People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 99 The person who came to pick up the leak!

Chapter 99 The person who came to pick up the leak!

The billowing thunder roared down from the sky, and under the guidance of Long You, it struck Nan Yu and Long You with astonishing might.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Amidst the thunder, Long You laughed wantonly, the body that was torn apart by Nan Yu not only did not continue to aggravate the injury, but healed rapidly under the thunder.


This is the most terrifying power of heaven in the natural world, and it is also known as the power of heaven and earth with the strongest aura of righteousness.

In Nan Yu's previous life, I don't know how many big monsters' cultivation path stopped under the thunder calamity, even Nan Yu did the same.


A big monster like Long You who killed countless lives and was riddled with karma should have been wiped out by the lightning.

It may be that the laws of the two worlds are different.

Long You's body completely ignored the sky thunder's attack on him, and even used the energy in the sky thunder to recover his injuries.

This is why he took great pains to arrange his men to launch artificial rainfall bombs.

Only in this way can he ensure that he will be able to trigger thunder when fighting Nan Yu and use this natural judgment technique.

However, Long You smiled, but couldn't stop laughing no matter what.

Because he saw that Nan Yu was using the sky thunder just like himself, no, he was enjoying the sky thunder, bathing in the thunder light with a face of enjoyment to recover himself, even faster than himself.

"How is this possible?"

first time.

This was the first time that Long You became flustered in the life-and-death contest with Nan Yu.

Since his recovery, he has spent every day in the library eagerly absorbing the knowledge of modern mankind. For this reason, he stayed awake and read those books day and night.

It was also from these books that he confirmed that the sky thunder, especially the spherical lightning, a natural mystery that humans have never been able to solve, once it appears, it is an unsolvable situation.

So he began to devote himself to the research of Tianlei, and found the electric eel, a creature that can discharge electricity, and later absorbed the electricity of an entire power plant, plus the two heavenly ranks of the Yanhuang team and many ground The blood essence of Super Corpse Brother brought him the ability to control electricity, and pushed him abruptly to the early stage of God Level.

After he recovered to the god level, he immediately set about building a corpse lair, luring Nan Yu to come and find him.

He thought to himself that he had already reached the god level. With his extremely abnormal recovery power, in this H city, even if there were peak god level attacks, he would not be his opponent.

That's why he allowed Nan Yu to devour his own undead blood to advance, and that's why he was always so confident.

But he never expected it.

The thunder that he had tried so hard to attract had no effect on Nan Yu, and his aura was getting stronger and stronger?


What the hell kind of physique is this?

Could it be that he also swallowed the blood of the phoenix?

Long You immediately made a decision, turned around and left.

Can't afford it!Can afford to run! ! !
After he has sucked enough energy and blood, and his realm has improved again, it will not be too late to kill this Nan Yu.

A man can bend and stretch, and the iron-headed baby is the most stupid behavior.

Shaking off the sky thunder on his body, the dragon's right wings fluttered, and he quickly moved towards the direction of the corpse nest.

"Longyou! Where can I escape!!!"

Nan Yu's stern shout resounded through the heavens and the earth, and he quickly chased after it with Tianlei.

However, no matter how Nan Yu chased after him, the evolved Long You finally had a pair of wings, and he was still a little faster than Nan Yu.

Even though Nan Yu's running speed is unparalleled in the world, it will be difficult to catch up to him in a short while.

"Extraordinary skill, catch cicadas in eight steps!"

With the surge of internal force, Nan Yu's speed increased sharply, leaving afterimages of thunder and lightning behind him, he rushed thousands of meters away in an instant, and caught up with Long You's figure in a few steps.

Hearing the thunder that was getting closer and closer, Long You didn't need to turn his head to know that it was Nan Yu who was chasing him. In desperation, the vibration frequency of his wings became even more rapid.

Just when the corpse nest was close in front of him, a fine tingling pain suddenly came from all over his body.


Long's right body suddenly stagnated, and his internal energy movement was interrupted by a sudden hidden weapon attack.

Immediately afterwards, several red fragments were nailed into important acupuncture points of his body one after another. Under the restraint of the red stone, Long You suddenly felt weak and was completely unable to shock the heavy rain pear blossom needle that Nan Yu shot into his body.

He was also unable to support the vibration of his wings, and fell from the sky as soon as his body weakened.

After landing.

What he saw was Nan Yu's figure rapidly approaching him.

"Damn things!"

With a roar, Long You stretched out his hand to grab it, and decisively took out his original body from his chest, and then stuffed all three miniature nuclear bombs into his mouth.

This was snatched from the Yanhuang Special Forces by his subordinates and given to him as a tribute.


All Long You's deeds were seen by Nan Yu, but he had no time to stop him. He could only watch helplessly as the miniature nuclear bomb shattered Long You's sloughed body into pieces. The power of the nuclear bomb slowed down a lot.

"Reckless waste! You bastard!!!"

After rushing out of the small mushroom cloud after the nuclear bomb exploded, Nan Yu looked in the direction of Longyou's corpse nest and cursed through gritted teeth.

This Long You would rather blow up his undead skeleton body than hand over his body with undead blood.

Shameful waste!
And wasted so much undead blood! !
You, Longyou, are really damned! ! !
Furious, Nan Yu sped up his pace again, heading straight for the corpse nest.

He had already guessed what Long You was going to do.

The son of the corpse nest who was maimed by himself!
Although that guy doesn't have undead blood on his body, he still has an undead skeleton body. In other words, this is the spare body Long You prepared for himself.

"I hope Jinhua has already dealt with that guy."

Nan Yu was thinking silently in his heart while he was on his way.

When in the corpse nest.

The reason why he was distracted and chopped up the son of the corpse nest several times in a row was to give Jin Hua a chance to kill him.

Yes, it’s the Golden Flower.

Although he and Long You had just started fighting, Jin Hua was beaten to the ground by the son of the corpse nest.

But that's because at that time, the son of the corpse nest was at its peak, and the peak of the heavenly level naturally formed an overwhelming advantage over the early days of the heavenly level.

That's why Nan Yu chopped him three times in a row, killing his energy and blood from the peak of the heaven level to the point where he was only at the early stage of the heaven level.

As long as Jin Hua's brain is not broken, after she and Long You leave, she will definitely fight the son of the corpse nest again to prevent this big blood bag from running away when the situation is not good.

It's been so long.

I don't know if Jinhua took him or not.

Under anxiety, Nan Yu's speed became faster and faster.

And when he stepped into the corpse nest, a flurry of ups and downs sounds suddenly sounded in the corpse nest.

Followed by a cold call.

"Come out, Azeael!"

"Come out, hellhound!"

As the sound fell, two obviously god-level auras erupted in the corpse nest, and they joined hands to block Nan Yu.

One of them is a three-headed giant dog standing upright.

The other is a soul body with a black body, holding a sickle, and wearing a cloak.

As for the people who summoned them.

Nan Yu looked behind these two god-level summoners, and his anger could no longer be contained. The originally restrained golden flame burst out loudly, reincarnated as a descendant of Hanba, and roared in the golden flames that filled the sky.

"Vampire K! I'm going to kill you!!!"

Follow Nan Yu's line of sight.

It can be seen that it is a tall brunette foreign woman, holding a black leather book in her left hand, and holding a dragon right original body with only the breath of the early stage of heaven in her right hand.

Behind them, Jin Hua and the son of the corpse nest could still be seen lying motionless on the ground.

This damn European woman, she dared to cut herself off! ! !
The furious Nan Yu used all his methods.

The golden flame, lightning, and red internal force roared all over the sky, almost tearing the entire corpse nest to pieces in the blink of an eye.

But the strength of these two god-level summons is no less than that of Nan Yu. The three-headed dog's physical defense is amazing. It won't even break the skin when it is hit by a magical skill like Blood Flame Tyrant Sword. Azeael is a pure soul body, physical attacks are completely ineffective, and can only be dealt with by magic, but its soul level is extremely high, and god-level spells can only make it illusory, and there is no way to quickly destroy it.

Down below, K glanced at Nan Yu who was running away, and said to Long You in his hand: "Let's go, Mr. Long You, this Yanhuang god-level power is too powerful, and my summons won't be able to last long. When the time comes, I can't bear his anger."

"Hmph, boy Nanyu, when I come back from hell, you will die!"

Before leaving, Long You, who was left with only the original body, looked back at Nan Yu who was fighting with two god-level gods, and then flew into the sky with K with endless killing intent, and with the help of another The artifact disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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