Chapter 101
[The Corpse King Longyou was kidnapped by K, the president of the European Dark Parliament. 】

[Notify the world of this matter, and tell them that Long You has the secret of immortality, if you want to grab it, you can go there, by the way, remind them about the dead brother virus, Long You may spread the virus to the world . 】

[The number of corpse brothers in H city is wrong, there are probably high-level corpse brothers who have absconded, go find them yourself, I guess they are probably hidden in the sea. 】

[By the way, send me another medicine to increase the limit of Dantian, and get more things that can improve mental strength, so you are not afraid of side effects. The delivery address is XXXXXX. 】

[I'm busy with things recently, please contact me in advance if you have any questions. 】


In front of the Commander, Su Pomao, who returned from City H to report on his duties, showed him all the communication content between himself and Nan Yu.

After reading it, the commander just frowned and said nothing. After a while, he said, "Is he in a trance?"

"Yes, he must be in a trance, and the Corpse King should also be in a trance."

Su Po Mao replied affirmatively.

Previously in H City, the movements of Nan Yu and Long You's battle could be seen clearly even if they were more than ten kilometers away.

Even the sky thunder was attracted.

Such momentum is undoubtedly the battle of god-level powerhouses.

Although Su Pomao has never seen a god-level powerhouse attack, he knows very well that the peak of the sky level cannot cause this kind of damage.

Got a positive answer.

The commander sighed.

It's not that he couldn't believe it. In fact, when Su Po Mao sent back the video of Nan Yu and Long You fighting, he had already made some guesses.

But after confirming this matter again from Su Po Mao's mouth, he still felt a little bit like a world away.

It's only been a few days.

From the moment he met Nan Yu, it was less than a week, right?

At that time, Nan Yu was only at the peak of the sky level.

So quickly fascinated!
When did it become so easy for the peak of the sky level to break through to the god level.

If it was really that easy, how could it be that only Qinglong broke through to the god level in Yanhuang for so many years.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable."

The commander shook his head, and then he asked again: "Did he ask for anything else this time?"

"That's the request for the medicine."

"Furthermore, he has fulfilled the previous agreement. It's not that he didn't work hard, but a K happened halfway. There is nothing he can do. If we don't admit it, then we will never talk about cooperation in the future."

Su Pomao repeated in detail what Nan Yu had said to him in the corpse nest.

After hearing this, the commander nodded and said: "Well, we are not a country like Japan and Korea that break their promises. No one wants to see such a thing as K, but since it happened, there is nothing we can do about it. Let's We can only try our best to send people to capture Long You back."


"You go and give him a message back, just say that Yanhuang will abide by the agreement, and hope that we can cooperate happily next time."

Because of a sudden accident, they started to mess around. Only those small countries with small stomachs would do this.

No matter how Yanhuang declines, the spirit of a great country that has been passed down for 5000 years is still here.

There is no need to offend a strong man who has reached the god level for a trivial benefit.

After talking about Nan Yu's matter, the commander began to think about Long You's movements again.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get a headache.

This corpse king Longyou is too scary.

Super virus transmission ability, extreme survival ability against the sky, plus god-level strength of dual cultivation of essence and energy.If you want to kill him, you must let Qinglong do it.

After thinking a lot, the commander made up his mind: "According to what Nan Yu said, inform other countries about the zombie virus. As for whether they will take precautions, that is not something we have to consider. We should also pay attention to strict precautions at home, especially water sources. Such a top priority, and then notify Qinglong to go to Europe. This corpse king must not fall into the hands of those undead creatures, otherwise human life will be difficult."


Just when Yanhuang was intensively preparing to compete for the Longyou Primium, Nan Yu had already arrived at the border of Yanhuang by plane.

Under the guidance of Zhao Ritian and Mo Xuan, they climbed over mountains and ridges until they reached a valley full of red leaves, and finally arrived at their destination.

Burial Ridge.

The main altar of the Blood Lotus Sect.

This is also the reason why Nan Yu tried so hard to deceive Zhao Ritian that he was the ancestor of the Blood Lotus Sect.

The leader of the Blood Lotus Sect, like the Immortal Master, is demented with brain problems, and memory confusion is common.

This lunatic has many good things in his hands.

In addition, the Blood Lotus Sect practiced the Blood Lotus Dafa, and the good things hidden in the treasury could be said to be all good things that Nan Yu could use.

It's not justified if I don't come here to make a trip.


"Is there someone—"

"Open the door, I'm Zhao Ritian! I'm back!!"

Different from the imagined way of going through the formation and asking for a warrant to open the door, Zhao Ritian's method of opening the door is very simple, that is, to shout, at the top of his voice, to let the people inside open the door.

Such a fresh and refined call to the door quickly had an effect.

Only a strange voice came from the door: "I thought who it was, it turned out to be Zhao Ritianni, this idiot."

The sound fell, and the tightly closed fine iron door slowly opened.

Appearing in front of everyone was a short-haired young man with a square face. Next to him was a blond woman with heavy makeup and a seductive face. From the moment they came out, the two of them hugged each other non-stop. The outsider didn't mean to be shy in the slightest. Instead, he kissed mouth to mouth twice as if showing off.

"Ancestor, grandma, this is the right protector of our Blood Lotus Sect. His name is Wu Bao. That one over there is his wife and blood attendant Ma Jinlian."

Mo Xuan on the side whispered to Nan Yu and Jin Hua about the person in front of them, and then added: "The two of them have a lot of disagreements with the young master in the church, and they would fight within three sentences on weekdays."

As if to confirm her words, before she finished speaking, Zhao Ritian had already started fighting with Wu Bao.


This time, there was no close match like in the past. Instead, Wu Bao was pinned to the ground by Zhao Ritian and hammered head-on. Not only did Ma Jinlian not think about saving her man, but she stood aside and watched as if nothing had happened. Wu Bao was beaten.

What was even more exasperating was that she even winked at Nan Yu with great interest.

"I can't bear it, father."

Seeing this scene, Jin Hua said with a livid face.

Nan Yu also clenched his fists and said: "Me too, forget it, you should go, I'm too ruthless."

As soon as the words fell, Jin Hua's figure rushed out like a whirlwind, and Ma Jinlian's fan flew several meters away with a single slap, and then chased after her and opened her bow left and right. Qiaolian was beaten like a pig's head, and the double eyelids that had just been made were opened.

for a while.

The blood lotus sect's sect door wailed and howled like ghosts. Those who didn't know it thought it was the sect leader who died and was crying in mourning.

In this regard.

Nan Yu only had a simple comment: "A nest of insanity!"

(End of this chapter)

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