The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 286 'Wheel Seal'! 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Cap' is a ghost! The best tre

"Hiss! This damn fat guy has such a strong body..."

Looking at the fat Taoist priest who was paralyzed on the ground under Qin Mo's feet, but his body was spontaneously expelling the cold air from the deep pool, Ye Fan couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Even though he possesses the so-called invincible physique of the ancient holy body, he cannot guarantee that his physical strength can reach such an exaggerated level when he is in the same realm as this damn fat man.

But this is normal. The fat Taoist priest in front of him is not an ordinary monk. In essence, he is a strange being who has traveled nearly half of the world's immortal road.

There are not a few people who have condensed the 'Reincarnation Seal' in Zhetian World, but Duan De is the only one who has condensed nine reincarnations in succession.

After the ninth reincarnation, the nine reincarnations, the Tao and the fruit of the reincarnation are combined into one, and you can become an immortal in the world of mortals. The realm is comparable to the "quasi-immortal king" level existence before the endless era.

In an instant, Ye Fan was a little excited again, and couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked the fat Taoist priest, and said bitterly: "Damn fat man, let you steal my psychic treasure..."

Then he quickly groped around the fat Taoist priest, trying to find the psychic treasures that he had been blackmailed away.

Unfortunately, after searching all over the fat Taoist priest, nothing was found. Instead, he was shivering for a while due to the cold air from the black pool that was constantly escaping from the fat Taoist priest's body.

"Excuse me! Where did this damn fat man hide my psychic treasure..."

Seeing Ye Fan's depressed look, Qin Mo suddenly burst into laughter. It was obvious that Ye Fan, who had just entered the path of spiritual practice, had not completely changed his thinking from the life he had lived in the past decades.

In addition, I have basically been practicing continuously for the past few months, and I have gained nothing at all.

There are very few special equipment for storing items in the world of Zhetian, because there is no need for it, the vastness of the physical secret realm is enough.

Just as he was about to remind Ye Fan, he saw golden light flashing on Ye Fan's body, and the divine power of the sea of ​​bitterness quickly drove away the cold air in his body, with a look of hatred on his face.

"Damn fat man, you're pretty good at hiding. Since you took a few of my psychic treasures, let's exchange them with what you have on you."

After finishing speaking, even Qin Mo didn't have time to react. The coat, inner armor, bracelets, shoes and socks worn by the fat Taoist priest, except for the last big trousers to hide his shame, were all stripped clean by Ye Fan. It seemed as if it had been practiced countless times, and it was extremely smooth.

Obviously Ye Fan also saw the extraordinaryness of this fat Taoist priest. Even though his cultivation level is still shallow, but in the realm of suffering, he cannot sense the specific value of these things in this fat Taoist priest, but he also feels it faintly in his heart - he Make a lot of money.

Compared with the several psychic treasures that were extorted by the fat Taoist priest, the value of what the fat Taoist priest was wearing was definitely higher, and there was even no comparison between the two.

Looking at Duan De, who was almost completely stripped away by Ye Fan in just a moment, Qin Mo couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly, and subconsciously took half a step back.

It seems that even without the appearance of a certain big black dog and this unscrupulous Taoist priest, Ye Fan may not be much better off in the future, but Ye Fan's character and temperament are very suitable for the world of Zhetian.

In other words, an existence with this kind of character and mentality can live very well no matter what world it is placed in.

Seemingly sensing Qin Mo's strangeness, Ye Fan paused for a moment, apparently thinking of his 'bandit' scene just now, and a hint of sarcasm appeared on his face.

"Old Qin, what's that...I'm just a little too angry. This is not my intention..."

Ye Fan wanted to explain something, but before he finished speaking, Qin Mo nodded without hesitation and said, "I know, this fat Taoist priest went too far."

There was even a hint of anger in his tone. If it hadn't been for that half-step back subconsciously, it would have been unparalleled in persuasion.

Looking at Qin Mo who took half a step back again, Ye Fan suddenly showed a hint of resentment in his eyes: "Old Qin..."

For a moment, Qin Mo's eyes drifted unconsciously, and he subconsciously looked at the fat Taoist priest who was almost naked. Looking at the white flowers on the fat Taoist priest's body, which were like mountains of fat, a trace of disgust suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Then he moved his right hand slightly, and the divine power in his body quickly turned into countless threads, spreading straight towards the fat Taoist priest's sea of ​​suffering.

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn't care less about his resentment, his face suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, and his mind instantly recalled the golden pages of the Taoist Scriptures and the Wheel and Sea Scroll that had entered his own sea of ​​suffering, as well as the green copper block.

"I'm telling you, why can't I find the things? It turns out they are all in the wheel sea..."

After Ye Fan realized this, his face suddenly showed interest. He was obviously very curious about how many good treasures Qin Mo could find from this fat Taoist priest.

The clothes worn by this fat Taoist priest alone are extremely magical, and the treasures stored in the secret realm must be of high value.

However, for Qin Mo, the many treasures on Duan De's body are secondary. The most important ones are the 'Reincarnation Seal' in his body, the 'Heavenly Tribulation Technique' practiced by Duan De, and the half of the imperial weapon 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Cap' .

But precisely because of this, Qin Mo couldn't touch the three most important things.

The fingertips moved slightly, and the threads of divine power instantly straightened.


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Duan De's secret realm of the wheel suddenly shined brightly, and bright treasures rose into the sky. Dozens of treasures lingered with bright lights, including the psychic treasures that Ye Fan was blackmailed away.

Dozens of treasures, like fish taking a bait, kept flying out of Duan De's wheel sea.

The surging Qi instantly flooded the area, causing the curious Ye Fan to dwarf. Fortunately, Qin Mo had already anticipated it, and the magical scriptures flashed and quickly suppressed all the treasures.

Looking at the dozens of treasures floating in the void, Ye Fan suddenly gritted his teeth.

Although Ye Fan didn't know the value of these treasures, he could feel that most of the many treasures owned by this fat Taoist priest were more valuable than the several psychic treasures he had been extorted from. Many, if not all, comparisons between the two.

But even so, he was still extremely shameless and blackmailed a young monk like him who had just stepped into the sea of ​​suffering.


Ye Fan couldn't help but kicked the stripped Duan De again, leaving a dark footprint directly on Duan De's white belly.

Ignoring Ye Fan's dissatisfaction, Qin Mo's spiritual mind, which was comparable to the first level of Immortal Terrace, constantly explored Duan De's body and secret realm. Qin Mo, who has an almost eternal lifespan, naturally does not need to live life after life, but This does not mean that the 'Reincarnation Seal' is useless to Qin Mo.

No matter what world it is placed in, 'reincarnation' is an extremely special existence.

Compared with other beings who have condensed the seal of reincarnation in the world of Zhetian, Duan De is undoubtedly very special, even much more special than Ye Fan who survives life after life in the original work. It is almost a real reincarnation. Born from death. Feeling the four pure white rings deep in Duan De's body, Qin Mo did not touch it. After all, no one knew what kind of power was hidden in the 'Reincarnation Seal', not even Duan De himself. .

And what Qin Mo wants to do is just understand the mystery of the 'Reincarnation Seal'.


There was a heat between his brows, and the four thousand points of the world that covered the sky evaporated in an instant.

Qin Mo's eyes flashed with divine light, and an extremely mysterious wave of 'reincarnation' quietly lingered.

Feeling this abnormal fluctuation, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and a trace of solemnity quickly appeared on his face. Although he didn't know what happened to Qin Mo, the divine power in his body began to condense quietly, and he became alert.

For twenty minutes, the lingering mysterious fluctuations gradually dissipated.

The light in Qin Mo's eyes gradually dimmed, but the look in his eyes was much brighter than before, obviously he had some understanding.

However, although he had some understanding, it was only superficial, and Qin Mo couldn't help but have a look of pity on his face.

It's not that Qin Mo doesn't want to understand more, but because his strength is still too weak after all, and the number of world origins is far from enough. The four thousand points of world origins only allow Qin Mo to comprehend the surface.

But just a little bit of help to Qin Mo is not small, especially for the 'Qiankun Realm' that is constantly changing.

After comprehending the mystery of the 'Reincarnation Seal' in Duan De's body, Qin Mo did not let Duan De go. Although the many treasures in Duan De's secret realm of reincarnation were precious, they were not the most important. His spiritual thoughts quickly condensed and moved towards Duan De's eyebrows burst out.

Six rays of Buddha's light lit up in vain in the void, and the Sanskrit sounds echoed like the cicadas of ancient monks.

"Om!" "Ah!" "What!" "Ba!" "Mi!" "Hum!"

Astonishingly, it was the six-character Buddhist mantra that Qin Mo understood from the "Da Leiyin Temple" on Mars. The six layers of miraculous Buddha light instantly turned into six layers of seals and suppressed Duan De's consciousness.

Seeing this, Ye Fan on the side suddenly widened his eyes. Apparently he didn't expect Qin Mo to be able to use this method. At the same time, his eyes also showed a look of "learned".

It turns out that not only treasures can be stored in the secret realm of the physical body, but also the divine treasures can be stored in the Meixin Platform. However, if you want to search for the divine treasures in the Meixin Platform, your consciousness must be suppressed first.

There was also a hint of contempt in his eyes when he looked at Qin Mo. He was obviously not a good person with such a skillful method. Just now, he had the nerve to despise him, but what about his face...

However, although he despised Qin Mo's behavior, Ye Fan's actions were extremely fast. This is an important means of getting rich by searching for treasures, and he must not let it go...

A glimmer of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he began to concentrate on comprehending the Sanskrit sounds that were constantly echoing in the void. The 'Bodhi Seed' in his chest quietly heated up, and he instantly entered a state of deep understanding.

Qin Mo, who didn't notice anything unusual about Ye Fan, had extremely solemn eyes and extremely cautious thoughts.

This is related to the existence of the imperial weapon, and it is an imperial weapon made from the body of the ruthless emperor. Even if there is only half of it, if it is accidentally triggered, it still has the terrifying power to annihilate itself in an instant, and even the ability to resist is lost. No, he is not a flower similar to Mark.

Fortunately, Qin Mo did not want to seize half of the imperial weapon of the 'Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap', but only intended to consume the world's origin to condense the charm of the 'Swallowing Sky Demon Cap' in preparation for the next trip to the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

This is also the reason why Qin Mo only spent four thousand points to understand the 'Seal of Reincarnation'.

There will be many opportunities to realize the 'Seal of Reincarnation' in the future, but the guarantee of going to the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is urgent. The ruthless lineage hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is not a good thing.

He didn't want to be treated as a snack by the 'Sacred Son of Light' and become the food for his growth.

A wisp of spiritual thought carefully entered Duan Deling Platform.

As if sensing Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts, an extremely frightening and terrifying pressure came instantly.

In the center of the spiritual platform, the 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Cap' like a broken bowl is constantly rising and falling, swallowing the stars of the universe. The interior is extremely deep, like a star field, and the supreme pressure comes out, making people unable to help but kneel down and worship.

Holding back this terrifying pressure that makes people kneel down, they kept thinking with their spiritual thoughts, and all the remaining sources of the world between their eyebrows evaporated.

In an instant...


A boundless storm quickly set off in Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness, and a terrifying coercion with endless demonic nature erupted in vain, as if it was swallowing the sky and the earth.

A shadow that looked extremely illusory and broken, the 'Swallowing Demon Cap', quietly condensed.

As soon as it condensed, it instantly suppressed all the mysteries in Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness, such as the 'Six-Character Mantra'. Fortunately, Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Ding' has been in the sea of ​​​​wheels since it was opened up from the sea of ​​suffering.

At the same time, Qin Mo also felt that as the shadow of the 'Swallowing Demon Cap' condensed, the stability of the spiritual platform suddenly increased sharply. Although it was far less than Duan De who had the body of the 'Swallowing Demon Cap', it was still enough to cope with the situation in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' The existence of ruthless people.

Perhaps because of the gathering of the phantom of the 'Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap', the terrifying pressure of the 'Swallowing Sky Demon Cap' gradually dissipated, as if Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts were his own.

Feeling this change, Qin Mo couldn't help but investigate Duan De's spiritual platform.

Perhaps it was because Duan De had just awakened in this life and was still at a weak stage in terms of strength. Apart from the 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Cap', there were no other treasures in the Lingtai Divine Treasure.

Seeing this, Qin Mo couldn't help but show a look of pity. He couldn't take away the 'Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap', but the others were different. It's a pity that Duan De hadn't collected it yet...

But it doesn't matter, the worst thing is to hit the sap again next time.

Thinking of this, the pity on Qin Mo's face quickly disappeared, and when he looked at Duan De's white fat, he lost a lot of disgust, and was replaced by an inexplicable smile. This is a good treasure hunter mouse...


The sound of air-conditioning suddenly interrupted Qin Mo's thoughts, and his eyes instantly looked in the direction where the sound of air-conditioning came from.

I saw Ye Fan looking at him with an extremely horrifying look, and his figure even retreated into the distance without knowing when.

"Old Qin, I didn't expect your taste to be so strong..."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Mo was stunned, but after seeing Ye Fan's eyes lingering on him and Duan De, who was almost naked, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and his face turned dark instantly. (End of chapter)

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