The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 269 The ‘Time and Space Storm’ is the water, and the ‘Qiankun Ding’ is the boat!

Three years!

Outside the void of the plane, a huge, simple and mysterious 'Qiankun Ding', which seems to contain endless dense divine flowers and mysteries, flickers slightly. During the flash of light, it absorbs endless energy of the void of the plane.

All matter, rules, and even time and space in the void of the plane cannot escape, and they are all turned into the energy of the 'Qiankun Ding'.

Every moment, the energy of the void plane absorbed by the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is no less than the divine power possessed by a peak god king.

At this moment, the number of plane stars in the internal space of the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’ has changed greatly compared to three years ago.

In the three years since that huge wedding, the number of stars in the plane world that was originally less than a thousand has increased several times to more than three thousand.

This makes the already bright galaxy in the inner space of the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’ become even more dazzling.

However, these two thousand extra plane stars were not obtained by Qin Mo from searching in the void of unknown planes.

It is the gathering of creatures that have reached the level of gods from the original world of nearly a thousand planes in the past three years.

Or it could be said that it was because of the rules set by Qin Mo for the creatures who had reached the level of gods within the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

For example, in the past, when one became a god by oneself and condensed into a god, the upper limit of the rules and authority possessed by the god was basically changed.

Under this rule, as long as many creatures in the inner plane world of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' practice to the standard of becoming a god, their consciousness will be able to communicate the rules and condense a star on their natal plane.

Although Shi Yi condensed the stars of his natal plane, he was not as able to reach the sky in one step as after condensing the divine position in the past, directly transcending the stages of ordinary divine servants and divine envoys, and reaching the level of third-level gods, second-level gods, and even first-level gods.

It can only grow from the most basic ones, such as the lowest level 100 gods in the Douluo plane.

But the upper limit of its growth is endless. By raising the stars in one's own natal plane to the strength of the ordinary plane world, the power it can provide is no worse than that of a second-level god.

If the stars in his own natal plane were raised to a level comparable to the original 'Douluo plane', the God King's combat power would be meager.

Even if it reaches the current level of ‘Douluo Plane’...

But this is only the beginning after all. The newly condensed more than two thousand plane stars are all in their initial state, and there is not much vitality in them. The origin of the plane world also seems extremely weak, but it is also in an extremely The speed increased exaggeratedly.

From this, we can also see how exaggerated the oppression of the lower plane worlds by other divine realms is. However, in just three years, nearly a thousand plane stars actually gave birth to more than two thousand gods.

Excluding one-tenth of the feedback from the 'Qiankun Ding' received from the 'Douluo Plane', nearly two thousand gods were born in the remaining nine hundred and seventy-eight sitting plane worlds.

Even if these two thousand gods can only reach the level of gods...but these are all gods who have become gods themselves, and they have not succeeded to the throne and become gods...

Perhaps it is because beasts and beings with dragon bloodline have been suppressed too hard by the gods of the past. Among the more than 2,000 gods born in the past three years, nearly two-thirds of them are from Beasts and beings with dragon blood.

If it weren't for the fact that the rules for becoming a god were different from those in the previous god world, he would definitely be able to return to the peak level when the Dragon God was still alive.

And this is only three years...

Just three years...

In the battle with the God Realm three years ago, the total number of all the gods, including the divine servants who did not participate in the battle, was less than ten thousand, and that was the combat power accumulated in the God Realm for endless eras.

The comparison is so exaggerated...

The moment this rule was born, except for Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong, other gods such as the God of Poseidon and the God of Emotions, several Dragon Kings of the Dragon Clan, and many of the Silver Dragon King's subordinates chose to surrender. The ferocious beasts, even Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, all chose to condense the stars in their own natal plane.

After all, compared to the divine position, where you can basically see the end at a glance, the stars in the natal plane may be more restricted, but it is undoubtedly a more powerful path, at least for the God King, and even for the God King. It's far from the limit. The pursuit of strength is the most basic instinct of life.

Within the 'Qiankun Cauldron', in the headspace surrounded by endless planes of stars, Qin Mo, who looked obviously much more mature, could not help but reveal a trace of satisfaction in his eyes as he looked at the planes of stars constantly surrounding him below.

Then he seemed to sense something, his eyes instantly penetrated the endless space, and saw the endless void outside the 'Qiankun Cauldron', with a strange look on his face.

"Time storm?"

Perhaps it is because the Qinmo Divine Realm and many lower realms have been devoured and refined, leaving the void of this plane in an 'empty' state.

The 'time and space storm' that had originally taken who knows how many thousands of years to arrive, sweeping the 'God Realm' in the original work to an unknown place, was approaching quickly at this moment.

It won't take too long to reach the void coordinates of the plane where the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is located.

However, there was no trace of worry or fear in Qin Mo's voice. In other words, only the divine world, which has an extremely unstable foundation and relies entirely on many lower planes, would be affected by the so-called 'time and space storm' Influence, sweep.

Even if the origin of the other planes is weak, the underlying structure and intrinsically stable lower planes will not be greatly affected, let alone the entire plane world being wiped away.

What's more, the 'Qiankun Cauldron', which has more than 3,000 seats in the inner space at the moment, can be shaken even slightly by the 'space-time storm'.


Qin Mo's figure flickered slightly, disappeared directly into the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and appeared in the void of the plane.

The huge and divine 'Qiankun Cauldron' instantly shed countless bright streams of light, protecting Qin Mo within it like three thousand Taoist principles.

This is the instinct of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Even with Qin Mo's strength, he can survive in the void of the plane easily without any protection.

He touched the body of the ‘Qiankun Ding’ slightly to express his gratitude.

Then Qin Mo looked towards the unknown plane of void.

Originally, if there was no such 'time and space storm', Qin Mo had planned to arrange for the godly beings in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' to grow up, and then explore the unknown void of the outside world.

The strength of the exploring gods does not need to be too strong. As long as they reach the level of a second-level god, it is enough. After all, it is just a simple exploration, not a battle. If you encounter danger, you can completely rely on the stars in the natal plane in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' coupling.

Unless you encounter an attack that completely annihilates everything including the divine body and soul in an instant, there is basically no danger to your life. At most, you will only be weak for a period of time. The special nature of the stars in your natal plane can completely guarantee this.

With the talents of the more than two thousand gods who have become gods in the past three years, it will take anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years to gradually reach the level of second-level god fighting power.

Hundreds or thousands of years may have been a long time before he became a god, but to Qin Mo after he became a god, it was nothing at all. Qin Mo could afford to wait.

However, after sensing the approach of the 'space-time storm', Qin Mo had other considerations in his mind. Maybe... he didn't have to wait... After all, hundreds or thousands of years are enough to possess It's nothing to Qin Mo who has an almost eternal lifespan, but don't forget that Qin Mo is only a hundred years old this year. Even if hundreds or thousands of years don't matter, it would be great if he doesn't have to wait any longer.

And the most important thing is that this plane of void has been ruled by the God Realm for endless epochs after all.

No matter how few gods choose to pass on their divine status, choose to leave the divine world, and explore the void of the unknown plane, most of the areas in the void of this plane have been thoroughly explored over the course of endless epochs.

Rather than exploring this familiar void as a starting point, it is better to go directly to an unknown void as a starting point.

With the power of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this time, the terror of the 'time and space storm' can be completely ignored.

That being the case...

Why not use the ‘space-time storm’ as water and the ‘Qiankun Ding’ as a boat...

With the power of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', if you encounter suitable plane stars along the way, you can completely ignore the 'time and space storm' and stop for a short time. Even if you encounter danger, you can avoid it instantly without any risk of safety.

When the gods in the 'Qiankun Ding' have grown enough to explore the void of unknown planes, Qin Mo will let the 'Qiankun Ding' escape from the 'time and space storm'.

The best of both worlds······

However, although Qin Mo has some concerns in his mind, after all, he is not the only one in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Perhaps there are many other living beings in the stars in the thousands of planes of the world, and even the idea of ​​more than two thousand gods is not something to Qin Mo. important.

But Qin Dong, Ye Lingling, Oscar, Flanders and others in the world of Douluo Plane are different, so Qin Mo has to consider it.

What's more, he is actually in a cooperative relationship with the Silver Dragon King and the Dragon God. Even though Qin Mo's strength at this time far exceeds the Silver Dragon King, Qin Mo does not intend to force him.

Feeling the 'space-time storm' that was constantly sweeping towards this area in the void of the distant plane, Qin Mo briefly estimated the time.

"About half a year? It's not too late..."

Different from ordinary plane void storms, the 'space-time storm' is not only far more powerful, but more importantly, it contains extremely chaotic and terrifying time and space energy.

Even Qin Mo, who was so powerful at this time, could only make a slight estimate based on the disordered time and space energy in the 'space-time storm', and even only estimated the approximate time.

After all, under the chaotic power of time and space, the speed of the 'space-time storm' is basically in a state of extreme chaos.

Then the space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo instantly disappeared into the void of the plane.


A few months later!

The ‘Qiankun Cauldron’, which originally appeared extremely huge in the void of the plane, has quietly shrunk to the size of an ordinary ritual vessel.

Hanging in the sky above Qin Mo, countless dense divine flowers dropped down, carrying with them an incomparable magical power, completely sheltering Qin Mo within them.

In the void of the plane not far away, the 'space-time storm' lingering with extremely chaotic time and space energy is approaching, several months earlier than Qin Mo estimated.

But it had no impact.

In other words, when discussing with Flanders, Dai Mubai, and Oscar, they agreed to Qin Mo's idea without the slightest hesitation.

It is not surprising that Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ning Rongrong and others would agree. In other words, given their age, they are already extremely curious about the unknown, but unexpectedly, it was Fu who agreed immediately. Rand, Zhao Wuji and other Shrek Academy teachers.

After all, although teachers such as Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki are less than a hundred years old, they can even be considered young beings when looking at the stars in the thousands of planes of the world.

Even relying on the gust of wind that transformed from the 'Douluo Plane', he reached the realm of gods and had an extremely long, even eternal life.

But Qin Mo also knew that compared to Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Lin Nuo, teachers such as Flanders and Zhao Wuji lacked that spirit after all.

Unexpectedly, the first people to agree were teachers such as Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki.

At the same time, the Silver Dragon King and the Dragon God consciousness also agreed after learning about the situation of the 'Time and Space Storm'.

No, it shouldn't be said that he agreed, it should be said that he didn't care at all.

This is true for both the Silver Dragon King and the Dragon God. At this moment, all the Silver Dragon King's energy is focused on understanding the rules of time and authority, and has no intention of leaving the inner space of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Although the path to condense the stars of the natal plane also has almost unlimited potential, it undoubtedly has many more restrictions than the path they are taking at the moment.

The Dragon God's consciousness didn't care either, or in other words, he had no chance to choose at all and could only choose to follow the Silver Dragon King's choice.

As for the God of Poseidon, the God of Emotions, and the more than two thousand gods who had just ascended to the gods, Qin Mo only made a notification.


The 'time and space storm' lingering with extremely chaotic, disordered time and space energy has arrived.

In an instant...

The empty plane of void began to shatter like crystal glass.

However, Qin Mo, who was protected by the divine flower of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', did not move at all. The terrifying 'time and space storm' that was enough to sweep the divine world did not even cause a single ripple under the divine light protected by the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Like a sacred mountain that never moves.

Feeling the space-time energy in the 'space-time storm', Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and the 'Qiankun Ding' began to vibrate in vain.

The ancient and simple trembling with endless supernatural pressure quickly echoed in the 'time and space storm'.

The next moment...

Completely disappeared into the void of the plane!

······(End of this chapter)

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