It was pitch black inside the giant bronze coffin. Although the temperature was no different from normal, Ye Fan and others felt chills in their hearts.

Some of the girls were extremely depressed, but they did not dare to cry loudly. They suppressed their emotions and voices and could only sob quietly.

Even the bolder boy among them kept dialing on his cell phone with a pale face, as if he wanted to call for help.

It's a pity that when the bronze coffin was closed, some electronic signals were completely isolated, and there was no way to contact the outside world. This undoubtedly aggravated the fear in the hearts of everyone in the coffin.

There were people constantly crying and praying softly, as if this could weaken the fear in their hearts.

Although there are some calm people among them who try to comfort them, the effect is always insignificant.

Especially after feeling the shock of the giant bronze coffin gradually disappear, an inexplicable fear quietly lingered.

At this time, a calmer person seemed to have thought of something and said in a low voice: "Have all of us fallen into the copper coffin? I want to be sure of the number of people present..."

Although the voice was small, it was very clear inside the giant bronze coffin. At that moment, someone was making calculations using the weak light of a mobile phone.

"One, two, three...twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one!"

When the twenty-nine people were counted, the voice of the classmate who was counting the number in a low voice suddenly trembled. After all, in his impression, the number of people waiting for Taishan this time was only two, even if Li Xiaoman's American classmates were included. Nineteen people.

But at this moment...

"How come there are...thirty-one people!!!"

A voice of panic, trembling, and even a hint of crying sounded out. This voice even counted them repeatedly, but there were still thirty-one figures.

When the students who heard his counting, including Ye Fan, felt proud in their hearts, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads unconsciously.

At this moment, everyone felt horrified, and chills ran down their spines. Even Pang Bo, who was knocked unconscious by accident, felt a little frightened in his heart at this moment.

At this moment, Qin Mo, who did not know when he appeared in the center of the giant bronze coffin, had a look of pity on his face.

Since being swallowed by the giant bronze coffin, Qin Mo ignored the farce between Ye Fan and the others, and went directly to the center of the bronze coffin, hoping to listen to the 'Tao sound'.

After all, Qin Mo knew that there would be no danger before the 'Nine Dragon La Coffin' arrived on Mars.

It's a pity that even if Qin Mo pushed his senses, will, and soul to the extreme, he still didn't gain anything.

After a little noise, Ye Fan and others also determined the identity of the thirtieth person. Now the only one left is...

With the faint light of the mobile phone, everyone's eyes were fixed on the figure in the center of the giant bronze coffin, the only figure who was separated from the crowd.


I don't know who swallowed subconsciously, but the voice that was usually too weak to be heard was extremely clear in the bronze coffin, which directly made everyone's hearts stagnant slightly.

Finally, there was still a bolder student who whispered to Qin Mo, who was standing in the center.

"You...are a human being...a ghost..."

Qin Mo, who had gained nothing to begin with, felt slightly helpless when he heard this.


As soon as Qin Mo's voice appeared, some timid girls screamed. Under the screams, many boys also began to scream.

"Ah! Ghost..."


Suddenly, the entire bronze coffin was in chaos, and people hugging each other and crying were everywhere. Under this situation, even some people who were originally calm, their faces became unconscious. Pale and frightened.

Even Ye Fan pursed his lips slightly at this moment, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

The dark environment inside the giant bronze coffin, even if he was in an extremely weak state at this moment, still could not affect Qin Mo's sight.

Seeing everyone's panic, Qin Mo's face became even more helpless.

However, after seeing Ye Fan, who was expected to be invincible in the future, like this, Qin Mo quietly felt a pity in his heart. If he was not in an extremely weak state at this moment, the remaining world origin in his body would be completely exhausted, and Ye Fan would definitely be killed. The appearance at this moment is engraved and kept as a souvenir.

However, although there was some pity in my heart, the most important thing at the moment was to calm down this group of people.

The corners of Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly, his spiritual thoughts quietly fluctuated, and the invisible power of comfort spread quietly.

At the same time, his voice was slightly amplified and he said: "Calm down... I'm not a ghost..."

The voice echoed quickly in desperation with an extremely soothing tone.

"Have you never thought that besides your class, there are people who are also sucked in by this bronze coffin..."

As soon as these words came out, the noisy crying stopped for an instant.

" there anyone else who has been sucked in?"

"I seem to have some impression... It seems that the boy is wearing something strange, a bit like a Taoist robe, and a bit..."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Mo paused slightly and subconsciously glanced at his clothes.

Perhaps it was because when Qin Mo was in the Douluo World, he was biased towards Taoism in terms of the 'dandening method', 'dojo' and even many abilities, so he had a slight preference for Taoism.

This is obviously reflected in the clothes, but unlike traditional Taoist clothes, Qin Mo's clothes are a bit more convenient at this moment.

And everyone who heard this suddenly became much quieter.

The next moment, several mobile phone lights flashed, shining directly on Qin Mo. He looked at the clothes on Qin Mo that were vaguely similar to Taoist clothes, but obviously much more convenient, and the helpless expression on Qin Mo's face. .


His extremely heavy breathing relaxed for a moment.

Some boys quickly began to complain: "Brother, you have been silent and stood so far away alone. It's really scary..."

But it's more of a blessing.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just good that he's a human being..."

Faced with the boy's complaint, Qin Mo didn't pay attention and just shrugged slightly.

At the same time, Qin Mo also sensed two qi and blood that were obviously different from others approaching quietly.

A thick and powerful right arm suddenly hugged Qin Mo, as if wanting to reciprocate the frightened emotion. "Brother, are you a Taoist priest on Mount Tai, or a COS..."

Pang Bo's voice sounded in vain, but before he could finish his words, he instantly noticed the copper coffin parked next to Qin Mo.

The right arm holding Qin Mo tightened as if being shocked by an electric shock, and he even subconsciously exclaimed in surprise.

"What the hell...what the hell is this..."

Suddenly, the already relaxed atmosphere became tense again, but under the invisible soothing power emitted by Qin Mo's soul, it was much better than before.

Perhaps as the distance got closer, Ye Fan vaguely seemed to sense something. He frowned slightly and glanced at Qin Mo subconsciously.

Qin Mo was slightly surprised by Ye Fan's gaze. He didn't expect that the holy body, which was almost completely silent and had no awakening at all, could have such extraordinary perception.

Although Qin Mo is in an extremely empty and weak state at the moment, to be able to sense Qin Mo's spiritual fluctuations in the Douluo world requires at least a first-level god.

It is worthy of being called a great achievement and can rival the powerful physique of the Great Emperor.

However, although Qin Mo was surprised in his heart, he did not show it at all on his face, as if he was not aware of it, but was planning to say something to everyone.

But before Qin Mo could speak, Pang Bo's voice sounded again.

"I was shocked. What did I think? It turned out to be a real coffin..."

At the same time, he seemed to be aware of the change in the atmosphere, and quickly explained, as if he wanted to ease the tension.

However, after hearing Pang Bo say that the coffin-in-coffin in front of him was the real instrument for burying the corpse, his slightly depressed heart lifted up again. Many people even stepped back a few steps, obviously feeling scared. To the extreme.

Who is buried in such a mysterious ancient bronze coffin? Everyone was filled with surprise and fear.

For a moment, the inside of the bronze coffin gradually became quiet, and no one spoke anymore. They looked at the bronze coffin in front of them holding the corpse, holding the slightly shiny mobile phone tightly in their hands, breathing heavily, as if they could grasp a ray of comfort. .

Seeing that his explanation did not relieve everyone's emotions, but instead made them even more nervous, a wry smile suddenly appeared on Pang Bo's face.

Seeing this, Ye Fan patted Pang Bo's shoulder a few times to express comfort, and then looked at Qin Mo, especially the clothes Qin Mo was wearing, with curiosity in his eyes that even the darkness could not conceal. He stretched out his right hand towards Qin Mo.

"Hello, brother! My name is Ye Fan, and he is Pang Bo."

Feeling Ye Fan's naked gaze, Qin Mo's mouth moved slightly. Was he being targeted by the protagonist? Being targeted by ‘Ye Hei’ is not a good thing...

However, he quickly stretched out his right hand and said calmly: "Qin Mo..."

As Ye Fan communicated with Qin Mo, Pang Bo on the side also got rid of his awkward and bitter smile. He was originally a forthright and optimistic person.

I don't know whether it was because of the specialness in his body or his relationship with Ye Fan that made Pang Bo very curious about Qin Mo.

The thick and powerful right hand rested on Qin Mo's shoulder again, but he was not afraid of the copper coffin beside him at all. He said with curiosity: "Hey, brother Qin Mo, you haven't said you are COS, or... ·······”

Feeling Jilaishu's arm on his shoulder, Qin Mo frowned slightly, feeling that you two brothers are targeting me.

Just when he was about to find an excuse to cover up, the bronze coffin suddenly shook violently. Everyone was unsteady and swaying, and many people fell directly to the ground.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Everyone was shocked and confused.

Some female classmates even cried and held on to the people around them tightly.

"Have the rescuers arrived? Are they rescuing us?"

In worry and fear, the vibration of the copper coffin became more violent.

In an instant, only Qin Mo, Pang Bo, and Ye Fan were left barely standing in the entire bronze coffin.

Even if Qin Mo is in an extremely empty and weak state, his physical body and control techniques will not decay. The stability of the lower body is the basic skill among Qin Mo's basic skills.

As for Pang Bo, who regarded Qin Mo as a pillar of support, although his face was a little frightened, his mouth was a bit broken, as if to relieve his own tension.

"Brother Qin Mo, you must be a martial arts practitioner, right? The chassis is so stable... Are you the legendary Taoist master???"

As for Ye Fan, he caught Pang Bo with quick eyes and hands in the shock just now, and now he was looking at Qin Mo with surprise on his face.

Qin Mo, who was regarded as a pillar of support, was also looking at Pang Bo and Ye Fan who were holding him tightly with black lines on his head.

As the three of them looked at each other, an awkward atmosphere quietly rose.

Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long, and the bronze coffin began to vibrate again.


It was like an emergency landing plane falling to the ground.


A violent metal explosion sounded, and it was obvious that the giant bronze coffin had a big collision. But at this moment, inside the dark copper coffin, the bronze carvings engraved on the coffin wall glowed faintly.

It actually directly offset the impact of the collision instantly, without causing any damage to anyone.

Everyone was in shock and doubt. They clearly felt that the world was about to be turned upside down, but everything calmed down in an instant. It was extremely strange.

At this moment, the corpse coffin in the giant bronze coffin seemed to be hanging on the side wall of the coffin, as if it was firmly fixed there and did not fall down.

Obviously, under the shock just now, the huge bronze coffin was in a state of being turned sideways. The small copper coffin containing the corpse inside was firmly cast at the bottom of the large coffin and could not be moved. Therefore, after the coffin overturned and tilted, at first glance it It seems to be hanging on the side wall.

But before anyone could take a closer look, the next moment, a burst of exclamations suddenly sounded.

"Light! There is light coming in from outside!! The bronze coffin lid is opened..."

In an instant, everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction mentioned by the call. Sure enough, a little dim light came in from the front, and there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Seeing the light shining through the gap in the bronze coffin, everyone burst into cheers. They all rushed forward, trying to escape from this dark and terrifying space, not wanting to stay for even a second longer.

At this moment, even Pang Bo and Ye Fan, who were almost hanging on Qin Mo, let go of Qin Mo with some eagerness, and then pulled Qin Mo directly towards the gap in the coffin to escape with great loyalty.

"Brothers Ye Zi and Qin Mo, let's leave quickly. This giant bronze coffin is really weird..."

As Pangbo fled, he continued to complain.

······(End of this chapter)

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