The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 289 "Qian Kun Sutra" Wheel and Sea Scroll!

The main peak of the branch of 'Shaking Light Holy Land' - Sutra Pavilion!

The cultivation knowledge, classics, and secrets that have reached a certain level in the world of Zhetian will contain charm and Tao principles. Coupled with the dominance of Zhetian's cultivation system, they can even be directly turned into forbidden weapons with powerful power.

Moreover, the material that can be inscribed with such a powerful charm and Taoist knowledge is extremely precious. Ordinary paper or even ordinary iron cannot bear it.

Therefore, most of the knowledge and classics related to cultivation are basically not and cannot be recorded at will like other heavens and worlds.

But even so, the "Shaking Light Holy Land", which is the top power in the Eastern Wasteland, is even just a branch of the "Shaking Light Holy Land", and the scriptures in its Scripture Pavilion are still vast.

Even though many of the knowledge and classics in the Sutra Pavilion only record the most basic and low-level parts, there are no miraculous and powerful secrets in the secret realms of the Wheel and the Dao Palace, and even the highest realms are only recorded. The four-pole secret realm is also the limit that ordinary materials can bear.

Further up, the books related to the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm and even the Sendai Secret Realm require rare treasures to have enough power to carry them.

With the foundation of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', there is naturally no shortage of rare treasures. Not to mention rare treasures, even the most precious treasure known as Immortal Gold and Divine Iron is in stock.

But... this is just a branch...

The classics, knowledge, and secret methods recorded in the Four Extremes Realm are enough for most monks who enter the branches of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

Even the vast majority of practitioners in the branches may not be able to practice to the four-pole realm, at least in this era of withering and suppression.

Once you practice to the Four Extremes Secret Realm, you will be eligible to enter the main line of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'. The main line naturally has the cultivation methods above the Four Extremes, the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm and even the Immortal Platform Secret Realm.

For the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', it is undoubtedly the easiest screening method.


Qin Mo slowly put down the golden book in his hand. There was a faint mysterious light in his eyes, and then it turned into rainbow light and disappeared into the 'Sutra-Tiding Pavilion'.

It has been more than a month since I entered the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', and I have the magical eye 'Fairy Spirit Eye'. Even as soon as I arrived at the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', a powerful man personally set out to recruit disciples and gave them to his direct disciples. Compared with Weiwei.

Qin Mo, who was extremely restrained, was undoubtedly just an addition. He was not even qualified to enter the main line of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', so he was directly sent to the branch line without causing any waves.

However, this is the treatment that the vast majority of 'geniuses' who join the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' on their own and many affiliated forces should receive. As soon as they enter the Holy Land, people like Weiwei are eligible to directly enter the main line, and even have powerful Very few strong men go to take disciples in person.

For a top force like the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', only true geniuses with excellent talent, understanding, and great potential are qualified to enter the main line. That is the true future of a holy land.

As for the disciples in the branch lines, most of them will choose to become 'servers' in the Holy Land after reaching a certain level or reaching the limit of practice, or choose to be assigned to various places. Only a few can stand out and enter the main line. .

But even so, there are still countless monks flocking to it. Even if they are just a branch of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', they are actually stronger than many so-called Cave Heaven Paradise and second- and third-rate cultivation families in terms of cultivation resources and mysterious methods. many.

Just the vast "Sutra-Tiding Pavilion" in front of him is of immeasurable value, especially to Qin Mo at this moment.

Although the 'Sutra Collection Pavilion' in front of him only recorded the most basic and low-level cultivation books and knowledge, for Qin Mo, it was like a lifeline.

Originally, according to the rules of the 'Sutra Pavilion', although there were no taboos in the classics that were not allowed to be read, in order to prevent branch disciples from being overwhelmed, each time they entered the 'Sutra Pavilion', the power in the jade tablets given out was only enough to open three books. Classics.

But this rule is in vain for Qin Mo, whose spiritual strength has reached the first level of Immortal Platform, even if there is a strong man from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm sitting in the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion'.

Not all practitioners are like Weiwei, who possess the powerful talent of 'fairy eyes', but in the secret realm of wheel sea, they can faintly sense abnormalities.

In more than a month, relying on his spiritual thoughts from the first level of the Immortal Platform, he has memorized all the numerous classics in the Sutra Pavilion of the branch of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

"No wonder among the many emperor's scriptures of Zhe Tian, ​​the "Tao Jing" is the best when it comes to the secret realm of Wheel and Sea..."

Qin Mo sighed slightly. Although the classics in the branch Scripture Pavilion of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' were vast, especially the classics about the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea accounted for nearly half.

But no matter any book or knowledge about the secret realm of the wheel and sea, you can find similar shadows in the wheel and sea volume of the "Tao Jing", and it is more comprehensive and high-level, just like an encyclopedia of the secret realm of the wheel and sea. .

Although Qin Mo at this moment has not read other scriptures in the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the Emperor's Scripture, Qin Mo can guarantee that there will not be any Emperor's Scripture in the Wheel and Sea Scroll that is more comprehensive than the "Tao Jing", even if it is Ye Fan in the future. The same is true for the "Celestial Emperor Sutra" which was transformed from the most powerful sutras in various secret realms.

In the future, the power limit of the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Emperor of Heaven" may be more powerful than that of the "Tao Jing", but it will only fit Ye Fan himself, and there will not even be many people who can even start practicing, just like the "Wu Shi" of Emperor Wu Shi. In general, only the powerful talents of the innate Taoist holy body are qualified to practice.

But the "Tao Jing" suitable for practitioners of all races.'s just a fit, not a perfect fit...especially for practitioners with magical bloodlines and physiques.

Although the "Tao Jing" is known as the strongest scripture in the Wheel and Sea Scroll, if Ye Fan does not have the powerful physique of the "Ancient Holy Body" in the original work, based on the "Tao Jing" itself, the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm is at best an ordinary genius, far from being called Go up to the monster.

If Qin Mo's physique has not changed, practicing the "Tao Jing", the most comprehensive book in the secret realm of the wheel and sea, would be a good choice.

In fact, if it weren't for the transformation of his physique, Qin Mo's first thought after learning that the world he was in was the 'Zhetian', was to plot the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" of the ruthless lineage hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' and "The Power of Immortality".

As long as he has enough world origins, Qin Mo can completely ignore the need to swallow many supernatural bloodlines and physiques to practice the "Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique", and then he can transform into a perfect chaotic body.

Before reaching a certain level, magical physiques and bloodlines can undoubtedly greatly increase one's combat power, especially top physiques such as the 'Holy Body', 'Hegemonic Body' and 'Chaos Body'.

This is true even if you reach the quasi-emperor realm, or even the great emperor realm.

Only Ye Fan, who is as powerful as Wu Shi, Ruo Ren and Future Reverse for several lives, is qualified to ignore his bloodline and physique, and even kill everything and return to the mortal body.

Qin Mo at this moment is not qualified to pursue the so-called foundation of the mortal body.

However, with the transformation of his physique, Qin Mo changed his original plan. Although he also wanted to obtain the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique", he used them more for reference.

The physique derived from the nine most original powers of rules is undoubtedly the most suitable physique for Qin Mo. Perhaps Qin Mo's physique at this moment is mysterious and magical, compared to the 'Holy Body', 'Hegemony Body' and 'Chaos Body'. Top physical fitness is not as good as it is.

But it can transform with the continuous transformation of the "Qiankun Realm" in the "Qiankun Cauldron", and it will never be worse than these top divine bodies in the future.

What Qin Mo has to do is, like Ye Fan in the original work, create a practice scripture that best suits him and is exclusive to him.

Originally, with Qin Mo's background, he wanted to create the Wheel and Sea Scripture that best suited him and was exclusive to him. Even if he had the complete wheel and sea scroll of the "Tao Jing" as the basis, it would still require a huge amount of world resources.

Unless the transformation of the 'World of Universe' is suspended, there will simply not be enough origin of the world to deduce. But this is different. The vast sea of ​​practice books in the Scripture Pavilion of the Shaking Light Holy Land have greatly expanded Qin Mo's background, even if they only contain the most basic and low-level practice knowledge...

For more than a month, although Qin Mo was in the Scripture Pavilion and had not done anything to deal with the ruthless people hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', he still accumulated a lot of world origins.

Although the number is far inferior to the origin of the world in the 'Qiankun Realm', it is still enough for Qin Mo to deduce the Wheel and Sea Scroll scripture that suits him.

The source of these world origins was provided by Pang Bo, who was in the demon clan, and Ye Fan, who was missing.

Looking at the more than 20,000 points of world origin displayed in the Zhetian World Origin on the attribute panel, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly. It seems that Pang Bo and Ye Fan have experienced many twists and turns during this period, otherwise he would not be able to accumulate these worlds. origin.

Qin Mo was not too worried about Ye Fan's safety. After all, it was a 'similar flower' in the eyes of ruthless people. No matter who fell, Ye Fan would not fall.

As for Pang Bo, unless there is an immortal who is good at soul methods and can personally penetrate into the soul, it will be impossible to break the barrier left by Qin Mo, and such a person does not exist at this stage of the demon clan.

Thoughts are moving...


The origin of the world that covers the sky begins to evaporate instantly.

His eyes were slightly closed, and invisible mysterious fluctuations lingered for an instant, as if the fire of wisdom was ignited. The Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Tao Jing" and the vast basic practice books were all turned into firewood.

The physique that was not mysterious at first lit up with nine colors of divine light. The silent 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​suffering trembled loudly, and countless insights quickly emerged.

At this moment, Qin Mo only felt the auspicious colors falling from the sky, the divine springs gushing from the earth, the lotus blossoms blooming, and the roots of Yao grass sprouting. Divine clouds fill the sky, dragons and phoenixes dance, longevity turtles spit out auspiciousness, auspicious lins receive energy, purple energy comes from the east, golden light comes from the west, five-color divine lights shine, and colorful rainbows cross the sky.

Many wonderful phenomena and endless methods are presented one after another, mysterious and mysterious, like the divine sounds of heaven and earth, and like the hymns of the great road.

"Gold!" "Wood!" "Water!" "Fire!" "Earth!" "Yin!" "Yang!" "Time!" "Empty!"

Nine layers of dazzling fairy light lingered and shone brightly, as if a heavenly being was born, and a vast world was quietly evolving.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of damage and make up for the deficiency..."

"Tao can be said, but it is not Tao. Names can be named, but they are not named. Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth. Named, the mother of all things..."

"Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. All things bear yin and hold yang, and the energy is in harmony..."

Countless mysterious scriptures circulate and sing in the void, including the mysterious ancient scripture left by Emperor Huangtian. Although more than half of the mysteries in this ancient scripture are about how to repair, construct, and evolve the fairyland, even so, Qin Mo is still The most amazing scripture I have ever mastered.


As if reaching the extreme, Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness shook, like the sound of heaven reverberating on the avenue, or the roar of thunder on the avenue.

"Heaven and earth are the images of the universe... set in the positions of yin and yang..."

An extremely mysterious scripture was suddenly derived, singing in the void of consciousness and soul.

Qin Mo's consciousness suddenly cleared, and the sea of ​​suffering stirred up huge waves in vain. The extremely bright nine-layer fairy light suddenly shone, the divine light was magnificent and the momentum was endless.

Countless nine-color fairy light turns into divine flowers and circulates in the body, mysterious and different phases appear, the five elements rotate, the yin and yang meet, the time is endless, the space is infinite, the divine glow shines, there are thousands of changes, there is no fixed pattern.

A vast world of heaven and earth is vaguely enveloped, with endless birth and death, reincarnation, and evolution.

As if the accumulated original essence had found an outlet, it suddenly began to vent, and the vast energy instantly moved in an extremely mysterious trajectory.

In an instant...

Bitter sea condenses! Life springs up! Shenqiao Cast!

Nine sheds of the flesh body - the other shore appears!

In just a short moment, he completed the practice of the secret realm of Lun Hai.

As if reaching the extreme, the remaining original essence quietly and slowly fell like an ebbing tide, sinking into the sea of ​​suffering.

His consciousness gradually became clearer, and his eyes slowly opened.


A brilliant nine-color mysterious light instantly burst out from Qin Mo's eyes and penetrated the void.


Qin Mo exhaled a deep breath and quickly began to calm down the surging divine power in his body, and the mysterious vision lingering around him slowly dissipated.

Looking at the additional practice scriptures on the attribute panel, Qin Mo's mind moved slightly and quickly began to change.

[Dharma: "Qian Kun Sutra" Wheel and Sea Scroll······】

However, before Qin Mo could feel the changes in his body, his eyes instantly glanced towards the void in the direction of the main veins, his brows furrowed slightly, and a hint of indifference flashed in his eyes.


The space fluctuated slightly, and the figure quickly disappeared.


A figure shrouded in darkness quietly appeared, and a strange and terrifying energy lingered.

Just by its arrival, the vitality of the surrounding environment begins to dry up and disappear.

As if sensing something, there was no movement. For a moment, an extremely sinister voice sounded.

"Vision...Physical awakening? New qualifications..."

······(End of this chapter)

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