Chapter 12 Hero, It's You


As soon as Nan Yu left Guardian Zuo's body, all the soldiers behind him raised their guns and aimed at him.

However, the captain did not give the order to shoot, but only asked cautiously: "You, are you a human or a corpse brother?"

Because Nan Yu didn't attack them when they crossed the bridge just now, and later protected them from the attacking Left Guardian. Otherwise, based on the force value displayed by Zuo Guardian, I'm afraid their entire bridge guard team will have to confess here today .

So from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to believe that Nan Yu was a monster like Brother Corpse that preyed on people.

But the sight of Nan Yu sucking human blood is too terrifying.

In less than ten seconds, the fierce warrior was sucked alive into a mummy. Such a terrifying scene, coupled with his astonishing force value, how could the captain not be worried? not afraid.

"Have you ever seen such a handsome corpse brother?"

Nan Yu repeated what he had said about Bai Xiaofei, then hummed a ditty, bent down to pick up the left guardian's Blood Demon Blade, seemingly in a good mood.

The quality of this Blood Lotus Sect's weapon is much better than Niuben 52's knife.

It's just a bit too big, it's not like a knife, it's more like a door panel.

Nan Yu shook it a few times and frowned slightly.

Since he had self-awareness, he has searched for many human skills to learn when he was idle and bored. After so many years, he is best at swordsmanship. He is really not used to this kind of big sword, and he can deal with enemies with low strength. It doesn't matter what he holds, if he encounters a heaven-level master, this knife will have a completely negative effect.

thought here.

Nan Yu suddenly remembered a sword hidden in the center of H City.


Forged by Ou Yezi, the ancestor of the Longquan sword, although it is not mentioned in the plot, judging from its strength and function, it should be a genuine artifact.

Nan Yu used the sword much more easily.

"Hey, do you guys know where Longquan Jiange is?"

Nan Yu raised the blood demon blade and shouted loudly at the soldiers guarding the bridge.

Seeing that Nan Yu had picked up the weapon in his hand, the tension of the soldiers reached the peak again in an instant, but after hearing Nan Yu's question, they all looked at each other in confusion.

We whispered for a while.

The captain replied helplessly: "Sorry, we were all transferred from the capital, and we are not very familiar with H city."

"Oh fine."

Nan Yu shrugged his shoulders, took out the tourist map of City H from his pocket, and looked for it.

His behavior of completely ignoring the bridge guard team made the captain feel helpless.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to have a good talk with Nan Yu.

And just as he walked out of the team's fortifications, he heard a seductive voice coming from under the bridge.

"Shredded meat, I'm hungry~~~~"

"Jack, I'm hungry too~~~~"

"Oh, what should I do? What should I do~~~~"

This kind of shrill and greasy voice gave people goosebumps all over their bodies.

Nan Yu also raised his head in disgust and stopped looking at the map in his hand.

Look in the direction of the sound.

You can see a pair of mermaids with loose long hair, sharp fangs, and a pair of fish tails.

Brother Mermaid.
The two male corpse brothers, who looked like ghosts, were hugging each other closely, constantly talking obscene love words, and occasionally ejaculating.

Seeing this, Nan Yu suddenly had the urge to pick out his eyeballs again.

"Damn it, are you two here specifically to disgust me?"

Nan Yu, who had never been so furious in front of Zuo Hufa, picked up two stones from the bridge deck angrily, aimed at the heads of the two dead brothers and threw them over.


The two stones that Nan Yu threw out in anger suddenly made a violent sonic boom, and accurately and accurately blasted the heads of these two disgusting mermaid corpses. The sticky dark red blood and white brains flowed smoothly In the blink of an eye, a large piece of water floated out of the river.

"What kind of skill is this?"

The captain who was walking towards Nan Yu couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling when he saw this scene.

The two corpse brothers below were not very mutated, so it would be easy to kill them both.

The problem is that Nan Yu just threw the stone casually, but it turned out to be as powerful as a large-caliber sniper rifle.

This is a little scary.

It was even scarier than before when he sucked human blood alive and sucked Zuo Hufa to death.

"Huh? Did you come to see me for something?"

After finishing those two mermaid corpse brothers, Nan Yu turned to glance at the captain, and asked with a frown.

He was disgusted by those two sharp-eyed things just now, and his tone of voice is still a bit aggressive now.

"Uh, that, that, hiss—"

The captain, who was not even nervous in the face of a killer like Zuo Hufa, seemed a little stuttering.

"Talk when you have something to say, fart when you have something to say, what are you doing like a bitch?"

Nan Yu became even more impatient, and his tone became harsher.

After all, he crumpled up the tourist map in his hand and threw it out.

His grandma's, even though he searched around a lot, he didn't see the words "Longquan Jiange" on the map. What kind of pirated product was this? It didn't even mark such a famous place.


The captain swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said cautiously: "Um, hero?"

"What's wrong with prawns? My name is Nan Yu."

"Um, Mr. Nanyu, um, I just want to ask, are you really going to the evacuation point?"

"No, when did I say I was going to the extraction point?"

"Uh, that was just now"

"I said I was going to the other side of the bridge. When did I say I was going to the extraction point?"

Nan Yu rolled his eyes at him, and looked at him with the expression of looking at a fool.

The captain who was choked speechless gave an awkward laugh, then gave the innocent Xiaogui a hard look, and then asked, "Then, are you the ability team that came to clean up the dead brother?"

"It's true to clean up the dead brother, but I'm not from the ability team."

"oh, I see."

Although he was not from the supernatural team, Nan Yu's answer made the captain finally feel relieved. He muttered: "Just come to clean up Brother Corpse. Just come to clean up Brother Corpse."

With this answer, he can pretend that Nan Yu's sucking of human blood was invisible.

I heard that some warriors practice special techniques and have some inhuman needs. I think this must be the case for Mr. Nan Yu.

Well, it must be so.

Anyway, he was sucking the blood of that villain, and he showed no hostility to his own bridge guarding team, so he could be considered one of his own.


Just as the captain was frantically brainstorming, there was another burst of violent water churning under the bridge.

Nan Yu and the captain Qi Qi turned their heads to look at the river.

I saw a whale with a length of dozens of meters leaping out from the water, opening its mouth wide, and swallowed the corpses of the two mermaid corpses floating on the water.


This is no whale at all.

Judging from its terrifying appearance, it was clearly a giant corpse that had swallowed countless creatures.

After swallowing these two corpse brothers, the huge whale corpse brother dived into the water again without making any more waves. On the calm river surface, it was completely impossible to tell that there was such a huge corpse brother lurking underneath.

"Middle stage at the prefectural level."

Nan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and recognized the strength of this corpse brother based on its restless energy and blood.

But seeing its figure disappearing into the river, Nan Yu thought about it, and gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing it.

Zombies hate water.

What's more, his mana has not fully recovered now, and if he rashly enters the water, the impact on his combat power will still be considerable.

at this time.

A preaching voice came from the other end of the bridge.

"It seems that underwater is also very dangerous. From now on, we must not only be careful not to be attacked by the corpse brother that suddenly jumped out, but also stay away from the bridge. If the whale corpse brother wanted to attack us just now, we will all run away." No."

The voice was very familiar, Nan Yu had the urge to turn around and run when he heard it.

As the owner of the voice gradually appeared.

Sure enough, it was Bai Xiaofei.

In addition to the female teacher named Xiaojia and the policewoman named Xiaohui, there was also a little girl wearing a giraffe costume behind Bai Xiaofei's back.

Behind them, followed a small white teacup dog.

And Bai Xiaofei also saw Nan Yu grinning at a glance, his eyes lit up immediately, he waved his hands excitedly and shouted: "Hero, it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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