People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 14 What to look at, have you never seen someone who can use spells?

Chapter 14 What to look at, have you never seen someone who can use spells?
"No one is allowed to cause trouble for me. You go wherever I tell you to go. You just do whatever I tell you to do. If anyone disobeys me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

This is the condition for Nan Yu to escort Bai Xiaofei and the others.

The warning in his words was very strong, and his tone was as harsh as he could say.

Thanks to his "wonderful" performance in Sunshine Elementary School before, he was not afraid of him except Bai Xiaofei, a heartless guy. look at him.

"Oh, Brother Nan, don't always keep a straight face. Look, Xiaolu is almost scared to tears by you."

Bai Xiaofei hugged Xiao Lu and coaxed him twice, but even complained to Nan Yu a few times.


Nan Yu couldn't hold back anymore, his hands suddenly itched.

Want to punch someone.

But think about it or forget it, there are not many living people in H City now, and if I want to find the Longquan Jiange, I have to rely on this skinny and shameless Bai Xiaofei.

Before leaving the bridge.

Nan Yu also asked the captain for two rifles, two pistols, ten grenades, plus some spare magazines and special armor-piercing bullets. He also asked Bai Xiaofei for a special alloy shield.

This alloy shield was of very good quality and could withstand the attacks of earth-level experts. Bai Xiaofei had nowhere to use his brute strength, so having this thing could add some fighting power.

As for those guns, he wanted them for Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui, who were helpless.

When she got the gun, Xiaohui was okay. She was a policeman and had touched a real gun before. Teacher Xiaojia was a little confused. It took her a long time to learn how to shoot and aim.

But Nan Yu didn't care if they knew how to use it or not, as long as he had a weapon with him, it was enough for the two of them to hold back a little less.

Got off the Zijin Bridge.

It didn't take long.

Nan Yu and the others saw a park, with a plaque hanging on the antique gate, with the four characters "Oriental Park" written on it.

Along the way, they didn't see a corpse brother.

It wasn't until here that I saw some corpse brothers who hadn't evolved yet.

"Brother Corpse that hasn't evolved, I'll kill it!"

Bai Xiaofei, who had just gained the superpower, was very confident at this time. He had to rack his brains on how to deal with Brother Corpse before, but now he was rushing to get in on him.

It's just that his enthusiasm was quickly extinguished by Nan Yu.

"I'm going to kill, you stay here."

"Brother Nan, it's just some miscellaneous fish that haven't evolved. I can handle it."

"I let you stay here, don't you understand?"

Nan Yu's voice became colder and colder, making Bai Xiaofei shiver.

Seeing Nan Yu's resolute attitude, he had no choice but to shrink his neck and said helplessly: "Then, then you go, I'm here to protect Xiaolu and the others."

Nan Yu didn't waste any more words on him. He swayed and swung the Blood Demon Blade several times in succession. These corpse brothers who had not yet evolved were cut into a pile of minced meat.

"A bunch of useless trash."

After killing brother corpse, Nan Yu frowned slightly.

This kind of weak corpse brother is not too useful for the seal in his body now.

After killing Niu Ben52, Teacher Mu and Guardian Zuo one after another, about one-tenth of the seal in his body was broken, but the remaining seals became stronger. Just like those who just killed these few barely As a human-level corpse brother, he could barely break the seal just a hair.

"It seems that in the future we have to focus on killing those at and above the prefecture level."

Nan Yu muttered, and waved to Bai Xiaofei and the others: "There is no corpse brother here, let's go."

"Fuck, Brother Nan, you are too awesome."

Bai Xiaofei and the others came out of the bushes, and after boasting to Nan Yu with a rainbow fart, he asked with bright eyes: "Brother Nan, can you teach me a few tricks?"

Nan Yu is a master of martial arts.

Ever since he saw him jump five floors and beat Teacher Mu, Bai Xiaofei has always believed in this.

That is to say, he is not too familiar with Nan Yu, otherwise, he would have pestered Nan Yu to teach him martial arts.

However, Nan Yu continued to pour cold water on him: "My skills are not suitable for you to learn, and you have no internal strength, no mental skills, even if you learn the moves, at most you can upgrade from random swinging Wang Baquan to routine swinging Wang Baquan."


The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched, and he asked again unwillingly: "Then Brother Nan, do you have any exercises you can teach me, the ones that allow me to cultivate my internal strength?"


Nan Yu replied crisply.

This is not a lie, but true.

He is a zombie, and all his abilities rely on his own energy and blood and the magic power he has cultivated. He has no internal skills and mental skills at all, and he does not need these things.

According to the definition of cultivation in the world of "Brother Corpse", he takes the path of refining essence and spirit, while the inner strength and mental method takes the path of refining qi, which is completely wrong.

So even if he wanted to teach Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't help it.

"Uh, okay."

Bai Xiaofei was a little disappointed.

However, martial arts skills belong to others. If you want to teach them, you can teach them. If you don’t want to teach them, you can’t force them.


Nan Yu emptied out the corpses in the entire Oriental Park by himself, and led everyone out through another gate of the park.

Fawn, who was a little gloomy because Nan Yu was in the team, suddenly became excited, pointing at a tall building in front of him and kept shouting: "Uncle, uncle, this is my home."


Bai Xiaofei, who was holding Xiaolu, hurriedly covered her mouth, and said in a low voice: "Xiaolu, don't shout loudly, there is a dead brother."

Follow his line of sight.

At the entrance of this high-rise building called Jinding Building, there are dozens of corpse brothers gathered here. The number is even more than the zombie brothers in the entire Oriental Park combined.

This time Nan Yu did not rush forward, but signaled Bai Xiaofei and the others to hide first: "There is something wrong with the corpse brother here. You hide first and listen to my command."

"Isn't it just dozens of corpse brothers who haven't evolved yet? Brother Nan, I don't even need your help, I can handle them myself."

Bai Xiaofei, who was a little nervous just now, became hardened again after seeing that these corpse brothers hadn't evolved, and was even eager to try.

It was rare for him to obtain a supernatural power, but he never got a chance to show it along the way, which suffocated him.

"Xiao Fei."

Nan Yu patted Bai Xiaofei's shoulder gently, grinned and said, "Have you always been this reckless?"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment.

"Look at it, and learn as much as you can by the way."

Nan Yu took out a stone from Bai Xiaofei's pocket, then threw it away, pierced through the heads of several dead brothers one after another, and smashed the tempered glass door of Jinding Building into pieces.

Even after seeing Nan Yu's strength in throwing stones once, Bai Xiaofei still couldn't help exclaiming: "Fuck, Brother Nan, you are so awesome, when will I become as powerful as you."


Nan Yu was silent.

"You can be almost like me now in half a year at most", he didn't want to say such words.

Although this is true.


At this time, the sound of mosquitoes flying came from the building.

"what sound?"

Bai Xiaofei immediately looked into the dark door with vigilance.

Soon, two mutated mosquito corpse brothers appeared in everyone's sight.

These two mosquito corpses were as big as an adult's fist, and the eyes on their heads were densely packed together like insect eggs, and they were still wriggling as they flew.

As soon as they flew out, they rushed excitedly towards the corpse brother who was still hovering at the door. Their sharp mouthparts were like steel needles, and they could easily pierce the corpse brother's forehead. The adult-sized corpse was completely sucked dry.

"Hey, I hate mosquitoes the most!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but spit out the fragrance.

Nan Yu finally couldn't bear it any longer, hit him hard on the head, and reprimanded him: "Did I ask you to watch the mosquitoes? I'm telling you, don't rush forward without understanding what's going on. At that time, if you encounter danger and die, you don’t know how to die!!!”

"Brother Nan, I understand."

This blow was not light, Bai Xiaofei held his head, tears flowed from the pain.

While the two were talking, Xiao Hui suddenly exclaimed: "Oh no, those two mosquitos are coming."

Everyone heard the words and looked.


I don't know if he heard the voices of Nan Yu and Bai Xiaofei, the mosquito that was still eating the corpse just now turned its gun and flew towards them.

Teachers Xiaohui and Xiaojia immediately raised their guns to aim at the mosquitoes and started shooting, but with their reckless marksmanship and the fact that the two mosquitos were always flying in an arc, they didn't hit the mosquito even if they fired a single bullet.

And Bai Xiaofei's successive attacks with gravel were all in vain.


"This dead mosquito has become so big, it's still so hard to beat!"

Seeing the mosquitoes getting closer and closer, Bai Xiaofei became more and more anxious in throwing stones, completely lacking in accuracy.


When everyone was anxious, a clear snap of fingers rang in their ears.

I saw two balls of fire suddenly condensed out of thin air in the air, and the blazing high temperature even distorted the surrounding air.

The two balls of fire seemed to be alive. As soon as they appeared, they flew straight to the two mosquitoes. No matter how they dodged, they were eventually caught up by the fireballs and burned into two balls of fly ash in the blink of an eye.

Bai Xiaofei and the others turned their heads and looked over.

Nan Yu, who still had green smoke on his fingertips, blew lightly, met their eyes, and said indifferently: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen anyone who can use spells?"

(End of this chapter)

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