The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 291 Fahai? Old bald donkey? ;Old Qin! Qin Mo!

Hundreds of miles away from the area where the two men fought, on a mountain peak with obvious traces of a newly opened cave, the divine power barrier rippled slightly.

After a moment, the barrier quietly dissipated.

Compared with the main vein of the Shaking Light Holy Land, the branch veins have a larger scope, and even occupy nearly three-quarters of the entire Shaking Light Holy Land.

In contrast to the huge scope, although there are many branch disciples of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', except for a few lively gathering areas such as the Sutra Pavilion and the Martial Arts Arena... of emptiness.

Moreover, compared to the main line of the Shaking Light Holy Land, the rules of the branch lines are broader and more liberal. As long as the rules are not violated, basically no Holy Land law enforcers will pay attention to them.

Because of this, as long as the disciples in the branch of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' report, they can open caves within the scope of the branch to practice and live.


The door of the cave opened suddenly, and Qin Mo's figure slowly appeared.

Seeing the glow rising in the sky, Qin Mo took a deep breath, his eyes flickered slightly, and he subconsciously glanced at the direction of the battle.

It had been several months since the battle with the young elder. A monk from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm disappeared for no apparent reason without causing any ripples.

Whether it's the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' or the hidden 'Ruthless Lineage', it's as if nothing happened at all.

But it is not incomprehensible. After all, it is a world of cultivation. Even if the life span of the practitioners in Zhetian is not as long as those in the so-called world of cultivation and immortal martial arts, the time of one cultivation or outing exploration is not short.

The monks in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm seem to be extremely powerful, but they are nothing to the ruthless people who master the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique". Even if they are willing to spare the resources, they can achieve it quickly without leaving any traces. Qualifications such as life lantern and soul lantern.

In addition, the ruthless lineage is still hidden after all, and it is basically impossible to discover its demise in a short period of time.

But this is a good thing for Qin Mo.

In these few months, Qin Mo also transformed all the gains into his own heritage. At the same time, he also completely practiced the "Qian Kun Sutra" and mastered all the miracles and secrets contained in it.

Even relying on the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" dug out from the ruthless lineage of practitioners, the main framework of the secret realm of the Dao Palace in the "Qian Kun Sutra" was deduced and constructed.

Normally, there must be terrible restrictions on the monks of many holy places, great religions, and powerful forces, especially the spiritual consciousness of the spiritual platform. Once touched, they may self-destruct or explode, in order to prevent outsiders from exploring, resulting in Scripture leaked out.

The powerful restrictions contained within it may not be able to be explored perfectly even if they are as powerful as the Quasi-Emperor.

This is especially true for the 'Renren lineage'. Even the restrictions on the monks of the ruthless lineage are more terrifying than the scripture restrictions on the disciples of many holy places, great religions, and powerful disciples.

There is even a powerful force that is as powerful as a full-strength strike from the Great Saint Realm. If a strong person tries to explore it, the ban will be triggered in an instant, and they will be opened directly, and they will die together.

However, they encountered Qin Mo who had condensed the phantom of the 'Swallowing Sky Demon Cap' and possessed the origin of the world.

The extremely powerful force contained in the imperial scriptures' prohibition, which was comparable to the full blow of the Great Sage, had not yet exploded, but was directly suppressed, devoured, absorbed, and refined, and became Qin Mo's foundation.

The imperial scriptures' prohibition was directly dissolved by the origin of the world, without having any effect.

It's a pity that even though Qin Mo got the two great emperor scriptures "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" from the dragon-changing monk, he still had too little world origin after all. He only had the "Qian Kun Sutra" The main framework of the Palace Secret Realm has been deduced and constructed.

If it weren't for the lack of the origin of the world, it would be impossible to deduce the Tao Palace scrolls in the "Qian Kun Sutra" to perfection. Relying on the foundation and origin accumulated in the body, these few months of practice can fully achieve the perfection of the Tao Palace.

The essence of the world contained in a monk from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm who has practiced the Emperor Sutra is far less than Qin Mo expected, but it is comparable to breaking the restriction of the Emperor Sutra in his spirit platform soul.

If it weren't for these few months, Ye Fan and Pang Bo outside the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' would have a steady stream of water.

Qin Mo even didn't even have the origin of the world that could be deduced or constructed from the main framework of the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Jing".

However, although he only constructed the main framework of the Dao Palace Scroll, it did not affect Qin Mo's breakthrough to the secret realm of the Dao Palace, but he was unable to possess the supernatural phenomena and secret techniques of the Dao Palace such as other emperor scriptures.

It's a pity that Qin Mo only unearthed the four volumes of the Wheel and Sea, Tao Palace, Four Poles, and Dragon Transformation from the two emperor scriptures of "The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique" and "The Immortal Heaven Technique" from the suppressed Dragon Transformation Monk of the ruthless lineage. , there is no most magical Sendai volume, and the forbidden secret technique on the last page.

Moreover, Qin Mo could clearly feel the shortcomings in it, and it was not the shortcomings in the Sendai scrolls of the two great emperor scriptures "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique", as well as the lack of forbidden secret techniques.

It is the shortcomings of the most original and important mysterious secret methods of these two emperor scriptures. In the two emperor scriptures, such as the secret method of smelting, unifying and purifying the origin after refining the source of "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique"; the most essential transformation of "Immortal Heaven Technique" The secret methods...are all gone.

On the contrary, the holy methods of protecting the way and killing such as the 'Holy Art of Ten Thousand Transformations', 'Dao Aquarius' and 'Flying Immortal Power' are very complete, which also include the secret methods of sensing many king's bodies, divine bodies, and magical bloodlines, as well as Recording greatly broadened Qin Mo's horizons.

In this way, the monks who have practiced the two great emperor scriptures "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" without some of the most original and important scriptures are undoubtedly more like "materials".

In addition, the "Shaking Light Holy Land" itself possesses very complete secret arts and scriptures such as: Holy Light Technique, Hunyuan Holy Light Technique, etc.

Although there has never been a great emperor in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', there are many scriptures about saints, saint kings, great saints, and even quasi-emperors.

The ruthless monk suppressed by Qin Mo used it to cover up the two great emperor scriptures "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique". The scriptures he practiced came from one of the "Shaking Light Holy Land". Chapter quasi-emperor scripture.

Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention to this, or he had expected it. However, Qin Mo was very satisfied that a monk in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm could gain such a harvest.

The complete scriptures of the Great Emperor are not something that an ordinary dragon-transforming monk can possess.

To the outside world and even most practitioners, the monks in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm are already called immortals. However, to many holy places and great sects, unless they are extremely talented, they are just ordinary.

Having two incomplete volumes of the Emperor's Scripture, one complete volume of the Quasi-Emperor's Scripture, as well as many mysterious techniques and mystical techniques is already considered very complete. It is precisely because of this that although Qin Mo at this stage has not deduced the complete scriptures about the secret realm of Taoist Palace, he does not lack the means to deal with the enemy.

Even the methods in the "Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" of the ruthless emperor are not suitable for use in the outside world.

As for the secret technique derived from the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra", even with the strength of Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts at this moment, even the half-step power of the first level of Xiantai can be easily suppressed.

However, the most essential power of Lun Hai Secret Technique is not to attack, but to suppress and seal, so it is not suitable for attack.

Originally, Qin Mo wanted to wait until the Dao Palace Scroll scriptures were deduced completely, and then he could go out of seclusion after practicing to perfection.

But the almost exhausted source of the world between the eyebrows does not allow it...

For the current Qin Mo, the cultivation resources in Zhetian such as the Origin Stone and Great Medicine are not that important. The Origin accumulated in the 'Douluo World' is at least enough for Qin Mo to cultivate to the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

In the past half month, except for the divine rule barrier that protected Pang Bo and occasionally provided some world origin, Qin Mo no longer received the world origin from Ye Fan.

Apparently, Ye Fan and Pang Bo, who had been imprisoned for nearly a year, had reached the limit of the source of the world they could provide. They were simply not enough to fully deduce the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Jing", so they had to choose to leave.

It's not that the origin of the world in Ye Fan and Pang Bo has been completely consumed, but that the backup plan Qin Mo left for them has basically been completely consumed.

Looking at the single-digit world origin that covers the sky displayed on the attribute panel, Qin Mo showed a hint of helplessness on his face. If the 'World of Heaven and Earth' was not in the transformation stage, the origin of the world contained in it could not be easily used, why would he be so embarrassed... ····

"Seventy thousand points..."

Qin Mo glanced at the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra" on the attribute panel, and whispered slightly.

If you want to deduce the secret technique from the Tao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Jing", you need at least 70,000 points of world origin. If converted into the Dragon Transformation Monk who was suppressed by Qin Mo, there are seven Dragon Transformation Monks.

Qin Mo's eyes flashed slightly, and he dissipated the attribute panel. He quietly looked towards the main vein direction of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' and thought: "That's fine, but it's just a little bit ahead of time..."

Although the "Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" obtained only the four volumes of Wheel, Dao Palace, Four Poles, and Dragon Transformation, there are no forbidden secret techniques, and the most original and important secret technique of transformation, but they are also This gave Qin Mo the ability to identify the ruthless monks hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

The thoughts moved slightly, the divine power surged within the body, and the nine-color fairy light flickered faintly, floating in the space, and quickly turned into a mist, disappearing into the void.


The edge of the Eastern Wasteland—outside the capital of Wei State!

Two figures, one fat and one young, stood facing each other, with anger and shame in their eyes. However, compared to the fatter one, the younger one had a faint guilty conscience in his eyes.

However, Ye Fan didn't show any signs of it on his face. On the contrary, he took the lead with great confidence and said: "Damn fat man, I call you an immortal! Not to mention that you robbed me of my three psychic treasures a year ago, why don't you give them back?" My bullshit life-saving jade is of no use at all."

"Young master, I was captured by that bald donkey. I had to meditate for more than half a year and eat vegetarian food for more than half a year. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet an expert..."

Hearing this, looking at the clothes that Ye Fan was wearing, Duan De's fat face trembled slightly, his eyes were filled with shame and anger, he pointed at Ye Fan and said: "You fart, I have been investigating for several months, and there is no Buddhist bald donkey at all. Not to mention Buddhist bald donkeys, not even bald lads... Also, what you are wearing is obviously my precious garment!"

"Furthermore, I followed those Holy Lands and the Huanggu Family, and explored the Yin Tomb seven times in and seven out. There was no green copper block at all..."

Hearing this, Ye Fan became even more excited, and even took a step forward and said: "Nonsense, you were knocked unconscious by someone, how could I dare to resist, of course you were picked up by that bald donkey." ·····”

"The treasure robe on my body was given to me by that bald donkey who saw that I was extremely talented and wanted to bring me into Buddhism. He said that I had the appearance of a Buddhist Vajra protector."

Looking at Ye Fan's confident look, Duan De's face suddenly flashed with suspicion, but his eyes quickly became hollow, like an endless abyss or a black hole, without a trace of brilliance, and his tone was quietly low, with a faint inexplicable rhythm. , said: "Is he really the bald donkey who was taught by Buddhism? What does he look like? What is the name of the Dharma?"

In an instant, Ye Fan only felt a sense of drowsiness. It was obviously a kind of ecstasy technique that could forcibly explore the thoughts in his heart, but Ye Fan didn't care. Whether it was the spiritual barrier left by Qin Mo, or what he had already transformed into at the moment. The sea of ​​spiritual thoughts in the golden lake has no fear of this secret technique.

However, the dead fat man in front of him was stronger than him after all, so Ye Fan did not resist directly, but directly synthesized all the eminent monks he had seen on the earth in his mind, and turned them into a statue that looked kind-hearted, but possessed thunderbolts. The image of the old monk by means of means.

He replied: "Yes, an old monk who looks kind-hearted but very strong. The old monk didn't say his name, but some young monks called him Zen Master Fahai..."

As he spoke, Ye Fan still imagined a scene in his mind where Duan De was knocked unconscious by the old monk's vajra pestle, the Lingtai Divine Sea was blocked by the six-character mantra, and all the treasures on his body were looted.

Seeing this scene in Ye Fan's mind, Duan De already believed it in his heart. The muscles on his face kept beating, and he almost failed to maintain the secret of ecstasy. He took several deep breaths before he completely recovered, and asked again through gritted teeth: "The green copper block was really picked up by Fahai's bald donkey?"

Compared with the green bronze blocks, the many treasures on his body are nothing more than rubbish.

At the same time, Duan De quickly appeared next to Ye Fan and probed Ye Fan's body. A hint of wonder suddenly appeared in his eyes: "What a powerful body. If you cross into Buddhism, you will be a natural Vajra protector. No wonder that bald donkey can Heartbeat..."

In my heart, I trusted what Ye Fan said again.

Hearing this, Ye Fan replayed the scene in his heart and replied: "Yes, after the old bald donkey stripped you naked, it didn't take long to get the green copper block from the deep pool of the tomb."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fan seemed to have thought of something else, and spoke again: "Oh, by the way, that old bald donkey and I watched your reaction after waking up on a mountain peak dozens of miles away... "

Fahai? Old bald donkey? ×;

Lao Qin! Qin Mo! √

Ye Fan apologized slightly to Qin Mo deep in his heart...

In an instant, a chill ran down Qin Mo's back, who was far away in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'...

When Duan De heard this, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. The spell of enchantment could no longer be maintained. (End of chapter)

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