The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 280 Dantian turns into a sea of ​​suffering! The world’s practice rules have changed!

A few hours later, everyone climbed over several hills and avoided many dangerous areas. Looking at the 'Immortal Palace' that was getting closer, although they were exhausted physically and mentally, the light in their eyes was extremely shining.

Even Qin Mo showed a hint of splendor when he looked at the 'Immortal Palace' in the distance, which was 'far away but out of reach'. Although the 'Immortal Palace' did not have much ink in the sky, it was undoubtedly a huge scene. Opportunity.

Anyone who has been lucky enough to enter the "Immortal Palace" has been given a lot of opportunities. "Elixirs" and "secret techniques" all exist, and there are even formations in the "Immortal Palace" that lead directly to the emperor's path.

It's a pity that it's not that easy to enter the 'Immortal Palace'. At least at this moment, it is impossible for them and they have no chance to enter.

Feeling the fluctuations that gradually began to rise in Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and the rest of the surviving people, Qin Mo suddenly moved his brows slightly and thought to himself: 'Are they completely out of the 'Ancient Forbidden Land'? '

The moment he remembered it, Qin Mo felt a blazing demonic flame suddenly rising up in his body, and it was a blazing demonic flame that was fueled by life essence and life essence.


The moment he felt that his lifespan seemed to be ignited, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of light, and he quickly maximized his perception.

According to the records in Zhe Tianzhong, if ordinary people who have not entered the path of spiritual practice successfully escape from the 'Ancient Forbidden Land', they can activate the 'Sea of ​​Suffering'.

Qin Mo's body already has the Dantian where the spiritual power of cultivation is gathered, and the location of the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' is exactly the same as the 'Lower Dantian'.

But it is obvious that the 'Dantian' and the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' are not the same, or in other words, the 'Dantian' and the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' in Qin Mo's body at this moment are not the same.

At least at this moment, Qin Mo's dantian, except for the special nine-turn 'inner elixir' condensed by practicing the inner elixir method, is more of a place for energy accumulation, and is not as magical as the 'sea of ​​suffering'.

And Qin Mo has an intuition that if his 'sea of ​​suffering' is activated, it may be another transformation...

Without the slightest hesitation, he instantly mobilized the energy and blood in his body to surge towards the blazing heat.

The next moment, the blazing magic flame that seemed to burn for a lifetime spread instantly and quickly completely submerged Qin Mo's body. The endless heat seemed to completely dry Qin Mo's body, and a trace of flushing appeared on his face.

Perhaps because Qin Mo's lifespan is almost endless, the demonic flame that seems to burn the life span and the source of vitality is much faster than Qin Mo expected.

In just a moment, Qin Mo felt that his life span had been burned for hundreds of years. If these hundreds of years of life were placed on an ordinary mortal, he might not even have many bones left.

The terrifying consumption speed also meant that the ordinary pain was a bit unbearable even for Qin Mo. However, although it was extremely uncomfortable, Qin Mo did not pay any attention to it, and even sensed the changes in his body more carefully.

But precisely because of this, Qin Mo's figure quietly froze and stood in place.

Qin Mo's abnormality immediately attracted the attention of Ye Fan and Pang Bo. Seeing Qin Mo's eyes slightly absent-minded and his body flushed and hot, a trace of anxiety suddenly appeared on their faces.

"Old Qin, what's wrong with you..."

Ye Fan and Pang Bo quickly stepped forward to investigate Qin Mo: "Hiss, it's so hot! How is it possible..."

The moment they came into contact with Qin Mo's skin, Pang Bo and Ye Fan quickly withdrew their arms as if they were burned by blazing flames, their eyes filled with disbelief.

The two people's exclamations instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, and they all looked over.

When they saw Qin Mo's body next to Pang Bo and Ye Fan, with steam steaming faintly, their eyes showed surprise.

"what happened to him······"

"I don't know, maybe he is possessed by something bad..."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yunzhi, who was cowering in the crowd, suddenly showed an extremely happy look in his eyes, as if to say: Okay, great, let you intimidate me, now you will be punished.

But the next moment, Liu Yunzhi seemed to sense something. A wisp of red quietly emerged from his skin, and at the same time an invisible character quietly fluctuated. Liu Yunzhi's eyes instantly showed a look of extreme horror.

Fiery, violent...


A scream of pain that was so painful that it was almost hysterical suddenly erupted from Liu Yunzhi's mouth. The extremely exaggerated scream shocked everyone.

Liu Yunzhi's cowering body collapsed and hunched to the ground at this moment. His whole body was like a steamed prawn, curled up crazily, and extremely hot steam rose rapidly from Liu Yunzhi's body.

His face, which was still relatively young, instantly began to look older. His skin quickly began to loosen and age, age spots quietly appeared, and his jet-black hair became even grayer.


"what happened······"

"Liu Yunzhi·······"

The terrifying scene instantly plunged everyone into a state of extreme shock. The mountain forest was instantly flooded with screams and screams of endless fear. Some of the less courageous female students even collapsed to the ground.

Liu Yunzhi's collapse seemed to have opened Pandora's box, and everyone seemed to have discovered something abnormal about themselves.

The skin all over his body gradually began to turn red, as if a fire had been ignited in his body, and the heat and pain quietly began to rise!

Feeling their own situation, everyone had a look of horror on their faces, especially when they looked at the hunched body collapsed on the ground, unable to even scream, with its mouth wide open, and only the body was twitching instinctively, aging crazily. Liu Yunzhi showed a hint of despair in his eyes.

"No...I don't want..."

"Help...someone help me..."

Everyone's fear and despair only lasted for a moment, and the pain of the blazing flames burning flesh and blood quickly overwhelmed the consciousness of everyone present.

"I...can't stand feels so uncomfortable!"

"It hurts so much, the flesh and blood seems to be drying up..."

A female classmate squatted and collapsed on the ground in extreme pain. She couldn't control herself at all. She shed tears and kept tossing and turning.

Like a chain reaction, the second and third students couldn't bear it. They were covered in blood, and there were even traces of blood seeping from their skin. They fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

"What the hell is going on, what happened?!"

At this moment, except for Qin Mo, no one could stand. Almost all of them fell to the ground, roaring in pain. Their flesh and blood seemed to be being peeled off, and their whole bodies hurt like knives. Even Ye Fan and Pang Bo are like this, even more serious than others, with vague golden light and evil spirit lingering.


"Help...I don't want to die..."

Finally, someone couldn't help it, yelled, and rolled around, leaving clearly visible traces of blood on the ground.

This was a sudden disaster. No one knew why it happened. They didn't know their own condition at all. They just felt like they were being tortured and their bodies were slowly being dismembered.

"Let me hurts..."

Struggling, crying, rolling, and shouting, many people were close to despair. The loud roars and severe pain gradually blurred their consciousness.

In the end, everyone's bodies were enveloped by a layer of blood, like bloody flames burning. They struggled violently and roared in pain. The mountainous area was no longer peaceful, and the nearby birds and beasts fled away in fright.

The people who had completely lost their consciousness did not realize that Liu Yunzhi, who was the first to react among them, had completely lost his voice at this moment.

The collapsed, hunched body on the ground seemed to have experienced hundreds or even thousands of years, completely weathered into an extremely twisted and fragile skeleton, which seemed likely to be shattered if touched casually.

At this moment, Qin Mo has completely blocked out the influence of the outside world, and his own perception is completely immersed in the changes in his body.

Although Qin Mo's lifespan is almost endless, his physical strength is not very strong. He may be the strongest in the 'Douluo World', but this is 'Zhe Tian'...

The life essence contained in his body could not completely supply this terrifying 'burning', and his originally youthful face quietly began to show a hint of maturity.

Up to this moment, a life span of nearly ten thousand years has been 'burned', and the surging blood energy is like turning into flames reaching into the sky.

Qin Mo didn't pay the slightest attention to the changes in his face. At this moment, his consciousness and perception were completely concentrated on the "Dantian" and "Sea of ​​Bitterness" three inches below his navel.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness was suspended below the 'Inner Alchemy' at some point. The nine-color fairy light around the cauldron was lingering and trembling, and it seemed to vaguely carry some of the 'mysterious ancient scriptures' inside the giant bronze coffin. rhythm.

The nine miraculous lines on the 'Inner Alchemy' are like breathing, constantly flashing, seemingly echoing the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and the flesh and blood in the body is filled with nine-color fairy light, which is very magical.

Within the nine-turn 'inner elixir' hanging high in the 'Dantian', the divine power that Qin Mo has cultivated is steaming crazily under the power of the 'burning' magic power and the magical rhythm of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and quickly turns into nine-color clouds. Gradually enveloped the entire Dantian.

Suddenly, nine colors of celestial light spread all over the place!

The nine-color clouds and mist seemed to have accumulated to the extreme, and the mysterious water droplets filled with nine-color fairy light quietly condensed.

The next moment, the sound like raindrops suddenly sounded in the 'Dantian'.

"Tick-tock!" "Tick-tock!" "Tick-tock!"

It only took a moment, but the patter of rain quickly turned into a downpour.

"Crash!" "Crash!" "Crash!"


I don’t know how long it has been!


No, no, it should be called the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' at this moment. The 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' has been completely submerged by the vast ocean formed by nine-colored raindrops.

The nine-colored clouds and mist that enveloped it completely dissipated, as if the sky had cleared up after the rain.

The 'inner elixir' without a trace of divine power is like the scorching sun at this moment, with divine flowers blooming and shining brightly on the universe.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' hanging under the 'Inner Alchemy' is like a 'boat in the sea of ​​suffering' at this moment, floating in the endless nine-color ocean. Raging waves are sweeping, the fairy light is dense, and the nine-color ocean is vastly undulating, sweeping across the high sky. , the incomparable blazing fairy light spreads all over the sky.

Although it was originally vast, the edge of the 'Dan Tian' with boundaries completely disappeared at some point, and was replaced by the seemingly endless nine-color 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' mist.

As if it had reached its extreme, the blood flames rising from Qin Mo's body slowly dissipated, and the intense pain gradually receded like threads.

Qin Mo's consciousness and perception quickly returned, and the look in his eyes slowly returned. Feeling the changes in himself, Qin Mo didn't know how to react for a moment.

The face that was originally extremely young has now turned into the appearance of an uncle in his thirties, with a mature temperament. The vast divine power cultivated in the 'Douluo World' has completely turned into a 'sea of ​​suffering'.

"It actually consumed an entire hundred thousand years of life...and the divine power cultivated in the Douluo world..." Qin Mo suddenly felt slightly distressed.

But it's not that I feel sorry for the one hundred thousand years of life. After all, for Qin Mo, whose life span is almost endless, a mere hundred thousand years of life is only a drop in the bucket.

Even though Qin Mo knew very well in his heart that the power system in Zhetian was far more powerful and miraculous than the soul power and divine power of the 'Douluo World', after all, it was a power that he only had after practicing hard for a long time and even planning countless things for it.

At this moment, this power completely disappeared, which naturally made Qin Mo feel distressed subconsciously.

However, there was only a hint of heartache. Although the divine power that he had cultivated and planned for a long time disappeared, Qin Mo got more.

With the help of the power of the 'Ancient Forbidden Land' and the 'Nine Wonders of the Immortal Medicine' holy fruit, the 'Physique' and the 'Inner Alchemy' that Qin Mo values ​​most have undergone essential transformations. Perhaps the improvement in pure strength is not great. But in terms of mystery, it will never be worse than those miraculous physiques in Zhetian.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mo has completely inherited the practice rules of Douluo World into the practice rules of Zhetian World.

The mind moved slightly, and the surging divine power instantly filled up. The "Sea of ​​Bitterness" three inches below the navel lit up with a bright fairy light, the nine-color light shone, and the gorgeous waves swept across, just like an immortal.

Compared with the original 'Dan Tian', the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' at this moment undoubtedly has countless more mysteries.

However, it is not so much that 'Dan Tian' is inferior to 'Sea of ​​Bitterness', but rather that the plane levels and world practice system of 'Douluo World' are weak.

It's no wonder that Qin Mo couldn't sense the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness' when he first woke up. In fact, there is no difference between the 'Dantian' and the 'Sea of ​​Bitterness'. The difference is only due to the world's cultivation system and the differences in the world.

Suddenly, Qin Mo seemed to sense something, his eyes moved slightly, and he quietly raised his head to look at the sky. The next moment, the mysterious "Sea of ​​Bitterness" subsided instantly, and the aura on his body quickly converged.

For a moment, a colorful light floated across the sky, like a rainbow across the sky, arriving in the blink of an eye.

······(End of this chapter)

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