Chapter 2 A prefecture-level expert in City H?

After repeated experiments.

Nan Yu finally confirmed one thing, that is, the Heavenly Tribulation seal on his body was indeed loosened a little.

Very faintly.

The kind that can't even meet the minimum requirements for casting spells.

But it was enough to surprise him.

If I remember correctly, after he killed the mutated senior brother, the Heavenly Tribulation Seal was shaken a little.

"That is to say, as long as I kill enough corpse brothers, all the Heavenly Tribulation seals on me will be released?"

Nan Yu licked his lips, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Different from my original world that has come to the end of my practice, the world of "Brother Corpse" is full of aura, except for these corpse brothers who are making trouble everywhere, there are still many practitioners hidden in the world.

The realm of these practitioners is divided into human, earth, heaven, god and super god.

And if you want to have the most basic self-protection ability in this world, you have to be at least a heaven-level realm.

In fact, Nan Yu's thousand-year-old zombie body is at the highest level in this world at least, but unfortunately, his magic power has been blocked, and now he can only rely on his body for hand-to-hand combat, which greatly weakens his strength.

In other words, he now has heaven-level physical strength, but does not have the corresponding heaven-level explosive means.

Taken together like this.

He should still be regarded as a heaven-level strength, but against those prefecture-level peak masters with unique skills, if he is not careful, he may still overturn his car.

This is not because Nan Yu is belittling or belittling himself.

It’s really because the martial arts in this world are too perverted.

Earth-level fighters rely on their powerful skills, and even when fighting for their lives, they can also unleash attacks that can injure sky-level powerhouses.

When it comes to a real master of the heavenly level, even if it is only the early stage of the heavenly level, he still has the ability to split mountains and crack the earth under the burst of full strength.

In the later stage, it is almost a situation where there are so many magical skills and magical weapons are everywhere. At that time, you can find a heavenly master at random, and he has housekeeping skills comparable to god-level strikes, not to mention Those god-level powerhouses and the super god-level powerhouses above.

So if you can't improve your strength as soon as possible, let alone the blood essence of the phoenix and the blood essence of the deep sea ice demon dragon on the corpse king, it will be good if you don't get chased to death by those heavenly corpse brothers.

At first, when he realized that the mana was sealed and he couldn't unlock it by himself, Nan Yu thought about many possibilities to improve his strength.

But it's fine now.

As long as he kills the corpse brother ruthlessly, it won't take long to remove this seal.

Such good news made Nan Yu overjoyed.

As long as you can return to the period of complete victory, and then learn some martial arts in this world, it is not impossible to become a god, or even become a god.

Having made up his mind, Nan Yu was in a good mood, and jumped directly from the window, standing on the street where demons were dancing, raised his arms and shouted happily: "Hey, little ones, grandpa is here, come and eat me. "

On the quiet street, this loud cry pierced the night sky, and could be clearly heard even in blocks hundreds of meters apart.

Those corpse brothers who were looking for food or biting the living became excited immediately when they heard the sound, and rushed towards Nan Yu's direction, fearing that they would be one step late.

After shouting a few times, Nan Yu leisurely chose a wide open space, looking at those corpse brothers who were as crazy as hungry wolves, he moved his hands and feet, and whistled: "Killing, start."

at the same time.

In the capital, Yanhuang's floating battleship Sirius.

A majestic old man with gray hair and wearing a military uniform was standing in front of the big screen, listening to the reports of his officers with a serious face.

"Report to the commander, the third, fifth, and sixth teams in H City have all lost contact."

"Report to the commander, the first team and the second team request fire reinforcements."

"Report to the commander, Chief of Staff Wang Tianwang proposed to use nuclear bombs in H City."

"Report to Commander, there is a large-scale mutation phenomenon in the safe area of ​​City H. According to the investigation, all the mutants drank a kind of mineral water named Sanlu brand. The investigation team now suspects that this water factory used polluted tap water to pretend to be mineral water. The water is sold, and people have been sent to the mineral water factory to investigate and collect evidence."

The white-haired old man known as the commander heard the news and couldn't help frowning: "Mineral water? Is there any sales record?"

"Yes, according to the latest news from the investigation team, this batch of mineral water is not only sold in City H, but also sold all over the country."

Speaking of this, even the officer who reported couldn't help but tremble.

Virus-laden water was sold across the country.

What is this concept.

Originally, with the military's control ability and adaptability, they could have easily controlled this biochemical crisis in City H.

But now something like this has happened.

This also means that the spread of the mutated virus will be more difficult to control, and it is likely that there will be infections of different scales across the country.

And the commander's reaction was even more agitated.

He slammed the table fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Has the conscience of these bastard businessmen been eaten by dogs? Go, notify the special team, no matter whether this bastard is in China or abroad, give me the money." Catch him back! I will shoot him [-] times! Then send someone to check his sales channels one by one."

"His grandma's!"

"Hateful! Hateful! Even if I shoot him ten thousand times, I won't be relieved!"

The more the commander thought about it, the angrier he became, and he hammered the table bitterly.

Now that such a large-scale turmoil has broken out in H City, it requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources to maintain it. Once this happened, it was unknown how much manpower and material resources had to be invested. The manpower that was originally relatively wealthy suddenly became stretched.

It's been a while.

The commander's restless mood calmed down a little. After thinking for a while, he slowly gave the order: "The nuclear bomb request will not be approved. There are still many uninfected survivors in H City. We cannot give up on them."

"Notify all the armed forces in City H. Special teams are responsible for going out to find survivors. Others set up safe evacuation points in large public places such as stadiums, gather survivors and wait for helicopters to rescue them."

"Notify the army to build a large artillery base in the safe area of ​​W City and H City, and carry out saturation bombing of the densely populated areas where there are no survivors."

"Notify the Air Force that heavy weapons and ammunition are going to be placed in the safe area of ​​City H, and we must ensure that the weapons and ammunition in City H are sufficient."

"Notify the fifth team of Special Energy to go to City H immediately, and make sure to find out the truth about the virus contamination. In addition, if there are hostile forces blocking them along the way, there is no need to report, and they will be killed on the spot."

One order after another orderly issued from the commander's mouth.

However, looking at the videos of various streets and lanes in H City uploaded on the central screen, the gloomy look on the commander's brows still did not improve.

The sudden virus not only disturbed the order of Yanhuang, but also allowed those outsiders who were already eyeing it to take advantage of it.

"Report, surveillance cameras captured a large-scale wave of corpses in the Central Commercial Street of City H. There are at least more than [-] corpses moving there quickly."


The commander's expression changed drastically.

His first reaction was which special team was found while rescuing survivors.

There are more than [-] corpse brothers, not to mention the lightly armed special teams, even those well-equipped armored teams carrying heavy weapons cannot withstand it.

However, when the big screen turned to the monitoring screen.

Not only the commander was stunned on the spot, but all the busy officers in the headquarters also stopped their work and exclaimed.

in monitoring.

The imaginary scene of the horde of corpses besieging and killing the special team did not appear, but those grotesque corpse brothers surrounded a young man in a vest and shorts in the center.

Moreover, he didn't see any special weapons and equipment on the young man's body. With just a pair of fists and feet, he killed seven in and seven out of this group of corpse brothers.

The young man was extremely fast. Even if the officers in the command room, who had little cultivation, tried their best to stare at him, they could only see an afterimage passing by quickly.

On the contrary, the commander could see clearly. In his eyes, wherever the young man passed, with every movement of his hands, those corpse brothers who were difficult to kill with firearms were instantly turned into a pile of minced meat, never to be reborn again. The possibility of standing up, and the dark red blood flowing out of the corpse brothers all gathered together, like twisting and winding rivers, gurgling towards the two streets.


These three words immediately popped into the minds of those who saw this scene.

The astonishing force of being able to play with the dead brother in the palm of his hand, coupled with the seemingly inexhaustible physical strength, there is no other explanation except for the practitioner.

"Send his photo to Team Five, inform them, and if necessary, try to recruit him to assist in the execution of the mission."

Finally, a look of joy appeared on the commander's face.

Judging from the skill of this young man, he is at least at the prefectural level. He should be an anonymous private practitioner. If he can win over the fifth special ability team, it will be a great help.

(End of this chapter)

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