The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 285 Backhand! A heavy blow to the back of a fat Taoist priest's head!

Deep in the primitive ruins!

On the top of a towering mountain, Qin Mo is like the legendary union of heaven and man. The aura on his body is completely integrated with the surrounding environment. Even those with weak spiritual sense and perception may not be able to detect Qin Mo even if they walk in front of him. The presence.

Looking at the primitive ruins beyond the mountain top, Qin Mo's eyes, which blended in with the nature of heaven and earth, wavered slightly.

Even though Qin Mo's actual cultivation level is not very high, with his body and spiritual strength comparable to the first level of Xiantai, the clouds and mist lingering on the top of the mountain cannot block Qin Mo's gaze at all.

Even with just his extremely powerful body and spiritual thoughts, he could easily see Ye Fan and Pang Bo who were carefully exploring the normal primitive ruins at this moment through countless distances.

Not only the two of them, but also the many elders of the Lingxu Cave Heaven in the primitive ruins, as well as the demon clan living in this primitive ruins, are all in Qin Mo's eyes.

Qin Mo did not choose to explore and experience in the original ruins with Ye Fan and Pang Bo. After entering the original ruins, he separated from Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

As for Ye Fan and Pang Bo, they did not react at all after hearing that Qin Mo was not going with them. In other words, Ye Fan and Pang Bo had expected it.

During the time when he entered the Lingxu Cave, it seemed that Qin Mo did not perform too amazingly. He seemed to be more than better than the worst, but this was just for outsiders to see.

In front of Ye Fan and Pang Bo, although Qin Mo also didn't show too many strange phenomena, or there was no time when he needed to use his own strength, he didn't cover it up either.

Whether it's alchemy or anything else... it's the same.

How could Ye Fan and Pang Bo, who were already astute, not feel it? They knew in their hearts that Qin Mo must be hiding some secrets, huge secrets, and his strength was far beyond what he showed... ··

Moreover, the two of them had an inexplicable feeling that Qin Mo might not be weaker than the elders in Lingxu Cave, or even...

However, neither Ye Fan nor Pang Bo had any exploration or coveting of Qin Mo's mystery. It seemed that if Qin Mo was willing to talk, they would listen. If Qin Mo didn't talk, then they would pretend to be deaf and dumb and treat it as if he didn't. Know.

This is the trust that Ye Fan and Pang Bo have in Qin Mo. The feeling deep in their hearts tells them that Qin Mo will never harm them, even if the three of them have known each other for less than a year.

And that’s exactly what happened...

It is precisely because of this that they basically will not interfere with what Qin Mo wants to do, such as the original ruins experience opened in Lingxu Cave.

Even at the beginning of the training, the moment Qin Mo opened his mouth, Ye Fan and Pang Bo agreed without any hesitation. Especially Pang Bo, who was even more provocative towards Qin Mo, wanting to fight with Qin Mo. Mobi compared the gains from this experience.

In response to Pang Bo's provocation, Qin Mo just looked at the two of them meaningfully, did not respond, and then changed his body shape and disappeared directly in front of the two of them.

If the plot in the original work is followed, Ye Fan and Pang Bo are undoubtedly the biggest winners. Even though there were many twists and turns in the process, and they were even almost killed by a thousand-year-old monster, the final harvest was extremely rich.

The original version of the Wheel and Sea Chapter of "Tao Jing", "Nine Slashes of the Demon Emperor", "Eight Styles of the Heavenly Demon", "The Ancient Sutra of the Demon Emperor"... and so on.

Regarding Qin Mo's last look, both Ye Fan and Pang Bo were a little frightened, especially Pang Bo. He always felt that there was a little amusement in Qin Mo's eyes when he looked at him.

Although the three of them have known each other for less than a year, they know Qin Mo's character and temper very well.

Especially when Qin Mo looks at them with this look, nothing good will come of it. There will be no fatal crisis, but it will most likely make them suffer, especially Pang Bo. After all, Qin Mo is looking at him.

And this is exactly the case. Without affecting the growth of the two of them, Qin Mo deliberately added an insurance policy outside the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them in these few months.

The elixirs that the two of them have taken in the past few months have been integrated into Qin Mo's most original power of rules. After the two of them take the elixirs, this power will form a line outside the sea of ​​consciousness of the two. A regular barrier with protective capabilities.

Unless the strength of his spiritual thoughts exceeds several realms of Qin Mo, or he has an incomparable understanding of the nine original rules of the 'World of Heaven and Earth', it will be impossible to break it.

At least in this remote corner of the Eastern Wasteland, there would be no such strong men.

After all, although the original work of Zhetian describes that both Ye Fan and Pang Bo have amazing opportunities in this experience, this is reality after all. The original work is credible and unbelievable...

Especially for Pang Bo, if something unexpected happens and he is unable to withstand the invasion of the so-called 19th generation grandson of the Demon Emperor, then Qin Mo's regular protective barrier is the last insurance.

At most, it would be the suffering of being 'confined', and there would be no danger to one's life at all.

It is precisely because of Qin Mo's eyes before entering the original ruins that Ye Fan and Pang Bo behaved more cautiously after entering the original ruins than in the original work.

However, the running trend of the world will not change at all because of the caution of Ye Fan and Pang Bo. From the moment the two stepped into the original ruins, Qin Mo saw that the origin of the world contained in the two people began to boil crazily. .

At this moment, the original ruins were in Ye Fan and Pang Bo. The crazily boiling origin of the world reached its peak in vain. The incomparable brilliance of the origin of the world instantly caused Qin Mo's eyes on the top of the mountain to reflect two bright gods. Light.

In terms of the number of world origins alone, they are probably no worse than the world origins contained in the eyes of Ice and Fire Liangyi in the 'Douluo World'.

You must know that this is in the world of Zhetian, and even Ye Fan and Pang Bo are only in the realm of the sea of ​​suffering...

"here we go······"

An inaudible sigh echoed in vain on the mountain top.

The next moment, Qin Mo's figure disappeared from the top of the mountain.



In the distant sky, roaring sounds echoed through the sky, and dozens of extremely bright rainbows came across the sky at an unimaginable speed!


Immediately, a roar sounded like a galloping army of thousands of horses.

Behind the dazzling divine rainbow, dozens of wild beasts came like soaring clouds and riding in the mist, each carrying a monk on their backs. The wild beasts roared, and just the breath produced by them was like rolling mist and clouds covering the sky.

Those savage beasts are all alien species left over from ancient times. They are all scaly and extremely ferocious. The monk sitting on the savage beast in the middle holds a large flag in his arms, and it is hunting in the wind. It is powerful and powerful, and there are words written on it. There are four big words: Shaking Light Holy Land!

Not only the Shaking Light Holy Land, but also the Ji Family and Yaochi Holy Land, both belonging to the top forces in the Eastern Wasteland, and even some inferior forces and casual cultivators also came one after another.

The dazzling divine light kept roaring in the sky, rushing towards the Demon Emperor's tomb in front.

Not long after, a terrifying roar that shook the heavens and the earth erupted instantly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The dazzling divine light that makes people's soul tremble breaks through the sky and penetrates the heaven and earth with a bang.

The vast and endless terrifying demon power surged out like a volcano erupting, and the brilliant light struck in all directions like a tsunami. Many monks near the demon emperor's tomb were like rootless duckweeds, and were directly affected by this terrifying power. A tsunami of energy flew out.

The surrounding vegetation, mountains and rocks were directly overturned, like a doomsday situation.

Under the crazy attack of the powerful men from the top forces in the Eastern Wasteland, a corner of the 'Demon Emperor's Tomb' was actually torn apart.

In an instant, countless rays of light flew out from the torn corner and rushed in all directions. It was obvious that the psychic treasure in the tomb was escaping.

Instantly, the eyes of many monks around him showed fiery and greedy looks. In an instant, the sky was filled with divine rainbows, and they all flew away frantically, trying to intercept those psychic treasures. This is true even for the existence of several top forces.

Only Qin Mo, who was a few miles away from the 'Demon Emperor's Tomb', remained unmoved, except because Qin Mo knew very well that this so-called 'Demon Emperor's Tomb' was tricky.

Except for the extremely special things like the 'Demon Emperor's Heart', 'Golden Pages of Taoist Scriptures', and 'Fragments of the Immortal Cauldron'... other psychic treasures are not of much value at all.

At least for Qin Mo.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Mo has another goal, a goal that is more valuable than the psychic treasures in the so-called 'Demon Emperor's Tomb'...

Qin Mo's eyes flickered quickly, and he instantly locked on the edge of a dark deep pool filled with cold air, a few peaks away from the 'Demon Emperor's Tomb'. He looked at the two vast origins of the world on the edge of the deep pool. Guanghua, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly revealed a trace of amusement, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

"found it······"


The incomparable miraculous trembling echoed, and there seemed to be vaguely ancient divine patterns flickering, and Qin Mo disappeared into the void instantly.

In the deep dark pool!


There was a splash of water, and a black ice block containing a fat Taoist priest suddenly jumped out of the deep pool.


The brilliance circulated in the black black ice, and it took dozens of breaths for the fat Taoist priest who was frozen to break free. The black black ice fragments were scattered on the ground, and the terrifying coldness escaped crazily, instantly freezing the surrounding vegetation to pieces.

"This unscrupulous Heavenly Master froze to death."

The fat Taoist priest's face was bruised, his whole body was shaking and shivering, and his body was constantly overflowing with divine light, trying to drive away the cold air.

But before the fat Taoist priest could force the cold air out of his body, an undetectable spatial fluctuation flickered quietly behind him.

A slender white palm, shaped like a door, instantly appeared behind the fat Taoist priest's head without any trace or fireworks.

The fat Taoist priest could only sense an inexplicable crisis. A flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he wanted to mobilize the divine power and strength in his body to resist.

But the speed of that crisis was too terrifying. Not to mention that there was still a lot of cold energy in his body that had not been expelled at this moment. Even the strength in his heyday might not be able to react.

The next moment...


An extremely dull impact sounded, and the fat Taoist priest's eyes instantly turned white, his consciousness fell directly into silence, and he quickly collapsed to the ground.

"Chen Bu Mu Cao!!"

Seeing the fat Taoist priest collapse instantly, Ye Fan subconsciously burst into Chinese quintessence, and his eyes quickly showed a vigilant look.

But the next moment, after seeing Qin Mo's figure, the vigilance in his eyes turned into surprise.

"Old Qin!! Why is it you..." Ye Fan was extremely surprised, but the next moment, his face quickly turned anxious: "Old Qin, something happened to Pang Bo, he was..."

But before Ye Fan could finish speaking, Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts fluctuated slightly, quickly suppressing the uneasiness, worry and other negative emotions in Ye Fan's heart.

Even though Ye Fan got a great opportunity this time, the most important thing in his heart was still Pang Bo's safety.

"Don't worry, I have a backup plan for Pang Bo. He will be fine. This is his opportunity..."

Qin Mo's voice sounded quickly, and at the same time, his fingertips moved slightly, instantly activating the backhand that he had also left on Ye Fan.

In an instant, a nine-color magical barrier surrounded by powerful spiritual fluctuations quickly appeared outside Ye Fan's body, firmly guarding Ye Fan.

As Qin Mo moved his back hand, Ye Fan instantly felt the absolute control over the nine-color barrier around his body, and could completely dissipate it with just a thought.

"This... this is...

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the nine-color barrier surrounding his body, Ye Fan suddenly showed a hint of shock in his eyes.

After being stunned, Ye Fan immediately thought of the key. He quickly looked at Qin Mo and said in surprise: "It's a pill..."

But the next moment, Ye Fan looked at Qin Mo with a smile on his face, and the expression on his face quickly turned into a bitter smile. He couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "Old Qin, you hide it so deeply..."

In his words, he didn't care at all that Qin Mo had left behind him and Pang Bo, but instead had a hint of happiness.

Hearing this, the smile on Qin Mo's face became brighter. He shrugged subconsciously and replied with a smile: "I didn't hide it, you didn't ask..."

Hearing this answer, Ye Fan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes, as if... this was really the case...

Looking at Qin Mo with a smile on his face, he didn't know what to say for a moment, but after all, he was still worried about Pang Bo and couldn't help but confirm to Qin Mo again: "Old Qin, Pang Bo really doesn't know how to do it. Is something wrong? This back-up man of yours..."

Seeing this, Qin Mo nodded with great confidence and said: "Don't worry, with the strength of the big demon's remnant soul and that group of demons, it's still far from breaking through my backhand. Pang Bo's The revived bloodline of the demon god is exactly what the demon clan needs to develop..."

Seeing Qin Mo's extremely confident look, Ye Fan finally felt relieved and couldn't help but said: "That's good... hmm? Bloodline of the Demon God???"

Seeing this, Qin Mo had a slightly nonchalant expression on his face and said with a smile, "Didn't I say that?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Ye Fan's face instantly collapsed, as if he wanted to vomit blood, but at the same time, there was a flash of understanding in his eyes. No wonder...

Seeing the change in Ye Fan's expression at this moment, Qin Mo couldn't help laughing. Emperor Ye Tian who would "suppress all enemies in the world" in the future would actually have such an expression.

Listening to Qin Mo's laughter, Ye Fan's face darkened: "Old Qin!!!"

Looking at Ye Fan, who was slightly annoyed and angry, Qin Mo waved his hands repeatedly, quickly stopped the smile on his face, and quickly changed the topic: "Don't laugh, don't laugh... Come and see our trophies .”

The body moved slightly and quickly appeared next to the fat Taoist priest who was collapsed on the ground with a black chill all over his body.

The heavy blow to the back of the head, coupled with the cold chill in his body, caused the body of the fat Taoist priest on the ground to twitch extremely unnaturally.

Looking at the fat Taoist priest who was constantly twisting and twitching, especially the extremely obvious big bump on the back of the fat Taoist priest's head, I suddenly took a deep breath.

He said to Qin Mo: "Hey! Old Qin, you must have beaten this damn fat man to death..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with seriousness, and he said: "This fat Taoist priest will not die that easily. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself..."

If it were any other monk, he would have perished under such a blow, but except for the twitching of the fat Taoist's body, the strong vitality in his body has not been weakened at all. (End of chapter)

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