Chapter 11 Let me keep your blood for you

In fact.

This gray-haired young man who came to the Zijin Bridge to wreak havoc is not some unknown person.

And Nan Yu had already recognized his identity.

The blood lotus teaches Zuo Dharma.

In fact, when he saw the blood-red giant blade, he had already recognized it.

As for the Blood Lotus Sect.

This is a very anthropomorphic sect, it can be said that it does everything except personnel affairs.

This time Guardian Zuo appeared in City H, and he wanted to 'move money' to City H when the Brother Corpse virus broke out.

The attack on the bridge was also to cut off the connection between the inner and outer urban areas of City H, so as to facilitate the follow-up actions of the Blood Lotus Sect.

To be able to hold such a high position in the Blood Lotus Sect, one can imagine the strength of Zuo Dharma.

at this time.

After Nan Yumi called him an unknown person, the Zuo Protector's face was obviously filled with anger, and the strength in his hand was also a little bit more.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Nan Yu remained unmoved, and even laughed and said, "That's all you have?"

However, this kind of ridicule did not make Guardian Zuo irritated again.

Quite the opposite.

Nan Yu's strong performance immediately calmed down Protector Zuo's originally excited and irritable mood.

"When fighting against a master, don't be impetuous, don't rush for success, fight steadily, find out the opponent's flaws, and win."

The leader's teachings seemed to ring in my ears again.

So Guardian Zuo no longer wrestled with Nan Yu, turned the blade of the Blood Demon Blade in his hand, swung away Nan Yu's blade, and then slashed at Nan Yu one after another as fast as lightning.

bang bang bang --

The swords of the two were extremely fast, leaving only afterimages in the air. The soldiers watching wanted to help Nan Yu, but they couldn't even see where Nan Yu was. They were determined but powerless.

"Xiao, Xiaogui, this the man who was about to cross the bridge just now?"

Looking at the battle ahead that was completely beyond imagination, the captain couldn't help but sucked in a breath.

With his eyesight, he couldn't see the movements of Nan Yu and Zuo Hufa clearly.

in other words.

If Nan Yu was a villain with a vicious mind, he could have destroyed the entire bridge guarding team by himself when he crossed the bridge just now.

Hearing the captain's question, Xiao Gui replied with the same expression of joy: "Captain, I finally understand why you said it is necessary to be on guard against others, but fortunately, fortunately."

"As long as you know."

The captain glanced at him, then raised his fist and ordered: "Everyone stand on guard, listen to my order before shooting, and don't accidentally injure that little brother."

"Yes, Captain."

"Has the sniper found a good position?"

"Find it."

"Put on the latest explosive armor-piercing bullets. Once the gray-haired man with the red knife stops, shoot immediately."

"Yes, Captain."

While the bridge guard team was arranging tactics in full swing, the battle between Nan Yu and Zuo Hufa on the other side had already shown a one-sided situation.

Zuo Hufa's saber technique is characterized by its speed.

His saber is not only fast, every blow is also a powerful slash, coupled with the heavy and wide blood demon blade in his hand, the attack range is extremely wide, making it impossible to dodge.

But Nan Yu's knife was faster and heavier.

During the duel between the two swordsmen, Nan Yu was as relaxed as strolling in the courtyard, while Zuo Hufa was powerless to resist. He was beaten back and forth, and had many long and narrow wounds on his body, including on his head. After being stabbed, not only a piece of hair was chopped off, but also a layer of scalp was cut off.

Bright red blood flowed down the forehead and left Guardian's face.

Zuo Hufa, who was able to suppress his emotions even when he was at a disadvantage, made a feint and distanced himself from Nan Yu. Instead of checking his injuries, he first reached out and touched the top of his bald head. Immediately, his His eyes were filled with blood, and he screamed with a knife: "My hair! You ruined my hair! You ruined my hair! Ahhh! How dare you ruin my hair!!!"

What responded to him was a burst of gunfire.

As soon as the left guardian appeared in shape, the bridge guard team on the other side, under the command of the captain, immediately opened fire, and all kinds of bullets fired at his foothold intensively. If it wasn't for fear of accidentally injuring Nan Yu, They even wanted to use mortar grenades for everything.

However, these invincible thermal weapon attacks in the eyes of ordinary people have once again failed.

The enraged left protector disappeared directly in place.

All the bullets hit the bridge deck. In a few seconds, these special armor-piercing bullets blasted the bridge deck and rock mass like a hornet's nest, but they just missed the left guard.

And when Guardian Zuo appeared again, it was in front of Nan Yu.

He completely ignored the soldiers who were shooting at him, and rushed towards Nan Yu screaming like a madman. The blood flowing out of his body was also burning fiercely at this moment. From a distance, he looked like a burning man.

This is the secret method of the Blood Lotus Sect, the blood-burning curse.

A secret method that trades one's own blood for short-term explosive power.

"Blood Dragon Slash!"

"Death to me!!!"

Zuo Hufa let out a loud cry, and wiped the blood demon blade on his body, only to see that the blood splashed from his body did not land on the ground, but turned into a blood dragon, soaring into the air with his body, roaring Amid the sound of piercing through the air, he slashed fiercely at the top of Nan Yu's head with a mighty force.

"This is a good move, there is something."

Facing Protector Zuo's almost life-threatening blow, Nan Yu looked relaxed and parried with his sword.

When the two blades collided again, the samurai sword in Nan Yu's hand, which was able to go back and forth with the Blood Demon Blade, suddenly seemed to have turned into a piece of tofu, and was easily cut into pieces by the Blood Demon Blade. two cuts.

Nan Yu tilted his head to the right in time, and the powerful Blood Demon Blade slashed fiercely on his left shoulder.

He finally hit Nan Yu, but Zuo Hufa's face was still dignified.

Combining the Blood Burning Curse with the Blood Dragon Slash, the power of this sword has reached the late Earth level attack power, and it can easily cut off even the weapon in Nan Yu's hand.

But when this knife was slashed on Nan Yu's body, Zuo Dharma felt as if he was slashed on a steel plate.

No, steel plates are not that hard.

After all, his desperate blow could easily cut through a steel plate.

However, the slash on Nan Yu's body only made a very shallow wound with great difficulty, and the wound was still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Practice Kung Fu horizontally!"

Zuo Hufa's heart trembled, and the move in his hand changed again, and the blood demon blade slashed down.

Bloody Disaster Blade.

The most lethal move among the Blood Lotus Sect's exercises is also the one that consumes the most energy, blood and internal energy.

While using this move, Zuo Hufa desperately started burning his own blood again, and poured all his internal energy into the Blood Demon Blade, trying to kill Nan Yu with one blow.

"Don't waste such good blood."

Nan Yu didn't rush, hehe laughed, and then threw down the broken knife in his hand to bully him. Relying on his own steel and iron bones, he caught the blood demon blade in the left guardian's hand with one hand, and forcibly pressed the knife he was about to use. With the other hand, like a phantom, he quickly poked a few times on the left guardian, closing several important valves on him, and forcibly interrupting his Burning Blood Curse.


A very simple and effective way of close combat.

Nan Yu used this tyrannical fighting method to easily restrain Zuo Dharma's offensive, and the price he paid was only a bloody cut in his right hand by the Blood Demon Blade.

And Zuo Hufa didn't feel so good.

The bloody disaster blade was interrupted, the blood-burning curse was broken, and all the internal forces running in his body were instantly disrupted, and he almost fainted without even taking a breath.

However, even if he managed to keep himself from passing out, his whole body was like a puddle of ooze, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Nan Yu held the left protector with one hand, and said with a bit of pain: "Who told you to harm me like this? Look, in just such a short time, nearly one-third of the blood was burned. What a waste! Forget it, It's better for me to keep your blood for you."

"what do you mean?"

Guardian Zuo asked feebly.

Nan Yu didn't answer.

But he soon knew what it meant.

Because Nan Yu's four fangs had already pierced into his neck, like a blood pump, swallowing all the blood in his body in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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