


"Jiang Taixu, after four thousand years of separation, we miss you very much..."

Weird dry coughs and ghastly words, like the whispers of ghosts, rang out from the thin figure with sparse hair, wrinkled face, and even a slightly trembling figure.

The three strange and miraculous things that appeared in the void were obviously only comparable to the top level among the dozens of 'holy lord' beings, but their energy was extremely terrifying, even far beyond the limits of the second level of the ordinary Immortal Platform. .

The strange death energy lingering around him, under the terrifying strength of his consciousness, directly distorted the void of reality, as if a ghostly ghost had descended upon him.

The stench of rotting corpses emitted from his body made the cultivators in the holy city even more frightened, especially those with relatively low cultivation levels, who fainted directly under the stench of rotting corpses.

Although the many great sects, imperial clans, and holy places in the Holy City did not go to the battlefield, their spiritual thoughts were lingering around the Jiang family.

Compared to most of the uninfluenced casual cultivators in the Holy City, they are undoubtedly more knowledgeable.

Immediately, he saw the abnormality of the three skinny figures in the void, and a trace of surprise quickly flashed across his face.

Whether it is the black mist that cannot be restrained from escaping from its body, the lingering breath of death, and the smell of rotting corpses, it all means that the three figures in the void are already dead corpses.

Moreover, it was a corpse that had been corrupted and dilapidated for at least a thousand years.

Thinking back to the words that just echoed in the Holy City, the existences of many great religions, holy places, and imperial clans in the Holy City all showed a glint of light, and even some of the existences with short life spans even showed a little greed in their eyes.

Obviously these three are terrifying existences that have lived for four thousand years.

But...except for those with top-notch physiques such as the God King Physique and the Ancient Holy Physique, there are only a few people in this world who can live over four thousand years.

Over the past thousands of years, the old saints of many holy places, great religions, and imperial clans, in their later years, when their longevity was about to run out, either walked into the wilderness, hoping to find a way out.

Or choose to accept your fate, and while the longevity energy in your body has not been completely exhausted, you can seal it in the Holy Land and exist as a foundation. When the crisis breaks out, you will be completely destroyed with a single blow.

No one has ever been able to become active in the world again, without any exception.

Facing what the three skinny corpses said, Jiang Taixu just glanced at them calmly without any response. As for the severely injured 'Holy Lord' beings, he simply ignored them.

His eyes were extremely indifferent and he was staring at the void in the distance. The imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace' behind him seemed to have a sun, releasing infinite light and hot principles, shining brightly on the principles of the avenue.

Jiang Taixu, whose combat power had returned to its peak, instantly controlled the power of the 'Hengyu Furnace'. At this moment, he was no different from a god. His black hair was dancing, his body in white clothes was shining with crystal clear colors, and his eyes were sweeping. Too suffocating.

Facing Jiang Taixu's naked disregard, the three ghostly and skinny figures all showed extremely ugly looks on their faces.

Among them, the consciousness of the skinny figure on the left fluctuated violently, and the 'ghosts' lingering around spread crazily, and an extremely violent and cold voice sounded: "Jiang Taixu, you are still as arrogant as you were four thousand years ago. ·····”

"It's a pity that you can hide it from them, but you can't hide it from our consciousness. You seem to have recovered at the moment, but in fact, you have already run out of energy. You just used the forbidden secret method to forcibly recover."

"In the past, you, Jiang Taixu, looked down upon the world. We, who were being chased by you, had no way to go and no way to escape, and fled into the mountains of immortality. Unfortunately, surviving a catastrophe does not necessarily lead to future blessings. We did not get the elixir of immortality. , but accidentally ate a Yin Ming grass..."

"If you hadn't been sealed for four thousand years, the three of us would have definitely stayed away, but it's a pity..."

The cold laughter sounded in vain.

As soon as these words came out, the Holy City, which had been extremely silent under many terrifying pressures, instantly fell into an uproar, especially the existence of the holy places, great religions, and imperial clans in the Holy City.

Divine light flashed in his eyes, but due to the power of Jiang Taixu at this moment, he did not dare to use his spiritual consciousness like the three withered figures, and only dared to survey with his eyes.

But even so, the existence of many holy places, great religions, and imperial clans in the Holy City also discovered abnormalities. After all, the major holy places, great religions, and imperial clans are undoubtedly very familiar with each other. In some respects, The person who knows you best is not yourself and your friends, but your opponents.

Especially opponents who are tens of thousands of years old...

Those who exist in many holy places, great religions, and imperial clans will naturally be unaware of the forbidden secrets of the Jiang family.

Beings in other holy places, great religions, and imperial clans can find out, and beings from Jiang Taixu's own clan can naturally find out that the excitement and joy on the faces of everyone in the Jiang family are completely frozen, replaced by incomparable worry, pain.

"Old Ancestor..."

"Ancestor of the God King..."

"how come······"

Not only everyone in the Jiang family, but also Ye Fan was extremely anxious and kept whispering in his heart: "How could it be possible? Isn't there the 'True Dragon Immortal Pill' refined by Lao Qin? Didn't Old Qin say the 'True Dragon Immortal Pill'? Can the medicinal properties of the ancient sages save lives? Impossible..."

The 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things' fluctuated slightly, and some couldn't help but want to unleash the shocking power hidden in it.

Seeing the changes in the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Jiang family, the three ghastly and gaunt figures did not hesitate at all, and instantly burst out with great fighting power.

In an instant, black mist spread and rancid stench spread, as if even the avenues of heaven and earth had been corrupted, filled with ghosts and ghosts.




Three strange and incomparable divine fires rose up suddenly, and the blazing flames rose thousands of feet high, as thick as a mountain, and extremely terrifying. The aura of coldness, murder, death, and bloody horror spread crazily.

Three withered old monsters were born from the fire, surrounded by terrifying flames. One of them was as red as blood. This was his natal divine fire. It dyed the sky like smoke, more like an erupting volcano.

The other person was filled with green fire, and the flames shot out of his body and rushed into the sky, burning the sky green, reaching a height of thousands of feet, like a green mountain shaking.

The third withered old monster's body was as black as ink, and black flames shot up into the sky, seeming to stir up Jiuyou and Jiutian, and penetrated the sky and the earth.

The red fire, green fire, and black fire are the same color as their rotten bodies, representing blood, coldness, killing, and death, as if the entire holy city has been reduced to scorched earth.

"go to hell!"

The three old demons roared, and trembling spiritual fluctuations rushed out of their heads, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames, surging forward, attacking Jiang Taixu with unparalleled terrifying spiritual consciousness, and even directly attacking Jiang Taixu. Covering the hinterland of the Jiang family.

It was obvious that he planned to wipe out the Jiang family in one fell swoop.

Facing this terrifying sea of ​​flames of consciousness that seemed to burn, corrupt, and corrode everything, Jiang Taixu finally responded.

If he hadn't been concerned about the hidden Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, with his current combat power, he would have wiped out the three putrid corpses in front of him. “Boring…”

The indifferent eyes flickered, the void suddenly became silent, and a pair of extremely bright divine eyes quietly appeared.

"God-King Gaze!"


As if the world was opening up, the overbearing power of the Law of Destruction instantly tore apart the bloody ocean, and the terrifying energy evaporated and annihilated the bloody consciousness in the sky, collapsing into the void.

In an instant, several miserable cries echoed, and the three ghostly and decaying figures were directly blasted away.

There was incomparable disbelief in his eyes. They could never have imagined that Jiang Taixu, who had been suppressed for four thousand years and unable to practice at all, could have such terrifying strength.

Just staring at him made them suffer greatly, and they felt extremely jealous and hateful in their hearts.

That's a full four thousand years.

Even though they had not made any progress in their cultivation due to accidentally eating the 'Yin Ming Grass', the strength of their spiritual consciousness had also been horribly increased and strengthened. After four thousand years of continuous practice, they had become extremely powerful. It will definitely not be worse than the Dao-killing King of the Third Heaven in Sendai.

The three of them join forces, and even the Dao-Zhan King may be defeated by their terrifying consciousness.

But in front of Jiang Taixu, there was just a pupil...

what does that mean······

Jiang Taixu is dressed in white clothes. He has a majestic appearance. His eyes are deeper than the stars. He is majestic and majestic. He looks like a dragon walking in the world. His whole figure has a layer of divine brilliance. Every move of his hands and feet shows the demeanor of a peerless master.

The shocking combat power that exploded in this moment froze everyone in the Holy City, especially those who were targeting Jiang Taixu. Their hearts were filled with ice, and there was a faint flicker of fear in their eyes.

"Jiang Taixu..."

An old monster trembled, his heart was filled with fear.

He suddenly thought of Jiang Taixu's heroic appearance four thousand years ago when he dominated the world. There was no difference between it and now, the same peerless grace. He couldn't help but shouted in shock: "Friends holding Ji Dao weapons, are you still here?" Why are you hesitating? Why don’t you take action together with us!”

They were obviously a little impatient. They had dealt with Jiang Taixu four thousand years ago. At that time, Jiang Taixu made them unable to resist at all, and now Jiang Taixu is even more terrifying.

The next moment, a cold and cold snort sounded in vain in the void.

"Hmph! If it weren't for me to resist and restrict the 'Hengyu Furnace', you would have perished long ago."


The power of Ji Dao suddenly exploded, and the terrifying figure in the dark controlled the emperor's holy soldiers. While fighting against the Hengyu furnace, he activated a divine power. Obviously, he did not expect that Jiang Taixu's combat power at this moment was so terrifying.

The explosion of the secret existence also allowed Jiang Taixu to find a flaw.

Endless divine light burst out from his body instantly, and countless red clouds of light burst out.


The 'Hengyu Furnace' behind him shook violently, and a red-gold divine phoenix in the void that resembled the avenue of heaven and earth instantly condensed. A phoenix cry that shook the world echoed, and the sky was filled with red clouds.

It turned into a dazzling light and disappeared into the void instantly.

At the same time, the God King 'Jiang Taixu' turned his hands into palms, and mysterious lines appeared.


The aura of the God King suddenly rose, his snow-white coat fluttered, and hundreds of divine lights shot up around him, connecting with the sky.

Each one was extremely thick, like a pillar holding up the sky. It was so dazzling that it tore through the night sky, penetrated the sky, and made the heaven and earth tremble.

"get out······"

Jiang Taixu's hair was floating, his expression was indifferent, his white clothes came out of the dust, his body bloomed with crystal clear colors, his palms were slightly closed, and in an instant, the void collapsed and the Tao was extinguished.

As if the world was being destroyed, terrifying world-destroying waves swept across, and murderous intent filled the air. The entire divine city seemed to have entered the cold winter season, with endless fallen leaves flying and full of a chilling atmosphere.


A groan of pain sounded in vain from the void, and the King of Dark Night who was hiding in the dark was forced out.

But the next moment, the aura of the King of Dark Night exploded. In an instant, the entire holy city seemed to have fallen into absolute eternal night, and even the yin and yang between heaven and earth were covered by his principles.

Looking at the figure forced out by him, Jiang Taixu's expression changed, as if he was remembering the long past. He thought for a moment and said: "The Twin Kings of Zhongzhou...it turns out to be you..."

The King of Darkness, who seemed to be the master of the night, looked a little ugly and his tone was extremely cold: "Your memory is not bad, you still remember us after more than four thousand years..."

As the conversation between the two people echoed, the expressions of many people in the Holy City suddenly changed.

Compared with the existence that was easily suppressed by Jiang Taixu before, the King of Dark Night in front of him was definitely an extremely difficult existence.

Compared with the three skinny old men who were full of ghosts and relied on the 'Yin Ming Grass' to survive to this era, the Dark Night King has survived to this day entirely by relying on his own extremely strong cultivation.

Obviously, he also has a mysterious and powerful physique, which may even be no worse than Jiang Taixu's 'God King Physique'.

More than four thousand years ago, the twin kings of Zhongzhou were famous all over the world. The elder brother was called the "Sun King" and the younger brother was called the "Night King". They were twin brothers.

The two brothers came out together and swept across the world. They were invincible. They could be called the two unparalleled arrogances, and it was difficult to resist them.

Jiang Taixu encountered countless enemies in his life, and they were all invincible. Only the battle with his brother, the Sun King, was the most difficult and dangerous.

That battle was so devastating that it destroyed countless mountains. It lasted a whole night, and only then did King Jiang Shen use a shocking blow to destroy the Sun King physically and mentally, disappearing from the world forever.

Although the Dark Night King was forced out of the void by Jiang Taixu, he did not possess the Ji Dao Emperor Armament.

But at this moment, the 'Hengyu Furnace' is still emitting red light as red as blood, as gorgeous as clouds, and even brighter than the sun.

Obviously, there are still Ji Dao Emperor soldiers restraining him in the secret, and there are definitely more than one...

······(End of this chapter)

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