
An extremely dull shattering sound sounded in vain, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

The already precarious light shield on the periphery was actually broken into a thumb-sized crack at this moment, as if it had been penetrated by something terrible. The terrifying crisis instantly made everyone present's heart beat.

Obviously, everyone was thinking of the terrifying existence that had just killed their classmates along the way.

The dangerous energy Qin Mo sensed reached its peak in an instant, and unabashed malicious thoughts attacked Qin Mo crazily.

Sure enough, the next moment...

Several rays of extremely dark light were like sharp arrows, shooting straight in the direction of Qin Mo.

The terrifying speed was such that no one even had time to react, and it was many times stronger than what everyone encountered in the original work of Zhe Tian.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo next to Qin Mo only had a hint of shock and anger in their eyes.

However, the fact that others could not react in time did not mean that Qin Mo could not react in time. Although the speed of these crocodile ancestor clones was terrifying, it was far from the level that Qin Mo could not react.

Originally, if Qin Mo had no Buddhist weapon in his hand, even if these obviously stronger Crocodile Ancestor clones could not cause any harm to Qin Mo, they would still be enough to cause a lot of trouble, and they might even need to use the extremely heavy-wearing Qiankun Cauldron. '.

But it’s a pity...

Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and the six-character mantra lingering in the sea of ​​​​consciousness with Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds instantly burst out with extremely bright golden Buddha's light. The silent Vajra pestle in his palm seemed to feel something, and the 'god' that was almost annihilated suddenly revived.

"Om!" "Ah!" "What!" "Ba!" "Mi!" "Hum!"

Just like the ancient Buddha's cicada singing, the six-character mantra of Buddhism echoed in the void. The bright Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds instantly covered the small light shield.

Faintly, the shadow of a vast and immeasurable Buddha appeared.

Under the mighty Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds, the several jet-black lights that burst out towards Qin Mo seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid and quickly began to melt away.

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

The corroded voice and the incomparable resentment and anger in the dark light, like the miserable wails and screams of the Nine Nether Ghosts, suddenly sounded out.

The terrifying sound instantly made everyone present tremble with fear, and their eyes were filled with fright. Those who did not have the protection of the Buddhist artifacts in their hands immediately became excited and frantically approached the nearby classmates who had the Buddhist artifacts.

And he hugged it tightly, not daring to let go at all.

The Buddhist utensils in everyone's hands also seemed to be stimulated, and they all burst out with bright Buddha light.

For a moment, this small space of light seemed to have transformed into a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

The expression on Liu Yunzhi's face, who had been taken away by Qin Mo, was even more distorted.

This powerful Buddhist weapon should have been his...

But at this moment, he didn't dare to make any move at all, and could only hug the classmate who had the Buddhist utensil next to him.

But even so, it still couldn't intimidate the terror outside the light barrier, and even under the shining of Buddha's light, it seemed to be irritated.

The already illusory light shield instantly began to tremble to a degree visible to the naked eye.




The light shield was instantly broken open with hundreds of knuckle-sized holes, and the dense and terrifying ghostly light was like a wave. Even with the restraint of the Buddha's light, it still flooded everyone in an extremely crazy manner.

The harsh corrosive sounds and miserable screams instantly made everyone dizzy, and the terrifying Qi machine like an ancient beast made everyone's bodies tremble subconsciously.

Under the Buddha's light, everyone finally saw clearly the figure in the dim light. It was a terrifying creature that was no bigger than a knuckle and shaped like a crocodile, but was even uglier.

Hundreds of eyes were as cold as evil spirits, as if they had sworn hatred against everyone, or as if they were beasts that had been hungry for countless years, staring at everyone with great resentment and covetousness.

Extremely ferocious and cruel.

If it were not for the protection of the Buddha's light, these hundreds of sinister gazes alone would be enough to make everyone present lose any ability to resist.

"What the hell is this?" A classmate trembled with fear.

Thousands of meters away, the terrifying demon under the Great Thunder Sound Temple seemed to sense that his clone was being annihilated by the Buddha's light that had suppressed him for thousands of years. His cruel and terrifying blood-colored vertical pupils instantly burst out with extremely vicious murderous intent. .


A huge roar that made people's souls tremble instantly came from the direction of Da Leiyin Temple!

Following this soul-stirring roar, the sandstorm outside seemed to have stopped for an instant, because there was no other sound in the world, only the rolling roar of the beast.

The earth continued to shake, the five-color altar shook, the storm outside was completely suppressed, and the Buddha's light lingering in the light barrier also began to tremble crazily.

Like a wave, hundreds of jet-black lights fell directly into a violent state, and the impact speed became more and more terrifying. They didn't care about their own lives at all, and they bit everyone crazily.


The faces of several beings protected by Buddha's light at the edge all turned pale, and the Buddhist vessels that originally emitted Buddha's light in their hands cracked in vain.

After all, it was just a broken Buddhist vessel. The light flickered for a few times and then completely lost its charm.

Feeling the fragments of Buddhist artifacts that had completely lost all power and charm in their hands, the faces of the students on the edge suddenly showed a look of despair.



Just enough time to let out a whimper.

The next moment, the light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and a bloody hole the size of a knuckle appeared on his forehead. Scarlet blood flowed out, and his face was extremely desperate.

"Come on!"

"Creak, creak, creak!"

The sounds of gnawing, bone grinding, and sucking were like a fright from hell, instantly silencing everyone.

Among them, the person holding the incomplete Buddhist vessel in his hand looked at the classmates around him and his eyes quickly began to change. The incomplete Buddhist vessel might...

As if aware of everyone's abnormality, Ye Fan, who was holding a bronze lamp in his hand and constantly burning and burning the Crocodile Ancestor's clone, spoke quickly.

"Everyone gathers together and retreats towards the giant bronze coffin!"

Ye Fan's voice instantly woke up the shocked people. They subconsciously followed Ye Fan's order and quickly began to gather.

In just a moment, the mask was already riddled with holes. Even with the suppression of Buddha's light, the number of pitch-black lights within the mask reached more than a thousand. Outside the mask, there was still constant rustling, and endless terror and madness moved towards it. Biting within the light shield, there was no fear at all.

Fortunately, everyone was not far away from the giant bronze coffin, and no Buddhist vessels were broken during the retreat.

At this moment, whether the five-color altar absorbed enough energy or the blood sacrifice of the crocodile ancestor's avatar that was annihilated in the Buddha's light was sufficient, the Tai Chi Bagua diagram reappeared, which was a sign of opening up the ancient road to the starry sky.

The Tai Chi Bagua diagram in the sky has taken shape, with the solidity and texture of metal, as if it was cast from hundreds of alchemy.

Around it, the space is distorted and the light is hazy. The Bagua symbols corresponding to Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, and Kan glow one after another, like a set of mysterious and ancient codes shining. The eight hexagram symbols have flashed hundreds or thousands of times in complicated arrangements and combinations.

Inside the giant bronze coffin, everyone who saw the Tai Chi Bagua diagram floating in the sky had a hint of hope on their faces.

But in the next moment, a horrifying roar seemed to tear through the void. From the ruins of the Great Thunder Sound Temple a thousand meters away, extremely tragic fluctuations surged over the sky, and the brutal and bloodthirsty blood-red vertical pupils stared instantly.


The earth completely cracked, and a huge thing rose into the sky, shaking the sky!

In an instant, everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, feeling that their souls were about to leave their bodies. Everyone almost collapsed on the altar, with a look of despair on their faces.

Two huge blood eyes like lanterns, approaching from far away in the darkness, are approaching quickly!

At this moment, even Qin Mo couldn't suppress his trembling. This was the real holy power. If it weren't for the protection of that layer of light, just facing it head-on would be enough to annihilate everyone.

Looking at the huge demonic figure thousands of meters away, Qin Mo showed an extremely solemn expression on his face. He felt the source of the world as shallow as a puddle between his eyebrows, and a hint of physical pain appeared in his eyes.

Now is no different than before. The world origin accumulated in the Douluo World has been exhausted, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' is also seriously damaged. Qin Mo even dares not to lift the time and space freeze of the internal world. The world origin in it cannot be used at all. Use.

The origin of the world at the center of his eyebrows at this moment is still what he managed to gather after waking up, and there is not much at all.

But feeling the terrifying and malicious thoughts of Crocodile Ancestor that locked him completely, Qin Mo had no choice but to use it.


Ninety percent of the source of the world, which was as shallow as a puddle at the center of the eyebrows, instantly evaporated, and invisible magical fluctuations quickly connected the Buddhist instruments held in everyone's hands.

In an instant, the almost silent and extinct ‘god’ in the Buddhist vessel seemed to be injected with life, and an extremely bright Buddha light burst out in an instant.


An immeasurable Buddha, no smaller than the behemoth a thousand meters away, condensed instantly, and the vast Sanskrit sound quickly turned into endless chains that penetrated the void, quickly sealing the behemoth a thousand meters away.

"Roar!!!" "Roar!!!" "Roar!!!"

"Crash!" "Crash!" "Crash!"

Crazy roars and the sound of chains clashing echoed loudly.


At this moment, the giant bronze coffin on the five-color altar suddenly made a trembling sound.

The behemoth struggling crazily was in vain, and its brutal and bloodthirsty red vertical pupils instantly revealed a look of uncertainty.

And the eyes of everyone who heard this voice instantly showed the light of hope.

But the next moment, a thunderous roar sounded.

The already violent and terrifying crocodile shadows around them completely fell into madness. The dense and almost endless dark crocodile shadows instantly surrounded the five-color altar. It was obvious that the crocodile ancestor was afraid of the giant bronze coffin, but he made these terrifying crocodile shadows test it.

In just this moment, several living lives were annihilated again, blood spattered, and countless terrifying crocodile shadows scrambled to burrow into their torsos and heads. In less than a second, they were completely turned into bones.


In the distance, Crocodile Ancestor saw that there was no abnormal reaction from the copper coffin, and roared again. The overwhelming arrogance exploded, and the clanking sound of chains sounded again, and there was even a faint sound of breaking.

The terrifying and cruel blood-colored vertical pupils shone brightly in the darkness, full of greed and bloodthirsty, like a demon wind howling like a ghost and a wolf howling crazily.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

The countless phantoms of Buddha on the five-color altar cracked in vain.


The next moment, the countless Buddhas and chains shattered, and the endless Buddha light was instantly replaced by a black demonic cloud that covered the sky and the sun.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's face suddenly showed a trace of urgency, his eyes quickly locked on the Tai Chi Bagua diagram condensed on the five-color altar, and a mysterious light quietly appeared in his eyes.

As this ray of light appeared, time and space began to fluctuate in vain. The Tai Chi Bagua diagram condensed in the sky seemed to be supplemented by some kind of power. The door to the starry sky opened instantly, the bright starlight quickly shone, and the mysterious and huge passage appeared again.

As a price, Qin Mo's breath dropped instantly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness was full of cracks, as if it might break at any time.

In an instant, the nine huge dragon corpses that were originally silent suddenly began to tremble.

Even if the dragon standing side by side with the god loses its vitality, it cannot be desecrated. The extremely powerful dragon energy bursts out, and the black demonic cloud that is constantly flooding towards the five-color altar begins to freeze and dissipate.

The terrifying crocodile shadow on the five-color altar was even more frightened, lying on the ground, as if it was completely shocked, and began to retreat like a tide.

In the black demon cloud, two brutal and horrifying blood-colored pupils quietly erupted, and a pair of ferocious claws that covered the sky spread out instantly, as if they wanted to forcibly grab the giant bronze coffin.

Inside the giant bronze coffin, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a hint of helplessness when he saw this scene, and the few remaining sources of the world between his eyebrows evaporated again.

The Buddhist instruments in everyone's hands were awakened again, but what was different from just now was that the more incomplete ones exploded to pieces, obviously reaching their limit.

The ancient bronze lamps, the bronze plaque of Daleiyin Temple, alms bowls, vajra pestles, fish drums and other relatively complete Buddhist utensils were dazzling with brilliance, instantly turning into endless Buddhist flames that spread crazily towards Crocodile Ancestor.

It actually forced Crocodile Ancestor back a few steps, and the ferocious claws grasped towards the bronze coffin shrank crazily, and extremely charred burn marks appeared.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and nine huge dragon corpses slowly flew towards the starry sky gate.


The giant bronze coffin shook and turned over. Everyone suddenly felt like the world was spinning. The lid of the bronze coffin shook in vain, as if it was about to close.

Seeing this, Crocodile Ancestor's blood-colored vertical pupils burst out with a cold gaze, which instantly turned into a stream of light. He actually planned to rush in before the coffin lid was closed!

But before Crocodile Ancestor could get closer, the carvings of ancient ancestors and gods on the coffin walls covered with patina, as well as the bronze patterns of ferocious birds and wild beasts from the prehistoric times, all emitted a hazy brilliance, and the terrifying energy instantly caused Crocodile Ancestor stopped.

The endless Buddhist flames transformed by many Buddhist instruments seemed to have noticed something, and they began to condense instantly, turning into a towering Buddha palm, and slammed towards Crocodile Ancestor.


An extremely violent shock resounded, and Crocodile Ancestor was directly overturned.

Immediately, many Buddhist artifacts turned into several streams of light and returned to the giant bronze coffin.

The next moment, the bronze coffin lid was completely closed, and nine huge dragon corpses pulled the bronze coffin and instantly sank into the starry sky gate.

The Tai Chi Bagua diagram on the five-color altar instantly turned into countless light spots and dissipated into the void.


With endless violent and crazy roars, a storm of destruction instantly set off on Mars.

······(End of this chapter)

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