The next moment!

More than a dozen brilliant and incomparable divine flowers instantly rose from the 'Douluo Plane'. The inner space of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' lingered in the 'Douluo Plane' like a star-like world of nearly a thousand planes, and was quickly reflected with incomparable brilliance.

Among the more than ten divine flowers, even the weakest ones have reached the level of God King, and the most powerful among them has directly surpassed the level of God King.

The incomparably majestic aura seems to have crushed the heavens, and all the rules and authorities are being welcomed and celebrated.

And with the rise of more than ten qi machines, the gods such as the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions who initially chose to surrender all felt extremely envious in their hearts, even the Poseidon who had retained the combat power of the God King. exception.

Although they have also continuously gathered the lower plane world in the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and have gained a lot of improvement, even just a few cents away from the level of the God King, but how can they compare with this group of existences...

Even the weakest being among these dozen auras is far stronger than the strongest Poseidon among them.

Even though more than 99% of this kind of power comes from the divine position, as someone who has experienced it, how can gods such as the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions not know how much strength can be improved in this state.

This is also the easiest and fastest stage for gods to increase their strength after inheriting or condensing a divine throne.

However, no matter how simple and rapid the improvement of strength at this stage is, it is not surprising for ordinary gods to take as little as thousands of years or as many as tens of thousands of years.

With the help of Qin Mo, the master of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', it may take at least a thousand years for Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Lin Nuo and others to improve their power to a state that is on par with the rules and authority of the gods. This is also the stage of rapid improvement. limit.

‘When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven’

And in another layer of space inside the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’.

A huge figure full of endless domineering, majestic, beautiful, and gorgeous eyes were opened in vain, and the abyss-like eyes faintly flashed with some divine light, as if they had penetrated the void.

Obviously, the Silver Dragon King also sensed the revived auras of Qin Dong, Ye Lingling, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar. In particular, he sensed Qin Dong's aura that was only slightly weaker than his own, and his abyss-like eyes. There was a slight flash of color.

As if aware of something strange about the Silver Dragon King, several streams of light burst out in vain in this strange space, approaching the Silver Dragon King.

"Sir Silver Dragon King..."

"Your Majesty..."


But before these dragon kings, Di Tian and other subordinates could finish their words, the abyss-like eyes of the Silver Dragon King closed again, and invisible rules and authority quickly lingered around them like streams of light.

Upon seeing this, many of the Dragon King, Di Tian and other subordinates paused for a moment, then bowed their heads slightly and retreated quietly, not daring to disturb them at all.

And in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Silver Dragon King.

The Dragon God's voice sounded with some envy. It was obvious that the Dragon God had also sensed the fluctuations in the outside world.

"The state that I reached after endless epochs and years has now reached the sky in one step..."

"I'm afraid it won't take a thousand years for the being in charge of the 'Mountain and River Cauldron' to surpass you..."

Hearing this, the Silver Dragon King's sea of ​​consciousness froze for a moment, and then responded: "It can't be surpassed. It won't take a thousand years for me to definitely control the rules of time and authority. By then..."

Then he ignored the dragon god's consciousness and directly blocked the space of the sea of ​​consciousness to avoid being disturbed in his practice.

After sensing the movements of the Silver Dragon King, the Dragon God's consciousness was only slightly silent, but it did not break it, but sighed inaudibly.

"The rules of time and authority... are not that easy, a thousand years of time..."

"Absolute power breaks through the void...Earth, wind, water and fire are the basis...Light and darkness divide Yin and Yang into two levels...Anchoring time and space..."

The voice of the dragon god in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Silver Dragon King became smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared.

As the being who once controlled the largest number of rules and authorities, Dragon God is very clear about the difficulty of understanding and controlling rules and authorities.

After He once controlled the eight completely different rules and powers of power, water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space, he could not abandon the influence of these eight rules and comprehend new rules again. ,authority.

It is precisely because of this that he feels so crazy and desperate when he feels that he is at the end of the road.

The gods of the gods who survived the Dragon God disaster are undoubtedly very yearning for the power of the Dragon God. They even have some guesses as to why the Dragon God has such a strong strength. There is no other, Ruler.

But in the time of the endless era, not to mention the dragon god who controls a variety of completely different rules and authorities, there has never even been a god who simply controls two completely different rules.

Even if it is as powerful as a first-level god or even the five great god kings, it seems that the god's position controls many rules and authorities, such as Shura God's killing, judgment, etc., but in fact these are just connected with the rules and authority of his own god's position. Rules, authority.

Fortunately, the Silver Dragon King is much luckier than him. With the help of the Lord of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the Silver Dragon King may not be able to completely control the rules and authority of time in a thousand years, but it may not be hopeless if he has some understanding.

According to the estimation of the Dragon God's consciousness, in at least ten thousand years, the Silver Dragon King will be able to improve the control of time rules and authority to a level that is no weaker than the authority of other rules. At that time, he will be able to be reborn in the world created by the Silver Dragon King.

Ten thousand years is nothing to an ordinary soul beast, let alone this old antique that has survived for who knows how many epochs. He can afford to wait...


Douluo plane!

Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong and others, who had initially controlled their own power, instantly sensed the drastic changes in the internal space of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' before they could restrain their energy.

Especially when they sensed that outside the Douluo Plane, there were nearly a thousand stars in the sky, lingering around the Douluo Plane, they couldn't help but marvel.


"Boss Mo, have you packed up all the planes and worlds?"

"Nine hundred and seventy-eight plane worlds...this is too many..."

"No wonder this year I just gained initial control over my power, and new power emerged..."

"Did the Douluo plane turn into the divine world? I seem to sense the echoes of those plane worlds from the rules..."

Originally, with the strength of Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and Ning Rongrong, even if they reached the level of God King, it was impossible to sense all the worlds in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this moment.

Even Qin Dong, who has reached the level of God King at this moment, is the same. However, everyone’s divine status rules and authority are deeply consistent with the ‘Qiankun Ding’.

Before everyone could finish their curiosity, the divine energy erupting from Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong and others dissipated in vain. The invisible space fluctuations flickered slightly and disappeared directly in place.

The next moment...

Everyone appeared in front of Qin Mo in an instant. Ma Hongjun and Oscar's eyes lit up, and they rushed towards Qin Mo, excitedly saying: "Boss Mo..."

But before Oscar and Ma Hongjun could get closer, an invisible restraint instantly froze them in place.

Ignoring Oscar and Ma Hongjun's pleading glances, Qin Mo quietly took Ye Lingling's hand, quickly showed a smile on his face, and responded.

"How much? This is less than a thousand worlds, but it is much less than I expected before..."

"And don't you feel good that your power is constantly increasing and emerging...Oscar, just have fun..."

"As for the God Realm... it doesn't really count. At least it's not like the previous God Realm. It constantly harvests the origin of the plane world. It's more like mutual benefit. After all, they are all planes within the 'Qiankun Cauldron' world······"

At this moment, Qin Mo was extremely relaxed and comfortable. It could even be said that this was the most relaxing and comfortable moment since his martial soul awakened.

Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others in front of them were also aware of it, and their faces showed a look of relaxation just like Qin Mo's.

Especially Ye Lingling beside him and the old man Qin Dong not far away, their faces are full of smiles. Compared with others, Qin Dong is undoubtedly the most familiar with Qin Mo. Since Qin Mo's martial soul awakened, Qin Dong has Never again could I see such relaxation and comfort on Qin Mo's face.

Although Ye Langling was cold, she was extremely sensitive to Qin Mo's thoughts. She could sense that in the past, no matter how much Qin Mo improved, there seemed to be something suppressed in the deepest part of her heart, but at this moment... the haze Go away.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who were bound by invisible restraints, didn't know when they were released.

Looking at the clasped hands of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling, the two looked at each other, and a smile quickly flashed in their eyes.

The next moment, Oscar and Ma Hongjun quickly appeared in front of Qin Dong, with extremely serious expressions on their faces.

"Old man, look at how old Boss Mo and Sister Lingling are... and they are already..."

As the voices of Oscar and Ma Hongjun sounded, Qin Dong's eyes gradually became serious, and even a ray of excitement and fluctuation quietly rose, and his eyes quickly swept over his grandson and Ye Lingling.

The conversation in the field gradually became quiet as the voices of Oscar and Ma Hongjun rang out, and their eyes flickered on Qin Mo and Ye Lingling.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Lingling, who had always shown herself to be cold and cold, blushed for the first time and quietly hid behind Qin Mo, hugging Qin Mo's arms tightly, not daring to raise her head.

Even Qin Mo, even with the invincible power of this time and space, could not help but feel a little hot on his face at this moment, and his eyes began to flicker quietly.

However, after feeling the warmth from his arm, Qin Mo's eyes quickly flashed with a gentle smile, and the undetectable embarrassment on his face was completely eliminated.

He led Ye Lingling directly towards his old man, bowed with great respect and firmness, and said: "I also ask grandpa to write three books for his grandson..."

As Qin Mo's words fell, the audience suddenly exclaimed. Qin Dong's hands that helped Qin Mo trembled slightly, while Ye Lingling beside Qin Mo had hazy eyes and no coldness on his face.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Hahaha, old man, I have been waiting for this day..."

Without any hesitation, the space moved instantly and disappeared directly in front of everyone. Apparently, he was directly preparing three books and six etiquettes for Qin Mo...

After Qin Dong left, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others quickly surrounded Qin Mo and Ye Lingling, with mocking looks on their faces.

This directly made Ye Lingling, who was already extremely shy, dare not even raise his head.

Looking at Ye Lingling who was about to fall into autistic state under everyone's teasing, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed displeasure and he quickly held Ye Lingling in his arms.

First, he looked at Oscar and Ning Rongrong, with a hint of joking on his face, and said, "Oscar, when will you propose marriage to Rongrong? Have you passed the tests of Uncle Ning, Uncle Jian, and Uncle Bone?"

As soon as these words came out, the joking smile on Oscar's face froze and disappeared in an instant, and in the next moment, there was a sharp pain in his ears, and Ning Rongrong's arrogant voice quickly sounded: "Oscar..."

The space fluctuated slightly, and the two people quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes quickly turned to Ma Hongjun, rubbed his chin slightly, and pointedly said: "Xiao Ma, I heard that you had an affair with the Min clan under Xiao San..."

Before Qin Mo could finish his words, Ma Hongjun quickly stepped forward to cover Qin Mo's mouth as if he had been burned by fire, but before he could get close, he was once again stagnated in place by the invisible restraint, and could only use He looked at Qin Mo and Tang San with begging eyes.

Seeing the reactions of Oscar and Ma Hongjun, the teasing smiles on everyone's faces disappeared, and they even subconsciously took half a step back following Qin Mo's gaze.

"Xiao San, you and Xiao Wu..."

"Lao Dai, I remember you and Zhu Zhuyu's wedding hasn't happened yet..."


"Teacher Qin Ming..."

As Qin Mo's voice continued to fall, everyone present except Zhu Zhuqing started to cough dryly.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Immediately, the space fluctuated one after another, and they all disappeared in front of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling.

Zhu Zhuqing, the only one who was not embarrassed, congratulated Qin Mo and Ye Lingling and disappeared directly.


Half a month later!

An unprecedented grand wedding was held in front of the 'Douluo Plane' and the 978 plane worlds in the 'Qiankun Ding'... (End of this chapter)

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