The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 274 Crocodile Ancestor! 6-word mantra!

Looking at Ye Fan and Pang Bo who were squatting next to him, Qin Mo didn't care. Instead, he turned over the almost weathered skull and motioned for the two to check.

Qin Mo's actions instantly attracted the attention of many people present.

The next moment, the pupils of Pang Bo, Ye Fan, and everyone who noticed the condition inside the skull shrank, and their expressions changed drastically.

"This is······"

"How can it be······"

Even if they have not studied medicine and do not understand the internal bone distribution of the human skull, they also know that the internal bones of a normal human skull are never like this.

There were several marks that looked like they had been cut by a sharp object. No, rather than being cut by a sharp object, they were more like marks produced by being struck by a hard whip blade.

These marks have spread almost to the entire internal bones of the skull, and even though they are almost weathered, they still cannot hide their mottled texture.

Judging from the marks on the hollow between the skull and forehead, and then thinking about these bone marks, it seems that he must have suffered unimaginable fear and pain when he died.

The unfamiliar environment and various uncertain factors made everyone feel frightened.

Including Pang Bo and Ye Fan, their faces were all a little pale at this moment, obviously they had thought of the key.

However, although Ye Fan was a little scared, he was much calmer than others, and quickly said: "Let's go, we have no way out, staying here will not help."

After finishing speaking, everyone was silent. Just as Mark said, they had no way out.

No matter how scared they were, everyone still moved towards the source of the light, but they were even more silent than before.

Under the hazy night sky, the stars and the moon were not very bright. Only with the faint starlight and the weak light source not far away, one could vaguely see the undulating shadows ahead.

It's like a pile of rocks connected together, uneven and intertwined.

But when everyone came closer, they all stood still, even some of them with good eyesight knew that there were ruins of buildings with artificial traces.

But I didn't expect that this piece of architectural ruins with artificial traces would be so huge.

What they saw in the distance was only a small part that blocked the front, not even one-tenth or one percent. The even more massive ruins stretched horizontally into the distance.

All you can see are broken walls, broken rubble, and dilapidated buildings, which seem to be telling an unknown past.

Under the moonlight, it seemed particularly lonely.

Judging from the sheer size of this ruined building, in the endless and distant past, this place should have been a continuous stretch of magnificent palaces.

But right now... it's a desolate scene.

Looking at the extremely dilapidated ruins in front of them, everyone felt a little fear in their hearts, and the group of light sources that everyone regarded as 'hope', following them, was suddenly at the end of the ruins, in the largest and most perfect section of the ruins. behind the wall.




Everyone stepped on the broken rubble and slowly approached behind the broken wall. The sound of the rubble breaking and rubbing echoed and spread to an unknown place.

In an unknown area, like the endless darkness in another layer of space, two bloody lights lit up in vain, the void trembled, and there were faint cracks, but they had not yet spread.

In vain, a Sanskrit sound could be heard singing in the void.


The golden Brahma light rose quietly, turning into a chain and instantly binding the source of the blood light.

Under the golden light, there was no bloody light, but a pair of extremely cruel, cold, and bloodthirsty bloody vertical pupils.

Qin Mo, who was following the crowd, felt a fleeting and terrifying threat in vain. It was a threat that was more terrifying than any danger Qin Mo had ever seen.

This is instinctive fear, like an absolute crushing of life levels.

Qin Mo's pupils suddenly shrank, his body paused for a moment, and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

"Ancestor Crocodile..."

Seemingly aware of Qin Mo's strangeness, Ye Fan slowed down his steps and asked in a low voice: "Old Qin, what's wrong?"

Ye Fan's voice also attracted Pang Bo beside him, and his copper bell-like eyes quickly looked at Qin Mo, with a little concern in his eyes.

Hearing this, Qin Mo suddenly woke up, quickly suppressed the instinctive shock in his body, and concealed it: "It's nothing, I was just curious about what happened here..."

Hearing this, perhaps to relieve the pressure in his heart, or simply wanting to speak, Ye Fan glanced at the surrounding ruins and said: "Who knows, what we experienced today is incredible enough. , but judging from the traces on these incomplete buildings, they are somewhat similar to ancient Buddhist temples..."

Hearing this, Pang Bo on the side also sighed: "Buddhism? Maybe this is the Western Heaven mentioned in Buddhist legends..."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Fan was suddenly startled. Mars is in most of the night sky of the earth, and its position is indeed tilted to the west. Judging from the incredible things he encountered today, it is really possible.

Qin Mo also glanced at Pang Bo twice more, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously curved a little. Qin Mo knew what was coming a little further.

While talking, everyone quietly bypassed the huge broken wall and arrived at the end of the ruins.

In an instant, a breath of comfort hit his face, as if a divine light passed through the void and caught everyone's eyes.

Fifty meters ahead, an ancient temple sits quietly. In front of the ancient temple, an ancient Bodhi tree is as vigorous as a horned dragon. It is completely dry, with only five or six green leaves scattered about two meters above the ground. Each leaf is Crystal clear, green light shimmering, like emerald jade.

No one could have guessed that at the end of these endless ruins, the light source would be just an ancient temple that was not grand or even very small. In the temple, there was only a statue covered with a thick mask. Stone Buddha of Dust.

There were no offerings or incense, only a bronze lamp that swayed with some brilliance.

"How come there is such an ancient temple?"

"Is that the Bodhi tree in front of the temple?"

The Bodhi tree is special in Buddhism and can even be called a Buddha tree. It has a deep connection with Buddhism.

According to legend, more than 2,500 years ago, Sakyamuni attained enlightenment under an ancient Bodhi tree and achieved the status of Buddha.

Although the Bodhi tree in front of me looks extremely withered, it still has some charm. “Why do I feel like a long river of history is flowing? Everything in front of me seems to be extremely long ago, as if it has experienced the precipitation of history.”

The distance of fifty meters is not far, and it only takes a few minutes to travel, but this short distance of fifty meters and a few minutes makes everyone feel like they have received some kind of baptism.

There was a strange feeling in everyone's heart. What they saw in front of them was like an old historical picture, filled with the breath of time.

For a moment, even the anxiety and fear in my heart were reduced a lot, and my face quietly felt more peaceful.

"Is this... could it be a temple where the Buddha lives?"

The ancient temple was silent and peaceful, and no one answered their questions.

Suddenly, a burst of exclamation sounded.

"Look, there is a bronze plaque on the ancient temple with writing on it..."

It was a rusty copper plaque with four ancient characters engraved on it, like a dragon crouching and a tiger crouching, expressing endless Zen.

The Zhong Dingwen is still complex and difficult to identify, and it is vaguely similar to the traces of the word 'yinghuo' that was seen when he first arrived.

However, the first "big" character is easy to recognize. In other words, even if people don't understand Zhong Dingwen, they can still recognize some characters with simple meanings.

"The last word is 'temple'."

Among them, there is a certain understanding of Zhong Dingwen, and he can identify the last word.

"These four characters are 'Da Leiyin Temple'."

At this moment, Ye Fan read out all four words, and looked at Pang Bo with an extremely weird look.

Not only Ye Fan, but also several classmates who were close to Pang Bo also looked at Pang Bo with strange faces.

Facing the weird expressions of his good brother Ye Fan and several other classmates, Pang Bo suddenly became confused.

" nothing to do with me, I'm just talking nonsense..." Pangbo pointed to the bronze plaque of 'Da Leiyin Temple' , wanting to argue and explain.

Seeing this, Qin Mo took a few steps forward, patted Pang Bo who was at a loss, and whispered: "Let's go in, otherwise it will be too late..."

Qin Mo's voice was not loud, only Ye Fan and a few people nearby heard it.

After hearing what Qin Mo said, Ye Fan, Pang Bo and the few people nearby all thought of something. Their expressions changed slightly, and their pace quietly began to speed up, walking towards the interior of the ancient temple.

It was obvious that they all understood what Qin Mo meant in an instant.

This is on another planet. What they see in front of them is not the temples on Earth, but the Great Leiyin Temple, the legendary residence of the Buddha. Even though it has been abandoned, the things left in it are absolutely extraordinary and even have supernatural powers. .

Many of their group had already stepped into the ancient temple to search, but they were limited by their previous thinking on Earth and did not think that deeply.

After realizing this, Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and a few people nearby became even more eager to speed up their pace.

Ye Fan, who was closest to the Stone Buddha, took the lead, stepped in front of the Stone Buddha, and picked up the ancient bronze lamp that was always beside the Stone Buddha.

Although it was clearly in the ruins on the side, this ancient bronze lamp that exuded a faint light was unstained. Even as Ye Fan held the lamp, a little bit of Buddha's light shone faintly in the not-so-big temple.

The magic of the bronze lamp also awakened everyone who was originally limited in their thinking. Especially after seeing that someone among them had already gone out to find the leftover things in the ancient temple, the speed quietly accelerated.

In the Buddha's light, Ye Fan, who was holding a bronze lamp, was slightly absent-minded, and the sound of ancient Buddha and cicadas singing Sanskrit could faintly be heard in his ears.

Not only Ye Fan, but also Qin Mo, who was not far from Ye Fan, also heard the Sanskrit sound like a great bell under the light of Buddha.

"Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum..."

Under the six-character mantra, Qin Mo's heart seemed to have been wiped away from all dust, and even the emptiness and weakness in his body were reduced a lot.

"Yi Zi, Lao Qin... What's wrong with you two? Why are you so confused... Why don't you continue looking..."

In a daze, Pang Bo's shout suddenly sounded in their ears, and the two of them woke up quickly.

Compared with Ye Fan, who had nothing to gain, there were six more illusions and dimness in Qin Mo's consciousness at this moment, but they were lingering with Buddha's light and Sanskrit words.

However, it is not a gift from the ‘Da Leiyin Temple’, but rather a reflection of Qin Mo’s understanding of the Sanskrit cicada singing. It’s a pity that Qin Mo is not at his peak at this moment...

Maybe Pang Bo really didn't have that bit of luck. At this moment, Pang Bo was empty-handed.

In contrast, there are already many people holding their own dilapidated Buddhist utensils, such as Ruyi, bronze bells, or wooden fish...

However, Pang Bo was open-minded about this. After waking the two of them up, he just muttered "I don't believe I can't find anything..." and planned to continue exploring the ancient temple.

Seeing this, Ye Fan, who was barely awake from the Sanskrit music, handed over the bronze lamp in his hand and reminded in a low voice: "Pang Bo, look carefully here, and put it away no matter what it is."

Then he ignored Pang Bo's reaction, as if he had sensed some guidance, or that he had completely gotten rid of the confinement of his thoughts on the external earth, and walked straight towards the Bodhi tree outside the ancient temple.

Regarding Ye Fan's kindness, Pang Bo did not refuse and responded: "I know, don't worry."

Although it was a little strange why Ye Fan didn't stay to search, after seeing Qin Mo who was also empty-handed, Pang Bo suddenly showed a smile on his face and said boldly: "Old Qin, let's go! Brother Bo will take you to find the divine object. ·······”

After hearing this, Qin Mo, who was almost back to his senses, suddenly showed a hint of amusement in his eyes, but he did not reject Pang Bo's kindness.

However, while searching, his eyes subconsciously glanced at Ye Fan's back.

Originally, Qin Mo had no idea about the Bodhi tree 'Bodhi tree' outside the ancient temple, but the situation since he woke up and the instinctive feeling coming from the deepest part of his heart made Qin Mo take no unnecessary action.

Of course, the main reason is that the 'Bodhi Seed', which can be called the divine object of enlightenment, does not have as great an effect on Qin Mo as imagined. After all, the origin of the world is no less magical than the 'Bodhi Seed'.

At this moment, Qin Mo had already sensed some of the origin of the world, which began to escape from the classmates of Pang Bo and Ye Fan, and converged towards his eyebrows.

Although the quantity is not large, it is enough for Qin Mo's immediate use.


Even if he took Qin Mo and the two of them to search together, they still found nothing.

The depressed Pang Bo, just like the original novel, stared directly at the rusty copper plaque on the gate of the ancient temple.

······(End of this chapter)

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