The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 301 Don’t worry about scarcity but inequality

Feeling that the aura of Jiang Taixu, the ancestor of his own God King, was gradually stabilizing, Jiang Yun, who was in charge of the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace', gradually became calm in his eyes.

However, he quickly showed a solemn expression and reminded all the powerful Jiang family members around the Hualong Pond: "We must be careful during this period. They will not allow our ancestors to recover safely, even if they have an old relationship with our Jiang family." ·······”

Although Jiang Yun has not finished speaking, the average age of those who can appear around the Hualong Pond is close to a thousand. People become mature with age, so you don't understand the reason.

Everyone's heart was awe-inspiring. During this period, every night in the divine city, the air and blood flowed through the sky and the earth, like countless dragons rising into the sky.

You can imagine how many scary people came!

Even Ye Fan, as the only outsider, is very clear.

For today's Beidou Donghuang, unless they use the 'inheritance' of the Holy Land, the Imperial Clan, and the Great Religion, their Jiang Family's God King 'Jiang Taixu' is the only 'unconventional' existence.

And it's not like the 'foundation', which can only be maintained for a period of time before it may die.

In addition, even if Jiang Taixu only returned to the fighting power of four thousand years ago without making any breakthrough, with the exclusive vision of the God King's body, the 'Pure Land of the God King', and the so-called 'Battle Saint' Fa's battle secret.

Unless there is a 'saint' on the fourth level of Sendai, there is no way to suppress it.

But with Jiang Taixu's talent, if he were to fully recover, being banned for four thousand years would not only not be a hindrance, but would instead become a foundation and a help.

That was the existence of the inheritance and imperial weapons placed by the 'Wushi Emperor', and it was naturally very magical.

Once God King Jiang Taixu completely recovers, or even goes further, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the power of many holy places, imperial clans, and great religions in Beidou.

Even if Jiang Taixu has no intention...

Although the sacred land of Beidou is vast, it is not infinite after all.

Compared with the other divine lands in the world of Zhetian, Beidou has produced too many "emperors", and even this is still a state of silence for all races.

It is precisely because of this that even the forces that are friendly and close to the Jiang family are not willing to see the true recovery of God King Jiang Taixu.

Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality!

Although it is not necessary to take action personally to break the skin, it is definitely indispensable to secretly facilitate those beings who are hostile to the Jiang family and Jiang Taixu.

Thinking of this, many Jiang family members became extremely dignified.

One of the old men, who had an obvious aura of decay, looked at Jiang Yun with a hint of cruelty in his eyes and said: "Jiang Yun, ancestor of the God King, you are in charge, if you have to..."

This decadent old man from the Jiang family quietly locked his eyes on the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace'.

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's body trembled slightly, and his eyes quickly locked on the old man. Seeing the cruelty and determination on his face, he suddenly understood in his heart, took a deep breath, and nodded heavily, with a tone of voice. With a little respect, he said: "Yes, Third Uncle..."

Seeing this, the look in the eyes of the decayed old man softened slightly, and his originally slightly cloudy eyes became extremely clear, like stars.


The divine rainbow circulated, and a soaring path flashed into the sky, disappearing instantly in the Dragon Transformation Pond.

Also disappearing with it were dozens of figures, all of which had a rotten aura.

Feeling the dozens of disappearing breaths, Jiang Yun couldn't help but his eyes fluctuated slightly, and he secretly made a decision in his heart.

But Ye Fan, who looked at the scene in front of him, felt a little scared in his heart.

This is Beidou’s imperial clan, holy land, and great religion...



The terrifying aura was overwhelming, penetrating the sky, and the surging energy was like a wave, sweeping across crazily.

At this moment, the divine city seemed like an isolated island in the sea, facing the endless waves of darkness.

Dragon-shaped blood energy soaring into the sky, like arrows, pointed directly at the Jiang Family's Dragon Transformation Pond. The blood dragons were extremely thick, penetrating the sky and the earth, majestic, and divine power surging like a vast ocean.

The energy and blood are extremely strong, and the terrifying fluctuations seem to even collapse the sky, so powerful that it makes people tremble!

There is no qi machine weaker than the Holy Lord level, the lowest is the top level of the first level of Xiantai, or even stronger. The big dragons of blood and energy gather together, like a sea of ​​blood and energy, boiling and sweeping, making the city of God shake!

These beings didn't know who the other beings were, and they didn't even have any communication or discussion, but they all had a common goal and went to the Divine City at the same time.

The purpose is to bury Jiang Taixu, the god-king of the Jiang family, destroy the former god-king Tianzong, and not allow him to resurrect.

In their view, since he has disappeared and been silent for four thousand years, he will continue to disappear and be silent. Today's Beidou Eastern Wasteland does not need his existence...

And as these big blood dragons overturned, Jiang Yun, who was sitting in the Jiang Family's Dragon Transformation Pond, also exploded instantly.

The Imperial Soldier's Hengyu Furnace instantly revived, as if it had ignited an eternally burning blazing sun.


Tens of thousands of rays of light shot straight into the sky, and the entire divine city trembled. The phoenix blood and red gold intertwined with the great truth, overwhelming the sky and the earth. The majestic power of the extreme path suddenly descended, instantly suppressing all the bloody dragons in the holy city.

The ancient holy soldiers of the great emperor have revived, and their supreme divine power surges like a red sun falling into the sky, with endless might!

But before Jiang Yun could rejoice, an extremely powerful force that was not inferior to the 'Hengyu Furnace' erupted in the void, instantly resisting the 'Hengyu Furnace''s energy.


It was just a collision of Ji Dao Qi machines, but the void burst instantly. Countless terrifying cracks in the void spread, as if the world was collapsing and a doomsday disaster. Countless fragments of the void were like billions of stars falling, all over the sky. Dazzling light.

Even the holy city that had been immobile for hundreds of millions of years was trembling crazily at this moment, as if it could not withstand the power of these two extremely powerful ways that destroyed the heaven and earth.

Fortunately, there are no ordinary mortals in the Holy City, they are all monks with divine power. Otherwise, just such a moment would be enough to wipe out countless lives.

Without the extreme coercion of the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace', the surging blood energy that had been suppressed rose again, even more turbulently than before. The night sky was filled with blood, and half of the entire holy city was ignited by the blood-red flames. The glaring bloody light shot up into the sky, constantly approaching the Hualong Pond!

Although the blood flames are raging in the sky, the hearts of countless beings in the Holy City are as cold as falling into an ice cellar, and a bone-chilling murderous aura is permeating the air. It is obvious that all beings know that a terrifying being is about to take action, and do not want to see the Jiang Family God King revive.

The situation is extremely critical and is about to break out!

In the Hualong Pond, feeling the countless terrifying qi machines approaching, Ye Fan's eyes were extremely solemn. The 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things' hung above his head at some point, and the black and yellow qi fell down, just like the rules of the great road, attracting the remaining Jiang family members in the Hualong Pond. Su Lao glanced sideways frequently.

After all, they all knew that there was such a 'treasure' in Ye Fan's hands, and they had once coveted it, and even now they have not completely eliminated it. However, although the old man of the Jiang family was curious about Ye Fan's 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things', it was not the main reason for his 'sideways glance'.

But the reason why they paid attention was entirely because of the terrifying annihilation machine lingering in the 'Mother Qi Cauldron'.

Except for Jiang Yun, who was in charge of the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace' at the moment, the rest of the Jiang family were slightly shocked, with chills rising all over their bodies.

Even if they are as powerful as them, the moment they feel the energy in the 'Mother Qi Cauldron', they directly feel an irresistible terrifying breath of death.

What this means is self-evident to everyone...

In an instant, the part of existence that was still coveted in my heart quickly gave up the thought in my heart.

Obviously, Ye Fan's actions 'shocked' them, and this was what Ye Fan wanted.

After all...the treasure touches people's hearts...

He has too many 'treasures' on him, such as the 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things', 'Kilin Divine Medicine Seed', and the semi-divine medicine 'Elixir'...

Even these are just the surface. Without enough deterrence, it is impossible to eliminate the 'ghost' in the hearts of those who covet it.


However, although Ye Fan made some moves, he did not intend to play this trump card directly, but planned to use it at the most critical moment.

The sky shakes, the earth trembles, and people's hearts tremble!

The entire divine city was filled with endless fear and depression, which made people breathless. The weaker monks among them had collapsed to the ground, unable to withstand this terrifying oppression.

Facing the approaching Qi machine, Jiang Yun, who was in charge of the 'Hengyu Furnace', did not hesitate at all. In vain, infinite blood ignited in his body. All those who were killed were killed.

But before the Jidao's attack could explode, outside the Dragon Transformation Pond, the sky, the earth, and even the endless void were all lit up with countless bright Dao patterns.

Instantly suppressing the extremely explosive 'Hengyu Furnace', it seemed to be trapped in the quagmire of space.

Seeing this, many of the elders in Hualong Pond changed their minds. The imperial soldier 'Hengyu Furnace' was their biggest trump card...

Jiang Yun, who was in control of the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace', was even more pale-faced, and an extremely cold voice sounded: "The incomplete emperor's formation pattern... what a great gesture!"

It is not an easy task to lay such terrifying formations deep in the hinterland of the top imperial clan, and the price paid is terrifying.

But the next moment, the 'Hengyu Furnace' trembled, and countless magical emperor patterns spread rapidly, instantly resisting the incomplete emperor pattern.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun's ultimate attack, which he spent endless blood and divine power brewing, was completely wasted under this resistance.

Seeing this, the existence in the dark finally could no longer be hidden. There were fifteen terrifying and mysterious forces working together, two more than in the original work. The vast pressure even caused the void to tremble crazily.

Originally there were even more, but they were blocked from the outside world by the departing elders of the Jiang family.

Although the Jiang family is a top imperial family, it is difficult for them to defeat four fists. After all, they cannot withstand everything, even if they try their best to sublimate and exhaust everything...

In the Hualong Pond, looking at the faint scent of blood on the fifteen figures, their eyes showed a little sadness.

More than a dozen sounds, either deep, deep, or sharp, instantly echoed in the Holy City.

"Jiang Taixu, I'm waiting to bury you!"

"God King 'Jiang Taixu', this is no longer your era, there is no need to live again..."

"Since ancient times, I am afraid that even the ancient sages and emperors may not have the opportunity to stain their hands with the blood of the God King. Today I am lucky enough to drink it. Fortunately! Good luck!"

As these fifteen terrifying figures appeared, a strange movement suddenly flashed in Ye Fan's eyes. The 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things' rotated quietly, and the terrifying annihilating Qi machine that was already terrifying became even more violent.

But before Ye Fan could make any move, two divine message transmissions appeared quickly.

One of them is Jiang Yun, who is in charge of the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace' at the moment: "Brother Ye, don't use your trump card yet, I can stop it, and there are terrifying enemies hidden..."

Although Jiang Yun could not specifically sense the hiding place of the terrifying enemy, he could sense the hidden dangerous energy.

At the same time, it can also be felt that Ye Fan's trump card in the 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things' is not simple.

The other spiritual thought was Qin Mo's reminder to Ye Fan. Although the fifteen holy master-level figures at the peak of the first level of Immortal Platform and the second level of Immortal Platform can be called a 'feast', they are nothing compared to the hidden existence. Just an appetizer before the meal.

It would undoubtedly be a waste if the 'Origin Technique Killing Formation' was used on these fifteen Holy Lord-level beings.

Hearing the voices of these two great thoughts, Ye Fan suddenly shook his body, and his eyes showed a little shock. So many terrifying existences were just the prelude...

As if stimulated by this boundless killing intent, two sharp pupils burst out from the Dragon Transformation Pond, like the divine light from the beginning of time piercing the void.

The next moment, it was as if a god came to the world in the void, and a vast, majestic and powerful pressure instantly erupted, making people tremble and want to worship.

"Jiang Taixu!!!"

The fifteen terrifying figures outside the Hualong Pond all changed their colors.

The shadow of the famous human tree, Jiang Taixu's reputation as the 'God King' was forced out of him. The terror of attacking the number one in four thousand years is not something that existences at the first and second levels of immortals like them can withstand.

Even just feeling this coercion, several 'Holy Lord' level beings had the intention to escape in their hearts, and their bodies retreated crazily.

But after all, they were the dominant beings, and they calmed down instantly.

Even though Jiang Taixu was so powerful, it was the end of Yingya at this moment. He had been suppressed for four thousand years, and his longevity had already dried up. Even the five secret realms in his body might be on the verge of being destroyed. It was already a miracle that he could wake up.

A being hidden in the dark aura spoke coldly: "Jiang Taixu, how can you do this even if you are awake? You are just suffering pain for nothing..."

There is even a crazy existence that whispers bloodthirsty: "Hahaha, it's better to wake up. Drinking the blood of the God King alive may allow me to take a step forward. The blood of the Great God King's body is no worse than the holy medicine... ···”

These crazy words seemed to ignite the fire in the hearts of the fifteen 'Holy Lord' level beings, and their extremely greedy eyes of desire instantly locked onto the Hualong Pond. (End of chapter)

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