Chapter 141 finally found you
It didn't take a few seconds.

Azazel's men turned the fallen nightmare into a mummy, which shattered into a ball of dry powder at the touch of a hand, so dead that it could no longer die.

"It can scare the fallen nightmare like this. It seems like there are good things up there."

Nan Yu wiped the remaining blood stains at the corner of his mouth and looked up.

Fallen Nightmare's panic just now was not an act.

You must know that all the gods in hell are ruthless people with crazy personalities. Unless they are facing the three major lords, they will not let go of their posture.

Therefore, Nan Yu suddenly thought of a possibility that could make the fallen nightmare lose his temper like this.

Is there a super god on it?
Longyou?Mistress of Holy Hands?Who else?A new super ghost?
Nan Yu picked up the fish intestine sword and walked quickly up the stairs.

What he is entering now is the No. 11 level of Castlevania.

Castlevania has a total of eighteen floors. Dracula and the others are undoubtedly on floor No. 18. On the other floors, the men of the three major lords are fighting with each other.

Especially the god-level ones under Dracula.

With the six-winged Holy Lord's soul peeled off, they had completely forgotten their master and their own identity, and were focused on blocking other lords' men from going to rescue Dracula.

In other words, they cannot defeat fallen angels and Satan.

Otherwise, they would even dare to take action against these two hell lords.

But this is what Nan Yu wants.

The situation in hell is now very clear.

Long You and the Holy Hand Mother are in the dark. Dracula is captured by the Six-Winged Holy Lord and is being stripped of his life source and all his soul. Satan and the Six-Winged Holy Lord are facing each other head-on. One is trying to kill the Six-Winged Holy Lord and break the cage. , a person who tries to kill all the prisoners in hell and restore his body of justice to the heavenly clan. As for Azazel, this guy is just here to disrupt the situation. He wants to get another angel's corpse to resurrect. own wife.


Walking on the 11th floor where he couldn't even see his fingers, Nan Yu couldn't help but lick his lips.

Dracula himself is the weakest lord in hell, and now his life source and part of his soul have been taken away by the Six-Winged Holy Lord. In terms of strength, he may not even be a super god anymore.

Nan Yu had every chance to kill him and swallow his life essence to strengthen himself.

Azazel and the Holy Hand Mistress are evenly matched. As long as Azazel uses his unique skills, he can fight to the death with the Holy Hand Mistress.

What's more, the current Holy Hand Mistress and Long You cooperate.

With Long You's character, it is very likely that the Holy Hand Mistress will not be able to grab Long You's resources to improve her strength. In other words, she may not have super strength now.

"Kill the Holy Hand Mistress before Azazel?"

Nan Yu thought about another possible method.

Azazel's unique skill is to associate his life with the enemy, and then use self-mutilation to wipe out the enemy's vitality.

This is a competition to see who has the strongest vitality.

If Azazel's enemy is Nan Yu or Long You, he will probably die after using this move.

But if his enemy is the Holy Hand Mistress, their chances of survival are almost the same, and they will almost die together.

"Kill two birds with one stone."

"Killing one is equivalent to killing a pair."

Nan Yu confirmed this idea and unconsciously licked his lips again.

There is definitely nothing he can do about Satan.

This guy is just too strong.

After being suppressed in hell for so many years, he was still able to kill the six-winged Holy Lord who had accumulated strength for ten thousand years and was able to mobilize the heavenly clan to kill Xinyue. At the same time, he also had a back-up plan hidden to ensure that he could escape successfully. hell.

Unless his strength can crush Satan, otherwise, he is invincible in this hell.

Was thinking about it.

A pair of pale hands quietly stretched out from behind Nan Yu, trying to cover his eyes.

"court death."

Nan Yu had already discovered this ghost. After saying something calmly, he turned around and struck the red-clothed ghost with his sword, instantly cutting it into two pieces.

This is a god-level ghost.

Nan Yu attached the golden flame of the Drought Demon to the Fish Intestine Sword, and chopped it into pieces with just one swing of his sword.

Compared to the super god-level ghost outside the castle, this god-level ghost is too weak.

However, such ghosts are a bit weak, and there are quite a few of them.

On the 11th floor alone, Nan Yu saw no less than ten of them.

Moreover, the souls of these god-level ghosts are very strange. They are not complete ghosts, but rather like rag bags that have been forcibly sewn together with needles and threads.

If you pick out any fragment of these ghosts alone, they are extremely weak, at most, they are at the level of heaven.

But after being sewn together using special techniques, they were forcibly lifted to the level of gods.

Apart from ghosts, Nan Yu also saw two living creatures on this floor.

One is a green goblin, and the other is a wolf-like creature that is on all fours and is creeping towards him.

The strength of these two guys barely reached the god level.

It's just that this strength is not their own, but comes from another soul in their body.

Yes, these two hell monsters have two souls in their bodies.

The weaker one is their own soul, which is at the peak of the heaven level at best, and then relying on another soul that has reached the god level to force them to the god level.


"This method is more like an evil cultivator who specializes in ghost ways than a righteous race."

Nan Yu held his chin and nodded.

In his previous life, ghost cultivators played with human souls like this.

The so-called ghost cultivators are actually fierce ghosts who know how to practice.

These evil ghosts can not only solidify their bodies to attack humans, but can also use their terrifyingly huge soul power to ravage human souls wantonly.

Now it seems that the current behavior of the Six-Winged Holy Lord is surprisingly similar to that of the ghost cultivator.

But Nan Yu had a second thought.

The Six-Winged Holy Lord is now a soul body, and there is nothing wrong with launching attacks specifically against souls.


Nan Yu allowed those god-level ghosts and these two hell monsters to attack him, and took the opportunity to turn his eyes and look around, trying to find the super-god soul that was probably hiding in the dark.

But even though he looked through the entire No. 11 floor, he still couldn't find where the super-god soul was hidden.

"It seems that I guessed wrong."

"That fallen nightmare probably went crazy after being attacked by these god-level souls."

Nan Yu shook his head, and immediately stopped holding back. The fire on his body blazed brightly, as if he was teleporting, and he crossed the entire floor in one step, leaving only invisible pieces of ashes behind him.

Crossed the eleventh floor.

Nan Yu traveled smoothly all the way.

Along the way, we also encountered some god-level ghosts similar to those on the eleventh floor.

Just not that many.

On average, there are only one or two per floor.

Forget it if they don't mess with Nan Yu. If they mess with Nan Yu, Nan Yu will crush them completely with a slap.

Just when Nan Yu officially climbed to the No. 18 level and was about to enter the finals.

Come into view.

It's a huge ghost whose whole body is made of hair.

This floor is not as winding as other floors. After the narrow corridor, there is a wide arena, with strands of hair filling every corner of the room.

In this arena.

There were also four completely dead bodies.

One of them is a thin clown wearing a clown costume, hiding his true appearance, the other is a tall and strong Goblin King wearing a crown, and the last one is a black one with only a round forehead. The crescent moon werewolf.The Clown King, the Killing Clown King, the Goblin War King, and the Half-Moon Wolf King.

The three of them are also Dracula's most loyal warriors, and they are also the three gods whom Dracula trusts most.


Under the control of the Six-Winged Holy Lord, they rebelled and joined forces to defeat the weak Dracula and imprisoned him. Then they used the false news of Dracula's new marriage to help the Six-Winged Holy Lord to bring down the other two major figures. The lord was ushered over.

Fighting with three of them.

He is a first-born demon with two horns and a giant sickle on his feet.

This is Satan's subordinate, named the Third Refiner Demon, and his strength is also at the god level.


He also died.

The body fell in front of three of Dracula's men.

"Long You hasn't been here yet."

Nan Yu knew it at a glance.

These four corpses were still warm, and there were no special changes on their bodies.

If it was Long You, there must be four mummies here now.

It seems that he and Long You came in through different doors.




Nan Yu looked at the three-headed ghost covered in hair and thought of another possibility.

This ghost has obviously reached the level of a super god.

Ghosts are different from humans. They specifically attack human souls, especially ghosts that have reached superhuman strength. Their attack capabilities are even more terrifying.

Therefore, it is possible that Long You could not defeat this super ghost, so he chose to give up absorbing energy and blood, and was eventually forced to retreat.

"Human! Die!"

Before Nan Yu could take action, the three-headed ghost had already taken the lead.

He saw the overwhelming amount of hair coming towards Nan Yu from all directions like a tide.

A feeling of being targeted by a hungry wolf arose in Nan Yu's heart.

This feeling made Nan Yu's body stiffen for a moment, and his movements couldn't help but sluggish.

Take this opportunity.

The hair emanating from the three ghosts whizzed upwards and bound Nan Yu's body. From a distance, it looked like an insect chrysalis.


Dozens of cyan long swords condensed out of thin air, turning into afterimages and piercing straight into the insect chrysalis.

Soul piercing.

This is the most powerful killing move of the three-headed ghost. As long as it is not a super-god-level soul, it can kill it.

"Dirty and despicable souls, destroy them!"

The three ghosts screamed sharply, and the number of blue swords suddenly increased. Afterimages fell from the sky like dense raindrops, showing a posture that they would never give up until Nan Yu's soul was destroyed.

"You are so noisy."

During the violent soul piercing attack, Nan Yu's calm voice sounded from the chrysalis.

Followed by.

In the astonished eyes of the three ghosts, two red sword energy tore the chrysalis apart and passed over the three ghosts with unrivaled momentum.

This sword energy is extremely fast.

The three-headed ghosts indeed saw Nan Yu swinging his sword energy, but he didn't even have time to react before he was cut into three souls by the two swords.

"The method of soul attack!"

After realizing that Nan Yu's attack was a direct soul attack, the three ghosts immediately emerged. After their bodies reunited, they immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, Earthling! Your soul is very powerful, almost mine." The most powerful person I have ever seen on Earth, but your soul seems to be defective. As long as you don’t kill me, I can help you make up for the defect in your soul.”

After realizing that they were no match for Nan Yu, the three-headed ghost surrendered decisively, and also offered a very tempting-sounding condition.

"Ha ha--"

Nan Yu, who emerged from the chrysalis, sneered, his hands glowed with golden light, and he immediately flashed and reached the three ghosts in one step.

A long golden dragon covered the fish intestine sword. As Nan Yu took action, the long dragon rose into the air and drew the three ghosts into it.


"Don't kill me—ah!"

The wails of the three ghosts stopped abruptly.

Under the attack of the Fire Dragon Curse, he had no resistance at all, and was killed by Nan Yu. He died more simply than the super ghost outside the castle.

"Wasted a little time."

Nan Yu put away the fish intestine sword and grabbed the god-level corpse on the ground.

These god-level gods are all in the middle to late god-level levels, and they are the god-level ones that are wreaking havoc in this hell. Their energy and blood are several times stronger than those of the same god-level gods on earth. Even if they are now After death, a lot of Qi and blood were lost, and the Qi and blood in their corpses exceeded that of an ordinary god-level person.

It was in order to protect these corpses that Nan Yu chose the Fire Dragon Curse and the Shixian Sword. Otherwise, the Six Ding Divine Armor Curse would have been finished long ago.

Four dead bodies.

Four groups of extremely rich Qi and blood.

Let Nan Yu take a deep breath.

He patted his belly comfortably and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, no -"

Nan Yu's voice suddenly broke off, and his eyes suddenly stagnated, losing their original look.

"my body."



"There's something wrong with this body."

Nan Yu looked panicked and immediately sat down cross-legged, preparing to force out the blood and energy he had just sucked.

at this time.

A burst of applause came from behind the door leading to the final area on the [-]th floor.

clap clap-

"Very good, very good. You are indeed tempted by a few things. It's not in vain that I specially made a virus that can contaminate the super god level."

"Hehehe, Nanyu, you never expected that you ended up falling into my hands!"

The one who came out of the darkness was Long You, who had disappeared from the first floor and was still missing until the third floor.

At this time, he looked proud, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the base of his ears.

What's worse than the three-headed ghost?

It's just a cover, his goal from beginning to end is Nan Yu.

Now that Nan Yu was really hit, he couldn't help but feel so happy that he flew into the air.

However, before Long You finished speaking, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.


"Do you think I don't know this is a trap?"

In Nan Yu's indifferent voice, a huge sword with a length of tens of meters solidified on the head of the dragon's right side, and charged straight towards the dragon's right side with extremely terrifying killing power.

(End of this chapter)

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