The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 296 is not suitable for the world of Zhetian, but is suitable for Qin Mo’s ancient immortal

Chapter 296 is not suitable for the world of Zhetian, but is suitable for Qin Mo’s ancient immortal method

The complete Qilin Technique, even in the Immortal Ancient Era, is an extremely powerful and supreme treasure technique. In terms of mystery alone, it is enough to rank among the top three among the ten evil techniques.

The last generation of the Ten Fierce Kirin, before his death, his cultivation level was close to that of an Immortal King, but with the complete inheritance of magic, his combat power was not inferior to that of an ordinary Immortal King.

Unfortunately, it was too long ago and the 'Qilin Seed' was still in a new state of Nirvana. All Qin Mo got was the incomplete Qilin Technique.

Only one complete secret method called "Qilin Divine Form" has been retained.

Fortunately, the 'Qilin Divine Form' is the most core and original secret method in the Qilin method, which is equivalent to the general outline of the Qilin method.

At the same time, from this incomplete Qilin method, Qin Mo also understood why the ancient immortal method declined and was replaced by the sky-covering method created by Emperor Huangtian.

The Ancient Immortal Dharma focuses on great trends until it reaches its origin. It is based on the immortal seed. Heaven and man are in harmony. The laws of the great road follow each other in every thought. The power is endless and immortality can be seen.

In the Immortal Ancient Era, the heaven and earth were stable, the Dao was perfect, and the laws were prosperous. The world was filled with the infinite source of immortality. The Immortal Ancient Law that nearly controlled the origin of the Dao and the laws was naturally extremely powerful, and true immortals and Immortal Kings emerged one after another.

The upper limit of the world is the upper limit of practitioners of the Immortal Ancient Law.

But precisely because of this, with the Great Law as the source, it is naturally affected by the Great Law and restricted by heaven and earth. Once the environment of heaven and earth changes and the Great Law collapses, the creatures who practice this ancient ancient law will naturally be affected.

This is true for everyone from the Immortal King to the little cultivator who is just starting to practice.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths during the period of Emperor Huangtian was already the end of the ancient immortality. At that time, the origin of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth had long been broken and split, and it had declined to its limit. It was difficult to even become a true immortal in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Dao alone.

However, the Sky Covering Technique created by Shi Hao, the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, softens the ancient immortal method and the method of this world into one system. It uses itself as the seed to unearth the endless divine treasures in every inch of flesh and blood of the human body.

Wheel Mozuku! The Dao Palace opens! All four ends! Transform into a dragon! Sendaiyan!

The five great secret treasures have developed almost every inch of the flesh and blood treasures in the human body to the extreme.

When you practice to the extreme, you can achieve the human body and the universe by yourself, get rid of the restrictions of the heaven and earth, you can derive immortality by yourself, and your combat power is comparable to that of a quasi-immortal king.

Its founder, Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao, had not yet created his own sixth secret realm of "gods three feet above the head", but he was able to fight head-on with the giant Immortal King and even win.

The moment he entered the sixth secret realm, his combat power reached the peak of the Immortal King.

Traveling across the universe, even if the original law of the great avenue between heaven and earth changes, it will not have any impact on itself.

What does the world have to do with me...

The original law of the Great Dao of the current Zhetian World cannot be compared with the Immortal Ancient Era and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths after the Immortal Ancient. In fact, its essence is just derived from the broken Nine Heavens and Ten Earths after the Immortal Ancient.

It is precisely because of this that the ten evil "Qilin Laws" with endless power in the Immortal Ancient Era are still mysterious and unparalleled in today's world of Zhetian, even more magical than many emperor scriptures.

But...after all, without the blessing of the origin of the great avenue of heaven and earth, the power displayed is completely useless.

But even so, it is still no worse than the ordinary Emperor Sutra. Even the legendary ancient Qilin Emperor may not have seen the mysterious contribution of the Qilin Method from the 'Qilin Immortal Medicine'.

Of course, this is for ordinary monks in Zhetian...

Don't forget, Qin Mo owns the 'Qiankun Realm', and the ever-changing 'Qiankun Realm' has the potential of the Immortal Realm.

Ordinary Zhetian monks, even if they have practiced ancient immortal methods, are unable to activate Zhetian's origin of the great avenue of heaven and earth, but Qin Mo is different.

Qin Mo, who owns a world, doesn't need to be like this, even if the 'World of Heaven and Earth' is in constant transformation...

Although Qin Mo originally controlled the 'World of Heaven and Earth', he was unable to use it because he was in the process of transformation and because the origins of the two realms were completely different.

However, the emergence of the incomplete Qilin Method broke this limitation. Although it was still unable to explode the power that the world should have, it also doubled Qin Mo's combat power.

And the most important thing is that the application of the original law of the avenue in the 'Qilin Divine Form' makes the transformation of the 'World of Universe' more complete.

For Qin Mo, this was even more important than the doubling of combat power.

After all, when it comes to controlling the original laws of the world, whether it is the method of covering the sky or the method of this world practiced during the period of Emperor Huangtian, they are far inferior to the ancient method of immortality.

Although the hundreds of magical ancient characters left by Emperor Huangtian can be called the general outline of the Great Dao, after all, they only focus on the repair, construction, and evolution of the world, and do not have the original application of the laws of the Great Dao.

It's a pity that this is only a incomplete 'Qilin Law' after all. If it is the complete 'Qilin Law' of the Ten Evils, I am afraid that the transformation of 'Qiankun Realm' will be even faster.

Qin Mo put down the 'Devil Fetus' sacred stone in his hand with a little pity, and the energy in his body quietly converged.

At the same time, he also noticed Zhuang Fan who was in an epiphany not far away. His eyes paused, feeling the energy lingering in Zhuang Fan's body, and the corners of his mouth suddenly couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Once again... This time it's really hard to explain.

And this time it was an epiphany. Even he had not experienced it several times without consuming the origin of the world.

But the next moment, Qin Mo seemed to sense something abnormal, and there was an inexplicable feeling coming from many magical rocks around him.

Especially the two magical stones, the Blood Altar and the Immortal Tomb, which sealed the 'Sacred Silkworm Princess' and the 'Holy Prince', suddenly revealed a strange color in their eyes.

"This is······"


There was a hint of thoughtfulness in Qin Mo's eyes. According to legend, Qilin symbolizes auspiciousness, and even the legendary Qilin clan was the king of the earth in its heyday.

Although it was just a guess, Qin Mo confirmed it in his heart. After all, Qin Mo didn't have this kind of feeling before. He didn't expect that just the incomplete 'Qilin Method' could be so magical.

Although he cannot directly see through the magic in the source stone like Master Yuan Tian who has practiced the 'Origin Heaven Book', he can still sense the value contained in the source stone very clearly.

Seeing this, Qin Mo suddenly became interested and began to walk around the Tianzihao Stone Garden in the Holy Land of Shaking Light according to the induction of each magical source stone.

As the top holy land, Shifang, even the rarest Tianzihao Shifang, has a lot of magical source stones. Just taking a look at them took Qin Mo several hours.

However, during these few hours, Qin Mo had a clear idea of ​​the quality of the many miraculous Origin Stones in the Fluctuating Stone Workshop at this stage. Except for a few one or two pieces, gold and jade were among the Origin Stones. , the rest all contain treasures.

In Qin Mo's induction, each source stone lingers and gives different inductions, and the most precious among them are undoubtedly the 'immortal tomb', 'devil fetus' and 'blood altar'.

In addition, there are several mysterious source stones that have not been revealed in the original work. In Qin Mo's perception, they are only slightly inferior to the 'immortal grave', 'devil fetus' and 'blood altar'.

Apart from these priceless pieces of miraculous source stones, the total value of all the immortal treasures contained in the remaining miraculous source stones is by no means lower than the sale value of these many miraculous source stones.

In other words, if all the Origin Stones in this stone workshop were cut open, the Holy Land of Shaking Light could make a huge profit.

Looking at the entire Holy City, it is rare to see Source Stones of this quality in many holy places, great religions, and imperial clan stone workshops.

But unfortunately, as a top holy land, it is impossible to make this choice unless you are absolutely sure.

The Holy Land, the Great Sect, and the Imperial Clan are bankers, not gamblers. And with the Ji family learning from the past, an uncertain 'Stone King' cut through nearly half of the source stones in the stone workshop. Unfortunately, nothing was found and heavy losses were suffered.


Not far away, Zhuang Fan, who was in the midst of enlightenment, suddenly lit up with a precious light.

In an instant, the many magical source stones where the precious light shined seemed to be pulled and activated, and an inexplicable rhythm quietly emerged, as if they were breathing.

As the precious light lingering around Zhuang Fan continued to flash.


The Dao pattern shone brightly, and He Lao's old figure flickered quietly, appearing not far from Zhuang Fan. Seeing the precious light lingering on Zhuang Fan's body, his eyes showed satisfaction.

At the same time, the seal in his hand changed, directly transferring some of the miraculous source stones in the Tianzihao Stone Garden to nearby areas.

What surprised Qin Mo was that none of the sky-high-priced Source Stones in the Tianzihao Stone Garden were included. Qin Mo even discovered that Mr. He had transferred one of the nearby 'sky-priced Source Stones' to far away.

But in an instant, Qin Mo understood the reason.

The 'sky-high-priced source stones' in the Tianzihao Stone Garden are basically unpredictable. No one can be sure whether they contain fairy treasures or terrifying demons.

Even ordinary powers may not be able to withstand some of the terrifying demons within the source stones, let alone Zhuang Fan.

Even if it’s just induction...

These mysterious source stones that were transferred to Zhuang Fan's side were probably the source stones that were surveyed by the masters of source magic inside the Holy Land of Fluttering Light.

As for why the Holy Land of Shaking Light placed this part of the source stone that had basically been explored, it was placed in the stone workshop instead of cutting it directly.

Qin Mo understood very well that this was not only the case in the Shaking Light Holy Land, but also in many other holy places, great religions, imperial clans, and even some small stone houses.

Suddenly, the precious light on Zhuang Fan's body began to condense, and a mysterious Tao diagram suddenly illuminated and appeared.

In an instant, part of the divine source stone under the reflection of the precious light changed rapidly, as if divine light was contained within it. It actually penetrated directly through the stone skin and was reflected in the void.

Divine source, alien source, residual soldier fragments...

Countless precious lights flashed.

Looking at the dazzling treasure in front of him, Qin Mo suddenly understood why a treasure-hunting physique that was not outstanding in all aspects and was even inferior to some 'treasure bodies' in some aspects was called a king's body.

However, if the king's body is small, it has such miraculous power. If it is a large body, it may not be inferior to the legendary Yuantian Master.

"Huh?" Mr. He looked in vain at the corner where the treasure was shrouded, with a little joy in his eyes: "I didn't expect that there was an unexpected gain."

Wherever he looked, on top of a source stone that looked like a millstone, a strange plant that looked like Shouwu appeared.

This is a Shouwu root that has been used for more than a thousand years.

According to legend, once Polygonum multiflorum has transformed into a human form, you will not die if you eat it. However, human-shaped rhizomes have never been seen in the world, and the roots of Polygonum multiflorum are mostly lumpy.

Although the Shouwu medicine in front of me is not so miraculous, its medicinal properties are enough to extend the life of some people in the Yaoguang Holy Land who are nearing the end of their lifespan. It can be called a priceless treasure.

The source stone in front of them was shaped like a millstone. Originally, the Source Technique masters from the Shaking Light Holy Land only discovered that it contained vitality. However, because the stone skin was thick and the energy was tightly sealed, they mistakenly thought it was just an ordinary medicinal material.

Unexpectedly, it contained rare and powerful medicine.

If it were cut out by outsiders, the damage would be immeasurable.

However, although Mr. He was delighted, he did not put it away directly. Instead, he sent the mysterious source stone, which contained a thousand-year-old medicine, to Zhuang Fan's feet.

Obviously, in Mr. He's opinion, Zhuang Fan was much more important than the thousand-year-old medicine.

Fortunately, Zhuang Fan's transformation has reached its limit at this moment, and the derived Dao map quickly transformed into light and integrated into Zhuang Fan's body.

All kinds of visions also quietly dissipated.

The restrictions that originally imprisoned the divine power have completely disappeared at some point, and the Qi movement has undergone changes visible to the naked eye than before.

Seeing this, Mr. He's face suddenly showed a look of satisfaction, and he waved his right hand to return all the mysterious source stones in this famous stone garden.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, his eyes quietly glanced at several directions in the void, quickly left a word in Zhuang Fan's ear, and then disappeared directly in front of the two of them, disappearing with it was the piece of treasure that contained thousands of years of history. The disc-shaped source stone of Shouwu.

Zhuang Fan, who was gradually returning to consciousness, suddenly froze when he heard the voice from Mr. He in his ear, and then his face quickly turned into excitement, obviously agreeing to the request promised to Zhuang Fan before.

Instantly facing the direction where Mr. He disappeared, he bowed with admiration and respect, and said: "Yes! Thank you Mr. He!"

The next moment, laughter sounded like a happy monkey.

"Hahaha! I'm free!!!"

The extremely excited voice immediately echoed in this famous stone square.

"call out!"

A flash of rainbow light appeared in front of Qin Mo instantly, but only a few dozen meters away, Zhuang Fan actually used the technique of transforming the rainbow.

"Brother Qin, let's go to the gym..."

Zhuang Fan, who had a modest physique and achieved little success, couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart.

Coupled with the instigation of the somewhat disrespectful Mr. He, he obviously planned to go to the other holy places in the holy city, the great sects, and the stone squares of the imperial clan to prepare for a massacre.

Over the past few days, he and Zhuang Fan had heard many legends about Shifang in the Holy City.

If it weren't for the divine restraint set by Mr. He in his body, Zhuang Fan would have been unable to resist going to many stone workshops to play gymnastics.


(End of this chapter)

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