The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

The Kirin Seed in Chapter 295 'Demon Fetus'! Ancient evil: Qilin! The incomplete Qilin met

Half a month later!

As the turmoil intensified, the Holy City became more and more lively. Countless monks swarmed in, and even spread to various regions in the Eastern Wasteland, attracting many senior figures from the great religions to leave seclusion and cross the void to the Holy City, wanting to see with their own eyes the impact of these thousands of years. The biggest source of magic showdown.

Fortunately, there are still a few days until the Source Technique showdown, and Shifang has not announced the specific showdown.

But even so, many stone workshops throughout the Holy City, including some small workshops, are still overcrowded.

If Shi Fang is selected for the Origin Technique duel, if nothing unexpected happens, he will still choose Yaoguang Shifang in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land' as in the original work.

After all, the 'Sacred Silkworm Princess' and the 'Holy Prince' who were sealed in the Source Stone are still waiting to be born.

Qin Mo, who was in the Yaoguang Stone Square, could already sense the origin of the world that began to boil around the Yaoguang Stone Square.

For many monks in the Holy City, this shocking Source Technique duel is definitely a grand event.

But for the Holy Land Shifang, which was selected as the main battlefield of the duel, it was an extremely bad thing. After all, this meant that the immortal treasures that originally belonged to them fell into the hands of others.

Even if these fairy treasures cannot be seen through due to their own reasons, they don’t want to take risks, so they choose to sell them...

Especially those top holy places and the imperial clan’s stone workshops.

Among the holy cities at this stage, the quality of the magical stones in the Tianzihao Stone Garden of Yaoguang Shifang is unparalleled in the entire northern holy city.

In the original book, when Ye Fan had a gambling battle with those ancient aristocratic families, the pieces of magical stone he cut were all of immeasurable value, and a piece of 'devil fetus' cut out the seeds of the Kirin elixir.

A piece of 'Blood Altar' cut out the Divine Silkworm Princess, one of the ancient royal families; a piece of 'Immortal Tomb' cut out the parents and children of the Dou Zhan Saint Emperor.

Choose any one of the three, and the value is not inferior to the entire Yaoguang Shifang.

Especially the latter two are of infinite value to the ruthless people hidden in the 'Shaking Light Holy Land'.

Princess Shencan, who is a direct bloodline of the Ancient Emperor Shencan, has undergone nine transformations in racial bloodline talent. If she is swallowed by a being who has practiced the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique", her great origin will be no less than swallowing a great god body.

The same is true for the parents and children of the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor. In terms of bloodline and physique alone, the Dou Zhan Holy Ape clan may not be inferior to the many miraculous physiques of the human race. Especially the Holy Prince, who is the son of the Great Emperor, has more than just Dou Zhan in his body. The bloodline of the Holy Ape also contains the Emperor Yun.

If the Holy Son of Shaking Light swallowed these two, the benefits he would get would probably be comparable to swallowing thousands of ordinary bloodlines and physiques.

On the contrary, the Kirin seeds, which are known as the 'Elixir of Immortality', are not very valuable to the 'Runren Lineage'. This is not because the seeds of the Elixir of Immortality are not precious, but for other reasons... ·

Qin Mo gently rubbed the 'Devil Fetus' sacred stone in the Tianzihao Stone Square, and there was a faint glow of fairy light.

The 'Blood Altar' and the 'Immortal Tomb', which were extremely valuable to the 'Runren Lineage', were not as important to Qin Mo as the Demonic Fetus Sacred Stone containing the 'Kilin Seed'.

It is said that the immortal medicine in Zhetian is the Nirvana of the supreme being in the ancient immortal era. Because of its supreme Tao and fruit, it is eternal and immortal. The immortal vitality contained in it can enable any monk to live a second life. World.

In addition, they each have extremely mysterious functions.

Especially the 'Kilin Elixir', the 'True Dragon Elixir', the 'White Tiger Elixir', the 'Xuanwu Elixir', the 'Divine Phoenix Elixir'... these are the types of mythical beast-shaped elixirs. Death potion.

Although Qin Mo doesn't know whether this legend is true or not, Qin Mo knows that the divine forms of these divine beasts are extremely powerful existences in the ancient immortal era.

In particular, some of them have the reputation of the "Ten Ancient Evils". They were famous and terrifying existences in the Fairy Age.

Even if the elixir is not transformed by those supreme beings, there is definitely a huge connection.

This is not the first magical medicine that Qin Mo has come into contact with. As early as when he followed Ye Fan on the "Three Generations Copper Coffin" train and arrived at Mars, he had seen the "Ancient Bodhi Tree" that was in Nirvana and reborn and turned into a seed.

It's a pity that the karma possessed by 'Bodhizi' is so great that Qin Mo doesn't dare to covet it.

In comparison, the 'Kilin Seed' in the 'Devil Fetus' sacred stone in front of you is not much taboo.

But even so, Qin Mo had no intention of taking it as his own. In other words, for Qin Mo, what he valued was only the magical Taoist essence contained in the 'Kilin Seed'.

If we can look at it this way, to Qin Mo, the Taoist principles and mysterious methods of the ancient immortal era are no less valuable than the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" obtained from the ruthless lineage.

The Qilin of the Immortal Ancient Era is one of the 'Ten Evils', and the 'Qilin Method' is even more prestigious.

Even if the Immortal Ancient Method is not suitable for practice in the Zhetian Era, it does not mean it is useless.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mo has a 'Qiankun Realm' that is completely different from the Zhetian plane world and has the potential of the immortal realm.

For the rest of the practitioners in Zhetian, if they want to have a look at the Taoist essence contained in the 'Elixir of Death', unless their realm reaches an extremely strong level, they must at least be comparable to a quasi-emperor.

Moreover, it is only possible to completely resuscitate and grow the 'Elixir' to its peak.

Even 'Ye Fan' as the protagonist is no exception.

But for Qin Mo, who has the "origin of the world", there is no need to do this. It is the most original and essential miracle of the plane world.

With the infusion of the origin of the world, the 'Devil Fetus' sacred stone in front of Qin Mo quietly lit up with an auspicious light that could only be seen by Qin Mo.


A terrifying roar that shook the heavens and the earth suddenly erupted in the sea of ​​consciousness.

There was no trace of consciousness in this roar that shook the heavens and the earth. It was just a simple projection. However, in an instant, Qin Mo's roughly comprehended Buddhist "Six-Character Mantra" was directly shattered and annihilated, without even a trace of resistance. None. Fortunately, this roar did not have any negative impact on Qin Mo.

In addition, even the illusory 'Swallowing Demon Cap' condensed by consuming the origin of the world was a little shaken. It was not until a trace of demonic intent arose that the oppression of the projection roar was suppressed.

It's not that the power of the 'Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap' is inferior, but what Qin Mo has condensed is only the divine form and demonic essence of the 'Swallowing Sky Demon Cap', not the power possessed by the imperial weapon itself.

The only ones who didn't respond were the hundreds of mysterious ancient words heard from the 'Three Generations Bronze Coffin'. No, that's right, it's not that there was no reaction. The hundreds of mysterious ancient characters seemed to have heard the projection of this roar, originating from the mysterious and quiet lingering in the immortal ancient era that was endless and long and unknown. A little brighter.

And as this roar sounded, an inexplicable fragment of endless memories from long ago quietly appeared in Qin Mo's soul.

Qin Mo seemed to see a pure-blooded unicorn from the Immortal Ancient Era. It was born in ignorance at the beginning of the Immortal Ancient Era. It gradually grew into a supreme existence comparable to the invincible in the world, and finally fell and transformed into a Tao...

Even though the memory fragments of who knows how many thousands of years are flashing at an immeasurable speed, Qin Mo still feels a stab of pain in his soul.

Fortunately, although the intensity of Qin Mo's spiritual thoughts was only comparable to that of entering the second heaven of Xiantai for the first time, the strength of his soul was far more than that.

Although 'Douluo World' is weak, the essence of the 'Martial Soul' system is not weak. The countless transformations of 'Qiankun Ding' have improved Qin Mo in all aspects.

So just feeling the sting doesn't cause any harm.

Quietly, as the memory fragments flashed crazily, in the sea of ​​consciousness, an illusory unicorn gradually emerged quietly under the influence of Qin Mo's unconsciousness.

As the illusory Qilin emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness, the sting of the soul gradually weakened, and the countless memory fragments emerging in the soul seemed to have found their home, quickly converging on the illusory Qilin.

An invisible auspicious and kingly atmosphere quietly emerged.

In an instant, Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have some kind of suppressive object, and it became several times stronger in an instant.

At the same time, an incomplete secret technique quietly appeared on the attribute panel: "Qilin Method"!


outside world!

Qin Mo's abnormality naturally attracted the attention of Zhuang Fan, who was not far away and was using his mysterious physique to sense many magical stones.

However, when he saw Qin Mo's mysterious energy lingering faintly on his body, and his face as if he had an expression of enlightenment, he immediately mistakenly thought that Qin Mo had some understanding of the 'Origin Technique', and his eyes suddenly showed a little surprise.

Apparently he thought that Qin Mo had a talent for 'Original Technique'. Although it might not be as good as him with the 'Spirit Exploring King Body', it was pretty good compared to many practitioners.

At the same time, he didn't know whether it was because he was stimulated by the remaining traces of the 'origin of the world' several times, or because of the opportunity, Zhuang Fan also quietly rose up with a mysterious energy, and suddenly entered a state of enlightenment.

Before his consciousness fell silent, Zhuang Fan's last thought in his mind was to be thankful and sigh: "Brother Qin is indeed my noble man, Zhuang Fan. I knew that bringing Brother Qin with me this time would definitely bring unexpected gains. I didn't expect..." ···”

It seems that Qin Mo and Zhuang Fan were punished and thrown into guarding many magical stones, but in fact they were rewarded, although they were mainly aimed at Zhuang Fan, the true successor of the Holy Land.

For Zhuang Fan, who possesses the peculiar physique of the 'Ling Exploring King Body', his compatibility with the 'Origin Technique' is undoubtedly extremely high, even better than that of some people with natural divine eyes.

By complementing each other, Zhuang Fan's 'Ling Exploring King Body' will definitely grow and develop greatly.

Therefore, not long after he was thrown into the stone circle, a strong person specially gave Zhuang Fan the top source technique secret book of the "Fluttering Light Holy Land". As for a place to test and practice source techniques, what other place could be better? A stone square in a holy place would be better...

Perhaps because of Zhuang Fan's favor, he was not stingy in the slightest towards his colleague Qin Mo, and also gave him the practice method of 'Original Technique'. Although it was not as good as the top secret book of Origin Technique given to Zhuang Fan, it was compared to The origin arts inherited by some origin arts families in the outside world are not bad at all.

Even if Qin Mo showed his talent in 'Origin Technique', I am afraid that Mr. He would not be stingy in giving him the top-level Origin Technique Secret Book.

As one of the most powerful top holy places in Beidou, there will naturally be no shortage of 'Source Technique' cultivation methods. Perhaps in terms of mystery and upper limit, it is not as good as those top Origin Technique ancient families in the Northern Territory, but it is not too weak.

Even in some top holy places, there are masters whose cultivation of Origin Technique is not inferior to that of the ancient Origin Technique families in the Northern Territory. However, the Origin Technique masters in Holy Lands are more about intimidation and inspection.

After all, many holy places, great religions, and forces would not allow such an important cultivation resource as the Origin Stone to be completely in the hands of others.

If there are no masters of Yuanjutsu in the force to sit in and frighten them, and if the masters of Yuanjutsu from the ancient family of Yuanjutsu deliberately conceal it or are stolen from them, the losses in the long run may be huge.

To paraphrase what a great man once said: having no sword in hand and having a sword without using it are two different things.

This principle applies to any world.

However, what can be placed in the stone workshop are basically magical stones that many masters of source magic cannot see through. The reason why they are sold instead of cut is because of the cost-effectiveness.

Just like the gambling and fighting between Ye Fan and the ancient family of Yuanshu in the Yaoguang Shifang in the original book, cutting out shocking treasures one after another is only an exception after all, an exception that rarely occurs once in a hundred or even a thousand years.

There are quite a few magical stones in the Tianzihao Stone Circle.

There are indeed many magical and strange stones that contain immortal treasures. It can even be said that 90% of the magical stones in the Tianzihao Stone Circle have inner sources.

But the value of most of the source stones contained inside may not be higher than the uncut magical stones, which is why they are called 'gamble stones'.

Except for special beings like the legendary 'Yuan Tianshi', even those with astonishing cultivation of Yuan Shu can't see through all the magical stones and see the immortal treasures contained inside.

It is precisely because of this that for many holy places, unless it is really a treasure of inestimable value, it is basically 'you may make money with blood, but I will never lose money'.

Outside the Tianzihao Stone Circle, Mr. He, who was originally lying quietly on a recliner watching the 'fun' in the stone circle, felt that Zhuang Fan, who had fallen into an epiphany, paused slightly, and a look of surprise quietly appeared on his face full of grooves.

"It turned out to be an epiphany...but good luck..."

Even if someone is as strong as him, after hundreds of years of practice, the number of epiphanies can be counted on one's fingers, and most practitioners may not even know what epiphanies are.


For a moment, the flashing memory fragments that kept emerging in his soul quietly ended, and Qin Mo's eyes suddenly couldn't help but glow with some divine light.

Fortunately, the 'Five Elements Escape' was so powerful that it contained and concealed most of the strange phenomena, so it did not attract the attention of the strong men guarding the stone workshop.

Feeling the virtual image of Qilin condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness and the incomplete secret method in his memory, a strange look suddenly appeared on Qin Mo's face. (End of chapter)

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