Chapter 9 'A book by its cover'

The plan is perfect, but there is still a problem in front of you.

Nan Yu didn't know the way.

H City is a huge city with a population of close to [-] million, and the area where Brother Corpse Virus is most serious is in the city center, which is far away from where Nan Yu currently lives. Although the road in between is spacious, it is impossible to see the end at a glance, even from a station When you reach the top of the building, you are not familiar with the place and it is difficult to tell the direction of the infected area.

This made Nan Yu pat his head angrily and said: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in a hurry, it would be nice to let that Bai Xiaofei lead me the way."

The words say so.

But in fact, Nan Yu didn't want to stay with Bai Xiaofei from the bottom of his heart.

the reason is simple.

This guy is basically a bad guy with a lot of sympathy. As long as he is with him, troubles will continue. He either loses a child or finds a woman. He hardly has time to relax.

And although he talks about saving Xiaowei all day long, on the way to find Xiaowei, whenever he sees someone, he will rescue him, and he will try his best to satisfy whatever request they ask.

Some people say that he is not devoid of humanity, and some people praise him for being kind-hearted.

If this was in a peaceful era, Nan Yu would have praised him as a warm-hearted and kind person.

But these are troubled times where corpse brothers are rampant!

Especially in City H, which can be called a purgatory on earth, being kind is the biggest mistake in itself.

Coupled with the evolution speed of these corpse brothers, it is not too much to say that it is changing with each passing day.

In just a few days, after those mere human-level corpse brothers devoured each other, monsters with earth-level strength were born.

This is still in a relatively safe outer city.

The situation in the infected area is much more serious than here. If there is no accident, there should have been many prefecture-level or even late prefecture-level peak corpses there.

In such a big environment.

How can Bai Xiaofei, an ordinary person who is only at the peak of human level and has no martial arts skills and relies solely on brute force, have the courage to say the saying "With great power comes great responsibility"?
Spider-Man is really capable of saying that.

How can you, Bai Xiaofei, have this ability now.

you could put it that way.

If it weren't for the protagonist's halo, with his random and reckless operations in the early stage, he would become a pile of shit in Brother Corpse's stomach within two days.

So after killing Teacher Mu, Nan Yu immediately ran away, unwilling to get in touch with Bai Xiaofei, so as not to cause many troubles for no reason.

"Forget it, let's find our own way."

Nan Yu took out the flip phone he picked up and took a look, then shook his head helplessly.

Now is not the technologically advanced 21st century, and smart phones are not widely available, and most mobile phones do not have things like mobile maps installed.

But this matter is not difficult for Nan Yu.

He directly found a newsstand, and after tearing down the door, he found a tourist map of City H.

After carefully comparing the surrounding road signs and buildings, he soon found the way to the city center.

"Huh? Zijin Bridge on Zijin Road? Why is the name so familiar?"

Nan Yu carefully looked at the route he had drawn, and murmured to himself thoughtfully.

There is a river between his place and the city center, and there are only two river bridges that can pass from here.

And the closest to Nan Yu's current location is the Zijin Bridge.

Nan Yu always felt that he had seen this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"It is estimated that some small details have been overlooked."

Nan Yu soon stopped paying attention to such trivial matters, took the map to identify the direction, and then set off towards the predetermined destination.

With Nan Yu's leg strength.

When he arrived at the Zijin Bridge, the sun had just risen, and the gentle sunlight shone on his body. Even his icy body felt warm, making people want to groan comfortably.

Nan Yu is not those little zombies who are lowly, afraid of light and water.

He who has practiced for thousands of years just said that he doesn't like sunlight or water. This is an instinct engraved in the soul, just like the reason why human beings subconsciously want to avoid the smell of durian for the first time.

But instincts are instincts. With Nan Yu's strength, the common weaknesses of these zombies are no longer a big deal to him.

Thinking back to his heyday, when he had nothing to do, he would even go to the beach to sunbathe, thinking of getting a tan so as not to scare others with his too white skin. Although it was of no use, he still went there happily. Many times.


Just as Nan Yu was about to step onto the bridge, a gunshot sounded suddenly.

Someone fired warning shots on the bridge.

Nan Yu didn't forcefully punch the card, but stopped and looked up.

What appeared in his field of vision was a dark green figure.

This is a man in military uniform, with a steel helmet on his head, hiding behind an abandoned car, with only his upper body exposed, and a gun in his hand. The mouth was aimed at Nan Yu's head.

After seeing Nan Yu's face clearly, the soldier who was tense just now was obviously relieved, stood up from the bunker, and shouted at Nan Yu: "Are you going to the evacuation point too?"

"I want to go to the other side of the bridge." Nan Yu replied seriously.

The evacuation point mentioned by the soldiers was set on the opposite side of the bridge, which Nan Yu had seen on the website.

Not only the webpage, but also the evacuation point is broadcast on the TV in a 24-hour loop. There will also be a phone call from the mobile phone to inform the specific location. As long as you pay attention, you can know about it.

The soldier in front of him is obviously the special team responsible for blocking the corpse brothers on the bridge and preventing them from breaking into the withdrawal point.

With the gunshot just now, it was he who was judging whether the person who came was the dead brother or a survivor.

If it were Brother Corpse, he wouldn't be afraid of gunshots, and might even be more excited.

On the contrary, civilians who have never seen guns and ammunition will subconsciously feel fear and stop their progress.

After confirming that Nan Yu was not Brother Corpse, the soldier boldly walked out of the bunker, and then asked, "Is there anyone else walking with you?"

"No, just myself."

The soldier nodded and beckoned, "Okay, just keep walking forward. If someone asks you on the road, just say you are going to the evacuation point."

"Okay, thank you."

"Sure, you're welcome."

After all, the soldier retracted into the bunker again.

Even though Nan Yu walked past him, he didn't look back, and continued to concentrate on observing the situation outside the bridge.

"Tsk, it looks good to be vigilant."


"That's it."

As he passed by, Nan Yu glanced at the soldier's undefended back and shook his head slightly.

He was still carrying a samurai sword in his hand, but because he had a human face, he let himself pass so carelessly.

I really don't know whether to say that I am too young or that I have too little experience.

To know.

In the apocalypse, the scariest thing is never the monster, but the human heart.

This soldier is so 'judging people by appearance', if he encounters some villains with ulterior motives, then when he exposed his back just now, he would have been dead and could not die anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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