People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 1: The New Year Zombie in the World of "Zombie Brother"

Chapter 1 Millennium Zombies in the World of "Brother Corpse"
[A large-scale virus infection has occurred in City H, and a large number of people have been infected. 】

[Aliens are attacking? 】

[The government appeals to citizens not to go out and drink tap water for the time being. The nine special forces from Yanhuang have all entered City H for search and rescue operations. 】

[This is a new and unknown virus]

【.When people eat other living things (including humans), their genes immediately begin to mutate. The more types of living things they eat, the more severe the mutations will be. 】

[Fortunately, this virus is only spread through tap water for the time being.]

[.On the Internet, because they feel that they already have the ability of Sun Wukong's 72 changes, they call these infected people "Big Corpse Brothers"! 】

City H, an apartment in the city center.

The light of the computer monitor flickered, and the color on Nan Yu's face was constantly changing.

He gently slid the mouse wheel and continuously browsed the latest news web pages.

It's been a long time.

He leaned on the chair and said to himself: "Hey, I really came to the world of "Brother Corpse"."

As he spoke, he stood up, stretched lazily, and went to the window to look downstairs.

As far as the eye can see, there are all kinds of strange monsters.

Some of them look no different from the zombies in western movies. Some have twisted limbs, crawling on their elbows and knees, but they can fly over the walls in the street. There are still no heads, a face on the chest, and a bunch of arthropods hanging from the lower body. Animal-like limbs were running rampant on the street.

Nan Yu frowned slightly, and said with a little disgust: "No matter by the standards of Western zombies or Eastern zombies, your appearance is really too unique."

Nan Yu is not from this world.


He's not even human.

In the original world, Nan Yu was a zombie who lived from the Northern Song Dynasty to the 21st century.

It's just that when the Millennium Thunder Tribulation was about to come, he happened to bump into the period of fate with the lowest luck in his life.

If he can get through it, he can soar to great heights.

Unfortunately, he couldn't make it through.

Although he has tried his best to delay the coming of the catastrophe, the catastrophe is still coming in the end, and the various backhands he prepared also have frequent accidents during the catastrophe due to the downturn in luck, which finally caused him to fail. Withstand the thunder.

Originally, Nan Yu thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up again, he found that he had arrived in such a brand new world.

As a zombie living in the 21st century, Nan Yu's favorite things in his spare time are watching movies, chasing novels and reading comics.

And what he likes to watch the most are the themes of various zombie series.

"Brother Corpse" is a leader in this genre, so he has read it many times over and over again, plus he usually reads a lot of Internet articles, so he accepts the matter of time travel very quickly. .

After carefully recalling the content of the comic, Nan Yu walked to the water pipe thoughtfully, took a full glass of water, and then drank it all with a tilt of his head.

He smashed it in his mouth, and after thinking about it carefully, he commented: "Well, there are indeed some good things in it, but the amount is too small to have any effect."

If I remember correctly.

The source of this virus that can spread the corpse brother is essentially the product of the blood of the phoenix and the blood of the cold sea ice demon dragon.

For mortals, these two things are highly toxic substances that can cause body mutation, but for zombies that feed on blood and essence, these are the top ten tonics.

If I could get these two kinds of blood essence when I crossed the catastrophe before, I would be afraid of a catastrophe with a hammer.


Nan Yu not only brought his soul, but also brought his extremely powerful zombie body, which made him quite safe in the world of "Brother Corpse", which was in crisis every step of the way.

The only small shortcoming is that the mana he cultivated for thousands of years was sealed by the Heavenly Tribulation, and now he can't even release the simplest small fireball.


The one that sealed his mana was the Jielei in the Heavenly Tribulation. With his zombie physique, he couldn't even touch it, let alone lift the seal.

dong dong dong-

Just when Nan Yu had just put the water glass back, a violent banging on the door suddenly sounded. The huge force made the whole room buzz and tremble.

"Eat, eat, eat."

The knock on the door was accompanied by a hoarse voice that kept repeating.

no doubt.

The one who was banging on the door at this time was none other than a corpse brother.

"Huh? Someone found here so soon?"

Nan Yu looked over with great interest.

Just now when he was lying on the window, several corpse brothers saw his figure, so these hungry guys rushed towards the apartment where he lived on their hands and feet like crazy.

Originally, Nan Yu thought that there were so many rooms in this building, and they would have to find it for a while, but he didn't expect that one of them would find the door of his room so soon.

boom! boom! boom!
As if he heard Nan Yu's voice talking to himself, the corpse brother outside the door slammed more and more vigorously, and the solid iron anti-theft door also made an overwhelmed groan under its violent impact.

"Don't hit it, you will break the door if you hit it again."

Nan Yu complained, then stepped forward and opened the door.

The bloated corpse brother was trying his best to hit it, but the moment the door opened, it couldn't stop under its feet, and it rolled and scrambled in with a thump.


After the corpse got up and saw its appearance clearly, even a zombie like Nan Yu couldn't help but feel nauseous.

In fact, just looking at the face on Brother Corpse's neck, the facial features are correct and the face is delicate, except that the mouth is a little bit wider, it is barely acceptable.

The problem is that it's not just this face.

From the neck down, there are three other faces.

An old man's face with wrinkles and sharp teeth, a female face with a pair of triangular eyes and a fierce and vicious look, and a fat man's face that was so bloated that his facial features could not be distinguished, and he kept shouting about eating, eating, eating. .

Not only did it have these four faces, it also had six arms and five legs stuck randomly on its body. There was also a pile of the internal organs of an unknown person hanging on its crotch, which kept dangling there when it moved.

"Spicy eyes, even hotter eyes than the Gu worms refined by those Gu masters in Miao Jiang."

Nan Yu has lived for 1000 years. He has experienced all the eras of war and chaos, and has seen all kinds of monsters and monsters. He claims to be well-informed.

But when he saw this ghost thing in front of him, he really wanted to snap his eyeballs off and put on new eyes that had never seen this thing before.

The ghost in front of me looks so contrary to the principles of biology.

I didn't think anything about it when I was lying on the window looking at it. Now I see this kind of mutated corpse brother with my own eyes. I really feel like I'm going to go blind all of a sudden.

It is clear.

This mutated corpse brother was formed by devouring each other by the corpse brothers who were scrambling to enter the door just now.

However, in just a few minutes, they mutated into this form, and Nan Yu couldn't help but marvel at such a fast mutation speed.

"Hungry, hungry, eat, eat, eat you!"

The mutated corpse brother landed on his back with his chest facing the ceiling. His four big mouths roared loudly in unison, and he used his hands and feet to crawl towards Nan Yu like a giant centipede.


Nan Yu, who had gotten used to the corpse brother's appearance, said lightly, and then kicked the mutated corpse brother heavily in the face.

A muffled sound.

The mutant corpse, which was more than two meters long, exploded into a ball of rubble. The flying flesh and blood splashed all over the room. The scattered limbs and broken bodies exuded a disgusting stench, and the body was full of disgusting smells. Red and viscous blood dripped continuously down the furniture and appliances in the room.

If an ordinary person saw such a bloody scene, they would be so frightened that they would pee on the spot.

But Nan Yu, the initiator, was spotless at this time, which was in sharp contrast to the room full of flesh and blood that was like a bloody hell.

Even though his mana was sealed, as a zombie who had practiced for thousands of years, Nan Yu's powerful physical body was still there, so he was still able to deal with such a small zombie brother.

Suddenly, Nan Yu let out a light sigh, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers as if feeling something.

A wisp of green smoke curled up from his hand, and soon dissipated with the breeze blowing outside the door.

Nan Yu blinked, and said pleasantly: "The seal of Heavenly Tribulation has weakened?"

(End of this chapter)

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