The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 297 The Black Emperor’s abnormal instinctive reaction! 'Crystal Pearl' kills the m

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, the duel between Origin Techniques comes.

As Qin Mo expected, the venue for the Source Technique duel was chosen at the Yaoguang Shifang in the 'Yaoguang Holy Land'.

Regarding this, Yaoguang Shifang, who had just taken advantage of his disciple Wang Ti Xiaocheng and killed everyone in the major stone workshops, suddenly turned green. Nothing could be worse than this.

They even have the urge to buy a murderer. The duel between the two sides here is definitely equivalent to the God of Plague coming to their door. They really want to put away all the sky-high-priced stones in the stone workshop. After all, they know very well that with the cultivation of the Origin Technique of both parties in the fight, no matter what Is it Ye Fan or the ancient Yuan Shu family.

It is impossible to choose those magical source stones that they have clearly explored. They must choose the sky-high price source stones that they cannot see through and have clearly explored.

It would be okay if a shocking monster was cut out...but if a shocking treasure was cut out.

Not only that, if something more distressing happens to them, such as: the two parties in the bet cut out a shocking treasure from the part of the source stone that they have clearly explored, then... It's called vomiting blood.

It's a pity that in front of everyone's eyes, because of the "Shaked Light" face, I can only pinch my nose and accept this fact, helpless and angry.

At this moment, even Mr. He who was guarding the teleportation jade platform looked a little ugly.

All I can do is comfort myself in my heart, it’s just that I’m making less money, it’s not a loss, it’s not a loss...

On the contrary, it was Zhuang Fan who was dressed in a coquettish manner and extremely arrogant. His face was full of excitement and even a little impatient, as if he was looking forward to the start of this gambling battle.

Only Qin Mo and Mr. He knew that Zhuang Fan was not excited because of the gambling, but because the disrespectful Mr. He had promised Zhuang Fan to see the true face of the Yaochi Saint.

In the past few days, Qin Mo also bumped into Ye Fan and others who had arrived in the Holy City, but there was no expression or communication. After all, Ye Fan at this moment was not suitable to reveal his true identity.

Although there was no communication, Qin Mo did not express his feelings. When they first met, he directly separated the 108 secret magic 'crystal beads' he was wearing into 36 pieces and sent them to Ye Fan. in hand.

At the same time, they will communicate with each other spiritually, and they will contact each other again after the gambling fight is over.

Firstly, I came here to continue to win over Ye Fan, the most powerful person in the world.

Second, it also adds some trump cards to Ye Fan.

Although the main power of the secret method derived from the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qiankun Sutra" is to suppress and seal, it does not mean that it has no lethality.

Especially under the gathering of Qin Mo's powerful spiritual thoughts.

If the thirty-six secret magic 'crystal beads' exploded with all their strength, they would be enough to suppress and seal a powerful being.

Of course, in the hands of Qin Mo, there is enough power to supplement it, and it can be used as a magical weapon. In the hands of outsiders, unless they also practice the "Qian Kun Sutra" and increase the intensity of their spiritual thoughts to a level comparable to the powerful realm of the second level of Xiantai, Otherwise it can only be used once.

In other words, if you use the ability to suppress, you can only suppress one powerful person.

In addition, the secret crystal bead can also be disassembled and turned into a means of attack, injecting divine power to destroy the internal balance of the 'crystal bead', thereby causing the internal space of the 'crystal bead' to collapse and be annihilated.

The terrifying power of space destruction cannot be resisted by ordinary monks. Even those who are good at space methods, or those who have practiced the Ji family's "Void Sutra", must at least achieve the Nine Transformations of Dragon Transformation before they can escape.

Unless the rest reach the realm of great power, they will not be able to escape the destruction of space collapse.

This is just one secret magic 'crystal bead'. If thirty-six of them explode at the same time, even great power will be defeated.

Ye Fan was only a little surprised that Qin Mo recognized him at a glance, but he was more happy. After all, Ye Fan had long known that his good brother 'Old Qin' had hidden everything.

Especially after knowing the power of the thirty-six crystal bead bracelets presented by Qin Mo, his eyes couldn't help showing excitement.

That is a powerful person. He can even kill powerful people. It is definitely his biggest trump card.

And that's not all. Ye Fan also gained some insights from the 'Crystal Beads' bracelet presented by Qin Mo, which made the methods of "The Void Sutra" even more sophisticated.

And Qin Mo also truly saw with his own eyes the most despicable, blackest, and most shameless existence in the trilogy - the Black Emperor!

Don't do anything serious, and don't do anything deceptive or abducting.

There is even a "praise" in the original work that one should not be too virtuous as a human being and one should not be too evil as a dog.

The description of the Black Emperor in his mind instantly became concrete. He had a half-bald tail, but was as strong as an ox. His 'human' dog face had a look of laziness and shamelessness visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were always full of energy. They all shone with cunning thief light.

If he saw something good, Qin Mo had no doubt that the Black Emperor would pounce on it and grab it.

And this is just the surface. Apart from the many miracles shown in the original work, in Qin Mo's eyes, the origin of the world contained in the Black Emperor in front of him is actually higher than that of Ye Fan, who is the protagonist of the original work.

At the same time, the newly obtained 'Qilin Divine Form' also sensed the treasure contained in the Black Emperor's body. In terms of value alone, it was only inferior to Ye Fan who had the 'Black and Yellow Mother Qi Source' and the 'Green Bronze Block' at this moment.

But what makes Qin Mo a little strange is that he can sense that this black dog with no lower limit seems to be slightly afraid of him, or... fearful.

Even when he first met Ye Fan, the moment he saw Qin Mo's face and aura, the bald tail that was always flying in the sky dropped down and shrank, as if he wanted to protect something, and the black hair all over his body was even more faint. At first.

He even subconsciously hid behind Mark.

But judging from the subconscious confusion and confusion on the Black King Dog's face, it was obvious that the Black King was equally clueless.

But the most instinctive reaction of the physical body...cannot be faked at all.

The moment he noticed this situation, Qin Mo's eyes were slightly enlightened, and at the same time he felt helpless and sighed in his heart.

It is indeed a fantasy world where the combat power is astonishing, and the strong can even reverse the flow of time. It is different from Qin Mo's 'time' power in the 'Douluo World', and is far from comparable.

In the ordinary world or even most of the world, the passage of time is absolute. The past is the past, the present is the present, and the future is the future.

But at a level as strong as Zhetian, no, it should be said that it is the predecessor of Zhetian World, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, or even the Immortal Realm. In such worlds, time is not absolute.

But time is mysterious...

Those who play with time will one day be played with by time, and this moment... is nothing more than that. It was obvious that he from the future had gone back to the past through time and space, and had an intersection with him. However, due to the power of time, his figure was erased... This is the only possibility.

The Black Emperor's abnormal reaction also attracted the attention of Ye Fan, Li Heishui, and Tu Fei.

They all know very well that in front of them, even the saints and saints of many holy places and great religions dare to take actions and take actions to be favored by others. How bold and crazy is this big black dog, and he is also afraid of it? The tail is simply...incredible.

Unfortunately, after asking, instead of being able to find out the reason, he was bitten with dog teeth marks all over his body, causing a farce.


The gambling battle between Ye Fan and the ancient Yuan Shu family is as exciting as in the original work.

And Zhuang Fan, with the help of the disrespectful old man He, successfully saw the true face of the Yaochi Saint, and not only the Yaochi Saint, but also the true faces of the saints from other holy places and great religions. It's an unobstructed view.

During the gambling fight, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, no saint noticed Zhuang Fan's gaze at all.

Zhuang Fan almost died of happiness. Fortunately, he knew how much he weighed, so he didn't have any wrong thoughts.

But after the gambling fight ended, Zhuang Fan secretly communicated with Qin Mo, planning to use his own physique to search for divine gold and refine a book of "Goddess Pictures" engraved with the true faces of many holy places and great religious saints. ' for viewing at all times.

After learning Zhuang Fan's thoughts, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange look. I am afraid that the most suitable force for Zhuang Fan's practice is not the 'Shaking Light Holy Land', but the Way of Human Desire...

Even after communicating with Qin Mo, he couldn't wait to leave quietly and take action directly.

Also leaving together was a half-step powerful monk from the Immortal Platform in Yaoguang Stone Square, obviously as a protector.

Originally, with Zhuang Fan's talent, there would be no guardians at all, but Zhuang Fan, who has just completed his royal body and is expected to be comparable to Yuan Tianshi in the future, has this qualification.

And with the end of the gambling fight, just like the drama in the original work, Ye Fan's hidden identity was finally exposed in front of everyone, but compared to Zishan, which contains the "Wu Shi Sutra", and the four thousand Compared to the fact that the God King Jiang Taixu survived in the world years ago, it was only a small matter.

Only the saints, saints, and inheritors of the Yaoguang Holy Land, Dapeng King, and Zifu Holy Land were pursued by the forces suppressed by Ye Fan.

Especially the powerful men in the Zifu Holy Land were extremely anxious. It was obvious that they had heard the Black Emperor's shameless shouts.

Of course, there are also those who are interested and conspirators to spy. After all, according to legend, the Wushi Emperor, who turned his back on all living beings and was able to receive the emperor's soldiers with his bare hands before becoming an emperor, had the physique of the innate Tao Embryo Holy Body.

At this moment, the Purple Mountain contains the "Wu Shi Sutra" created by the legendary Emperor Wu Shi, as well as the imperial weapon "Wu Shi Bell"...

Fortunately, because of the good deeds between God King Jiang Taixu and the 'Kilin Seed', he was protected by the Jiang family.

But even so, there are still powerful men from the second level of Sendai who secretly attack Ye Fan, and for what purpose... no one knows.

Fortunately, Ye Fan had the thirty-six secret "crystal beads" given by Qin Mo in advance.

In the end, six secret magic 'crystal beads' were exploded, forcibly killing the powerful man who had made a secret move in the void. Even the protective Taoist soldiers were torn into countless pieces by the chaotic and broken void, and those All those with evil intentions are shocked.

Although he fell into the hands of Ye Fan, Qin Mo also obtained nearly two million points of the origin of the world that covers the sky. Half of it was provided by the fallen powerful man, and the other half was provided by Ye Fan. .

This barely solved Qin Mo's urgent need.


To the west of the Holy City—Jiang Family!

Ye Fan, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, had his eyes wide open in vain, with a trace of vigilance on his face. The thirty crystal orbs wrapped in his hands were hidden, and a shocking blow might erupt at any time.

But the next moment, the thirty hidden crystal orbs in Ye Fan's hand dimmed instantly.

However, when Ye Fan saw this, instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed. The vigilance on his face disappeared in an instant. He quickly looked forward and whispered: "Old Qin?"


The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo's figure quietly condensed.

Seeing Qin Mo's appearance, Ye Fan jumped up instantly and hugged Qin Mo directly. His face was full of excitement and said: "Hahaha, Lao Qin, you scared me. I thought someone was coming to kill me again." Woolen cloth."

Hearing this, Qin Mo was speechless. The Ye Fan in the original work gradually grew up under the pursuit.

Before Qin Mo could respond, Ye Fan noticed that Qin Mo's face had returned to the splendor it had when he first met him. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said, "Old Qin, you are willing to restore your youthful appearance."

As for the aura of the Lun Hai Secret Realm shown by Qin Mo, Ye Fan directly ignored it. How could he appear quietly in the Jiang family's important place in the Lun Hai Secret Realm?

Qin Mo didn't care about this.

However, during the conversation, Ye Fan inadvertently noticed the remaining seventy-two secret magic 'crystal beads' in Qin Mo's hand, and immediately exclaimed: "I'll go! Old Qin, you actually still have seventy-two of these powerful weapons." Pieces!!!”

"No, counting the thirty-six given to me, the total is one hundred and eight. Hiss...Old Qin, where did you get the one hundred and eight stars that rotate around the sky? Pearl, this is too..."

Seeing Ye Fan's surprised expression, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on Qin Mo's face. He directly took off the 'Crystal Bead' bracelet in his hand and said seductively: "Ye Zi, call me Uncle Qin, and I will give you this The remaining seventy-two secret magic 'crystal beads' are given to you..."

The next moment, a crisp voice sounded.

"Thank you, Uncle Qin!"

Ye Fan's face didn't change at all, and even in the deepest part of his eyes, there was no trace of shame. As if he had been familiar with it countless times, he simply took the seventy-two secret "crystal beads" bracelet from Qin Mo's hand. .

Without any hesitation, he directly leaned on the bracelet on his wrist.


The invisible thread of divine power spread and quickly connected all the 'crystal beads' in series. After wrapping the 'crystal beads' bracelet in his hand, Ye Fan showed a nonchalant expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Fan's flowing movements, Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly. Although he had long planned to give these secret magic 'crystal beads' to Ye Fan for personal protection,...

Obviously, Ye Fan has grown a lot compared to before, in all aspects...

······(End of this chapter)

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