Chapter 287 Mirage! Divide the spoils!

Qin Mo's face was dark and he said angrily: "That's why you have such a strong taste..."

But before Qin Mo could finish his words, an undetectable hum sounded in vain.

In an instant, it attracted the attention of Qin Mo and Ye Fan.

I saw that the fat Taoist priest who was originally collapsed on the ground, shivering and shaking, had recovered more than half of his body. The extremely cold air in his body was only a little bit, and the big bump on the back of his head that Qin Mo knocked out had almost disappeared. .

Even the 'Six-Character Mantra' seal placed by Qin Mo in his spiritual treasure trove was constantly trembling. Obviously, this was Duan De's instinctive consciousness beginning to awaken and struggle.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mo faintly felt that the energy of half of the imperial weapon 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Cap' in Duan De's spiritual platform began to rise quietly.

Seeing this, Qin Mo didn't care to talk too much with Ye Fan, and instantly appeared in front of Ye Fan. He didn't know whether it was because he was really anxious, or in revenge for what Ye Fan just said, he directly pulled the collar off his back. Lift.

Immediately, the space fluctuated slightly, and at the same time, a footprint with the meaning of Brahma appeared, and the two people disappeared around the deep pool in an instant.

Qin Mo didn't want to face the power of the 'Emperor's Arms' head-on, even if he simply aroused a trace of the 'Emperor's Armament' that could not be traced.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mo doesn't want to be targeted by Duan De, an unscrupulous Taoist priest. Even if Duan De is far less powerful than Qin Mo at this time, and even if Qin Mo does not have an ancestral grave in Zhetian World,... ···

The next moment, on a small hill several miles away, the space fluctuated slightly.

Qin Mo, leading Ye Fan, appeared quietly.

At this moment, compared with Qin Mo who looked to be in his prime, Ye Fan, who was only eleven or twelve years old, was undoubtedly like a naughty boy who was educated by his elders in the family.

The space transfer, the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness being sealed, and the strange area Qin Mo was carrying directly made Ye Fan blush slightly.


But in an instant, golden light burst out from Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering, and the faint sound of roaring waves echoed, quickly breaking Qin Mo's divine power.

The moment Kuhai's divine power recovered, Ye Fan trembled and quickly broke away from Qin Mo's hand.

Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention to this, but relaxed.

"Cough cough!"

"Old Qin, you can't afford it, so why don't you just make a joke? You actually sealed my sea of ​​suffering..."

Ye Fan tidied his messy collar with some resentment.

Hearing this, Duan De suddenly appeared in Qin Mo's mind. The white, mountain-like fat meat that had been almost stripped naked appeared in Qin Mo's mind. When he thought of what Ye Fan said, the corners of his mouth suddenly began to twitch slightly. A nauseating feeling quickly came over me.

Looking at Ye Fan, there was gradually more danger in his eyes, and he said sadly: "Xiao Fanzi, do you want to think about what you just said..."

The sinister tone in the words immediately made Ye Fan shiver. Looking at Qin Mo's extremely dangerous gaze, Ye Fan quickly revealed a hint of sarcasm and immediately began to change the topic.

"Hehe, what...Old Qin...I got a great opportunity this time..."

Apparently he wanted to tell Qin Mo about the golden pages and green bronze blocks of the Lun Hai scroll in the "Tao Jing".

Although Ye Fan is called "Ye Hei" in the world of Zhe Tian, ​​looking at the protagonists in the world, few can compare with him in terms of open-mindedness and heroic nature.

Even if you look at many top holy places in Beidou, the golden pages of the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Tao Jing", which are regarded as treasures, and the 'Green Bronze Block' that is enough to make all the forces crazy, actually have no intention of hiding it from Qin Mo.

Not only Qin Mo, but also Ye Fan is extremely open-minded and heroic regarding the existence of trust in the original work of Zhe Tian.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he stretched out his hand slightly to interrupt what Ye Fan wanted to say, and said: "No hurry, let's watch a good show first."

After finishing speaking, his eyes quickly turned to the direction of the space teleportation point.

"A good show?"

Ye Fan, who was interrupted, paused for a moment, then noticed the direction of Qin Mo's gaze, and there was a strange look in his eyes, obviously guessing what Qin Mo was talking about.

"Old Qin, aren't you a little..."

At this time, Ye Fan has not been infected by a certain big black dog or an unscrupulous Taoist priest, and he has not grown up yet. If it were him who got the title of 'Ye Hei' in the future, he would never have such doubts.

However, despite Ye Fan's words, Qin Mo could clearly feel the eagerness hidden in Ye Fan's eyes. It was obvious that these words were completely inconsistent with what he meant.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's brows moved slightly, and a strange smile appeared on his face, as if he was tempted by the devil, and he said: "Don't you want to see it? This fat Taoist priest has robbed you of several psychic treasures... ·”

As soon as these words came out, there was no hesitation on Ye Fan's face. He nodded bitterly and said: "Look, you must see it..."

Looking at Ye Fan, whose face changed instantly, Qin Mo couldn't help but a smile flashed in his eyes, and then without any hesitation, his divine power fluctuated rapidly.

A strange wave flickered, faintly carrying the mysterious power of water and space.

A scene several miles away quickly appeared in front of Qin Mo and Ye Fan.

Seeing Qin Mo's strange method, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in Ye Fan's eyes. Holding the 'Bodhi Seed' in his hand, he could clearly sense the mysterious fluctuations in the void.

Suddenly he couldn't help but ask: "Old Qin, this method... is a mirage?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo glanced at the clothes on Ye Fan's chest and then nodded to confirm.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly showed some thoughtfulness. Obviously, Qin Mo's method greatly expanded his thinking. Although the earth is in the Age of Dharma End, it does not mean that the knowledge in it is useless.

But before Ye Fan had time to think too much, the 'mirage' in front of him quietly began to change.

Duan De, who was almost stripped naked and collapsed on the ground, opened his eyes in a daze. The heavy blow to the back of his head made him still in a daze even if he regained consciousness.

He stood up from the ground shakily, with a look of confusion on his face.


A gust of cold wind blew by, instantly blowing the cold air in the deep pool.

It immediately gave Duan De a chill in his confusion.

But the next moment, Duan De suddenly woke up, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and there was a faint flash of disbelief in his eyes.

The next moment...


The shrill, almost heart-rending screams suddenly sounded. Even though it was several miles away and there was no 'mirage', it was still clearly audible, with the utmost grief in the voice.

Even Ye Fan had a hint of unbearable expression on his face at this moment, but when he thought of what this damn fat man had done to him, the unbearable expression on his face disappeared instantly.

Duan De saw that only his panties were stripped off, and even the secret realm of reincarnation was completely removed. He was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped, their eyes instantly blackened, and he almost stumbled and fell down. In the deep pool next to it.

Like a castrated old wolf, the screams continued one after another, and some did not want to believe this reality.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord... belongs to your uncle!"

Duan De was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of blood. Although he had just woken up not too long ago, it did not mean that he had not found good treasures. You must know that many of them were for the suppression of his future practice in the secret realm.

Especially when I think that this time for a few psychic treasures, I missed the treasure, and at this moment...

Suddenly his eyes were about to burst. If it weren't for the most precious 'broken bowl' in the Lingtai Divine Treasure, he might have really wanted to die.

A few miles away, seeing Duan De jumping up and down in anger, Qin Mo and Ye Fan suddenly showed extremely cheerful smiles in their eyes.

If it were someone else he was cheating on, Qin Mo would have more or less other emotions, but Duan De, the unscrupulous Taoist priest, was an exception. No, a big black dog had to be added...

Duan De, who was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped, took out a robe from somewhere and quickly put it on.

At the same time, he kept muttering in his mouth, and his eyes flickered with a strange light.

A terrifying pressure quietly rose from the hiding place of the Taishen in the eyebrows.


The Buddha's light loomed, and the six-layered Sanskrit sound of cicadas sounded in vain in the void.

"Om!" "Ah!" "What!" "Ba!" "Mi!" "Hum!"

At the same time, the footprints with Sanskrit meaning left intentionally by Qin Mo were also the appearance of Buddha's light.

Looking at the Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds appearing in the void, an extremely clear Buddha's light suddenly appeared in Duan De's eyes, and the sound of gnashing his teeth echoed.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord..."

"Okay, that's was actually you bunch of bald donkeys who did it..."

"The Six-Character Mantra of Seal and Suppression... Shenzutong escapes... This timing and means are really mastered..."

Looking at the disappearing traces in the void, Duan De's lips kept trembling, his face full of gnashed teeth.

"Damn bald donkey, Master Tao, I'm at odds with you. Buddhism, wait for Master Tao. Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, if Master Tao doesn't hollow out the eighteen generations of your Buddhist ancestors, Master Tao will not be named Duan..." Hahaha..."

At this moment, Duan De was slightly nervous, chattering and grinding non-stop.

A few miles away, looking at Duan De who seemed to be a psychopath in the "Mirage", Ye Fan was a little stunned and said: "Old Qin, this damn fat guy must have been driven crazy by the two of us..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo suddenly laughed and said: "He won't be crazy even if you are crazy. This fat Taoist priest has long since recovered his senses. This is just pretending to fish..."

If he looked directly at him, even if he was several miles away, he might not be able to sense it due to the strength of Duan De's spiritual thoughts. But it was a pity that Qin Mo used the method of 'mirage'.

Looking at Duan De who was still 'fishing' in the 'mirage', Qin Mo moved his fingertips slightly and directly dissipated the 'mirage'.

"Now that the show is over, we should retreat. Don't let this fat Taoist find out. It won't be fun then."

After seeing the 'mirage' dissipate, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly showed a trace of unfinished meaning, but after hearing what Qin Mo said, he nodded quickly.


The undetectable space fluctuations flickered, instantly engulfing Qin Mo and Ye Fan, and disappeared into the void.

After Qin and Mo left, Duan De stayed for several hours and even explored the surrounding area for several miles very carefully. After all, he found nothing. Finally, he endured the coldness and explored the deep pool several times.

It's a pity that I found nothing in the end, so I had to grit my teeth and look in the direction of 'Western Desert', before disappearing into the forest in the form of rainbow light.

Fortunately, unlike the original work, he was not coerced into the Demon Emperor's Yin Tomb by a few top forces. After all, Duan De didn't have many treasures left on him except half of the imperial weapon 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Cap' in the Lingtai Divine Treasure.

If he is taken into the Demon Emperor's Yin Tomb, he will definitely suffer a lot even if he has the protection of half of the imperial weapon 'Swallowing Demon Cap'.


The edge of primitive ruins!

The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo and Ye Fan quietly appeared.

Feeling Qin Mo's mysterious power that spanned hundreds of miles in an instant, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly showed envy. Without any scruples or courtesy, he said: "Old Qin, this method of yours is really convenient. I Can you learn..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo felt a little helpless. If it were the 'Douluo World', even if it were separated by planes and stars, it would only be a matter of a thought.

It's a pity that this is the 'Zhaotian World'. The suppression of the world is too exaggerated. The distance is only a few hundred miles, and the space has been moved nearly ten times. Even if the 'Qiankun Ding' had not transformed several times in succession, the 'Qiankun World' The rules in ' are so powerful that they may not even be able to move through space.

Looking at the envy on Ye Fan's face, Qin Mo shook his head and said: "My method is too restrictive and is not suitable for you..."

Qin Mo's space methods are completely based on his own understanding of space and the power of the 'Qiankun Ding' and 'Qiankun Realm'.

Unless Ye Fan learns the secret word "dou", which is known as the holy method of fighting, it is still possible to simulate it. However, compared with Qin Mo's spatial method, Ji's "Void Sutra" is undoubtedly more suitable for Ye Fan.

Hearing this, Ye Fan didn't have the slightest doubt about what Qin Mo said, and his eyes suddenly felt a little disappointed. After all, if such a convenient spatial method could be learned, it would be top-notch in terms of chasing enemies, fighting, and escaping. It's a pity. ·····

After knowing that he could not learn Qin Mo's spatial methods, Ye Fan quickly regained his composure, and at the same time shared his opportunity with Qin Mo without any hesitation.

It's just that neither the golden pages of the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Tao Jing" nor the broken green bronze block are under Ye Fan's control, so they cannot be taken out of the 'sea of ​​suffering'.

He could only write out the words on the golden pages of the Wheel and Sea Volume of the "Tao Jing" for Qin Mo to understand. As for the broken green bronze block, Ye Fan really had no choice.

Qin Mo didn't pay attention to this. At the same time, in order to thank Ye Fan and know that Ye Fan planned to leave, Qin Mo also used the "Six-Character Mantra" he had comprehended and the insights he gained from the Lingxu Cave. They all had a copy engraved as a thank you gift.

Although the power of the 'Six-Character Mantra' is not as powerful as the orthodox one, it is also magical. It is just suitable for Ye Fan to use at this moment, and it can also be regarded as an 'excuse' for Ye Fan.

After all, they just looted Duan De. If there is no good 'excuse' in the future, then...

As for the treasures plucked from Duan De's body, they were directly added to five, and the two of them directly divided them up.

(End of this chapter)

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