
Brown as red as dried blood!

Cold, hard, dead!

As far as the eye can see, it is desolate and empty. There are some huge rocks standing here and there on the ground, which look like tombstones.

The light between the sky and the earth was dim and gloomy, like a lifeless dusk surrounded by a faint black mist. The endless red-brown land was dark, dead, and without any sign of life. It was not any place they knew at all.

At can never be the top of Mount Tai!

"This... what the hell is this place..."

"Aren't we in Mount Tai..."

Everyone had a bad feeling. At this moment, many people used their mobile phones to dial out at the same time, but it was impossible to get through. The signal bar at the top of the mobile phone screen was blank, and it was not in the service area at all... ··

Pang Bo, who was pulling Qin Mo, stood there blankly, while Ye Fan on the side was quietly looking at the reddish-brown world in front of him. Compared with others, he was undoubtedly much calmer and even had the intention to observe the surroundings. environment.

As for Qin Mo, he carefully observed the five-color altar at his feet that was very similar to Mount Tai.

Under Qin Mo's eyes, the five-color altar at his feet was not much different from the five-color altar on Mount Tai. The only change was that the words recorded on the altar were partially different, as if they were on the same route. The addresses on the bus stop signs are generally different.

Although Qin Mo still doesn't know the meaning of these words at the moment, the principles are undoubtedly common.

"Another five-color altar..."

At this moment, Pang Bo had regained his composure, standing next to Ye Fan, looking at each other, and shaking his head slightly.

Then he saw Qin Mo with a serious face, and suddenly asked Qin Mo very familiarly: "Old Qin, have you discovered anything?"

Qin Mo, who was able to burn those words that were very different from the five-color altar on the Jade Emperor's Summit in Taishan, into the sea of ​​consciousness. When he heard Pang Bo's "Old Qin", the expression on his face suddenly froze. They seemed to have exchanged a few words. Come on, since when have you become so familiar...

"Old Qin?"

He quickly looked at Pang Bo and Ye Fan. When he saw the two people's expressions that they didn't think there was anything wrong with the title, Qin Mo suddenly felt that it was definitely not unreasonable for these two people to be able to get along well in Beidou... ···

Seemingly aware of Qin Mo's surprise, Pang Bo scratched his hair innocently and said with a smile, "Yes, isn't your surname Qin?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo was speechless, especially looking at Ye Fan's "exactly like this" expression on the side, he felt helpless. Compared with the simplicity of the protagonist of Douluo World, the two people in front of him had eight hundred thoughts. This guy is really...

I don’t know whether they noticed that Qin Mo was different from ordinary people, or whether their own physique gave them abnormal spiritual senses, which made Pang Bo and Ye Fan move closer to Qin Mo almost instinctively. Obviously, their relationship with other people To get closer...

However, Qin Mo was only slightly surprised and didn't pay too much attention to it, so he just shook his head slightly and said, "I discovered one thing. The words on the five-color altar here are different from the words on the five-color altar in Mount Tai. There are some differences..."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the two brothers Pang Bo and Ye Fan, who were still making eye contact, suddenly lit up.

"Old Qin, can you remember those words!!!"

"Old Qin, can you understand these words???"

Looking at the two people with bright eyes, Qin Mo immediately shrugged slightly, waved his hands, and said: "I can't understand, but I can just remember..."

Pang Bo's eyes suddenly flashed with pity, but Mark's eyes became brighter and brighter.

But before he could continue to ask, an excited shout came from outside the five-color stone altar not far away.

"Come and take a look... There are words on this stone..."

As this voice sounded, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, and a group of dozens of people ran towards the outside of the five-color stone altar.

Pang Bo and Ye Fan are no exception.

As for Qin Mo, perhaps he ran towards the boulder first because he didn't want to be dragged away by Pang Bo anymore.

Looking at Qin Mo's back, Pang Bo and Ye Fan looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and then quickly followed.

On the boulder, you can clearly see two huge ancient characters carved on the stone. Each ancient character is five or six meters high, with iron hooks and silver strokes. It is vigorous and majestic, like two angry dragons circling. Become.

The font is much more complicated than today's, and it should have been carved in ancient times a long time ago. Even after countless years, it still has not been weathered or damaged at all.

Everyone gathered in front of the stone wall and stared at the two vigorous ancient characters. Many people frowned, unable to discern the meaning.

"This seems to be Zhong Dingwen. The first character should be 'ying'."

Some of Ye Fan's classmates could barely recognize the first word, and there was a hint of uncertainty in their tone. Apparently they were not sure either.

"It is indeed Zhong Dingwen, these two characters are 'Yinghuo'..."

Ye Fan's voice sounded quietly, and although his tone was calm, Qin Mo could faintly feel the vibration in his heart.

"Yinghuo, what do you mean?"

"Is Yinghuo a place?"

While everyone was still confused, Ye Fan quickly raised his head and looked up at the sky, as if to confirm the guess in his heart, as if he wanted to identify a near-eternal light spot in the sky.

The next moment, Ye Fan, who did not see the familiar light spot from the familiar position, his pupils shrank quietly.

However, some students who knew the meaning of 'Yinghuo' had a pale look on their faces. Some of them, like Ye Fan, who knew the trajectory of Mars in the night sky, also looked up at the sky like Ye Fan, wanting to Confirm your guess.

After a moment, a classmate who confirmed his guess from the sky said with a trembling expression of absurdity and paleness.

"Yingying fire, Lili chaos! We may really... have no way to go back."

As soon as these words came out, everyone who didn't know the meaning of 'Ying Huo' suddenly showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"What do you mean? Where is this? Why can't I go back..."

The student with an absurd and pale face subconsciously explained: "I'm afraid this place is no longer the earth, but Mars!"

"Yingying is like fire, and it was called Yinghuo in ancient times. It is an ominous sign. In ancient times, Mars was called Yinghuo."

As soon as this explanation came out, everyone who didn't know the meaning of 'Ying Huo' was dumbfounded.

"How can this be?"

"This reddish-brown land beneath our feet is... Mars, we are no longer on Earth?!"

Especially Li Xiaoman’s foreign classmate, he was grabbing the reddish-brown soil, knocking on the rocks, constantly observing the geology, and kept shouting ‘ohmygod! ’

In just half an hour, it would have covered at least tens of millions of kilometers... Anyone who knew this result would be stunned in place. It made no sense at all. Some unwilling students argued: "It's impossible. There is not enough oxygen on Mars, and the atmospheric environment is... If we were really on Mars, it would be impossible to survive."

As soon as these words came out, some lucky people suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

Regarding this statement, Qin Mo, who knew the reason, quietly glanced at the distant border. It was an inexplicable energy barrier that blocked out all the bad things on Mars.

It's a pity that Qin Mo is still in an extremely empty and weak state at this moment. He can only barely see the energy barrier and cannot see through the energy operation method of the barrier.

Since regaining consciousness, Qin Mo has tried many methods, but has never been able to restore the emptiness in his body. Qin Mo's spiritual mind can clearly sense the energy of the outside world, but it cannot absorb it at all, as if it is controlled by some kind of rules. Suppressed in general.

When he was still on Earth, Qin Mo thought it was due to the suppression of Earth's special environment, but after arriving on Mars, it was still the same.

Although Qin Mo could feel that the energy from the outside world was more active than on the earth, he was still unable to absorb it. Obviously this was not only due to environmental factors, but more likely because of the different cultivation methods.

As for the ‘sea of ​​suffering’ in Zhetian Cultivation Method, no matter how Qin Mo senses it, he cannot sense it...

Of course, the main reason is that the source of the world in the body has been exhausted. Otherwise, with the power of the source of the world, it may not be possible to locate the 'sea of ​​suffering' in the body.'s not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, it was too much of a coincidence. Just after escaping from the 'cosmic black hole', he happened to encounter the 'Three Generations Copper Coffin' heading towards the earth.

It happened to hang on the dragon's horn and was brought to the earth safely.

When he arrived on Earth, he happened to be awakened by the energy fluctuations of the five-color altar.

After waking up, he happened to exhaust all the sources of the world and imprint the foundation of the 'Elixir Condensation Method'.

The remaining world origin happened to be completely consumed after imprinting all the foundations of the 'Coagulation Method'.

Is it really a coincidence?······

Qin Mo slowly restrained the spiritual thoughts that sensed the 'sea of ​​suffering' in his body, his eyes flickering slightly.


As for Pang Bo, Ye Fan, and a few classmates who were confirmed to be no longer on Earth, they acted extremely calmly.

Everyone stopped in front of this boulder for a long time, and finally left, heading towards the faint light source in the distance that looked like 'hope'.

Everyone along the way was basically silent, looking extremely dull, for fear that the last glimmer of 'hope' ahead would be shattered.


As night falls, a blurry disc quietly appears in the sky hanging on the horizon. However, the size of this blurry disc is less than half the size of the moon seen on the earth, and in another direction , and a bright star the size of a fist.

It is much brighter than the ordinary stars, but also dimmer than the small moon. The stars are too bright, and the moon is too small and dim. The two bright stars hanging high above are enough to prove that this place Definitely not Earth.

When everyone noticed the two bright stars in the sky, their hopes were completely shattered, with a trace of fear on their faces.

"This is······"

Despite being mentally prepared, several people's faces were still full of disappointment.

Influenced by these people, others also looked up at the stars, and soon discovered the fact that two moons were hanging in the sky.

"How could this be?"

Many people couldn't help shouting. The last hope of going home was shattered. They would never be able to see their relatives. Many female classmates burst into tears. Everyone already understood that they were really far away from the earth at this moment and could not return. .

After people who knew something about Mars told all this, everyone was deeply disappointed. Now they had no hope of returning home. The most important task was to find a way to survive.

A group of thirty-one people slowly moved towards the faint light spot not far away, or where they could find hope of survival.

Under the night sky, the breeze blows gently, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Under the barrier, the climate is no different from the Earth. Only the faint smell of rust lingering in the air shows that it is different from the Earth.

After walking several hundred meters, as the distance from the light source gets closer, the environment at the light source gradually comes into view.

"That is······"

Some of the better-sighted people began to exclaim in vain.

I saw a collapsed building standing in the light source not far away. Its architectural features were vaguely similar to ancient pavilions, but it could not withstand the erosion of time and had turned into ruins. .

And with the appearance of this building with obvious artificial traces, everyone's emotions were ups and downs. This was related to their life, death and future, and no one could be calm.


A female classmate suddenly screamed, which could be heard in the night sky.

"What's wrong?" Everyone changed their colors and asked hurriedly.

"Skull, a human skull!"

The female classmate's face turned pale, her body kept trembling, and she retreated tremblingly, pointing to the place where she had just stood.

Half of a snow-white skull was exposed in the gravel. No wonder she was so frightened. After all, how could she not be scared when a skull suddenly appeared at her feet.

All the male classmates gathered around, and Pang Bo kicked the skull out of the sand with his feet. It was obvious that this was the skull of an adult. It had existed for an unknown number of years. It was almost weathered, and the bones were no longer smooth. There were stains on it. Lots of rough cracks.

In the middle of the many rough cracks, there is a very regular round hole in the frontal bone, about the thickness of a finger, as if it had been pierced by a sharp arrow, or a spear or other sharp weapon, and the surrounding area of ​​the hole was very flat and smooth. .

But there is no sharp weapon left around the skull that caused such a hole, not even a trace, as if it had been pierced out of thin air.

Qin Mo, who didn't know when, quietly appeared in front of the skull, and quietly touched the round hole of the skull with his right hand. There was a faint divine light in his eyes, as if he saw something through the divine light.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo, who noticed Qin Mo's movements, quickly squatted down and asked, "Old Qin, have you discovered anything?"

······(End of this chapter)

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