The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 279 9 wonderful elixirs! Awakening your physique?


Qin Mo instantly heard Liu Yunzhi's pitiful and vicious whisper, and felt Liu Yunzhi's fleeting malicious gaze. A cold flash flashed across his eyes. Others might not be able to hear Liu Yunzhi's whisper, but Qin Mo But it's different.

Both Liu Yunzhi in the original work and Liu Yunzhi at this moment are like a stupid and bad stir-up stick.

It's a pity that while inside the giant bronze coffin, Qin Mo had no time to pay attention to it in order to restore the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and comprehend the mysterious ancient scriptures. He even dealt with the only threat in the coffin in advance for the sake of safety.


As if he noticed Qin Mo's gaze, Liu Yunzhi's body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes suddenly showed a hint of shock, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to face Qin Mo's gaze.

"Old Qin, what's wrong?"

Pang Bo's voice sounded from the side: "What did that idiot do again?"

Although the words were spoken to Qin Mo, his eyes were completely locked on Liu Yunzhi who was not far away. His eyes were full of fierceness, as if he might go up and slap Liu Yunzhi at any time.

The voice did not weaken at all, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, who all looked at Liu Yunzhi with different expressions.

In an instant, several students who were relatively close to Liu Yunzhi quietly distanced themselves. Even the students who had a good relationship with Liu Yunzhi and could be called "doglegs" quietly lowered their heads and did not dare to speak at all.

Obviously, although they did not notice much under Qin Mo's influence, they unconsciously felt a little more inexplicable respect for Qin Mo in their hearts.

But before Qin Mo could speak, an extremely incredible exclamation suddenly sounded out, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Look! What is that, how is it possible..."

Very far away, an extremely gorgeous, golden eagle soared into the sky, as if it were made of gold. It also held a strange beast that looked like a mammoth colossus on its golden claws.

"I...I saw that right?!"

"Oh my god...that's a giant elephant???"

Watching the golden eagle grasping the strange beast like a mammoth and gradually moving away, everyone was almost petrified, and they were as stunned as clay sculptures and wood sculptures. They couldn't believe their eyes, and it took a long time to gradually calm down.

"What kind of world have we come to?"

After calming down, someone couldn't help but sigh.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts trembled. The students holding the remains of the Buddhist vessels in their hands subconsciously grasped the Buddhist vessels in their hands, as if they were grasping the last life-saving straw.

It's a pity that all the Buddhist utensils in their hands are dim, some are even cracked, and there are cracks. It can be said that they are completely destroyed.

The remaining divine power in the Buddhist artifact had already been completely exhausted when he opened the Starry Sky on Mars and blocked the Crocodile Ancestor. Holding it in your hand is no different from holding a piece of scrap metal.

Even the three remaining complete Buddhist utensils do not have the slightest radiance flowing at this moment.

Even so, no one threw it away, after all, it was the only comfort they had at the moment.

After all, the fantasy scene interrupted the farce just now, and Liu Yunzhi didn't actually do anything, so it was not easy to do it unprovoked.

But this is only for Pang Bo and Ye Fan.

Looking at Liu Yunzhi who was hiding behind several classmates at the moment, with his head lowered, as if he was completely at peace, but in fact the eyes under his lowered head were filled with resentment and hatred, Qin Mo's eyes became more and more indifferent.

His spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness trembled in vain.


An incomparably mysterious and subtle trembling echoed in vain, and an invisible, illusory, and fuzzy word that vaguely lingered around the fluctuations of time quietly condensed.

The next moment, time and space blurred...

The invisible, illusory, and vague text that lingered around the fluctuations of time instantly disappeared into Liu Yunzhi's body.

This text with time fluctuations is not very powerful. It can only speed up the life span of an ordinary person ten times in ten days.

If placed in the outside world, their combined lifespan would only last a hundred days.

But... this is an ancient and forbidden land.

There is no method more suitable for use in the demonic land of the 'Ancient Forbidden Land' than this text with time fluctuations.

Even if Liu Yunzhi at this moment has not yet entered the path of cultivation and has not triggered the terrifying power of the ancient forbidden land to devour lifespan, once he steps out of the ancient forbidden land...


After everyone solved their own problems, they all began to explore their surroundings.

It didn't take long for someone to discover the half of the broken stone tablet inscribed with the three ancient characters "Desolate Ancient Forbidden" among the pile of rocks.

Thinking back to the fantasy scene they just saw, everyone felt uneasy in their hearts.

In contrast, Qin Mo was very calm. After all, he already knew how terrifying the demonic land of the 'Ancient Forbidden Land' was, especially for those who had entered the path of cultivation.

I don't know whether it is because of the different rules of Zhetian World, or because of the transformation of the 'Qiankun Ding' in the giant bronze coffin. The transformed divine power of the soul power practiced in the Douluo plane cannot be used at all, and is completely sealed in the body. The nine-turn 'inner elixir' was faintly flashing with magical colors, as if it was undergoing transformation.

Only physical and mental strength were not affected.

Fortunately, it is precisely because of this that the ancient forbidden land, a magic land that can swallow up lifespan, seems to regard Qin Mo as a relatively 'strong' and 'spiritual' ordinary person who has not yet entered the path of spiritual practice.

They did not have their lifespan devoured like those practitioners who stepped into the ancient forbidden land.

Of course, Qin Mo's calmness is not just because of this. The bigger reason is that although he is in a world that 'covers the sky', Qin Mo can also feel that his lifespan is almost endless.

In other words, after being completely integrated with the 'Qiankun Ding', as long as the 'Qiankun Ding' and the 'Qiankun Realm' within the tripod are immortal, the lifespan cannot be exhausted.

In other words, the rules of the 'Ancient Forbidden Land', a demonic land that devours the lifespan of practitioners, are not a threat to Qin Mo.

Of course, this situation is just right for Qin Mo. After all, Qin Mo doesn't want to attract the attention of those beings in the ancient forbidden land.

While everyone was exploring, Pang Bo and Ye Fan quietly disappeared in front of everyone.

No one paid much attention to this. After all, everyone was exploring the surrounding environment and had no time to care about Pang Bo and Ye Fan. As for Qin Mo, he knew very well that even though all the divine power in his body was contained in the 'inner elixir', his extraordinary perception still allowed Qin Mo to sense the infinite vitality and energy not far away the moment he stepped out of the giant bronze coffin. Mysterious fluctuations.

Although he was extremely curious about the "Nine Wonders of Immortality" in Zhetian, Qin Mo also knew that it was specially prepared by the "Ruthless Emperor" for a flower similar to Ye Fan.

Moreover, Ye Fan's 'Holy Body' bloodline also needs to be activated by the power of the 'Nine Wonders of the Elixir'. In the original work, Ye Fan ate five holy fruits of the 'Nine Wonders of the Elixir'.

For a moment, a strong fruity fragrance quietly approached, instantly attracting everyone's attention, and they all looked at Pang Bo and Ye Fan who came out of the vines not far away with salivation.

Pang Bo and Ye Fan seemed to have expected this. Without waiting for others to speak, they quickly shouted: "Old Qin, Yiyi, Zhang Ziling, Ye Zi and I found some fruits, you guys can take care of yourself..."

As he said that, he took out five egg-sized fruits that looked like cherries from his pocket, and handed three of them directly to Qin Mo, Liu Yiyi, and Zhang Ziling, while giving a subtle wink.

The moment the fruit appeared, the refreshing fruity aroma became more intense, making everyone even more coveted.

But before anyone could speak, Pang Bo said directly to himself: "It's a pity that Ye Zi and I only found these five fruits..."

After finishing speaking, he stuffed the remaining two fruits in his hands directly into his and Mark's mouths.

Seeing that the fruit in Pang Bo's hand was eaten, everyone's faces suddenly showed a look of pity, and then their eyes subconsciously looked at the three people who had not eaten the fruit.

But the moment he saw Qin Mo, he quickly turned his head away, obviously afraid of Qin Mo. Qin Mo didn't care at all. To him, except for Pang Bo and Ye Fan, the others were just It doesn't matter, just a passerby.

However, Qin Mo was very curious about one-ninth of the 'Nine Wonderful Elixir' fruit in his hand. For Qin Mo, the mystery contained in the fruit itself was much stronger than eating it directly.

The nine branches of the 'Nine Wonders of the Immortal Medicine' correspond to different 'transformations'. If they are all collected together, they can be 'reborn'.

The fruits of the branch of the 'Nine Wonders of the Immortal Medicine' on the mountain where Qin Mo and the others were at the moment corresponded to 'transformation' into physical constitution, or in other words, derived from the most original blood power in the body.

It seemed that he had eaten the fruit, but in fact it was directly received by Qin Mo into the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, the 'Qiankun Ding', which had been completely restored and transformed, dimly lit up with a nine-color fairy light. Even though Qin Mo could not use the divine power in his body at this moment, the 'Qiankun Ding' itself had incredible power.

Especially after listening to the mysterious ancient scriptures countless times in the giant bronze coffin, it was even more magical.

In the 'World of Heaven and Earth' fixed by time and space, the fruit of 'Nine Wonderful Elixirs', which is haunted by the fluctuations of the nine-fold rules, quietly fell into a mysterious pattern of yin and yang in the center of the stars in the endless plane.

Originally prepared to wait for the complete transformation of the 'World of Heaven and Earth', the origin of the world that started to evolve again instantly began to converge towards the 'Holy Fruit'.



A tender green bud as big as a human palm quietly broke out of the ground.

In an instant, a mysterious wave of 'reincarnation', 'immortality' and 'transformation' quietly revived.

Unfortunately, this is not the complete immortality medicine 'Nine Wonders of Death', but only the 'Holy Fruit' condensed from one-ninth of the branch.

Although this mysterious fluctuation of 'reincarnation', 'immortality' and 'transformation' is extremely miraculous, one can clearly feel the emptiness and incompleteness in it.

But even so, Qin Mo's improvement is extremely exaggerated, even more exaggerated than Ye Fan and Pang Bo who ate five 'holy fruits'.

As the tender green seedling broke through the ground, the nine original regular powers of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' quietly began to merge with Qin Mo, and the 'inner elixir' in the body was instantly activated, exuding a splendid glow like the scorching sun in the sky. The incomparable nine-color fairy light.

It was as if some kind of miraculous physique in Zhetian had really awakened.

As for Zhang Ziling, he was very straightforward. The moment he noticed the eager eyes of everyone, he directly stuffed the fruit in his hand into his mouth and ate it quickly.

Liu Yiyi, on the other hand, had a slight hesitation on her face, as if she was a little embarrassed...

A female classmate not far away seemed to see hope. She immediately approached Liu Yiyi with a smile on her face and said with a smile: "Yiyi, how about..."

Before the female classmate could approach, Pang Bo instantly stood in front of Liu Yiyi, his tall and strong body like a door panel, blocking her directly.

Then Pang Bo looked at the female classmate unceremoniously and said contemptuously: "Wang Yan, you have such a big face. I remember you still have several pieces of chocolate in your pocket. Why don't you share it with Yiyi..." ·”

As soon as these words came out, the female classmate paused and subconsciously covered the pocket on her waist: "How do you know..."

Ignoring the female classmate's reaction, Pang Bo turned directly to Liu Yiyi and said: "Ignore them, many of them have food in their pockets, and I haven't seen them share it..."

Ye Fan also nodded slightly, and Liu Yiyi ate the fruit in small mouthfuls.

Seeing Liu Yiyi eating the fruit, Pang Bo also handed over the water bottle containing the divine spring in his hand. Not only Liu Yiyi, but also Qin Mo and Zhang Ziling also had a bottle in their hands.

As for him and Ye Fan, they had already drank enough at the 'Shenquan' just now. They were not short of these bottles of water, not to mention that they still had a lot in their hands, which was completely enough for their own use.


The next day!

After a frightening night, everyone gradually came to the edge of the "Ancient Forbidden Land". Perhaps it was due to the existence of Qin Mo, so the farce in the original work did not happen.

"Hey, look at the high mountain in the distance. Are there any buildings?"

Wang Ziwen suddenly pointed forward. It was a very tall mountain. It was still far away from here. It was separated by several peaks, but those hills could not block it.

"It's really a building, it seems to be continuous!"

Everyone suddenly looked surprised. With their speed, they would definitely be able to get there before dark.

"Hey, there seems to be cranes flying in the sky. Could it be a fairyland there? Are there immortals there..."

Everyone immediately thought of the legendary immortal. After all, what they encountered during this period was so mysterious that it was difficult not to think that way.

For a moment, the shock and uneasiness in everyone's hearts seemed to be reduced a lot, and the speed of their feet began to speed up unconsciously.

······(End of this chapter)

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