Chapter 100 Departure, Blood Lotus Sect

Jin Hua, who didn't know how long she had slept, woke up faintly.

Her mind was very messy and confused. She only remembered that she was going to do something, but was interrupted again.

After shaking her head for a long time, she finally remembered what to do.

Slay the Son of the Nest, and offer the man to his father.


But when she looked left and right, she saw nothing.

And the place where she is staying now is not a corpse nest, but a brightly lit room.

"Where is this?"

Jin Hua became confused again, she really couldn't remember how she got here.

Just when she was still trying to remember, Nan Yu's voice came from the door.

"woke up?"

"Father!" Jin Hua woke up suddenly, got up quickly, and was about to speak with a face of shame, but was interrupted by Nan Yu waving his hand.

"I don't blame you, I didn't expect that a person who was relegated to the top of the earth could actually mess up this situation."

Nan Yu's face darkened a bit.

The appearance of that vampire K was actually in his expectation.

But Nan Yu didn't expect that this woman whose strength had plummeted would still be able to use the true artifact, Pandora's Book.

And she was only on the top of the ground, but she was able to summon two god-level soul summons, relying on them to block herself for nearly 10 minutes.

Fortunately, although Longyou's original body was lost this trip, it was not all fruitless.

For example, the undead skeleton body of the corpse nest, although there is no undead blood essence in it, it is still a corpse of the peak of the sky level, and it is still a corpse that is only one line away from the god level. Nan Yu sucked it very well. With a corpse, plus the undead blood given by Longyou before, and the baptism of Tianlei, he is now only a little away from the middle stage of the god level, and the speed of entering the country is incredible.

And that's not the biggest gain.


With a thought in Nan Yu's mind, a thunderbolt appeared in his hand out of thin air, jumping back and forth non-stop following his mind.

This is the biggest gain this time.

After being struck by lightning, he found that he could control lightning now.

The thunder he controlled was different from the man-made electricity that originated from the power plant in Long You. This was a real thunder with the power of heaven. Although there was only this one thunder, it was still a real thunder.

What's more, he can now absorb energy from the sky thunder to recover his own losses.

A zombie can control thunder.

If this was said in the previous life, it would definitely make people laugh out loud.

What are zombies?
It is born from the resentment and filth of heaven and earth. It is free from the six paths. It is neither born nor dead nor destroyed. Any zombie body must be infected with serious sins. It is also the monster that Huanghuang Tianlei likes to kill most.

So don't talk about zombies controlling mines.

If you are not struck to death by thunder, you will have to offer incense to your ancestor when you return.

But now this incredible thing happened to Nan Yu.

"I don't know if it's because of the thunder disaster, or the laws of this world are different?"

Nan Yu played with it for a while before putting away Lei Mang in his hand.

Look up again.

Seeing that Jin Hua was trembling all over, her legs were so soft that she needed to support the bed to stand up.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, father, when the thunder in your hand appeared just now, I, I'm sorry, father, I really can't hold on."


Nan Yu raised his eyebrows.

Jinhua, who has her own bloodline, is still afraid of thunder.It seems that this ability to control lightning should be his unique talent, and cannot be inherited with his own blood.

Why do you say so.

It was because Jin Hua died once in the corpse nest, and was slapped to death together with the son of the corpse nest by the summoned creature summoned by vampire K, and it was only with Nan Yu giving her another drop of blood that she was rescued.


Nan Yu soon found out the reason why he couldn't inherit it.

This sky thunder is stored in the dantian. It is not a fire control talent directly given to the blood like the blood of the Drought Demon. Instead, it needs to be controlled by one's own thoughts.

Naturally, this situation cannot be passed down along the bloodline.

"Done yet?"

Nan Yu, who was in a fairly good mood, asked.


Jin Hua, who felt her legs were much stronger, nodded vigorously and followed Nan Yu out.

The place where they are located is a luxury hotel in H City.

Since the Brother Corpse virus broke out, everyone here has fled.

Zhao Ritian and Mo Xuan of the Blood Lotus Sect simply regarded this place as their stronghold.

When Nan Yu came to find him, Zhao Ritian was crying and wiping away his tears. By the way, he made a poisonous oath, that is, he must kill his patriarch Long You to avenge his younger sister Zhao Rihua.

This is not Nan Yu trying to sow discord.

After the Battle of the Corpse Nest, he deliberately searched around, but he couldn't find Zhao Rihua, who had become a corpse brother. Presumably, he was killed by the aftermath of the battle between Nan Yu and Long You.

So after coming out of the corpse nest, Nan Yu immediately found Zhao Ritian and brought him the sad news.

can see.

This Zhao Ritian's brain is not working well, but his feelings for his sister are all from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing the news that Zhao Rihua had died at Longyou's hands, he has been crying until now, no matter how much that Mo Xuan tried to persuade him, it didn't work.

"Old ancestor, grandma."

As soon as he saw Nan Yu and Jin Hua approaching, Mo Xuan, who was comforting Zhao Ritian, immediately stood up and saluted.

Zhao Ritian, who was beside her, didn't seem to hear it, and was still crying with snot and tears.


"Old sister, you died so miserably!"

"Don't worry, my brother will definitely kill that dragon, dragon or something, and put his head in front of your tomb as a sacrifice to your spirit in heaven, oh, my sister~~~~"

Zhao Ritian hasn't taken any medicine today, and he keeps saying these words over and over again. Fortunately, his blood servant Mo Xuan is a very patient person, and he also knows that he is overly sad after the death of his sister, otherwise he would have been forced to treat his mental illness a long time ago. Take the medicine.

Nan Yu did not bother him, but sat aside, sending a message to Su Po Mao, while patiently waiting for Zhao Ritian to recover from his illness.

Who knew that waiting until dawn the next day.

Nan Yu and Jin Hua are both zombies, it doesn't matter if they don't sleep, Mo Xuan is already so sleepy that he nods.

Until then, Zhao Ricai, whose condition had temporarily eased, wiped away his tears and asked in surprise: "Hey, ancestors, grandma, when did you come here."

Nan Yu clenched his fists and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​beating him up, and then said: "The matter in H City is over. Your young leader is dead, Rihua is dead, and the corpse king has also gone to Europe. We are the only ones from the Blood Lotus Sect here, alas——"

Saying that, Nan Yu sighed heavily, and said with 'sorrow' on his face: "Thinking that I am a dignified Blood Lotus Sect, I was bullied like this, every day, we old guys are gone in the future, what do you think you should do? .”

"If you are gone, you will be gone. With me, Zhao Ritian, the Blood Lotus Sect will definitely be more domineering and cool than it is now! It will be the same without you."

As long as Zhao Ritian didn't speak, Nan Yu would be so angry that he wanted to beat him up.

Considering that this guy was a psychopath, Nan Yu decided not to be familiar with him and just said lightly.

"Pack up your things and we will set off back to the Blood Lotus Religion in a moment. The Yanhuang Special Forces Team in H City has already set its sights on us. Staying here will only bring disaster."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yu left with his hands behind his back, not giving Zhao Ritian a chance to speak to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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