The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 288: 9 immortal gold forms, 9 rules form gods, cast a tripod!

After the spoils were divided, Ye Fan did not leave in a hurry, but asked Qin Mo to refine all the herbs on his body into elixirs.

At the same time, in order to correct the errors in practice, after obtaining the golden pages of the "Tao Jing" Wheel and Sea Scroll, Ye Fan discovered the differences with the "Tao Jing" taught by Lingxu Dongtian.

These differences do not seem to affect practice, but they will undoubtedly greatly damage one's potential.

Fortunately, both Ye Fan and Qin Mo are still in the realm of the Wheel and Sea. They have the original golden pages of the Wheel and Sea Volume of the "Tao Jing", so it is not difficult to correct them.

But even so, it took Ye Fan ten days to completely turn his practice around, and the complete "Tao Jing" is worthy of being one of the strongest scriptures. After making up for the differences in practice, his strength suddenly doubled .

At the same time, the elixir refined by Qin Mo also made Ye Fan's thumb-knuckle-sized sea of ​​suffering expand to the size of a walnut in just ten days.

With a sufficient supply of resources, Ye Fan seemed to have no bottleneck, and his cultivation speed was extremely exaggerated. The powerful body of the 'Ancient Holy Body' was like a black hole that refused to accept the life essence in the elixir.

In just ten days, his physical strength increased several times.

Normally, the original divine patterns born in each of the four major realms of the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm: the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Spring of Life, the Divine Bridge, and the Other Shore can be used to refine a kind of "weapon", which is also the most powerful attack for practitioners in this realm. means.

If Ye Fan had not obtained the golden pages of the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Tao Jing", he would have chosen this. There were already dozens of divine patterns shining in the walnut-sized sea of ​​suffering.

But even so, Ye Fan struggled for several days, and finally chose the path of 'one weapon to defeat all methods' as in the original work, and decided to refine the original divine pattern born from his sea of ​​suffering into a three-legged round tripod.

This is the most difficult and the strongest path. A true late bloomer. Once successful, he can defeat all methods with one weapon. After my flower blooms, hundreds of flowers will be killed.

In the entire Eastern Wilderness, only the ancient scriptures passed down by the top powers record this profound secret method of tempering a "weapon" in the four realms, and ordinary monks have no chance to touch it.

However, even if there is a big force that masters this secret method, except for some arrogant and talented geniuses and core disciples, most of the disciples will not choose to practice this secret method.

After all, opportunities always coexist with risks. If you want to get more, the price you pay may also be unbearable.

Using the four realms to refine a "weapon" means that only geniuses with outstanding talents are qualified to practice it, and it can even be used as a means to deepen one's own heritage.

But the vast majority of practitioners are just 'ordinary' people, without strong talents or sufficient resources. They may not even be able to achieve perfection in the four realms of the secret realm of the wheel and sea. Years passed.

As for Qin Mo, he was not as entangled as Ye Fan, or there was no chance for Qin Mo to be entangled at all.

The moment the original divine pattern of the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm was born, it was directly integrated into the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and there was no need for Qin Mo's sacrifice at all.

After refining all the medicinal materials into elixirs and correcting the errors in practice, Ye Fan left a letter to Qin Mo during a practice and then chose to leave.

Qin Mo was not surprised by Ye Fan's departure, or he had expected it. They all had their own paths to take.

So I just watched Ye Fan's figure gradually go away until he disappeared, and then he ducked back to the Lingxu Cave.


Half a month later!

Outside the Lingxu Cave, dozens of rainbow lights flew by, and the overwhelming pressure immediately dwarfed many elders and disciples in the Lingxu Cave.

Within the rainbow light, there was faint holy light flowing, and it was clearly the Shaking Light Holy Land, one of the top holy places in the Eastern Wasteland.

The leader was an old figure with an indifferent expression. Although he was old, he contained terrifying Qi that could overwhelm mountains and seas. Many elders and disciples in Lingxu Cave did not dare to look directly at him.

"Wu Qingshan, Lingxu Cave Heaven, pays homage to Elder Lin Geng!"

Elder Wu Qingshan, who had taught Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and Qin Mo, bowed slightly and saluted.

Immediately, many elders and disciples in Lingxu Cave Heaven bowed down and saluted.

"Meet Elder Lin Geng!"

Seeing this, Lin Geng from the Shaking Light Holy Land seemed to be used to it, and did not react. He just nodded slightly, and then an invisible force lifted up the many elders and disciples of the Lingxu Cave Heaven who were bowing and saluting.

As if he hadn't spoken for a long time, a slightly dry voice sounded from Lin Geng's mouth.

"There are disciples with outstanding talents..."

As soon as these words came out, many disciples and some elders subconsciously looked at a beautiful girl in the crowd with a face as beautiful as jade and an extraordinary temperament, as if a fairy had descended into the world. Qin Mo, who was rated as a 'fairy seedling'.

In terms of outstanding talents, at this moment, only these two are qualified in the entire Lingxu Cave. The former is less than twenty years old, but has a powerful strength that far exceeds that of his peers and even the previous generation of practitioners.

Although the latter looks extremely mature, he has actually been practicing for less than a year, but in just a few months, he has caught up with most of the disciples in Dongtian. In addition, it is rumored that he has taken The immortal fruit born in the demonic soil of the ancient forbidden land has absolutely extraordinary qualifications.

Originally, Pang Bo, a top-notch 'immortal seedling' who was more outstanding than Qin Mo, should have been added, but...

Many visitors to the Shaking Light Holy Land naturally noticed the actions of the many elders and disciples in Lingxu Cave. Their eyes instantly fell on Wei Wei and Qin Mo, with scrutiny in their eyes.

Among them, behind Elder Lin Geng, some young male monks suddenly showed surprise on their faces after seeing Weiwei's beautiful, refined and otherworldly face.

In terms of appearance and temperament alone, even the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', one of the top forces in the Eastern Wasteland, has only a few people who can compare with it. Coupled with his outstanding talent, many young male monks have gleaming eyes. A little hot.

As for Qin Mo, except for the elder Lin Geng who headed him took a second look, he didn't attract much attention. He just glanced at Qin Mo's mature face and the Qi of the Bitter Sea Realm. They didn't pay much attention to it. Care too much.

Seeing this, Wu Qingshan also quickly introduced Weiwei and Qin Mo to Elder Lin Geng of Yaoguang Holy Land. At the same time, he also listed the talented disciples in Lingxu Cave Heaven one by one.

As a dependent force of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', it is the duty of Lingxu Dongtian to transport fresh blood to it. If the fresh blood transported has outstanding talent, it can also receive considerable rewards.

Especially when the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is in person, they don't dare to hide in the slightest. However, the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is a top force after all, and it has considerable requirements for the disciples' cultivation talents.

So even though Wu Qingshan introduced many disciples, only Wei Wei and Qin Mo were selected in the end.

No, it should be said that only Weiwei was selected based on her talent. As for Qin Mo, if elder Wu Qingshan hadn't said that Qin Mo had taken the legendary holy fruit in the ancient forbidden land, he might have lost the selection.

Of course, this is because Qin Mo has restrained his transformed physique as much as possible. Qin Mo does not want to be targeted by ruthless people as soon as he enters the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

But it was a pity that even so, Qin Mo could feel that the leader, Elder Lin Geng, looked at him and Weiwei with vague malice.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique of the ruthless lineage requires swallowing thousands of bloodlines and physiques. Naturally, it has a strange way of sensing special bloodlines and physiques. It is obvious that Weiwei's 'fairy eye' has not yet been fully awakened, and the so-called "fairy eye" in Qin Mo's body. The 'Holy Fruit' has already been targeted.

After all, whether it is the 'Fairy Eye' or the 'Holy Fruit' with the transformation effect, they are excellent qualifications for those who practice the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art.

Not only Qin Mo sensed it, but Wei Wei, whose 'fairy eyes' had not yet fully awakened, also sensed the malice hidden in the eyes of the elders of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' in front of her.

Although Weiwei didn't know why the elders of the Shaking Light Holy Land in front of her were malicious towards her, she also knew that the current situation did not allow her to resist.

Although Elder Lin Geng of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' in front of her is not the strongest person who came to explore and compete for the Demon Emperor's tomb this time, it is not something she, a practitioner of the Reunion Sea Secret Realm, can resist, even if she has the 'Fairy Spirit Eyes'. 'exist.

Feeling this situation, Weiwei's eyes suddenly flashed with helplessness, and at the same time she looked at Qin Mo with a hint of sympathy.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's brows moved slightly, and a faint light flickered in his eyes, but he didn't pay too much attention.

The elder in front of him was no longer in the secret realm of the Dao Palace. With the intensity of his spiritual thoughts on the first level of the Qin Mo Immortal Platform, coupled with the method of the 'Six-Character Mantra', he was able to completely distort his memory silently.


As one of the top powers in the Beidou Star Territory, the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is located in the Southern Territory of the Eastern Wasteland and is also the closest force to the demonic land of the 'Ancient Forbidden Land'.

In addition, this territory is controlled by the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', so naturally there is no shortage of teleportation arrays that can cross the void.

With the help of the teleportation array, even if the Lingxu Cave is extremely far away from the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', it only takes half a day, and even this is just an ordinary period.

If there is an emergency, there is even a teleportation jade platform across the Southern Territory, which is enough to cross the Southern Territory.

This is why when the 'Demon Emperor Tomb' in the original ruins was triggered, the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' and 'Ji Family' came so quickly.

Compared with the Lingxu Cave in a remote corner of the Eastern Wasteland, which is known as the Cave Heaven Blessed Land but has only a few low hills, the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is undoubtedly more in line with the legendary Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

Towering mountains intersect and swirl together. The ridges are like the backs of dragons, suddenly jumping up and down in the sky. Strange peaks rise together like flying immortals. The clouds are steaming and the clouds are bright. There are green pines and cypresses, strange rocks standing upright, and silver waterfalls falling down, just like the sound of phoenixes and the sparkling fairy spirit. , the rays of light are intertwined and diffuse, and the auspiciousness is extraordinary.

In addition, there are countless legends.

The most miraculous among them is undoubtedly the Jidao Imperial Armament it inherited. It is the only powerful force in the Beidou Star Region that has never given birth to a great emperor, but has refined the Jidao Imperial Armament.

Legend has it that the 'Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron' was worshiped and refined by the sages, elders and disciples of the Shaking Light Holy Land throughout the ages. It absorbed the essence of the sun and moon and the power of the stars for 50,000 years, imitating the rhythm of heaven and earth, and finally emerged on a rainy night with lightning and thunder. , intertwined with the principles of heaven and earth, and turned into the ultimate imperial weapon.

But in fact, all the forces that have the Ji Dao Emperor Weapon know that it is impossible for the Ji Dao Emperor Weapon to be born because of tens of thousands of years of worship, or even the sacrifice of life with dozens of sages and the dedication of a lifetime of Tao practice. .

Not to mention the extremely powerful imperial weapons, even the quasi-imperial weapons may not have any hope of being cast.

If there were dozens of powerful quasi-emperors practicing the same scripture, devoting themselves to the Taoism and sacrificing their own lives and souls, it would still be possible to forge the Ultimate Emperor Armament.

Otherwise, what qualifications does a mere sage have...

The real truth is nothing but the prayers of the former ruthless lineage, passed down from generation to generation for tens of thousands of years or even longer.

I don’t know whether it was tens of thousands of years of faith and obsession that accidentally awakened the thoughts of the ruthless emperor who transformed from the ‘Ancient Forbidden Land’, or maybe it happened that the ruthless emperor happened to feel the successor’s prayer at the turn of transformation. Heaven’s grace has been sent down.

The 'Black Gold Cauldron with Dragon Pattern' transformed into the ultimate form overnight.

For an ordinary emperor, it would take a lot of time and effort to forge a supreme emperor's weapon, even if he had enough 'immortal gold'.

But for the ruthless emperor who is gradually transforming into a red dust immortal, it is nothing more than ordinary. Even if it were not for the fact that he was in a state of transformation and had enough materials, an 'ordinary' imperial weapon like the 'Black Gold Cauldron with Dragon Pattern' would be nothing more than a thought. between.

One of the most important reasons why Qin Mo chose the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' was the 'Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron', or the fairy gold used to cast the 'Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron' - Dragon Marked Black Gold.

Compared with other forces with imperial weapons, whether it is the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' or the 'Ruthless Lineage' hidden in it, the control of the 'Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron' is undoubtedly the weakest, even if it is consistent with its own There are no scriptures about the Great Emperor.

Coupled with the ruthless lineage hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', it is undoubtedly the most beneficial choice for Qin Mo.

There are nine kinds of immortal gold in the world of Zhetian, and black gold with dragon patterns is one of them. It is also said that the nine immortal golds can be combined into one to create an 'immortal weapon'.

In the original work, after Ye Fan became the Emperor of Heaven, he spent hundreds of thousands of years casting the Nine Divine Golden Cauldrons using the Nine Immortal Gold as materials and the shape of the 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things'.

The nine divine golden cauldrons were merged into one and smelted into a nine-color treasure cauldron, which became an immortal weapon.

Finally, with his extremely strong cultivation and magical powers, he merged the Nine Color Immortal Cauldron with the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things, and the two cauldrons merged into one, becoming a stunning and supreme immortal weapon.

The most original power of Qin Mo and the 'Qiankun Ding' happens to be nine types.

Immortal Tears Green Gold, Eternal Blue Gold, Feathered Green Gold, Phoenix Blood Red Gold, Dragon Pattern Black Gold, Divine Trace Purple Gold, Dao Tribulation Gold, Bright White Gold, Destiny Orange Gold, all in the shape of nine immortal golds!

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, yang, time and space, the nine original rules are gods!

In addition, the "ancient scriptures" left by Emperor Huangtian...

······(End of this chapter)

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