Chapter 98 Divine Skill·Natural Judgment
Long You, who was blasted by Nan Yu's words in a few words, let go of the previous look that he was always sure of winning, and his whole body was full of arrogance.

He had been hiding and trying to kill Nan Yu, and he didn't hold back any more. The violent internal force mixed with violent killing intent swept in all directions like a hurricane.

Like the wind rising from the ground.

The majestic aura on Longyou's body rose steadily, layers of lightning also appeared on the basalt armor, and his whole body roared angrily like an angry beast.

"good chance!"

Nan Yu's eyes lit up, he turned the giant sword in his hand, and directly used the magical skill of Qinglian Sword Technique to hit Long You hard.

Divine skill, kill a person in ten steps, never stay a thousand miles away.

The extremely sharp sword energy condensed between the heaven and the earth. When this sword energy suddenly appeared, the scene around Longyou also changed drastically. He seemed to see himself in the wilderness, surrounded by wildness, only the front of him A swordsman in Tsing Yi approached his throat with a three-foot Qingfeng.

In an instant.

The incomparable sword energy tore Longyou's body apart inch by inch, and the basalt armour, which was able to resist the attack of divine skills, was like paper paste, and together with the body, it was scattered with the wind under the killing of Qinglian sword technique.

Long You, who was still full of arrogance just now, was cut to the bone in an instant

Through this skeleton without a trace of flesh and blood on the outside, one can clearly see that his internal organs are still wriggling as usual, especially the glowing red heart, which beats together powerfully. In the center, Nan Yu saw a little dragon about the size of a thumb.


Nan Yu moved and grabbed Long You's original body.

This was Nan Yu's plan to enrage Long You. When he was ready to explode and it was difficult to defend, he used the miraculous skill of Qinglian swordsmanship to strip Long You of all physical defenses, and directly attacked Huang Long, taking away his source of immortality. It was this little Primarch.

"Hehehe, do you think you are smart?"

However, just when Nan Yu's hand was about to catch the original body, a pair of eyes suddenly grew out of the hollow skull of the skeleton-shaped Longyou, and a skeleton mouth opened and closed up and down. The vocal cords had been destroyed, but they were still screaming. Laughing: "Destroy Sound Wave——"

The skull's mouth opened wide to 180 degrees, and an invisible sound wave swept towards Nan Yu silently.

"This is--!"

Nan Yu's pupils shrank violently after being hit by the sound wave of destruction. His ears could not hear a single sound at this moment, and his eyes were completely plunged into darkness. His vision and hearing were all temporarily deprived under Long You's attack in just a split second. .


Nan Yu secretly exclaimed in his heart, hurriedly gathered his energy, activated his magic power with all his strength, and summoned a tripod-shaped shield composed of nine fire dragons to protect himself within it.

Spells, Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

This is a natal magic weapon of an ancient immortal, which can be attacked or defended.

Practitioners of later generations imitated the legend of the immortals and created such a spell. The offensive and defensive capabilities depended solely on the user's mana strength.

With Nan Yu's current strength.

The defensive ability of this layer of Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield is at the level of gods.

However, after waiting for a long time, Longyou's attack did not come.

But Nan Yu didn't dare to relax her vigilance, and she waited until her eyesight and hearing recovered before disarming the defense of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.


Nan Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw Long You's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

This guy didn't attack at all.

Just relying on the ability of destroying the sound wave to deprive the senses, he wasted half a day of mana.

"As expected of a seasoned general, he has rich combat experience."

Looking at Long You, whose image had changed drastically, Nan Yu took out a few blood bodhi and stuffed them into his mouth.

With sufficient qi and blood replenishment, his aura suddenly picked up, and he returned to his peak state again.


"I'm well prepared."

The appearance of Longyou, who was reconstructed again with flesh and blood, has undergone a huge change at this time.

The basalt armor that used to only cover the body is now like a fully armed battle armor, thick and solid, with a pair of wings growing out of the back, and the momentum has once again increased, reaching the same level as Nan Yu.

He fluttered his wings and flew into the air lightly, as high as a king, looking down at Nan Yu who stood with his head high below.


Nan Yu let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "This is the result of your time?"

"Hey hey, that's right."

"Boy, you'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands, otherwise, I will let you know what it means not to live and not to die."

Long You let out a sinister grin, a pair of golden eyes fixed on Nan Yu.

What Nan Yu said just now really touched his Ni Lin.

Otherwise, he would not have used this set of magic armor so early, but would continue to consume Nan Yu's vitality before using this move.

"I want to die, but unfortunately, I can't die."

Nan Yu grinned, the golden flames on his body exploded, and his figure was suddenly raised, sharp fangs protruded from his mouth, golden light shone in his eyes, the extreme high temperature dispelled the surrounding rainwater, and the ground under his feet was covered with golden flames. Black crystals condensed in an instant under the scorching of the fire, and the originally thick dark clouds dissipated, revealing the blue sky again.

The blood of Hanba's natal supernatural powers, thousands of miles away.

It's a pity that Nan Yu's blood is not pure, otherwise, when his zombie real body appears, at least half of H City will be turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"What an interesting bloodline, I can't wait to eat you."

Long You laughed loudly, and took the initiative to attack Nan Yu: "Tian Gang Po——"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black afterimage appeared on Nan Yu's head like lightning, and hit Nan Yu hard with the force of falling.

"Blood Flame Tyrannical Sword Slash!"

This time, Nan Yu did not use the heaven-level internal power to activate the giant palace like every time, but actually used the god-level internal power to activate the Blood Flame Tyrant Sword.

The sword energy that was hundreds of meters long was directly facing Long You's figure from bottom to top, but it was broken by Long You at the moment of contact. It only slowed down his fall, and the magic armor on his body was also broken. It was just cut open, it didn't cut him in two like before.

see this scene.

Nan Yu also confirmed the conjecture in his heart.

As expected, Long You, an insidious fellow, had been hiding his clumsiness.

He could have fought himself to be evenly matched, but in the end he always pretended to be invincible, constantly consuming Nan Yu's energy.

If it wasn't for Nan Yu poking his scar and knocking out his magic armor form, who knows how long it would last him.


Longyou's attack has arrived.

Although he had been delayed by the Blood Flame Tyrant Saber, his attack was still extremely ferocious. Nan Yu, who had shown his zombie real body with all his strength, was knocked to the ground just as he punched him.

The dark and gloomy underground did not affect the battle between the two.

As monsters that grew up in the dark, Nan Yu and Long You once again fought fiercely in the ground. The place where the two fought passed was like an eight-magnitude earthquake. It spouted everywhere, melting everything it touched into a mass of waste, no matter what high-rise buildings or luxury villas, as long as it was affected, no one would be spared.

Amidst the violent roar, as if to reflect the environment, the dark clouds that had been clearly dispersed by Nan Yu gathered again, and in a very short period of time it started pouring rain again.

Such a terrifying momentum lasted for more than an hour before the two jumped out from the ground.

At this time, both Nan Yu and Long You looked miserable.

Half of Longyou's demon armor was shattered, and all of his wings were torn off. The remaining half of his body was being slowly reborn under the obstruction of Jin Yan.

Nan Yu looked a little better than him, that is, a few black thorns were inserted into his chest, which smashed all his internal organs except the heart into pieces, and half of his face was smashed by Long You, so it was paid off. The enemy whose head was beheaded twice by Nan Yu.

"Ha ha--"


Both were panting heavily.

Their confrontation time this time is far less than that time in the city library, but this time the energy and blood consumption of the two of them is far more than that time.

Fortunately, Nan Yu was well prepared and ate a lot of Xue Bodhi and Congealing Blood Pill, which kept him in a relatively intact state.

The state of Longyou is relatively worse.

The form of his magic armor is obviously formed by mobilizing the qi and blood originally stored in the body, so now every time a part of the body is recovered, the qi and blood will decline accordingly, and it is not as endless as before. Body.


"Why is it raining again? Still thundering?"

Suddenly, Nan Yu, who was trying to shake out the black thorns and recover his blood, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

With his innate supernatural powers, let alone thunder, it is absolutely impossible for this H city to appear even on cloudy and rainy days. Why is it not only raining continuously, but there are even lightning flashes in the rain clouds.

"It's you who did it!?"

Nan Yu suddenly looked at Long You.

"Hey hey hey-"

"Boy, since human electricity is useless to you."

"Then, come and taste the punishment from heaven and earth."

Long You laughed strangely, and the power of lightning surged from his body, rushing towards Nan Yu like a lightning rod.

At the same time, the sky thunder that had been brewing in the rain cloud for a long time seemed to have found a catharsis point, rolling down with the momentum of killing everything, and struck down in the direction of Nan Yu and Long You.

"Divine Skill · Natural Judgment!"

"Hey hey, kid, let me see if you can hold on to this brilliant heavenly power this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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