As a group of people swept away, the originally neat ancient temple was now in chaos, with countless footprints everywhere, as if it had been robbed.

But everyone didn't pay attention at all. Instead, they looked at themselves or the artifacts in other people's hands that were faintly shining with divine light with great curiosity, and there was even a little eagerness on their faces.

Obviously, even if they don't know how to use these magical artifacts, they are still looking forward to and fascinated by them.

Especially a strong man in the crowd who was dragging a bronze plaque hanging on the gate of the ancient temple was bragging to the two people next to him. As for the bronze lamp that Ye Fan lent him, there was no trace of it. nostalgia.

"This thing is really awesome..."

Pang Bo stroked the rusty copper plaque with excitement on his face.

Although the bronze plaque is covered with patina, it is extremely solid in terms of feel and texture, which perfectly complements the strong and sturdy Pang Bo.

Looking at Qin Mo, who was still empty-handed at this moment, Pang Bo suddenly said with great pride: "It's okay, Old Qin, I and Ye Zi will protect you from now on..."

After saying that, he boldly clapped the bronze plaque in his hand, and a crisp concussion echoed instantly.

The ancient temple in front of it seemed to have reached its extreme. As the sound of vibrations sounded, Wuhan began to tremble, and the stone Buddha inside instantly cracked numerous cracks, making "clicking" and "clicking" sounds.

The next moment, Sanskrit sounds sounded in vain in the void.

"Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum..."

The incomparably majestic six-character Buddhist mantra resounded throughout the sky, shaking the sky, and making the whole sky and earth tremble!

The compassionate, solemn, sublime and mysterious Zen sounds are so vast that they wash away dirt and mundane worlds. The entire area around the ancient temple is bathed in a sacred and peaceful light.

At the same time, all the artifacts that everyone found in the Buddhist temple, whether intact or damaged, all emitted a soft glow, shining brightly, which shocked everyone.

However, there was a loud "boom" in the end.

The stone Buddha in the ancient temple was shattered and turned into fly ash, and then the Daleiyin Temple was also turned into powder in a breeze.


The ancient bodhi tree accompanying the ancient temple was also annihilated, leaving no trace behind and turned directly into fly ash.

The shining Buddhist instruments in everyone's hands seemed to have reached their limit, all dimmed, and returned to ordinaryness again.


"what happened······"

Everyone looked blankly at the ancient temple that had turned into ashes and the area where the Bodhi tree was located.

Among them, several classmates who were closer to Pang Bo subconsciously said: "Pang Bo...could it be because of you..."

But before Pang Bo could open his mouth to argue, Ye Fan, who was holding a bronze lamp, stepped forward slightly. With a slight indifference in his eyes, he stared at the ancient temple and the area where the Bodhi tree was located, as well as the Buddhist utensils held by everyone, and said calmly: "It's not because of Pombo..."

As Ye Fan's words fell, the people next to him all shrank slightly subconsciously. Obviously they also knew that this was definitely not something Pang Bo could do, and they just subconsciously wanted to shirk it.

Pang Bo also breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to thank Ye Fan, but before he could speak, a not-so-fluent Chinese language sounded, with uncontrollable panic in his voice.

"Sandstorm...a super storm on Mars!"

Cade, the only foreigner in the crowd, pointed in the distance and shouted in a panic.

In just an instant, the originally peaceful and peaceful sky with stars and moon completely disappeared. Endless reddish-brown sand completely covered the sky, and a huge storm swept across Mars began.

And under this ancient temple, it was like another dimension, where the terrifying aura rose in vain, and the vast demonic energy instantly washed away the entire void.

The blood-colored vertical pupils with extremely bloodthirsty, cold, and terrifying murderous intent lit up again, and the blood-colored eyes seemed to penetrate the void.

"Crunch!" "Crunch!" "Crunch!"

It seemed that even the space could not withstand the horror, and it creaked.

The shocking and dangerous Qi instantly made Qin Mo's pupils shrink, and his gaze quickly swept across the surrounding void. The originally stable space and barrier were filled with a terrifying Qi.

The barrier light above the sky began to dim rapidly.

The next moment, the already terrifying crisis escalated several steps again, and the naked, bloody and cold gaze fell instantly, directly making Qin Mo's blood run cold.

Qin Mo's face instantly became extremely cold. It was obvious... that he was being targeted.

No, it’s not just him, Ye Fan and Pang Bo are also being targeted...

But this is normal. Ye Fan and Pang Bo did it because of the blood contained in their bodies, and Qin Mo...

"Are you targeting me?"

Even though Qin Mo was in an extremely empty and weak state at the moment, his body, consciousness and even soul were trembling unconsciously suppressed by Crocodile Ancestor's extremely terrifying life level.

But Qin Mo didn't have much fear in his heart, and he was staring into the void where his malicious eyes were.

Without Sakyamuni's seal, Qin Mo would naturally not dare to be so presumptuous. After all, he was at least a saint...

But even after thousands of years, even the Great Thunder Sound Temple and the Bodhi tree were turned into ashes, the seals set up by Sakyamuni still suppressed most of Crocodile Ancestor's power.

Only a tiny trace of power could barely escape through the gap in the cracked seal.

Obviously, Crocodile Ancestor under the seal also noticed Qin Mo's gaze. To Crocodile Ancestor, a being as weak as an ant, Qin Mo, dared to look directly at him and seek death...

Instantly... the malicious gaze that fell on Qin Mo became more shocking and terrifying.


"Flee towards the direction of the giant bronze coffin!"

"The giant bronze coffin can take us from the Earth to Mars, and it can definitely take us away from Mars...that is our only chance of survival..."

At this moment, everyone was not at all excited about getting the magical Buddhist artifact. They were all running in the direction they came from, crying for their parents.

Pang Bo, who had already run a certain distance, felt that something was missing and glanced behind him subconsciously.

Looking at Qin Mo who was staying in place as if in a daze, a trace of hesitation suddenly flashed in his eyes, but the next moment, he quickly turned back, carrying the bronze plaque like a door panel, and pulling Qin Mo towards the direction of the giant bronze coffin. Escape.

Ye Fan beside him also followed closely behind.

While running away, he shouted: "Old Qin, what's wrong with you? Why are you so stunned? Why don't you run away quickly..."

The bronze plaque, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, seemed to be nothing on Pang Bo's shoulder at the moment. It seemed to be vaguely connected to it, just like breathing. In terms of physical fitness alone, both Pang Bo and Ye Fan are undoubtedly the best among everyone, not to mention Qin Mo.

Even after going back tens of meters, he caught up with everyone easily and even ran directly to the front.

It was only a thousand meters away, but everyone felt as if they were separated by a vast ocean.

The vast ruins of the Heavenly Palace are littered with rubble. It is undoubtedly a difficult journey to walk. Some people even sprained their feet here because they were walking too fast, but they did not dare to stop for a moment. They endured the pain and moved forward quickly, unwilling to fall behind.

After all, everyone knows that this distance is related to their life and death. If the light shield in the sky is broken before reaching the five-color altar, then they will undoubtedly die.

Everyone even knew in their hearts that maybe the giant bronze coffin might not be able to protect their safety, but... that was the only hope they could see.

They have no choice...


While fleeing, a painful scream made everyone's hearts tighten in vain.

Their eyes subconsciously looked towards the direction where the screams came from.

I saw a woman falling down among the ruins full of dust and rubble, without any chance of survival.

His face was extremely frightened, and there was a blood hole about the thickness of his thumb pierced through his forehead. The blood was gurgling and it was extremely weird.

"what happened?!"

Everyone was terrified, and their hearts were full of fear. A living life died suddenly, and the way of death was still so weird.

Everyone thought of the skull they saw when they came here, especially the extremely terrifying traces inside the skull, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

At this moment, the malice Qin Mo felt reached its peak, and the terrifying malice even began to erode Qin Mo's soul.

Obviously, that malicious gaze also knew that the dissipated power could not pose any danger to Qin Mo, but chose to use soul means.


A simple, thick tremor sounded in vain in the sea of ​​consciousness, quickly blocking this malicious erosion.

At the same time, in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness, the six condensed and superficial perceptions shrouded in Buddha light and Sanskrit sounds, seemingly illusory and dim, mysterious words lit up in vain.

"Om!" "Ah!" "What!" "Ba!" "Mi!" "Hum!"

Just like the cicadas of the ancient Buddha, the magnificent six-character mantra reverberated instantly, driving away all the erosion of Crocodile Ancestor with endless malice.

Vaguely, Qin Mo seemed to hear an extremely angry and unwilling roar.

Outside, everyone looked at the hole in the forehead of the dead girl with great panic, as if there was a great terror hidden in it.

"Go quickly..."

At the moment of life and death, they no longer cared about the body of the female classmate. They did not stop, nor did they dare to stop, and rushed towards the five-color altar.


The bright Buddha's light lit up in vain, illuminating a classmate in the crowd like a divine general.

"There is a monster...there is a monster sneak attack..."

A slightly trembling voice sounded, but even so, the speed still did not dare to slow down at all.

"Have you seen clearly what it is?"

Pang Bo's voice sounded from the front, obviously trying to figure out the source of the danger. Pang Bo, who seemed carefree, rough and bold, was acting extremely calm at the moment.

", I just felt a terrible breath enveloped my whole body, and then the copper bell suddenly vibrated..."

As soon as these words came out, the people who had just found the Buddhist artifacts from the Great Leiyin Temple thought of the key, and subconsciously clenched the broken Buddhist artifacts in their hands, with extremely nervous expressions in their eyes.

Sure enough, the next moment, the painful screams sounded again, and the source was a classmate who did not have a Buddhist utensil in his hand.

A bloody hole as thick as a finger also appeared in the center of his forehead, with blood flowing gurglingly. The same way of death, the same weirdness, the same horror...

At this moment, the eyes of the being with nothing in his hand showed a look of extreme fear, and he quickly approached the person who had gained something in the temple, with an almost pleading look in his eyes.

" me..."

"Help us..."

But at this moment, everyone knew that the Buddhist instrument in their hands was the only life-saving straw. They did not dare and would not give in. They even moved away quickly, as if they were avoiding the plague god, as if they were afraid of the approach of the people in front of them.

Just as everyone expected, the screams sounded again.

Obviously, another person without the protection of Buddhist instruments was attacked by the unknown and inexplicable thing.

In the short distance of one kilometer, nearly ten people died, all with the unknown and inexplicable terror penetrating their skulls.

Even this is because everyone chose to share Buddhist utensils during the second half of the journey. Otherwise, those who did not have Buddhist utensils would die in this short distance of one thousand meters.

The people who survived looked at the five-color altar shrouded in halo in front of them, their eyes showing the hope of surviving the disaster.


The hazy light shield in the sky continued to melt, the thunder-like storm outside was rumbling, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking. Everyone climbed onto the five-color altar and watched everything nervously.

The terrifying existence of unknown things in the dark lingers in everyone's hearts like a shadow. Although it has not appeared for the time being, it is still a threat as long as they don't leave here. Everyone is eager to escape from Mars.

It lasted for half an hour. The dim light shield continued to compress, and finally it could only cover the five-color altar. The diameter had shrunk from more than a thousand meters to less than 200 meters, and it almost fell to the ground. All the mysterious energy was Absorbed by the Five Color Altar.

At this moment, Qin Mo stared closely outside the light shield, with an extremely solemn look in his eyes.

The rest of the people had similar expressions on their faces, but unlike everyone who was worried about maintaining the mask, Qin Mo was more worried about the clone of Crocodile Ancestor hidden outside the mask.

Qin Mo could clearly sense that outside the light shield, the malicious wave directed at him was getting stronger and stronger. The surging demonic energy and blood were extremely suppressed and locked, as if a fatal blow might break out at any time.


Before Qin Mo could wait for the fatal blow from Crocodile Ancestor's clone, he was waiting for an unexpected existence...

A seemingly ordinary figure quietly appeared behind Qin Mo at some point, raising his hands slightly.

Sensing the fluctuation of the breath behind him, Qin Mo's eyes quickly showed a hint of coldness and indifference.

······(End of this chapter)

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