Chapter 10 Coincidentally, I Like to Kill Nobody
It turns out.

It's just that soldier.

Nan Yu had only taken two steps forward when he was stopped by another burly soldier, and raised his gun in extreme vigilance and shouted: "Put down the knife in your hand, and I will keep it for you. After crossing the bridge, I will Here you go."

"Captain, this man is a survivor who wants to go to the extraction point."

The soldier who had just let Nan Yu pass heard the movement behind him and hurriedly explained to Nan Yu.

"Shut up."

The captain glared at the soldier, and scolded, "Xiaogui, can't you see that he is carrying a weapon? What if he attacks suddenly and grabs the gun to kill someone?"

The soldier named Xiao Gui couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard this, and immediately turned his head to look at Nan Yu, but after thinking that Nan Yu had done nothing, he wanted to defend him again.

However, under the captain's stern eyes, he still lowered his head and accepted the criticism and education seriously.

Nan Yu watched with great interest as the two of them sang together.

When Xiaogui stopped talking, he threw the knife in his hand to the captain. He smiled the whole time, without any anger at being criticized.

"I'm sorry, it's really our duty. We must protect this bridge."

The captain took the samurai sword and carried it on his back, still holding the gun in his hand, and after apologizing to Nan Yu, he led the way ahead.

Xiaogui also handed over his position to the other teammates, and silently followed behind the two, one in front of the captain and one behind, sandwiching Nan Yu in the middle, and his finger never left the trigger from the beginning to the end.

Nan Yu didn't mind this kind of way of escorting prisoners. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Captain, what's the matter? Did someone with weapons attack you recently?"

"Sorry, military secrets, no comment."

The captain didn't look back, just responded casually.

Nan Yu didn't continue to ask this question, and turned around leisurely to look at the situation on the bridge.

Similar to the situation at the bridge head where damaged vehicles were blocked, this bridge was also filled with various damaged vehicles. The difference was that these vehicles were basically arranged in an orderly manner to serve as bunkers.

The soldiers dutifully hid behind the bunkers, and even if they were not attacked now, they did not leave their posts without authorization or neglect their duties.

Nan Yu's eyes were sharp and he could see the large number of weapons and ammunition hidden behind the bunker at a glance. The names of the equipment were also printed on the boxes.

"Special armor-piercing projectile."


"Light machine gun."

"Sniper rifle."

"Specially made thickened explosion-proof shield."

"Wuhu, there are also mortars."

"Well, there are three levels in total. Each level is guarded by twenty soldiers. The leader is in good physical condition. It seems that he has taken human enhancement drugs."

"You're really well prepared."

"However, the captain's eyes are still of normal color. Could it be that a new type of enhancer has been introduced?"

Along the way, while observing, Nan Yu silently counted the distribution of troops on the bridge.

It's not that he has any unreasonable thoughts about these soldiers guarding the bridge.

A group of ordinary people who didn't even reach the prefecture level, even if they were brought to his mouth for him to suck blood, he didn't even bother to open his mouth.

The reason why he observed the position on the bridge so seriously was simply because he found it interesting.

It is a cliché that modern hot weapons can defeat corpse brothers. Nan Yu really wants to see what kind of configuration can block those violent corpse brothers.

You must know that the current corpse brothers are weak and weak, but they must be smashed to ensure complete death. Otherwise, even if there is only half of the body left, they will grow new limbs and continue to attack.

Encountering such a difficult enemy, there are extremely strict requirements for firepower.

Otherwise, once encountering a tide of corpses, there is a high probability that they will be forcibly broken through even if they have the advantage of terrain.

Moreover, although the current low-level corpse brothers cannot withstand the attack of thermal weapons, the evolution speed of corpse brothers has been getting faster and faster. Before long, these lightweight firearms will become obsolete, and they can only rely on missiles, cannons and nuclear bombs. weapons can be effective.


This bridge is not too long, about a few hundred meters.

Within a few minutes, Nan Yu and the others had reached the end.

Seeing that Nan Yu didn't intend to make trouble the whole time, the captain finally showed a smile on his tense face, then handed back the samurai sword, and repeated what he said before: "Please forgive me during this special period, from here along this Turn left at the end of the road, and you will see the evacuation point in about half an hour."

"Thank you."

Nan Yu nodded, and was about to turn around and leave when he heard rapid gunshots and screams from the other side of the bridge.

at the same time.

An anxious voice came from the walkie-talkie hanging on the captain's chest: "Captain, someone attacked the defensive position and needs support, needs support."

"Roger that!"

The captain replied calmly, and then said "Take care" to Nan Yu, then took Xiao Gui to support the comrades in the rear.

Nan Yu didn't leave.

Because in his perception, he found that the one who came to attack the bridge guard position was a master with a lot of energy and blood.

This person's Qi and blood are still fluctuating, sometimes high and sometimes low.

It's not like Mr. Mu who keeps in a motionless state all the time.


"A real master."

"He is a master who has achieved success in cultivation."

A smile appeared on Nan Yu's lips.

There is such a master here, so if you are in a hurry to go to the infected area, deal with him first.

thought here.

Nan Yu swayed and rushed towards the master as fast as possible.

After a breath.

He saw the master who attacked the soldiers guarding the bridge.

This is a gray-haired young man with good looks. He belongs to the type of handsome guy who walks on the street with a high rate of turning heads. Especially the melancholy between his brows adds a bit of temperament.

What is incompatible with the melancholy and elegant temperament of this picture is that he is holding a blood-colored giant blade as wide and thick as a door panel in his hand, which looks quite wild.

This giant blade looks bloated, but it is extremely flexible in the hands of this young man.

At this time, under the command of the captain, the soldiers on the bridge fired at full force, and the dense bullets were like a storm, but this young man was able to come and go freely in the hail of bullets with only this giant blade.


Nan Yu gave a light snort.

He saw that the young man's face was scratched a little by stray bullets, and strands of blood flowed out from the wound.

In this regard.

Nan Yu was quite surprised: "There is something about this bullet, it can actually break this guy's protective energy."

This gray-haired young man is a prefecture-level master with profound martial arts cultivation, and his internal strength is at least the mid-prefecture-level level.

The exercises practiced are also quite impressive.

When fighting these soldiers, he was obviously protected by a layer of body protection skills similar to Gang Qi.

But under the firing of the wave of special armor-piercing bullets just now, his protective aura was broken, which was enough to see the power of this special armor-piercing bullet.

And this also made the young man quite angry.

This group of ants-like soldiers can actually hurt themselves.

The furious young man's eyes turned red, and he shouted, "Blood Moon Dance."

I saw him driving the giant blade with his body, and blood-red internal force surged out, like a blood-colored whirlwind, fiercely killing the soldiers guarding the bridge position.

Facing such a berserk attack, the soldiers did not dare to let go of the triggers in their hands, and the shooting sounds of various weapons were mixed together and continued continuously.

However, these bullets could not stop the young man's footsteps at all, and the whirlwind transformed by the blood moon dance music was about to cut down on the soldiers at the forefront.


At this time, a black shadow appeared in front of the soldier, and directly swung the knife to break the young man's moves. The samurai sword with a cold glow and his blood-colored giant blade were tightly pressed against each other.

"Unexpectedly, there are still masters here!"

After the move was blocked, the expression on the young man's face became more gloomy, and he said coldly: "Send your name, I won't kill unknown people."

"Ha ha."

Nan Yu grinned: "What a coincidence. I like to kill unknown people. Are you right? Unknown people."

As soon as this word comes out.

The young man's complexion suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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