts for 80%.

More than doubled...

But at this moment, there was no excitement on Poseidon's face, instead he was worried.

In other words, this is the case for the combat power of several first-level gods who have surrendered to them, especially some of the gods who have surpassed the combat power of God Kings by relying on the world's feedback from the 'Douluo Plane'.

As a first-level god in the God Realm, known as the main god, its rules and authority are undoubtedly extremely critical to the world.

In particular, the authority and authority of gods such as the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions are close to the top rules and authority of gods.

for a long time······

A sigh came from within the Poseidon Temple.


Immediately, a divine light soared into the sky, and the extremely noble rules and authority of the god shone.

It seems to connect everything in the world.

For a moment, a calm, indifferent voice sounded in vain within the Poseidon Temple.


The next moment, on the throne of the Poseidon Temple, Poseidon, who had originally reached the realm of the God King, began to plummet in aura, and the rules and authority ratio of the god's position, which originally occupied nearly 80% of the combat power, quickly began to fall.

The extremely comprehensive Poseidon, which covers almost all the rules and authority of the ocean, has also begun to be reduced.

"Seven and a half percent..."

"Seventy percent..."

"Six and a half percent..."


"Fifty percent..."

The moment when the breath was on the verge of falling to the level of the God King, the weakening of the rules and authority of the God's position stopped abruptly, and the decline in power also completely stopped.

The divine light penetrating the sky was also quickly cut off.

On the throne of the Poseidon Temple, Poseidon sensed that the power in his body had still reached the realm of the God King, and his eyes showed a look of great surprise.

Although it is much weaker than it was not long ago, and can only reach the level of God King, the realm of God King is the realm of God King after all, and it is ultimately very different from the first-level gods.

For gods like Poseidon, although they have personally experienced the power of the God King, it is still extremely difficult to break through to the realm of the God King on their own.

And if you retain the power of the God King level, it will undoubtedly be much easier to become stronger.

However, the reason why Poseidon was able to retain the power of the God King level was entirely because he saw the situation most clearly and was the first to make a choice. As for the rest who relied on the transformation of the 'Douluo Plane' to feed back and possess the power of the God King level, It is impossible for a first-level god to have such a good thing.

After the divine light of Poseidon that penetrated the sky dimmed, several divine lights of the god king level rose again in the Douluo plane.

Immediately, lamentations began...

Especially when they felt the aura of the God King lingering on Poseidon's body, all the gods were extremely envious.

Feeling the envy of the God of Emotions and other gods, Poseidon suddenly showed a bitter smile in his eyes, but in the end he stood up and bowed slightly towards the sky to show respect.

In comparison, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, who also relied on the transformation of the 'Douluo Plane' to reach the level of god kings, Qin Mo did not weaken the authority of the angel god and Rakshasa god's divine status rules.

As for the others, they are all in a deep state of cultivation. After all, they are worthy of becoming gods and have undergone several transformations. Their control of power has undoubtedly been weakened to the extreme, especially their control over the rules and authority of the gods.

A single thought will cause huge waves in the 'Douluo Plane'.

Although the 'Douluo Plane' after several transformations is much stronger than the God Realm Plane in terms of stability and space strength.

Even gods at the level of god kings cannot tear apart space, but the rules and authority of the god's position are still enough to disrupt the 'Douluo Plane'.

The Silver Dragon King's side is not in the Douluo World within the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

However, he did not choose to completely separate from the 'Douluo Plane'. After learning about Qin Mo's power and the revived Dragon God consciousness, those Dragon Kings with first-level god fighting power chose to join without any hesitation. .

However, after all, they have been hiding for countless epochs, and their hiding place contains countless resources for the dragon clan to rise one day.

Especially the dragon tomb space of the dragon clan was directly controlled by the Silver Dragon King, whose combat power surpassed the level of the God King...

Therefore, after reflecting the rules and authority of the gods under their control on the 'Douluo Plane', they quickly separated and went to their respective hiding places.

After reflecting their own divine rules and authority on the 'Douluo Plane', they can sense it no matter how the 'Qiankun Ding' moves or flickers in the void of the plane.


The plane is empty!

Hanging in the sky above Qin Mo's head, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is hanging down like ten thousand rules, lingering with incomparable magical fluctuations, firmly guarding Qin Mo, with a scroll like cloth attached in its palm.

There are also light spots shining like stars in the sky on the scroll, and there are nearly a thousand of them if you count them carefully.

Obviously, these are the plane void coordinates of many lower planes controlled by the God Realm plane. They were obtained from the core center of the God Realm after Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Ding' completely refined the God Realm plane.

The number seems to be a lot, but it is much less than Qin Mo expected. And judging from the fluctuations of the planes on the shining stars on the cloth, these lower planes are all fluctuations lingering around the gods, and it is obvious that they are all born. There has been or there has been an existence that has inherited the throne of God.

Except for the 'Douluo Plane', a lower plane world with extremely strong origins that can give birth to gods in an almost continuous stream, it is not easy for many other lower planes to give birth to gods.

Excluding the gods who have inherited the throne, there are not many lower plane worlds that can give birth to geniuses who have become gods themselves.

In other words, there are nearly three thousand gods in the God Realm. Excluding the gods who were naturally conceived and born, the gods who inherited the divine throne and became gods, there are not even one thousand gods who have become gods themselves.

The space fluctuated slightly and flickered. As he took a step, Qin Mo instantly disappeared from the spot. He flickered for countless miles and spanned the space wantonly. In just an instant, Qin Mo reached the lower plane closest to the God Realm.

It's just that the plane world here is almost broken. The aura of the gods lingering from the broken plane wall is obviously the plane world that was unfortunately affected.

Feeling that the origin of the world in front of him was almost completely lost, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' hanging above Qin Mo's head, with thousands of divine flowers hanging down, trembled in vain.

The space fluctuates rapidly, and the broken plane world in front of you instantly disappears into the void of the plane.

Compared with the heaviness of the divine plane, it is undoubtedly extremely easy to swallow the world of the lower plane.

Although the plane world is already broken, and even its origin is about to be lost, it is still somewhat helpful to the 'Douluo Plane' in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

After all, this is a real material plane, which can greatly enhance the stability of the rules of the 'Douluo Plane'...

And as Qin Mo swallowed up the broken lower realm in front of him, an extremely dim light spot quietly disappeared on the coordinate map of the void plane that was like cloth in his palm.

Upon seeing this, Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts quickly swept through and quickly planned the shortest and most trouble-free route.

Then the space fluctuated slightly!

It instantly disappeared into the void of the plane, leaving only a void.


A full year...

The plane is empty!

The light of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that lingered with immeasurable divine light, as if it could crush the eternity, swept across it and directly floated a plane shining with bright light.

On the coordinates of the void plane like cloth, there were nearly a thousand points of light shining like stars. At this moment, as the last lower plane was swallowed and refined by the 'Qiankun Cauldron', it completely fell into darkness.

The ‘Qiankun Ding’ trembled slightly!


The vast and powerful power instantly acted on the coordinate map of the void plane that was like cloth.


The coordinate map of the void plane, which is like cloth, has no resistance at all, and directly turns into countless light points, integrated into the 'Qiankun Ding', and becomes the material of the 'Qiankun Ding'.

In the Douluo plane inside the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo was suddenly shocked, and a brilliant light quickly lit up in his eyes.

In an instant...

It was as if the rules and authority of the entire plane world were trembling.

"Finally, we have successfully integrated all the worlds..."

Qin Mo's figure flickered quietly and appeared outside the boundary wall of the 'Douluo Plane', and his spiritual thoughts instantly affected the entire 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

In the inner space of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this moment, nearly a thousand plane worlds are like thousands of stars, rotating around the 'Douluo Plane'.

During this year, among the nearly a thousand planes that the 'Qiankun Cauldron' devoured and refined, none of the lower planes was as rich in origin and special as the 'Douluo plane'.

Even the lower plane worlds whose origins are close to the original 'Douluo Plane' only have seven, and they are simply rich in origins of the planes, and their specialness is far less than that.

The divine rules and aura of authority lingering in the world are all second-level gods, and there is not even a first-level god. Although the combat power of these second-level gods in the divine world has reached the first level. Gods, and the fluctuations of the divine thrones lingering in two of the lower plane worlds are inherited divine thrones...

Not to mention the other nearly a thousand lower realm planes, less than one-third of the lower realm planes have the aura of self-god status.

In other words, there are nearly three thousand gods in the God Realm, controlling nearly a thousand lower realms, and only close to three hundred can truly become gods themselves.

There is not even one main god whose divine power has reached the level of a first-level god. There are only five second-level gods who have reached the level of a first-level god after endless years of accumulation.

However, Qin Mo is not very surprised about this, or it is considered good to have so many.

In other words, after refining, devouring nearly half of the lower plane, and communicating with the revived dragon god's consciousness, Qin Mo fully understood why there were only nearly a thousand lower planes controlled by the gods.

In fact, at the peak of the divine realm, the number of lower realms controlled was far more than nearly a thousand, but the Dragon God's Tribulation occurred.

In the endless years after the Dragon God's Tribulation, in order to prevent similar things from happening again, the five god kings of the God Realm directly restricted the rules of many lower planes, and the Douluo plane was the most stringent. which type.

Especially for beasts with dragon blood, in the endless years after the death of the dragon god, neither dragon nor beast can become a god.

Even in the God Realm, during the Dragon God Catastrophe, the beast gods in the camp of the five god kings were favored. After the Dragon God Catastrophe, most of the beast gods were gradually forced to pass on their divine thrones to the lower realms. Plane humans.

Before the fight with Qin Mo, there were nearly three thousand gods in the God Realm, and there were only a few beast gods.

Dragons or sub-dragons with dragon blood in the lower plane, as well as other beasts with supernatural blood, although their cultivation speed is not as fast as human geniuses, their talents are not bad at all, and the possibility of becoming gods is no worse than human geniuses.

Although the speed of human reproduction is terrifying, it is undoubtedly far inferior to that of beasts belonging to thousands of races.

Especially dragons or sub-dragons with dragon blood, as well as other beasts with supernatural blood, once they become gods, their combat power can reach the peak of the third-level gods, or even the level of the second-level gods.

There are even beings with extremely high bloodline concentration, and it is even possible to become a first-level god. For example, the Mountain Dragon King clan among the dragon clan. Once a dragon clan with the pure blood of the Mountain Dragon King becomes a god, it can reach the lowest level of a second-level god. Combat strength.

On the basis of the huge birth of beasts, how could the five great god kings of the god world not be worried.

In the endless years after the Dragon God disaster, many lower planes were destroyed. Although the gods partially integrated the material, origin, rules, and authority of the collapsed lower plane into the remaining plane worlds, most of them Undoubtedly, it was still digested by the God Realm and its gods.

It is precisely because of this that the origin of the divine world is so strong.

Feeling the power of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this moment, Qin Mo sighed with a trace of his eyes and said: "What a pity..."

If those lower material planes had not been destroyed, the power of the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’ would have been at least one-third stronger.

But before he could finish his emotion, Qin Mo seemed to sense something, and a hint of joy suddenly appeared on his face.


"Grandpa and Lingling have finished their training..."

······(End of this chapter)

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