Chapter 13 Bai Xiaofei's Abilities
"Hero, it's you."

Bai Xiaofei's voice echoed back and forth on the bridge.

Nan Yu rubbed his temples with a headache.

But this time he didn't turn around and leave like he did in Sunshine Elementary School.

He hadn't found Longquan Jiange on the pirated map before, and Bai Xiaofei came here to be a human navigator.

As for the troublesome things with him.

"Forget it, anyway, most of the corpses he encounters are prefecture-level corpse brothers, and it can save me some effort to find corpse brothers myself."

Nan Yu shook his head and bent down to touch around the corpse of Zuo Protector.

The captain beside him saw Bai Xiaofei and the others approaching, and asked curiously: "Mr. Nan Yu, are these your friends?"



"If you have nothing to do, go clean up the battlefield. Didn't you guys injure several people? What nonsense are you talking to me about here if you don't treat them?"

After being reprimanded by Nan Yu, the captain was a little confused.

But Nan Yu started to chase people away, and he couldn't help but just sit here. After taking a deep look at Bai Xiaofei and his party, he got up and returned to the rear position.

As soon as the captain left, Nan Yu found out what he was looking for on Zuo Hufa.

A USB drive with a bloody lotus pattern painted on it.

"This should be the Blood Lotus Dafa of the Blood Lotus Sect."

"It's a bit troublesome. I have to find a computer."

Nan Yu put the USB flash drive into his arms and said to himself: "Fortunately, there is no power outage or Internet outage in H City. I can find an Internet cafe to check it out when I have time."

Blood Lotus Dafa.

This is a technique passed down to the Blood Lotus Sect by the Corpse King Long You. It mainly cultivates one's own Qi and blood. The leader of the Blood Lotus Sect can even reach the god level by relying on this technique.

Nan Yu has always been interested in this exercise.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei and the others also came over.

Different from Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui who were still a little afraid of Nan Yu, Bai Xiaofei completely ignored the mummy on the ground. As soon as they met, he approached Nan Yu's shoulders as if he was familiar with him and began to put on his hands: "Hero, what's your name?"

Seeing his familiar appearance, those who didn't know thought that the two of them were friends who had known each other for many years.

Nan Yu seemed a little unnatural to be so close to others, so he raised his hand and slapped Bai Xiaofei away, and said in a cold voice, "My name is Nan Yu."

"Oh, so it's Brother Nan. Brother Nan, are you going to cross the bridge too? I happen to be crossing the bridge too. Do we want to go together?"

Bai Xiaofei secretly rubbed his sore right hand, but he still had a smile on his face.

His calculations were so loud that even the soldiers guarding the bridge far away from him heard them.

Everyone knows that Nan Yu's force is amazing. If he is willing to go with him, even entering the infected area can ensure safety. Not to mention Bai Xiaofei, even the captain wants to ask Nan Yu to help him on the bridge.

"I'm going to Longquan Jiange."

Nan Yu did not refuse immediately, which made Bai Xiaofei overjoyed.

He immediately patted his chest and said, "Longquan Jiange is owned by my fellow countryman. I am familiar with the place. Brother Nan, just follow me boldly and I will lead you."


Bai Xiaofei changed the subject: "I'm going to help Xiaolu find her mother first, and then send them to the evacuation point with Xiaojia's teacher Xiaohui. There may be some delay on the way."


The picture was similar to what he imagined, Nan Yu sighed secretly, then nodded and said: "Yes."

"Hey Hey--"

Bai Xiaofei grinned stupidly, pointed to the people around him and introduced them one by one: "Brother Nan, my name is Bai Xiaofei, you can call me Xiaofei, and those over there are Teacher Xiaohui and Xiaojia, and this is Xiaolu."

Then he turned his head to look at the crowd, pointed at Nan Yu's face and said, "This is Brother Nan."


Before Xiao Hui and the others could say hello, Nan Yu took the lead and slapped Bai Xiaofei's hand away.

He used a little force for this slap, and Bai Xiaofei's hand became red and swollen quickly visible to the naked eye.

"I don't like people pointing their fingers at me." Nan Yu's voice was a little cold.

"Nan, Brother Nan, can you tell me before you hit me next time?"

Bai Xiaofei, who was about to burst into tears, rubbed his hands vigorously, and replied dumbfounded.

The little deer dangling behind him looked at Nan Yu with some fear, then put his arms around Bai Xiaofei's neck and said in his ear: "Uncle, the little deer is afraid, this uncle is so scary."

Xiaolu doesn't understand what it means to say "some things can be said and some things cannot be said".

When she said this, her voice was not lowered at all, not to mention Nan Yu, half of the people on the bridge could hear clearly.

Bai Xiaofei, who had been laughing and joking all the time, suddenly changed his expression, and he hugged Xiao Lu to cover her mouth without caring about the pain, looked at Nan Yu awkwardly and said, "Brother Nan, don't mind, kid, you know, hey-hey."

"I'm not bored enough to know as much as a little girl."

Nan Yu snorted and looked at Bai Xiaofei carefully. It wasn't until Bai Xiaofei felt uncomfortable that he raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you use that medicine?"

Compared to yesterday's first encounter at Sunshine Elementary School, Bai Xiaofei's vitality has obviously improved a bit.

not much.

But it does improve.

Importantly, his god is significantly stronger.

This can be seen from his pair of brighter eyes.

The last God's gene left by Mr. Mu has the effect of strengthening God and allowing people to obtain supernatural powers

Bai Xiaofei did not deny this, nodded and said: "Well, I originally wanted Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui to use it, but they didn't agree. If they insist on letting me use it, I will use it."

He made a pistol-like hand and aimed at a car not far away.

Followed by.

He saw a cloud of cyclones condense on his finger, and then there was a crisp 'pop', and the door of the car he aimed at suddenly sank into a big crater.

Hearing this voice, the captain who was communicating with the wounded turned his head and looked over.

When he saw Bai Xiaofei smashing another car door as if showing off, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "A person with supernatural powers?"

However, compared to the horrifying scene when Nan Yu violently killed Guardian Zuo, Bai Xiaofei's ability did not cause the slightest disturbance.

Without him.


With such strength, even ordinary explosion-proof shields can't be broken, and it's about the same as dealing with low-level corpse brothers and warriors. It's not a threat to their heavily armed troops.

Nan Yu also had the same attitude, and he said with a little disgust, "Don't you know how to use some tools?"

"Tool?" Bai Xiaofei was startled.

"Like this."

As he spoke, Nan Yu picked up another thumb-sized stone and flicked it at a car as well.

It's not like the big movement when Bai Xiaofei casts his ability.

Everyone didn't hear any very violent noise.

I saw this small stone easily penetrated the car, and also broke the arm-thick iron railing behind it.

"Ah this."

It wasn't just Bai Xiaofei who opened his mouth wide open to the ground in surprise, Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui both gasped when they saw the terrifying lethality, only Xiaolu, who didn't understand anything, was still looking around.


Nan Yu patted the dust off his hands, and pouted at Bai Xiaofei.

"Uh, you mean I use the power of air compression to shoot out the stone?"

Bai Xiaofei probably understood what Nan Yu meant, and then he also picked up a small stone on the ground, compressed the air and flicked it out.


Compared to Nan Yu's silent but destructive throwing, Bai Xiaofei caused much more noise, but just now he could only hit the car door into the dent, but now he can directly penetrate the car door with one blow, the power It's no less than a gun.

"Brother Nan, your move is really clever."

Seeing that the power of his air compression ability had greatly increased, Bai Xiaofei immediately started to pick up stones on the ground excitedly. Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui were also helping.

Nan Yu shook his head.

After Bai Xiaofei had filled two pockets of gravel, he said impatiently: "Are you still leaving?"

"Let's go, of course we're going, let's set off now, well, go to Xiaolu's house first, and help her find her mother."

Bai Xiaofei said without blushing and panting, completely ignoring Nan Yu's impatience.

When encountering such a hob meat, Nan Yu was quite helpless, and could only say with a cold face: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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