The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 302 Taboo means! The God King is in full bloom!

Dozens of 'Holy Lord-level' figures burst out with murderous intent, and their bodies turned into rainbow lights and approached the Jiang family. The vast fluctuations immediately caused the entire void to tremble crazily, especially the locked underground palace, which was shaking violently. The Hualong Pond was splashing with water, as if it might collapse at any time.

"Kill Jiang Taixu!!!"

The five bloodthirsty and cold words instantly ignited the desire in the hearts of all beings, like a huge wave that drowned the island, containing endless murderous intent, pressing towards the Hualong Pond.

In an instant, dozens of dazzling rainbow lights shone in the sky, and endless Dao rules and mysterious laws were bombarded at the Jiang Family Hualong Pond at the same time like stars falling from the sky.

At this moment, all the beings in the divine city were frightened. The terrifying blow immediately shook everyone's minds. Many 'Holy Lord' level beings actually abandoned their own pride and jointly attacked the God King 'Jiang Taixu'. .

Obviously, even though Jiang Taixu has been trapped in Suozi Mountain for four thousand years and his longevity has almost dried up, his reputation as a peerless god king in unparalleled attacks still has a great deterrent effect on the dozens of 'holy lord level' beings. , not daring to be careless in the slightest.

But this is quite normal. After all, these are antiques that are hundreds, thousands, or even nearly two thousand years old. As people grow older, they are naturally extremely cautious.

"Dare you!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yun's body rioted, and he quickly stepped forward, with his head hanging from the ancient pagoda and holding a black war gun, lying in front of the Hualong Pond, constantly shaking the magic weapon to neutralize the shocking murderous intention.

The divine power in the body is constantly burning and poured into the 'Hengyu Furnace', hoping to suppress the imperial soldiers who are secretly confronting each other as soon as possible.

However, even though he has the power of the home field, Jiang Yun's own cultivation and foundation are far inferior.

Not to mention the formidable enemy hidden in the dark, without the existence of the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace', it would only be at the stronger level among the dozens of 'Holy Lord-level' beings serving as pawns.

Not only Jiang Yun, but other elders of the Jiang family who were in the Hualong Pond also took action instantly, trying to block those terrible attacks.

Faced with this terrible threat, even Ye Fan couldn't help but want to use the big killing weapon in the 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things'. The terrifying power of the Origin Technique Killing Formation can definitely block all attacks. It can even wipe out most of the 'Holy Lord level' existence.

Unfortunately, because there was not enough time, there was only one such big killer, which meant that there was only one chance. Coupled with Jiang Yun and Qin Mo's spiritual reminders, Ye Fan finally resisted this temptation.

However, before the dozens of 'Holy Lord level' attacks came, the Dragon Transformation Pond was in vain.


The sound was obviously not loud, but it echoed extremely clearly in the ears of all beings in the Holy City, as if the gods were whispering.

In addition, it seemed to possess some kind of terrifying magic power. The dozen or so terrifying 'Holy Lord-level' attacks were quietly erased as if erased by an eraser.

The terrifying scene immediately made the dozens of 'holy masters' feel frightened, and their bodies suddenly stopped.

"This is······"

Everyone's eyes are looking at the center of Hualong Pond.

I saw that Jiang Taixu's dry body in the Dragon Transformation Pond had suddenly become plump. Although he still looked a little weak, and the white hair on his head had not yet turned into black hair, the divine light in his eyes was It is extremely bright, as if it can penetrate everything.

Looking at the dozens of 'Holy Lord' beings surrounding the Hualong Pond, God King 'Jiang Taixu''s eyes were extremely calm and indifferent, his footsteps moved slightly, and there was a faint divine light lotus.


"God King Lao Zong!"

“You recovered!!!”

Everyone in the Jiang family exclaimed, and at the same time looked at Jiang Taixu with great surprise. They never expected that the ancestor of the God King, who was almost exhausted and had fallen, could recover so quickly.

The pill that God King Jiang Taixu had taken instantly came to mind, and he suddenly looked at Mark with immense gratitude in his eyes.

Originally, if it was just the medicinal liquid of the 'True Dragon's Elixir', although it was extremely miraculous and possessed of majestic life essence and longevity substances, given Jiang Taixu's physical condition, the medicinal properties of the 'True Dragon's Elixir' would only be passive. Moisturize the body of that 'Jiang Taixu'.

Only after he has recovered to a certain level and God King Jiang Taixu regains consciousness can he be able to actively carry out refining.

But after Qin Mo refined it into an 'elixir', it was completely different. Not only was the medicinal properties more pure, but it would also spontaneously infiltrate the body even without refining.

Compared with the simple 'True Dragon Elixir' liquid, after being refined into elixir, the medicinal properties are easier to absorb.

Even though the medicinal properties, life essence, and longevity substances of the 'True Dragon Immortality Pill' were blocked by Jiang Taixu's vision of 'God King Pure Land', 90% of it was banned.

With only 10% of the remaining medicinal properties, life essence, and longevity substances, plus no need to worry about anything else, the recovery speed is even much faster than the dragon ball that took the 'True Dragon Elixir' in the original work.

Although the dragon beads of the 'True Dragon Elixir' contain the Taoist Aggregate of Rebirth and contain endless vitality, which can transform into dragons, regenerate, carry out nirvana and transformation, they seem to be more precious than other parts.

But in fact, each part of the 'True Dragon Elixir' has its own unique effects, but in terms of medicinal properties alone, it is not more powerful than the 'True Dragon Elixir' liquid.

After being refined by Qin Mo, it was far superior to many.

It is precisely because of this that, with the medicinal properties, life essence, and longevity substances of the 'True Dragon Immortality Pill', Jiang Taixu does not need to worry about anything at all, and does not even need to retain his heritage. He directly sublimates to the fullest and uses taboo methods to restore his full combat power.

After you have conquered everything, use this to live out your second life.

There is no need to be like in the original work. In order to repay Ye Fan's kindness, he was able to survive the "four poles" catastrophe of the ancient holy body. He deliberately retained his own heritage and used his own divine blood to cleanse the innate Tao map of Ye Fan's blood. , cut off the innate lines of the Heavenly Tribulation Dao Diagram, and use his own power to defy the heavens and continue to break the path for the Holy Body.

The essence of the elixir of immortality is much more mysterious than the blood of his body, the Great Perfect God King, who is in the Immortal Three-Slash Dao King Realm.

When they saw Jiang Taixu, who was only slightly weak, the dozens of 'holy lord' beings were all extremely horrified, with disbelief on their faces, and even their eyes were faintly about to burst.

"How can it be!"

"Jiang Taixu, how could you possibly recover!"

"I do not believe······"

Not only are the dozens of 'Holy Lord-level' beings unbelievable, but also many beings in the Holy City, especially the monks in the Holy Land, the Great Sect, and the Imperial Clan who are watching with cold eyes.

Although they were not very clear about the specific situation of that 'Jiang Taixu', they could guess 90% that he was probably exhausted and almost dead.

Even if it can be awakened and revived, it is basically impossible to restore its peak combat power. Even if it can retain half of it, it is considered lucky.

How could it be possible to recover in such a short time.

Thinking of this, the many holy places, great religions, and imperial monks who had originally planned to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, to see whether there was any profit or not, were shocked in their hearts.

But no matter how frightened the dozens of 'holy lord-level' beings are, as well as the monks from many holy places, great religions, and imperial clans, this is already the case.

The next moment, a sound like the sound of a heavenly drum sounded.




Every time Jiang Taixu stepped down, heaven and earth seemed to respond naturally, and the extremely mysterious sound of the heavenly drum sounded.

The sound of the drum was not surging, and even the void did not vibrate at all. However, this rhythm was like the divine drum of the ancient heaven that sounded again after being cut off for tens of millions of years, beating in the hearts of people, even the heart of the mighty. Follow the vibration unconsciously.

This is an indescribable and terrifying rhythm, like the echo of the innate avenue.

Feeling the pulsation of the heart in their bodies, the expressions of the dozens of 'Holy Lord' beings all changed, but now that the matter had come to this, they had no way out. Dozens of extremely surging blazing divine lights rose up, and lines intertwined out, as if forming a web of order, showing the tangible power of law, and suddenly flooded towards Jiang Taixu, hoping to interrupt this terrifying... rhythm.

The terrifying power would be easily suppressed and annihilated by beings at the Holy Lord level if faced directly, without any chance of escape.

But for Jiang Taixu, who has restored his combat power to its peak at this moment, it is extremely ridiculous. The mysterious rhythm that is like the echo of the innate avenue has not even the slightest impact.

Suddenly, the 'Hengyu Furnace' exploded, and a bright red cloud bloomed. It was the same color as the red gold of phoenix blood. The bright red cloud flooded the world, as if it was the only one in the world, brilliant and eternal.



Blood splattered and the Tao collapsed.

The terrifying King of Order and Law, who could easily kill and annihilate the Holy Lord-level existence, was directly swept away by a vast and powerful force. It had no ability to resist and was instantly weathered and shattered.

The great laws contained in it were directly obliterated by the red clouds.

Not only that, but the dozens of 'Holy Lord-level' beings were directly under this bright red cloud and were seriously injured in an instant.

Even some of the beings who were still at the peak of the first level of Sendai lost all their combat power.


"How can this be?"

"Jiang Taixu in his old age can still fight!"

Many holy places, great religions, and imperial monks in the holy city were extremely shocked. An old god king whose life span was exhausted, his vitality was extinguished, and he was almost dying, actually still had such power. Could it be that he had really regained his full combat power? ? ?


"Ancestor God King"

The faces of everyone in the Jiang family were filled with shock, excitement, and surprise.

He never expected that Jiang Taixu would have such fighting power just after he woke up.

Thinking from this, how powerful Jiang Taixu must have been four thousand years ago? I want to be heroic and majestic, with infinite grace!

"In my whole life, Jiang Taixu, no one has ever forced me like this."

King Jiang Shen finally spoke, and like the roar of a divine bell, it echoed in the underground palace and reached every corner of the divine city.

"Oh my god, Jiang Taixu is resurrected and has regained his fighting strength..."

In the divine city, many monks heard his voice and were all shocked.

"This is Jiang Taixu speaking, an old god king who is nearly five thousand years old..."

"Isn't he exhausted? Why is he so powerful just after he wakes up?!"

The people in the divine city were shocked and could hardly believe it.

Many 'Holy Lord-level' beings went to kill the God King, but in the end they resurrected the God King.

In the void, Jiang Taixu was still moving forward, the rhythm never changing, and the rhythm became more and more terrifying.

"not good!"

A Holy Lord-level being at the front exclaimed in vain, his heart suddenly felt severe pain, almost bursting, and his figure instantly retreated, trying to stay away.

But as Jiang Taixu paced in the void, the sky drum sounded.


There was a cracking sound in the heart of that holy lord-level being.


Blood with some fragments of internal organs spurted out instantly, his face instantly turned pale and deathly gray, and there was a faint sense of death, and his breath fell directly to the bottom.

If it weren't for that heaven-reaching cultivation level, just such a blow would be enough to directly kill him.

However, this saint-level existence is not the worst. What is even worse are those peak existences on the first level of Sendai that have lost their combat power.

Directly under the sound of the heavenly drum, his body was completely shattered and turned into a Tao.

Even the most powerful being among them had a face as golden as paper. He looked at Jiang Taixu pacing in the void with great horror. All the greed and murderous intent in his heart disappeared, replaced by incomparable regret and fear. .

However, Jiang Taixu's eyes did not waver at all regarding these existences, and what he just said was not meant for them.

Compared with Jiang Taixu, who obviously has not recovered in the original work, at this moment, Jiang Taixu, who has the power of the 'True Dragon Immortality Pill' sealed in the God King's Pure Land, can be said to have no worries at all.

Directly using taboo methods to push the combat power to its peak, it is even more powerful than when it was banned four thousand years ago.

As long as the power of the 'True Dragon Immortality Pill' in the body is not exhausted, the combat power can be maintained at the strongest level, although it cannot last for long, and it is even shorter than in the original work.

But so what...

He had long been sure that he would survive from death and live a second life. It would not matter if the vitality, foundation and even the divine blood of this life were exhausted.

Steps slightly stepped.

The next moment, several cracking sounds echoed, and all the powers that could have resisted fell down at this moment.

But in this regard, Jiang Taixu's face showed no fluctuation at all, and he obviously didn't care about these existences at all.

Jiang Taixu's eyes were like gods, as if they were piercing through the endless void, staring straight into the distance, and lightly scolded: "Aren't you coming out yet?"

After finishing speaking, he pressed his hands into the void in vain, and his fingertips cut through the void like a knife.

"The Great Emperor Removes Patterns!"

In an instant, countless laws and orders quickly appeared at Jiang Taixu's fingertips, and in the void, mysterious runes were carved out, shining like stars.

The incomplete Emperor's formation around the 'Hengyu Furnace' began to evolve and develop in vain, making the formation even more terrifying and unfathomable.

In an instant, with the blessing of the more complete power of the Emperor's formation, the 'Hengyu Furnace' that had already gained the upper hand trembled loudly, and the terrifying power of the Extreme Way directly penetrated the world, knocking away the unknown Emperor's soldiers who were resisting. .

The next moment, an extremely cold sneer echoed in the Holy City.


In the void, three skinny figures surrounded by endless black mist of death quietly appeared at some point. The ghostly aura and the stench of rotting corpses instantly filled the entire holy city, making people's hair stand on end.

······(End of this chapter)

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