The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 292: 108 ruthless 1st line monks! The Secret Technique of Taoist Palace 'Five Elements


At the edge of the branch mountains of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', the space trembled slightly. In an instant, the sky and the earth lost color, and the void was quietly torn apart.

For a moment, a crystal light bead filled with nine-color fairy light condensed instantly, and then turned directly into a stream of light and disappeared into the void, disappearing in place, and quietly appeared on the tip of a slender finger.

Looking at the dense crystal beads on his fingertips, Qin Mo whispered softly: "The one hundred and eight, it is the number of the Taoist Tiangang and the earth's evil stars that rotate in the 108-week sky..."

"It's a pity that they are basically just small fish, but they are barely enough..."

After he finished speaking, the crystal beads on his fingertips bloomed quietly, and a faint divine silk thread emerged, instantly piercing the void, as if connected to something.

The next moment...


A crisp, melodious, yet mysterious and magical sound of crystal collision sounded.

Under Qin Mo's sleeves, a bracelet composed of one hundred and eight dense crystal beads was neatly worn on his wrist. It was crystal clear, mysterious and magical.

Each dense crystal bead represents a cultivator of the 'cruel lineage', but at this moment, they are all turned into Qin Mo's treasure.

At the same time, Qin Mo also lamented the horror of the 'bloodline'. A top holy land like the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' was actually used as the soil to take root, absorbing the nutrients of the holy land to supply itself with rebirth.

Just from his induction, nearly one-third of the practitioners in the main lineage of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' have divine power that contains the demonic nature of the 'Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique', and these one-third of the practitioners are also 'Shaking Light'. The mainstay of the Holy Land of Light.

On the contrary, among the branches, there are not many monks with ruthless energy.

However, any monk who possesses the qi energy of the ruthless lineage is the controller of the branch lineage, just like the powerful man from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm who sits in the branch lineage Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

In addition, the divine weapon 'Dragon-patterned Black Gold Cauldron' was originally forged by the ruthless emperor. Although it is not controlled by a suitable emperor's scripture, the emperor's weapon gods are undoubtedly more inclined to the ruthless lineage.

It can be said that the entire 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is basically under the control of the ruthless people.

The one hundred and eight cultivators of the ruthless lineage that Qin Mo suppressed were just the tip of the iceberg, not even a drop in the bucket.

However, Qin Mo can also feel that among such a large ruthless lineage, except for a few with decent talent and good luck, the rest are most likely 'qualifications' cultivated by strong people from the ruthless lineage.

Once a 'Daozi' cultivated by the ruthless lineage is expected to become an emperor, he may even just see the hope of becoming an emperor.

Qin Mo had no doubt that the controllers of the ruthless lineage would completely sacrifice these 'materials' without hesitation and turn them into the foundation for 'Dao Zi''s enlightenment.

Perhaps, in the original work, it is not so much that Weiwei plows the courtyard and sweeps the caves, rewriting everything about Yaoguang, uprooting all the 'old order', and restoring the 'Yaoguang Holy Land'.

It would be better to say that the strong men of the ruthless lineage saw the hope in the 'Shaking Light Holy Son', and Weiwei did have the strength to compete with him, so he didn't want to suffer too much loss.

He directly took this opportunity to hide away, firstly to avoid many holy places, great religions, and foreign races, and secondly, he planned to put all his treasure on the 'Holy Son of Shaking Light'.

He sacrificed all the 'materials' of his own lineage to the 'Holy Son of Yaoguang', causing the physique of 'Holy Son of Yaoguang' to transform into an incomplete chaotic body.

After all, if you want to transform your own physique into a chaotic body, you need to devour a lot of powerful physiques and bloodlines. It can be said that it almost includes the bloodlines of most races in the entire Zhetian Universe. You must have the origin of thousands of avenues to be unified. , is possible.

Even if you want to transform into an incomplete chaotic body, you still need at least half of the bloodline and physique.

In the original book, when the Yaoguang Holy Son on the Emperor's Road was defeated in battle with Ye Fan, the exploded body contained a full 6,400 avenue origins.

Although there are endless powerful and miraculous physiques in the Zhetian world, in fact this is just a cognitive bias. If you are not at the peak of the era, looking at the entire Zhetian universe, the powerful and miraculous physiques are only one in a billion.

Especially in the later stages, it is not easy to find new powerful and magical physiques.

There are 6,400 different avenues of origin, and it is impossible for the 'Holy Son of Light' alone to achieve it, at least not in those short few hundred years.

Moreover, this is a very hateful thing, so there is no way that there will be no movement at all.

At this moment, among the one hundred and eight crystal beads on Qin Mo's wrist, there are seventy-two below the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, twenty-eight in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, seven on the first floor of Immortal Platform, and even one sealed. The power of the second heaven in Sendai.

Of course, the crystal bead that sealed the second level of Sendai was just an accident. It happened to hit Qin Mo's hand, and it didn't even take much effort to seal it.

Moreover, the horror of practitioners of the ruthless lineage does not stop there. It is not known that it is because of insufficient xinxing that they are unable to control the demonic nature contained in the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique".

Either because he was forced to hide in the sewers for who knows how many thousands of years by many holy places, great religions, and forces, he became a little psychopathic, or maybe the top controller of the ruthless lineage deliberately let him go.

More than half of the one hundred and eight ruthless cultivators that Qin Mo suppressed were somewhat 'crazy' or 'perverted'. The stronger the stronger, the more prosperous they were, especially the powerful one on the second level of the Immortal Platform.

I don’t know where I got the secret method of recovery. It was actually a direct imitation of the ruthless emperor, gradually dividing and restoring his own blood, bones, flesh, and internal organs. All the body except the head was separated into a whole piece. .

Even in order to make up for the imperfection of the head, he sacrificed blood to his own relatives and extracted the origin, bloodline and heads of the entire family's closest relatives.

He also used the imperial weapon 'Swallowing Heaven Devil Jar' as a model and his own flesh and blood as material to forge a forbidden weapon filled with evil and demonic nature.

It is precisely because of this that what was originally just a 'material' existence suddenly broke into the Immortal Stage and became one of the mainstream in the ruthless lineage.

This also laid a huge hidden danger for it, and it was also the reason why Qin Mo suppressed it without spending much power.

It is precisely because the power of this statue on the second level of Immortal Stage was suppressed and disappeared that it attracted the attention of the strong men of the ruthless lineage hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', even the strongest of the ruthless lineage. Moreover, the terrifying existence in the Great Sage realm also lowered its gaze.

The terrifying divine thoughts scanned the entire holy land crazily, and there was even a faint trace of Ji Dao Qi machine lingering around.

A powerful man in the realm of great power is already considered to have extremely strong combat power for Beidou, who is now silent and returning to ruins. Even if this powerful man's thinking is a bit crazy and chaotic...

You must know that even the current Holy Lord of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', as well as the leaders of many top holy places and imperial clans, are only at this level.

How ridiculous that he disappeared into the bed quietly.

However, the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' is the top holy land in the entire Beidou after all. In addition, with the extremely powerful imperial weapon 'Dragon Patterned Black Gold Cauldron' sitting at its command, I don't think there is anyone who can bypass the extremely powerful imperial weapon. Coupled with the special characteristics of the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique", the great saint-level helmsman from the ruthless lineage only thought that he was a strong person from their lineage or was unable to hold back due to the depletion of his life span. Devouring 'material resources', wanting to prolong life.

The imperial weapon 'Dragon-marked Black Gold Cauldron' did not warn, and the spiritual exploration yielded no results, which is enough to prove that the person who took action was a strong man of his own lineage.

Therefore, it was just a sweeping sweep of spiritual thoughts that slightly aroused a trace of the ultimate power of the emperor's soldiers as a warning, but did not completely revive the 'Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron' and explode the ultimate power of the emperor.

If Qin Mo was still in the realm of entering the Dao Palace for the first time, he might not be able to avoid the sweeping spiritual thoughts of the powerful saint-level man from the ruthless lineage.

Fortunately, thanks to the 'gift package' of the origin of the world contributed by many monks of the ruthless lineage, as well as many spiritual books, Qin Mo successfully completed the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Jing", and derived it like the Wheel and Sea Scroll. An extremely powerful and magical secret technique.

The mysterious technique contained in the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Jing" directly doubled Qin Mo's hiding methods.

Among the five secret realms of Zhetian Cultivation, the Tao Palace Secret Realm has five levels. It mainly studies the five internal organs and the five elements of the human body. The five elements, the gods, and the gods rotate, create and destroy each other, and start again and again.

It is precisely because of the mystery of the secret realm of the Dao Palace that Qin Mo unconsciously referred to the 'Five Elements Escape', one of the thirty-six methods of Tiangang in myths and legends, when he derived the secret technique of the Dao Palace in the "Qian Kun Jing".

Although the secret technique of the Dao Palace that was finally formed was not as powerful as the 'Five Elements Escape', one of the thirty-six methods of Tiangang in myths and legends.

But it also has unparalleled concealment and escape methods. In terms of potential and power, it is by no means better than those in the world of Zhetian who claim to have practiced to the extreme and are expected to touch the secret difference of the word "Xing" in the time domain.

This also makes the Great Sage's divine thoughts, which originally required consuming the world's origin, to be omitted directly.

As long as its incomparable mysterious power is not exposed nakedly in front of the eyes of the great saint-level powerhouse of the ruthless lineage and the emperor's weapon "Dragon-marked Black Gold Cauldron", it will be completely unimpeded.

In addition, Qin Mo also guessed what the helmsman of the Great Saint Realm of the ruthless lineage was thinking from the divine thoughts that swept across the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' and the undetectable power of the extreme.

It was just a simple warning without any actual action.

This is also the reason why Qin Mo dared to attack other cultivators of the ruthless lineage after sealing the monk of the ruthless lineage on the second level of Immortal Platform.

And the reason... The origin of the world in Qin Mo's hands only derived the practice scriptures of the Four Extremes Volume of the "Qian Kun Sutra". There are still many gaps in the mysterious and mysterious skills derived from the Four Extremes Secret Realm scriptures... ····

The Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra" has derived a secret technique that can be called the sealing of heaven and earth; the Tao Palace Scroll has derived a powerful secret technique that is comparable to the "Xing" secret of the Nine Secrets.

As for the Siji Scroll, it only lacked the secret technique of derivation and was not perfect. How could Qin Mo endure this?

But this is also the limit, and we must stop.

Qin Mo could already sense that the Great Saint's spiritual thoughts lingering in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' were becoming more and more impatient, and the lingering power of the Supreme Emperor was gradually getting stronger. Apparently, it had reached the limit of endurance.

If he continues, I am afraid that what is waiting for Qin Mo may be a powerful man in the Great Sage Realm holding the Supreme Dao Emperor Arms.

With a slight thought in his mind, he directly lit up the latest crystal bead on the dense bracelet wrapped in his hand, and the terrifying fluctuations like the annihilation of the world flashed away.

In an instant, the powerful man from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm who was suppressed inside the crystal bead was instantly wiped out.

The origin points of Zhetian World on the attribute panel quickly began to beat.

[Origin of the world that covers the sky: 998546↑]

[Origin of the world that covers the sky: 1010765]

After suppressing and annihilating one hundred and eight ruthless monks, Qin Mo also obtained the world origin points contained in the monks of various realms.

Practitioners below the ordinary Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, regardless of whether they practice the Emperor Sutra or not, can contain less than a thousand world origin points.

Ordinary practitioners of the Secret Realm of Dragon Transformation have world origin points that basically hover around ten thousand points. There is not much difference between the first transformation of dragon transformation and the ninth transformation of dragon transformation.

When a practitioner reaches the realm of Immortal Stage, it is the beginning of transformation!

The monks who are at the level of half-step to the level of power in Sendai themselves contain one hundred thousand points of the origin of the world.

However, the monks in the powerful realm of the second level of Sendai contain millions of points of world origin...

If this multiplier is used, the world origin contained in just a saint on the fourth level of Sendai can reach at least hundreds of millions.

In reality, it will only be more than this. After all, any being who can reach the realm of a saint, regardless of talent or circumstances, is far beyond ordinary.

The Great Emperor of the Eighth Heaven in Sendai probably contains more of the origin of the world than the entire "Douluo World" in Qin Mo's previous world combined.

Qin Mo, whose thoughts were unconsciously divergent, couldn't help but be fascinated. If he could...

But in a flash, Qin Mo suddenly woke up again. If the emperor was present, no, even if it was just a saint, with Qin Mo's current strength, unless he ignored the evolution of the 'World of Heaven and Earth', he would not even be able to break through the defense.

A wry smile suddenly appeared on his face. Looking at the origin of the world that covered the sky on the attribute panel, Qin Mo quickly stabilized his mind and prepared to start deriving the secret method of the four poles of the "Qian Kun Sutra".

The Wheel and Sea Realm gave rise to the methods of suppressing and sealing, the Dao Palace Scroll gave rise to the methods of hiding and escaping, and in the Four Extremes Secret Realm, Qin Mo planned to derive the most suitable offensive holy method for himself.

Thoughts moved slightly.


The origin of the world that covers the sky on the attribute panel suddenly begins to burn and evaporate.

The wheel and sea scroll practice scriptures of "Qian Kun Jing" plus the derived secret method, have the wheel and sea scroll of "Tao Jing", as well as the massive wheel and sea classics and scriptures in the branch scripture library of the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' as the foundation, which only consumes Qin Mo successfully derived 10,000 points of the origin of the world.

The cultivation scriptures of the Dao Palace Scroll plus the derived secret methods, even with the Dao Palace Scroll scriptures of the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique", as well as the massive Dao Palace classics and scriptures in the Zangmai Sutra Pavilion are supported , still increased tenfold, consuming 100,000 points of Qin Mo’s world-shading origin.

The consumption of the Siji Scroll is even more exaggerated. Just practicing the scriptures consumes a million points of the source of the world of the sky. The derivation of the secret technique also requires millions of points of the origin of the world of the sky.

But it's all worth it.

As the origin of the world of millions of people covers the sky burns and evaporates, the mysterious energy in Qin Mo's eyes becomes stronger and stronger, and a blurry shadow on the attribute panel gradually appears and becomes real. (End of chapter)

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