The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 271 ‘Elixir Condensation Method’ Recorded Subconsciously

On the top of Mount Tai, which was still in extreme chaos, no one noticed that the bronze tripod that looked like a decoration on the dragon horns of one of the dragon corpses in the 'Nine Dragon Coffin' disappeared.

No, the people on the top of Mount Tai may not have noticed it, but the major countries that are always paying attention to the 'Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin' will not ignore it. Even if the 'Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin' lands too quickly, all countries have no time to react. There is no doubt that they are still locked on the satellite.

He must have noticed the disappearance of the ‘Qiankun Cauldron’ and the sudden appearance of Qin Mo in the crowd.

Although he has lived in the Douluo plane for decades, he is not unfamiliar with the technological society at all.

However, after realizing his location and situation, Qin Mo ignored the obvious sense of prying eyes on his body and just looked at the sky calmly.

Immediately, his eyes quickly glanced at the dragon corpse that had severely injured him and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and brought it to the earth, feeling the monstrous power contained in the dragon corpse.

A bitter smile flashed across Qin Mo's extremely pale face, and he was relieved and helpless in his heart: "The 'cosmic black hole' is actually connected to this world...the gap is too big..."

"And I'm really lucky that I survived being hit by this thing and was brought to Earth..."

The next moment, Qin Mo seemed to sense something, and his eyes quickly flashed over two seemingly ordinary figures. They looked ordinary, but their deepest origin contained monstrous blood and demonic energy, which was completely different from other ordinary human beings. different.

Although Qin Mo is in an extremely weak state at this moment, especially in the post-dharma environment of the earth where almost all the ways are suppressed, and the rules, authority, and even spiritual thoughts and power in the body are almost completely restrained, his physique can still be seen. exception.

"When Ye Tiandi Ye Fan was young...does he still have Pang Bo?"

But Qin Mo simply glanced at the two out of curiosity and did not have any thoughts about the two. In comparison, Qin Mo was more concerned about the huge bronze coffin not far away, or in other words - The bronze coffin of the third generation.

That is to say, after decades of experience in the Douluo world, otherwise it would be completely impossible for Qin Mo to be so calm.

But before Qin Mo could take a closer look, among Ye Fan and his group who were preparing to escape, a girl loosened her feet in vain. The edge of the unstable crack instantly cracked, and a huge rock quickly moved towards the five-color altar under the huge pit. Roll down.

The girl was also unsteady and almost fell. Fortunately, a male classmate next to her quickly caught her with quick hands and eyes. Several classmates nearby also quickly took action to help pull her up.

But the huge falling rock directly hit the five-color altar under the huge pit.


An extremely dull impact sounded instantly, making everyone present tremble.

The next moment, the vast and mysterious five-color altar under the giant pit seemed to be activated. An extremely mysterious five-color hazy halo instantly erupted, quickly covering the entire altar.

Under the mysterious five-color halo, everyone within the scope of the five-color altar, including Qin Mo, instantly felt a huge force enveloped their bodies, and their legs seemed to be tied with lead weights, making it difficult to move a step.

However, compared with others who had no ability to resist, Qin Mo was much better. He could barely move under this pressure. However, Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention to it, but felt it very seriously. strange suppression.

There was a faint twinkle of divine light in his eyes.

Although he is in a post-dharma environment like the earth, where most of his abilities are suppressed and he is even in an extremely weak state, this does not mean that Qin Mo has lost all his powers.

Even though the rules, authority, divine thoughts, divine power in Qin Mo's body, and even the power of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' itself were suppressed to almost nothing, Qin Mo's physical strength, soul strength, and ability to control the origin of the world were not. Weakened.

It's a pity that Qin Mo has not mastered Zhetian's cultivation method at this moment, and the rules of Zhetian world are completely different from those of Douluo world, so he can only 'memorize' all this in his mind.

Especially the invisible and strange fluctuation between the five-color altar and the bronze coffin of the Third World...


The five-color altar began to vibrate in vain, causing the top of the Jade Emperor to tremble. The people who were standing on the edge of the five-color altar suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and they quickly fell down and gathered at the core of the five-color altar.

Qin Mo did not resist this force, he just stabilized his body and let the crowd gather together naturally.

The falling of everyone directly knocked down many ancient books carved from jade blocks and stone slabs displayed on the five-color altar, leaving the altar in a mess.

Different from the panic and fear of everyone on the altar, Qin Mo unconsciously thought of the tragedy of Ye Fan's parents passing away when he crossed the void and returned to the earth in "Zhe Tian".


Vaguely, there seemed to be a trembling sound in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Seemingly present and seemingly absent...

Qin Mo subconsciously picked up a piece of jade and an ancient book that fell to his feet.

Unlike other jade fragments that were more or less engraved with ancient inscriptions, this jade fragment that was no more than the size of a palm was completely blank and extremely pure.

Feeling the hard jade fragments in his hands, a thought suddenly flashed through Qin Mo's mind.

There was a slight heat between the brows, and the source of the world that was already traveling through the 'cosmic black hole' and consumed to maintain vitality evaporated directly.

In the next moment, thousands of shimmering modern Chinese characters were directly engraved inside the jade fragments. Qin Mo was slightly startled by the demon-like movements.

Qin Mo's pupils shrank instantly when he looked at the jade fragments with thousands of words engraved in his palm and shining with an undetectable light.

What is recorded in it is the 'Elixir Condensation Method' deduced by Qin Mo in the Douluo plane by consuming the origin of the world.

However, it is not the complete ‘Elixir Condensation Method’, but the most basic preparatory part of the ‘Elixir Condensation Method’. It does not have the ability to condense inner elixirs, but...

"Am I... affected?"

Qin Mo thought of something in his mind, and his eyes quickly fell on Ye Fan not far away, whose face seemed calm, but there was also a hint of shock in his eyes.

"No, it's not that it's affected, but..."

This idea was directly overturned again. It was not that Qin Mo noticed the abnormality, but the deepest intuition in Qin Mo's heart told him that this was not influenced by others, but his own instinct, or... ···

That is to say...

Glancing at Ye Fan again, Qin Mo suddenly had a flash of thoughtfulness in his mind, and then he felt the sense of voyeurism on his body, and a look of enlightenment flashed through his eyes.

The next moment, Qin Mo slightly raised his head and glanced at the sky, as if he was looking into the eyes of those who were watching here.

Then he directly threw aside the piece of jade in his hand that shone with an undetectable light.


The sound of jade colliding with the ground quickly sounded.

At the same time, the dignitaries from various countries who were using satellites to observe the Jade Emperor Summit of Mount Tai were all startled, and some were even frightened back a few steps.

Qin Mo's eyes seemed to penetrate countless distances and look directly at them through the satellite field of view.

But the dignitaries from various countries are undoubtedly the elite among the elites. Even those who were scared away noticed Qin Mo's movements in the satellite view and the jade fragment that was thrown to the ground in an instant. It's a pity that the clarity of the satellite's field of view is a bit poor after all. Even the satellites of the countries with the highest accuracy were unable to observe the writing on the jade fragments.

In an instant, countless orders were issued quickly...

The top of Mount Tai - Jade Emperor Peak!

A desolate and distant atmosphere quietly circulates, and five colors of brilliance shine!

Except for the palm-sized piece of jade that Qin Mo discarded, there were many jade pieces and ancient books made of stone slabs displayed on the five-color altar, as well as the jade pieces and stone slabs with ancient inscriptions engraved on the ground. The pieces of ancient books suddenly became Crystal clear.

All the ancient characters engraved on it shimmered, and the entire super-large altar emitted a soft light.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Countless crackling sounds, either crisp or dull, sounded one after another.

Countless intact or incomplete jade blocks and slate ancient books all began to crack, and then burst out with streaks of light. The ancient characters engraved on them all rushed out and appeared in the void as if they were alive.

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"

Countless ancient and mysterious words shone brightly and floated in mid-air.

The jade blocks and stone slabs without the words seemed to have experienced endless years in an instant, and were directly wiped out in a breeze.

Above the ancient bronze coffin and around the huge pit, there are countless shining mysterious and ancient characters.




The sound of shattering came again, and ancient characters shone out one by one from the small five-color earthen altars nearby, floating in the air.

In vain, countless stars began to appear around the giant bronze coffin, and the starlight swayed, extremely mysterious.

At the same time, the shining ancient characters in the air quickly began to condense, and gradually formed a huge Bagua pattern, and a mysterious power quietly revived.

The space is distorted and the light is blurry!

"Fuck!" "Kun!" "Xun!" "Dui!"

"Gen!" "Shock!" "Lift!" "Hump!"

The corresponding Bagua symbols flashed one after another, like a set of mysterious and ancient codes.

Qin Mo, who discarded the jade piece, ignored the sense of prying eyes that fell on him, and didn't even pay attention to other people's reactions.

His eyes are extremely bright, observing and remembering.

His eyes did not stray away from everything in the void. The jade blocks, ancient slate books, and the words on the five-color stone altar condensed the Bagua, the direction of the shadows of the stars, and the order of the Bagua symbols flashing, all imprinted in his mind.

The two yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi Bagua diagram are like two strange portals, constantly vibrating, slowly opening a gap, and strange light penetrates the sky, seemingly connecting to the distant and unknown starry sky.

Qin Mo instantly felt a wave of time and space rules that were completely different from the rules of time and space he had mastered, but were vaguely similar. More obscure, mysterious, and profound fluctuations in time and space were quietly brewing.

In contrast, it is as if the time and space rules controlled by Qin Mo are just an entry level, no, not even an entry level, extremely crude, incomplete and even vulgar...

The brilliance continued to shine, and the eight symbols of the Eight Trigrams in the void flickered on and off. After countless flashes and changes, they finally all lit up at the same time, emitting a dazzling light.


With a dull vibration, the two yin-yang fishes in the center of the Tai Chi Bagua chart slowly opened. Endless and distant starlight descended quietly across time and space, and a mysterious ancient road in the starry sky seemed to vaguely appear.

At the same time, on the top of Mount Tai, nine huge dragon corpses began to tremble. The lid of the huge ancient bronze coffin deviated from its position during the shaking. A large gap was exposed in the ancient coffin, and a strange aura filled the air.


The dull sound of metal collision echoed, and the harsh sound instantly woke up Qin Mo, who was constantly deepening his memory. Looking at the open coffin lid, Qin Mo's eyes dimmed quietly, and he quickly got ready, thinking in his heart: "Here it comes... ·····”

The next moment, an inexplicable invisible swallowing force burst out from the giant bronze coffin. Everyone in the core area of ​​the five-color altar felt like the world was spinning, their eyes darkened, and they were sucked directly into the giant bronze coffin.




Cries of near collapse and panic echoed instantly.


There was a dull sound of metal collision, and the lid of the giant bronze coffin closed with a bang, completely reset and closed.

The miserable, frightened cries disappeared instantly.

As if being summoned, the nine lifeless mountain-like dragon corpses quietly soared into the air as if they had their own consciousness, and the bowl-sized black iron ropes tied to the dragon's tail tightened instantly.

Pulling the huge bronze coffin, it slowly sank into the dark and mysterious passage constructed by the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram.


The entire Mount Tai began to tremble violently in vain, as if the sky was about to collapse. A brilliant five-color divine light instantly burst out from the top of the Jade Emperor, and the bright light seemed to completely penetrate the sky.


The setting sun dispersed, and the five-color divine light that penetrated the sky completely dimmed. The huge Tai Chi Bagua diagram in the sky also began to close and gradually dissipate.

All the jade pieces and stone slabs on the five-color altar were turned into ashes. As a breeze blew by, the ashes dispersed with the wind.

The dragon corpse, the giant bronze coffin, including dozens of residents and an unknown being, all disappeared, leaving only the five-color altar that had lost all its light, and a jade fragment on the ground that shone with an undetectable light. Quietly buried in the shock.

When everything dispersed, the satellites constantly surrounding the earth, as well as the dignitaries from various countries through the satellite's field of vision, were all locked on the earth where the jade fragments were buried.

······(End of this chapter)

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