Chapter 3 When did I say I was human?
City H.

Nan Yu found a clothing store, kicked the door open, found a pair of clean clothes, changed out of the clothes and pants that were completely soaked in blood, and strangled the two corpse brothers hiding in the store.

The wave of corpses just now.

He attracted a total of more than 3000 corpse brothers, and he killed more than half of them on the spot. Although the remaining zombie brothers were not very intelligent, they were still instinctively frightened and turned around when faced with the murderous Nan Yu. Just ran away.

Nan Yu didn't bother to waste time chasing them, so he just let them run away.

It's a pity.

There is not even one earth-level among these corpse brothers, they are all human-level minions. The strongest one is just a giant centipede with a body length of more than ten meters and a face on each segment. Corpse brother.

But think about it.

The Zombie Brother virus outbreak has only lasted for a few days. Even if these Zombie Brothers go crazy to devour them, it is estimated that not many of them will be able to advance to the prefecture level.

Besides, Nan Yu is not the King of Corpses and does not have the ability to summon the Corpse Brothers. It is not easy to attract so many Corpse Brothers with only those few voices.

After changing clothes.

Nan Yu closed his eyes to feel the situation of the seal, and then stretched out his hand, his mind moved.


A fireball the size of a baby's fist rose out of the air and danced back and forth on his hand.

Basic spell, Fire Charm.

With Nan Yu's unblocked mana, he could only summon such a fireball.

As for power.

With a flick of Nan Yu's hand, the fireball in his hand accurately hit a dead brother who was sneaking around and peeping at him in the distance.

Fiery flames instantly shot up into the sky.

In the flames, the corpse brother fell to the ground struggling and howling in pain, and it was reduced to a mass of ashes in just a few seconds.

"That's it."

Nan Yu pouted.

In his heyday, it only took him a blink of an eye to incinerate that corpse brother with such an ignition spell, how could it take such a long time.

But no matter what, his seal is gradually being untied after all.

The next step is to continue to kill the corpse brother.

H City at night is no longer as lively as before.

In the past, the lights were bright and the traffic was busy, but now they have all fallen into darkness.

Not that the power was out.

But thanks to the 'blessing' of that unscrupulous businessman, many people in City H who were not infected by the virus drank the contaminated tap water without knowing it, which resulted in a second outbreak of the virus.

Today, almost half of the people in H City have been transformed into corpse brothers. The remaining people have either been moved to a safe evacuation point to wait for rescue, or they are hiding in their homes and shivering. Not to mention turning on the lights, they don't even speak loudly. dare.

Since they couldn't find fresh humans to devour, these corpse brothers, who were always hungry, began to dig deep into the ground to devour living creatures.

Snakes, insects, mice, ants, birds and beasts, as long as they are alive, they will always come and stuff them into their mouths if they catch them.

This also led to the mutation speed of the corpse brothers getting faster and faster.

For example, the one Nan Yu just pinched to death had the head of a human, the body of a rat, and spider legs. It had a face on the back of its head, a pair of eyes and a mouth on its belly, and a tail more than two meters long that swung like an iron whip. At this time, even a tree as thick as a person can be easily cut off.

This mutated corpse brother had eaten countless living creatures.

It should have been close to or reached the prefectural level.

when fighting it.

Nan Yu crushed its head, and two more eyes grew out of its chest and continued to fight Nan Yu.

Nan Yu kicked its body, even if it only had one tail left, it could grow a circle of densely packed thin legs like a bug, trying to escape.


Nan Yu stomped down expressionlessly, completely trampling the dead brother to death.

Looking around at the grass that had become pitted due to their fight, he couldn't help but sigh: "This damn thing has really strong vitality."

In fact, this corpse brother whose strength is unknown is not very strong.

But its attack method was unusually treacherous, coupled with its abnormal recovery ability, it made it entangle with Nan Yu for a full minute before being beaten to death.

"These corpse brothers are mutating faster and faster."

Nan Yu shook off the blood stains on his hand, and said to himself: "But this is also a good thing. Killing this kind of stronger corpse brother will obviously loosen the seal faster."

at this time.

A flash of cold light suddenly appeared, accompanied by the sound of howling wind, and struck behind Nan Yu.

This is a samurai sword, extremely fast, and the aiming position is extremely sinister and obscene, it is Nan Yu's lower body.

However, this sudden knife fell through.

Even though the owner of the saber deliberately got close to Nan Yu's body before making a move, Nan Yu still easily dodged it.


A suspicious voice came.

I can only hear his voice, but not see his people.

"Oh? Japanese?" Nan Yu chuckled and said, "Stealth technique? It's kind of interesting."

At this time, the person who attacked him spoke again.

I just heard him speak fluent Chinese and said with a smile: "Hehehe, he is indeed a master. It is really amazing that he can dodge a blow under the stealth technique that I am proud of."

"Let me introduce myself, under Niumoto 52, the Japanese Chunin, if you can die under my sword, you can be proud of yourself under the underworld."

This sound is not fixed at a certain location, but has been erratically sounding in all directions, echoing around the empty grass like a ghost, making it difficult to identify the real location of the attacker.

His aura was even more restrained completely, no matter how Nan Yu tried to sense it, he couldn't find this guy's figure.

"There is indeed something about Dongpu's stealth technique."


Nan Yu's mouth curled into a smile.

A smear of blood quietly floated into his eyes, and in an instant, his pupils changed from the brown of normal humans to the blood pupils of zombies.

Niu Ben52 is the first human being that Nan Yu saw after coming to the world of "Brother Corpse".

This guy was just a minor role in the original plot.

He is good at stealth, claiming that even the strongest of the prefectural level can't find him.

What he likes to do most is to sneak attack people from behind, especially those who are stronger than himself.

However, his shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, this guy is only good at stealth, and is not very good at other Japanese ninjutsu.

Moreover, the stealth technique can only hide one's own figure and aura, but cannot restrain one's own qi and blood at the same time.

Now under Nan Yu's zombie blood pupils, the strong blood and energy in the air can be seen clearly.

Ushimoto 52, who didn't know that his trace had been discovered, was still changing his position at this time, waving the long knife in his hand and approaching Nan Yu quickly.

The moment he struck out again.

Nan Yu calmly dodged to grab his right hand, and at the same time gave a fierce kick to his chest.

"No! Impossible!"

Niuben52, who was caught off guard, had time to roar like this before he was kicked by Nan Yu and flew dozens of meters away. He lay on the ground in pain and kept wailing.

Nan Yu's powerful and heavy kick not only broke all his ribs, but also tore off his right hand holding the knife.

After a short shock.

The severe pain that spread all over his body made Niu Ben52 wake up completely, and he understood that the man in front of him was a master that he could never defeat.

So he crawled back tremblingly and begged for mercy in a trembling voice: "Spare me, spare my life, please, please."

"Excuse me?"

"Now you know that you want me to spare your life? Why didn't you think about it when you provoked me just now?"

Nan Yu threw away the amputated hand, walked up to Niu Ben 52 in a happy mood, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up, then grinned and said: "Hey, speaking of it, I haven't had a good meal for a long time, and you delivered it to the door The timing is just right."

Seeing the four long fangs in Nan Yu's mouth, Niu Ben52's small eyes widened, and his teeth trembled as he said: "You... you are not human..."

"When did I say that I'm human?"

Nan Yu chuckled.

Under Niu Ben 52's terrified and terrified expression, Nan Yu bit his neck fiercely, greedily sucking the fresh blood full of vitality in his body.


"Yeah, it's gone..."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please, please..."

Niu Ben 52's begging voice became weaker and weaker, and when Nan Yu threw him to the ground again, this Dongying Chunin, who was so arrogant just now, had been completely sucked into a mummy.

(End of this chapter)

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