People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 142 I also killed your daughter and your son.

Chapter 142 I also killed your daughter and your son.
When Wuyou was crossing Yanhuang and Hell, Long You was still sealed in the red meteorite coffin.

Therefore, he has never seen the Shixian Sword, nor heard of the Shixian Sword.

When I first saw this giant sword that was directly condensed into substance from God, my first reaction was what kind of magic technique Nan Yu used.

But the magic technique will not have such terrifying sword energy.

This made Long You frown slightly, and with a movement of his body, he moved dozens of meters behind in an instant.


Looking at the giant sword that was still falling rapidly above his head, Long You's eyes narrowed, and he stopped hiding, and instead reached out to meet it.

There is no way to use Tiangang Qi in this hell.

You can only rely on your own energy and blood to fight against God.


Only the innate abilities inherent in the genes of creatures living in hell can be used.

What Long You is using at this moment.

It was an innate ability he took from the Nebula Twins, the sons of the Holy Hand Mistress.

Everything can be captured.

This is the strongest innate ability of the Demon Palm Star.

none of them.

It can almost be called the strongest defensive ability.

With the ability to capture everything, Nan Yu's sword, which was enough to kill a new super god, was caught by Long You with his physical strength.

Judging from the relaxed look on his face, it seems that using everything can be captured is not too much consumption for him.

However, before Long You could launch a counterattack, Nan Yu's next attacks followed.

The fish intestine sword with a bronze body glowed with a frightening cold light, and there were golden flames lingering on it. When Long You had just used up everything that could be captured and could no longer use this move, he went straight to Long You's vital point is gone.

Nan Yu knew that Long You had eaten Xiao Jingang's body.

Therefore, Long You probably now distributes his consciousness in every cell in his body.

In other words.

Unless he is completely annihilated, we can only do what Wuyou did, slashing down Long You's realm with one sword after another, directly reducing his strength to the point where he can no longer resist.

Just when the fish intestine sword was about to pierce Long You's body, a bit of cold light suddenly turned into seven rays, covering the rest of Long You's vitals.

"I can't believe that you have improved so much in such a short period of time."

Although the vital points were locked, Long You remained unhurried and even had the leisure to laugh strangely: "That's good! That's good! When the time comes, I will eat you and become stronger."

Nan Yu did not reply to his words and continued to use the fish intestine sword to easily cut Long You's body into pieces.


Long You gave a strange laugh.

Not a drop of blood flowed out of his broken body, and the flying limbs moved on their own, attacking Nan Yu from four angles.

Although there is no bonus from Tiangang Qi, Long You's attack power is much weaker.

But just relying on his current physical body, the broken limbs actually made a harsh sound through the air, creating a terrifying momentum that exceeded the speed of sound.

Nan Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he moved the fish intestine sword left and right. At the same time, he pointed the sword with his left hand and pointed it towards Long You's head.

In an instant.

Long's right hand and foot, which had been attacking arrogantly just now, were cut into a rain of flesh and blood. At the same time, a rain of swords also poured down on Long You's head. The sharp and terrifying sword force had not yet touched Long You, but it fell on his head. There were blood marks on his face.

But Long You didn't seem to react yet.

The body that had just recovered did not even take a moment to dodge before it was killed by Nan Yu's simplified version of the Ten Thousand Swords Killing Formation until he lost all breath.



Almost at the same time, Nan Yu realized something was wrong.

Long You's behavior was too abnormal.

With this guy's character.

Even if his current strength is not as good as his own, it is absolutely impossible for him to stand here motionless and let himself attack.

Gusts of strong wind suddenly hit from behind.

Nan Yu immediately burst out the golden drought flames with all his strength, and condensed the golden drought flames into a flame armor to protect himself in it.

bang -- bang -- bang --

Three extremely fierce attacks landed on Nan Yu's back.

It knocked his figure upside down and flew dozens of meters, which made Nan Yu's energy and blood surge, and he almost vomited out a mouthful of blood.

After landing again.

Nan Yu pumped up his energy and blood, and all the viruses injected into Long You's body were melted.

Then he looked at the 'Long You' who was chopped into pieces by him before.


The appearance of 'Long You' has changed.

After gathering his body again, he no longer looked like Long You, but a blond-haired angel with two wings.

"Mother of the Holy Hand."

Nan Yu recognized her identity.

Disguising yourself as one person and then secretly attacking him is Long You's old trick.

Fortunately, when he guessed that Long You and the Holy Hand Mistress might get married, Nan Yu had always been on guard against this.

Otherwise, Long You's sneak attack just now would not just be as simple as ripping his back to pieces.

At this time, Long You and the Holy Hand Mistress were standing in front of Nan Yu.

One has an aura similar to his own, while the other has just stepped into the realm of super god.

It seems that Long You exploited the Holy Hand Mistress very badly. He actually got a fully developed Holy Hand Mistress who was almost as powerful as Azazel. She was only a new super god and couldn't even block her own blow. Moreover, she who had worked so hard to calculate everything was now even more miserable to the point where she had become Long You's puppet, and her independent consciousness may have been stripped away, which is not a bad situation.


"The sword technique you just did was good."

"Are you interested in joining forces?"

Long You was not in a hurry to attack Nan Yu. Instead, he grinned and asked to cooperate with Nan Yu.

"Join us?"

Upon hearing what Long You said, Nan Yu raised his eyebrows.

This proposal was somewhat unexpected to Nan Yu.

Where did Long You get the confidence to believe that he would join forces with him?


"You and I will work together to swallow up all the lords in this sect."

"When we get out of hell, how about we settle old scores together?"

The smile on Long You's face remained unchanged as he stated the conditions for cooperation.

Nan Yu did not agree in a hurry, but stared at him with squinted eyes.

It's been a long time.

Nan Yu then said: "So you're also afraid that you won't be able to get out of this hell?"

Nan Yu's voice was full of teasing.

To be honest, he really didn't expect it.

Long You, who is fearless and extremely arrogant, is actually afraid of something?


"Ha ha--"

"I can get out of this hell without you."

In response to Nan Yu's words, Long You responded with a disdainful sneer, and then continued: "It's just that it would be a bit troublesome for me to get out of this hell. I don't like trouble."

"What if I refuse?"

"Then how about the two of us fighting it out to the death so that the lord and fisherman inside can benefit?"


Nan Yu stared at Long You closely, and couldn't help but tighten the fish intestine sword in his hand.

To be honest.He is not willing to fight to the death with Long You now.

Considering how difficult Long You is to kill, there is no way for the two of them to decide the outcome without using all possible means.

Just after such a big battle.

Nan Yu was not sure how much strength he had left to compete with the hell lords for the ability to open the door.

Think twice.

Nan Yu's brows relaxed, he looked at Long You with a relaxed expression and said, "After entering, everyone will rely on their own abilities?"

"It's up to you."

"OK, alright."

The cooperation between the two was achieved in these two simple sentences.

The two of them, temporarily putting aside their hostility, walked side by side to the door on the last floor.

The two looked at each other, and both saw emotions called defensiveness and distrust in each other's eyes.

However, none of them revealed this matter, and Nan Yu even reminded Long You specifically.

"After entering the door, there is a lord named Azazel who is looking for the corpse of Angel No. 13. The fake angel next to you is his target. You can figure it out."

Hear this.

The body of the Holy Hand Mistress, who had been infected by Long You, could not help but tremble.

As the mistress who controls the stars.

Although she has always stayed in the first level of hell to continue her strength, the fallen angel Azazel's infatuated name is famous throughout hell.

In order to resurrect his wife, this guy did not hesitate to betray his own race. He was the one who chased Gabriel to the first level of hell, and was finally snatched away by the Holy Hand Mistress.

in other words.

The Holy Hand Matron who is now holding Gabriel's body is Azazel's ultimate target.

With that guy's level of infatuation, he would never let this opportunity pass him by.

If the Holy Hand Mistress devoured the Nebula Twins according to her own plan, and then seized the Holy Lord's Holy Sword, relying on the Holy Hand Mistress soul and Gabriel's angel soul in her body, then she would definitely not be afraid of Azazel.

But now the Nebula Twins were eaten by Long You, his own body was also eaten by Long You, and the Holy Lord's Holy Sword was also snatched away by Long You.

Even if she succeeded in returning to super-god strength by devouring the demons in Satan's castle, the Holy Hand Mistress did not feel that she had the ability to withstand Azazel's absolutely crazy attack.

"My holy sword!"

This was the first thing the Holy Hand Mistress said after she recovered her body.


The only person who answered the Holy Hand Mistress was a sneer from Long You.

holy sword?

Hearing this, Nan Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

In this hell, the only thing that the Holy Hand Mistress can never forget is the Holy Sword of the Holy Lord.

"The holy sword of the Holy Lord is in the dragon's right hand?"

Nan Yu secretly guessed.

At this time.

Long You has already put his hand on the door.

While Nan Yu was still thinking, he exerted force on his hand and pushed open the last door of Castlevania.

As soon as you enter.

What came into view was the vampire count who was nailed to the cross and bleeding and the big demon who was fighting a seraph.

at the same time.

Azazel was spinning around like a headless fly, and Dracula, who was so angry that he was asking for help to get out of trouble, was yelling at him for not succeeding enough and failing too much.

"Hey, Azazel, Angel No. 13 is here."

A sharp shout came out of the blue and immediately attracted the attention of everyone here.

Especially Azazel.

When he saw Nan Yu grabbing the Holy Hand Mistress by the collar and throwing her towards him, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "Thank you, my friend!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Amidst the laughter full of ecstasy, Azazel flapped his wings, like a shooting star, and headed straight towards the Holy Hand Mistress with the afterimages.


Such an incident also made Long You glare at Nan Yu angrily.

Despite all his calculations, he never imagined that after a fight with Azazel, Nan Yu would still be able to call each other friends with such a hell lord.

"The person who reached a cooperation agreement with me is you, not her."

After saying these words, Nan Yu jumped up and ran straight towards Dracula, who had the weakest breath.

Of course.

Said his breath was weak.

Dracula's strength is still at the level of a super god, but it is only slightly stronger than the aura of the Holy Hand Mistress.

It is completely incomparable to Azazel and Satan who are in perfect condition.

When he first saw this strange super god rushing toward him, Dracula's expression suddenly changed, and he began to struggle even harder.

"K, please ask me to save your life."

Nan Yu looked at Dracula and shouted loudly, and then punched the Celestial Clan barrier set up by the Holy Lord for Dracula.

With Nan Yu's current strength, with this punch, the entire Devil's Castle shook slightly.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Upon hearing K's name, Dracula immediately gave up his struggle and laughed loudly: "I never thought that my daughter could ask a master like you to rescue me."

The one who was laughing like him was the demon Satan who was fighting the seraphs.


"Birdman, don't you think, this earthling who comes through the door also has a lord who is here to help us."

Satan laughed wildly.

The Lord Seraph opposite him remained expressionless, and then six planets of different colors appeared around him, and then he controlled one of the green planets to attack Satan who was sneering.

These six planets are the sacred weapons of the Celestial Clan, and the raw materials are the remains of the planets after their destruction.

"Sin, accept judgment——"

One planet was not enough, so the Holy Lord used another black planet and smashed it down.

Using the debris of the planet as a weapon, the power used is naturally terrifying.

But Satan, as a super strong man who had reached the level of a Great Star Lord, actually managed to withstand the attacks of the two planets by supporting one with one hand.

He kept sarcastic: "It seems that your bird-man's soul has not recovered much. With such little strength, have you not eaten?"

"Satan, when I get out of trouble, I'll come and help you kill this birdman who keeps his word!"

Seeing the cracks in the barrier getting bigger and bigger, Dracula's expression became even more arrogant, even a little impatient.


Not long after Dracula finished speaking, the barrier was broken open by Nan Yu.

Dracula finally escaped from the trap and laughed wildly. Countless blood flew wildly from the blood pool and corpse below, and instantly merged into his body. A huge blood-colored bat suddenly condensed from the blood.

The ultimate body of the vampire clan, the Blood Demon Bat.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"Birdman, suffer death——!"

Dracula, who transformed into a blood demon bat, laughed wildly and was about to get up and fly towards the Holy Lord. Suddenly, countless long swords turned into long rivers and fell from the sky, cutting off his head with just one blow.


Dracula, who had not yet reacted, exclaimed and looked at Nan Yu who had attacked him in disbelief: "You, aren't you?"


Nan Yu, who grabbed Dracula's head, chuckled and said, "I forgot to tell you. I also killed your daughter and your son."


Nan Yu exerted a strong force on his hand, and like a water pump, he sucked up all Dracula's super-spiritual blood.

(End of this chapter)

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