"What are you going to do!"

Qin Mo turned slightly, obviously not very fast, but he very accurately grabbed the hands behind him that wanted to push him out of the light barrier.

The owner of these hands is an ordinary-looking man who even looks faintly cowardly.

Pang Bo, who was beside him, reacted instantly when he saw this. He stepped forward and grabbed the man's neck, and said angrily: "You actually want to kill someone, this wolf-hearted thing, if we hadn't slowed down just now, we would have shared the Buddhist utensils with you. , you would have died outside."

Pang Bo's voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, and their expressions varied for a moment. After all, in this situation, people were already panicking.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Pang Bo and Ye Fan were undoubtedly the strongest people present except Qin Mo. Under Pang Bo's huge suppression, the man had no ability to resist at all and almost lost his temper.

Ye Fan also had a cold look, but compared to Pang Bo who took action, Ye Fan's eyes instantly locked onto an invisible small group among the crowd.

It was obvious that he guessed the reason in an instant.

I'm afraid targeting Qin Mo is just a pretext, but the ultimate goal is him and Pang Bo...

Sure enough, the next moment...

This man who looked faintly timid didn't have the slightest trace of guilt on his face. He seemed to have noticed the gathering gazes of everyone, but there was a hint of ferocity in his eyes as he struggled to look at Qin Mo.

"Cough...cough cough..."

"Ahem... He's just a stranger. If it weren't for him, we would have had one more classmate alive..."

"Ahem...he deserves to die..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed, and a trace of unreasonable hatred flashed in the eyes of some of those who did not have Buddhist utensils in their hands.

The atmosphere in the venue quietly began to change. Although the only foreigner among them, Cade, was not familiar with Chinese, he could understand the simple Chinese words "stranger" and "damn", even for the people at this moment. He didn't quite understand the situation, but he also vaguely felt something was wrong. His pupils shrank slightly and he quietly became quiet.

He is outgoing and boisterous, but not stupid...

Pang Bo, who didn't notice the change in the atmosphere in the field, heard this and suddenly showed a ridiculous expression on his face, saying: "What are you talking about..."

But before Pang Bo finished his speech, a male classmate from behind the crowd suddenly came forward and advised: "Pang Bo, let go! We have been classmates for four years, don't do this..."

"Let go? Why...this is murder. If Lao Qin hadn't reacted quickly..."

It was only then that Pang Bo noticed the change in expressions on everyone's faces. His words froze for a moment, and then he seemed to realize something, and there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes: "You all think so?"

The few people who were looked directly at by Pang Bo immediately looked away subconsciously. At this time, another male classmate came forward to persuade: "After all, we come from the same place. Now we should be in the same boat. If you have anything to say, let him go first."

Hearing this, Pang Bo suddenly sneered and said: "Haha... We are in the same boat. This is a guy who dares to kill people. Do you dare to trust your back to such a vicious bastard?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and their eyes instantly became wary when they looked at the male classmate.

No, not only the male classmate, but also the college classmate beside him who had been his classmate for four years quietly felt a little wary in his heart.

The male classmate who was choked by Pang Bo seemed to have noticed the change in everyone's gazes. A flash of panic flashed across his face, and he seemed to be struggling to explain.

"No...no, we are all classmates, only that..."

But before he could finish his words, he was struck dizzy by several big-eared melon seeds from Pang Bo, completely interrupting the explanation he wanted to say.

Seeing the farce in front of him, Cade, the foreigner in the crowd, quietly took a half step back, as if he wanted to hide his figure.

Ye Xiaoman beside him seemed to have noticed Cade's movements, and moved his steps slightly to block Cade's front.

Seeing this, a girl spoke again: "Okay, Pang Bo, don't cause trouble, if you have something to say, put him down first, and let's discuss how to deal with him. I don't think you want to either..." "

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was undoubtedly very obvious.

Pang Bo suddenly laughed angrily. He was about to say something, but was stopped by Qin Mo beside him.

"Pang Bo, let him go..."

It was an extremely calm voice, but it directly caused the hearts of everyone present except Ye Fan and Pang Bo to freeze.

Especially for the being who had just been attacked, his pupils were quietly dilated.

When Pang Bo heard Qin Mo's voice, a trace of anxiety suddenly appeared on his face, and he obviously didn't intend to let him go so easily: "Old Qin..."

But before Pang Bo could finish his speech, Ye Fan suddenly patted Pang Bo and gave a slight gesture with his eyes.

As the best brother in college, even though the two have not seen each other for a long time, their tacit understanding has not diminished at all. Pang Bo instantly understood the meaning in Ye Fan's eyes and looked at Qin Mo subconsciously.

Seeing the faint aura emanating from Qin Mo's body, the original anger on Pang Bo's face disappeared in vain, replaced by a trace of strangeness, and the arm holding his neck quietly relaxed.

But the male student who was put down did not choose to retreat at this moment, or in other words, was unable to retreat.

Under Qin Mo's indifferent gaze, as if he had met a predator at the top of the food chain, his body began to tremble continuously, and he could not even speak. There seemed to be a faint smell... ··

Even though Qin Mo is still in a state of extreme emptiness and weakness at this moment, it is not something that ordinary people can compare to.

Qin Mo didn't pay any attention to the male classmate who collapsed in front of him, almost stunned by fright. After all, he was just a fool who was being used. His indifferent eyes looked directly at the leader of the invisible group in the crowd. '.

Although Qin Mo's eyes did not fall on everyone, it still made everyone's breathing stagnant, as if a thousand pounds of weight were weighed on their hearts.

There was a hint of ugliness on the face of the 'boss' who was facing Qin Mo's gaze, and a trace of regret flashed in the deepest part of his eyes. Liu Yunzhi subconsciously clenched the vajra pestle in his hand, as if this could bring him a sense of security. feel.

It's a pity that this is a Buddhist weapon. It only targets aliens and has no effect on Qin Mo. If Qin Mo is willing, he can even make him fall into 'silence' with just a thought.

Seeing that Liu Yunzhi, who he had always disliked without saying a word, was acting like a powerful enemy, Pang Bo suddenly showed a hint of excitement in his eyes.

He even couldn't help but whisper to Ye Fan beside him.

"Good guy, there is definitely something real about this guy Lao Qin. Is he really the legendary Taoist master?" Pang Bo speculated excitedly as he looked at Qin Mo's clothes that had a faint Taoist charm.

"No wonder it is often said in martial arts novels that Taoist priests and monks are among the people who should not be offended when traveling in the world..."  "Hehe, that guy Liu Yunzhi probably kicked the iron plate, he deserves it..."

When Ye Fan heard Pang Bo's voice, his face suddenly showed a trace of laughter and tears, but there was a faint glint in his eyes when he looked at Qin Mo.

The 'Bodhi Seed' in his pocket shone even more faintly, and vaguely, Ye Fan seemed to see a bottle of simple and mysterious things, as if a giant cauldron carrying the world enveloped Qin Mo.

But it only passed for a fleeting moment, and then disappeared completely.

Ye Fan, who only thought he was hallucinating, shook his head slightly and responded: "Liu Yunzhi was originally planning to target us, so we should keep an eye on him. After all, that guy has a complete Buddhist artifact in his hand, and we can't really let Lao Qin suffer." ·····”

When Pang Bo heard this, he looked at Qin Mo who was gradually getting closer to Liu Yunzhi, and a trace of regret suddenly appeared on his face, saying: "Damn... If you didn't tell me earlier, if you had known better, I would have borrowed your bronze lamp." Give it to Lao Qin..."

Obviously they have known each other for less than a few hours, but Ye Fan and Pang Bo really regard Qin Mo as their friends. At least they are much closer than some of their classmates who have been classmates for four years, and even the Buddha in their hands to protect their lives. All the equipment is willing to be lent.

The whispers between Pang Bo and Ye Fan may not be heard by others, but to Qin Mo, they are very clear. His footsteps paused for a moment, and the indifference and coldness in his eyes were reduced by a few points.

However, this is only for Pang Bo and Ye Fan, and other people are not included.

"Ta!" "Ta!" "Ta!" "Ta!" "Ta!" "Ta!"

The sound of slight footsteps was still clearly audible even in the storm, as if they were stepping on everyone's hearts.

Liu Yunzhi, who was facing Qin Mo, had an extremely stiff expression on his face at this moment. He could only maintain a trace of dignity. Looking at Qin Mo who was approaching him, he managed to squeeze out a smile. He held the vajra pestle in his hand. The fingers even turned a little pale.

"Qin...Mr. Qin, what do you want from me?"

Although Liu Yunzhi didn't know Qin Mo or even knew Qin Mo's full name, he heard Qin Mo's surname from Pang Bo and Ye Fan.

Looking at Liu Yunzhi who was pretending to be calm in front of him, Qin Mo's extremely calm voice sounded.

"Is it fun······"

Liu Yunzhi's expression changed instantly, and a little sweat began to appear on his forehead unconsciously. The vajra pestle in his hand, which had been responding vaguely, was extremely quiet at the moment.

"What...what do you mean..."

Beside Liu Yunzhi, a male classmate wanted to speak, but as Qin Mo glanced away, he froze in place and could no longer say anything.

Ignoring the reactions of others, Qin Mo's voice sounded again.

"Is it fun······"

The same three words were a bit colder than before.

It was obviously just three plain words, but it instantly made the hearts of Liu Yunzhi and several classmates beside him tremble in vain, and the hairs on their bodies suddenly started to rise.

This method was something Qin Mo had just learned from Crocodile Ancestor. Although it was just a crude imitation, it turned out to be surprisingly useful.

At this moment, Liu Yunzhi could no longer pretend to be calm, and turned into panic. He responded with a slight trembling: "No...it's not fun..."

Looking at Liu Yunzhi, who was shaking like chaff, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly flashed with boredom.

But even though it was boring, it didn't mean that Qin Mo would choose to let it go. He stretched his right hand directly towards Liu Yunzhi, as if to indicate something.

Seeing this, Liu Yunzhi somehow directly handed over the vajra pestle he was holding tightly in his hand. His fingers were obviously turned white from the grip, but he handed it over without hesitation.

Feeling the meaning of 'Vajra subduing demons' in the vajra pestle in his palm, the light in Qin Mo's eyes flashed away, and the six-character mantra lingering in the sea of ​​​​the Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds quietly became stronger.

"Thank you!"

Qin Mo accepted Liu Yunzhi's vajra pestle without any courtesy, and even thanked him calmly, then turned and walked directly towards Pang Bo and Ye Fan.

Hearing Qin Mo's thanks, Liu Yunzhi, who was still a little confused, subconsciously responded: "No... you're welcome..."

Not only Liu Yunzhi, but everyone except Pang Bo and Ye Fan did not react.


After all, Pang Bo couldn't hold back his smile and started laughing heartily. Ye Fan on the side couldn't help laughing.

And as the laughter of the two people rang out, everyone woke up from a dream, and they all showed incredulous eyes. How could Liu Yunzhi hand over the life-saving thing in his hand so easily... ··

He didn't notice anything unusual about himself at all.

Liu Yunzhi's face turned extremely pale instantly, but looking at Qin Mo's back, he didn't have the courage to speak.

Seeing Qin Mo come back, Pang Bo couldn't help it anymore. He dragged Qin Mo directly by dragging the bronze plaque like a door panel, and asked in a low voice with great curiosity: "Old Qin, did you just use the legendary Taoism can actually make that guy Liu Yunzhi..."

As he spoke, Pang Bo looked at the vajra pestle in Qin Mo's hand with envy. After all, they were the only three complete Buddhist utensils left in the Great Leiyin Temple...

Not only Pang Bo, but Ye Fan on the side also pricked up his ears and looked at Qin Mo with great curiosity. Compared to Pang Bo's simple curiosity, Ye Fan was undoubtedly more concerned about the legend.

Hearing this, Qin Mo just smiled and said: "What kind of Taoism, it's just the simplest 'hypnosis'..."


Pang Bo and Ye Fan both showed a hint of weirdness. Although they had seen hypnosis on the earth's Internet, it was definitely not as magical as Qin Mo's performance.

In fact, Qin Mo did not lie. This is indeed an extremely simple form of 'hypnosis'. It is even just an imitation of Crocodile Ancestor's method of suppressing malicious consciousness. It can basically be used as long as the mental power or soul strength is up to standard. out.

······(End of this chapter)

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