Chapter 15 Fuck!What a waste!

This is not a new word for Bai Xiaofei and the others.

After all, even in this world, legends of immortals and novels and movies of immortals are very popular.

But I have to say I have seen it.

It was really the first time.

Bai Xiaofei said honestly: "I've heard of it, but I've never seen it."

At the same time, he stared at Nan Yu's hand with envy.

"Want to learn?"

"I can teach you this."

Nan Yu said casually.

The spells he practiced, in terms of the cultivation system in the world of "Brother Corpse", are actually elemental abilities aroused by spiritual power. To put it bluntly, his magic power is the spiritual power that can be manipulated.

Now, Bai Xiaofei's mental strength has greatly increased after being injected with the God's Gene.

Although it is still at the human level, it is still no problem to learn basic spells.

Hearing Nan Yu say that he could teach him spells, Bai Xiaofei immediately became excited and nodded repeatedly: "I want to learn, I want to learn."

"Okay, okay." Nan Yu raised his eyelids and shrugged: "When I have time, aren't you going to help this little girl find her mother now?"

"Alright, Brother Nan."

Bai Xiaofei responded, immediately picked up Xiaolu and prepared to enter the Jinding Building.

Before he could walk out of the bushes, Nan Yu stopped him again: "Wait a minute."

"What's the matter, Brother Nan?"

"You guys go to the underground parking lot, I'll go upstairs."


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?"


Nan Yu rolled his eyes at him: "Your child is about to leave school, and then the dead brother virus broke out in the whole city, the child will be in danger at any time, think about it in another way, what would you do?"

This is a sub-question.

Basically anyone with kids will say the same thing.


Nan Yu forgot one thing.

That is, Bai Xiaofei's brain circuit is different from that of normal people, and belongs to the one that is extraordinarily strange.

So his answer almost made Nan Yu, a zombie with no heartbeat, feel like he was in cardiopulmonary arrest.

"I have no children."

This guy was very innocent and scratched his head there.

Fortunately, before Nan Yu beat him, Teacher Xiao Jia, who had rich experience in raising children, helped him out.

"If it were me, I would rush to the kindergarten to take the little deer back to a relatively safe home."

"Um, underground parking lot?"

"You mean, Xiaolu's mother is trapped in the underground parking lot of Jinding Building?"

Compared with the carefree Bai Xiaofei, Teacher Xiaojia's speech is much more orderly.

Nan Yu calmly said something that made everyone's hearts twitch: "If she is still alive."

Upon hearing this, Xiaolu burst into tears, struggled desperately in Bai Xiaofei's arms, and cried loudly: "Uncle, I'm going to my mother, I'm going to my mother."

Although Xiaolu is small, but following Bai Xiaofei's journey, she also knows what death is.

When Nan Yu said this, her tears were like broken pearls. No matter how much Bai Xiaofei and the others coaxed her, they couldn't stop her crying.

The only expressionless person here is Nan Yu.

When everyone else was coaxing Xiao Lu, he stared at the crying Xiao Lu and said coldly: "If you still want to save your mother, just shut up!"

With his fierce words and his cold eyes, Xiao Lu hiccupped in fright and dared not cry anymore.

Seeing Xiao Lu finally calmed down, Nan Yu didn't try to scare her any more, turned around and handed the Blood Demon Blade to Bai Xiaofei, and said, "Let me use it for a while, you have injected KW74, and then use your special ability to cooperate with it." With the shield and this knife, even if you encounter a corpse brother at the ground level, you can withstand it for a while."

"Those two over there, throw grenades if the guns are not accurate. If they blow up, as long as they are carbon-based creatures, they will be injured. If one can't be killed, two will come. If two can't be killed, throw everything out. Remember Are you staying?"

"If you encounter a corpse brother who you can't beat, hide behind Bai Xiaofei. This kid is quite resistant to beating. I guess he will be able to come down in about an hour."

"Also, let this little girl calm down a little bit along the way. Aren't you afraid that she will attract all the corpse brothers in this building?"

"You understand what I said, right?"

The three nodded in unison.

After making arrangements, Nan Yu led the way into the Jinding Building and walked upstairs along the stairs, while Bai Xiaofei and the others carefully searched for the entrance to the underground parking lot on the first floor.

What Bai Xiaofei and the others didn't know was.

The Jinding Building is actually already in the infected area, and the corpse brothers inside have mutated very badly after being devoured by each other.

Also they are looking for the mother fawn.

It would be difficult to say life or death.

Nan Yu remembers very clearly that Xiaolu's mother had already gone downstairs when the corpse brother virus first broke out, and was about to drive to pick up Xiaolu who was still in the kindergarten, but in the underground parking lot, she encountered a bug-like corpse brother. attack, and eventually become infected and mutate.

However, Bai Xiaofei and the others were trapped in the ruins of Jinding Building for nearly six days before they found the underground parking lot.

And the fawn's mother had just mutated at that time.

Now there is a time difference of nearly six days.

So it's hard to say whether the fawn's mother is still alive at this moment, but at least there is a certain chance.

"If you're lucky."

Nan Yu thought about it and suddenly laughed to himself: "It's really funny that I actually care about a human being who has nothing to do with me."

He shook his head, stopped thinking about Xiaolu's mother, and focused on finding the corpse brother entrenched in this building.

If I remember correctly, there are at least two prefecture-level corpse brothers in this building.

One is a corpse brother who looks like a gecko. This guy has fully integrated the genes of the gecko and has a very strong regeneration ability.

The other is a dead frog that can spit so powerfully that it can break a load-bearing column made of reinforced concrete.

The other miscellaneous little soldiers are at best at the peak of the personal level, which can barely be regarded as a nourishment.

I just don’t know if there are any other earth-level corpse brothers in this building.

It's best if you have it, but there's nothing you can do if you don't have it.

As for how to find Brother Corpse, Nan Yu chose a very old method.

He stood at the stairwell of the second floor, just like he did when he caused a wave of corpses in the commercial street, he shouted: "Hey, are there any corpse brothers? If so, come and eat grandpa quickly."


Responding to Nan Yu, there was only silence.


Nan Yu shook his head and continued walking upstairs.

Just as he was about to walk up to the third floor, an insect nest three meters high and four to five meters wide appeared in his field of vision, blocking the entire stairwell.

This insect nest is composed of densely packed insect eggs, surrounded by blood-colored veins similar to branches lying on the wall, exuding a strong and pungent bloody smell.

Those eggs were as small as a fist, and as big as a child's head. Among the weird blood-red eggs, you could still see that kind of huge mosquito corpse constantly turning inside.

When they sensed the presence of the breath of a living person, these corpse brothers who were still in the embryo immediately became restless, rushing left and right inside the eggs, as if they wanted to rush out and devour Nan Yu completely.

"No wonder there's no one there, you've sucked up all your feelings."

Seeing a worm nest of this size, Nan Yu suddenly understood why he couldn't call out Brother Corpse just now on the second floor.

Maybe the living people and some of the corpses hiding in this building have been sucked dry by those two mosquito corpses, and as for the essence of flesh and blood, they have spawned a pile of insect eggs to breed their offspring.

"Damn, what a waste of money."

After thinking about it, Nan Yu couldn't help but cursed bitterly.

If it weren't for those two mosquitoes, the blood energy of this scale would be enough to mutate an earth-level corpse brother. As a result, it has only spawned a bunch of useless weak mosquitoes.


Pure waste!
And waste, this behavior is shameful!

So in order to punish this behavior, Nan Yu reached out his hand, activated his magic power, and recited a spell with strange syllables in a low voice.

After chanting the mantra, a fiery snake with two bulges on its head and a protruding belly appeared out of thin air, and burned the insect nest to nothingness, leaving only nauseating waves BBQ smell.


Fire Dragon Curse.

However, with Nan Yu's current mana, he could only summon such a malnourished fire snake.

(End of this chapter)

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