People are dead brothers, single-handedly challenge the dragon to the right

Chapter 17 The Jinding Building that was swept away

Chapter 17 The swept-out Jinding Building
Nan Yu didn't wait long. Less than a minute after entering the door, before he could finish looking at the layout of the room, the 'takeaway' guy came to the door.

It's not quite accurate to say door-to-door.

Because the 'takeaway' was delivered through broken glass from the outside of the window.

Being able to climb in from outside the twelfth floor, which is tens of meters high, Nan Yu and others are naturally not human beings, but a big gecko corpse with a body length of more than five meters.

Compared to those monster-looking zombies, this gecko corpse is actually quite eye-catching. At least it has the body of a normal gecko. It doesn’t have any strange limbs or twisted and rotten body, except for an extra one on its tail. The sharp bone spurs, and the two human heads at the position of the eyes are more distinctive.

This gecko corpse brother is extremely powerful.

The tempered glass on the window couldn't even block it, so it was smashed into pieces by it. When its front paws covered with suckers hit the wall, there were a spider web of cracks.

As soon as he saw Nan Yu, the two heads of the gecko corpse brother started to giggle at him.

"Brother, look what I found! A handsome guy covered in blood."

"Oh~ oh~ oh~ I want this guy's ass!!!"

"Then, I'll eat his head."

Of these two voices, one was shrill and perverted, and the other was stupid and thick.

While the two heads were talking, the gecko corpse brother suddenly opened his mouth, and a long pink tongue shot towards Nan Yu's head as fast as lightning.

Nan Yu could see clearly that the tongue was covered with barbs and covered with a layer of colorless and transparent mucus, which was really disgusting.

Like the frog corpse brother he met before, Nan Yu, who had no weapon in his hand, also didn't want to touch this thing, so he grabbed the coffee table next to him and threw it towards the tongue.

The coffee table in Xiaolu's house is a simple glass coffee table, weighing about twenty or thirty kilograms, but under Nan Yu's strength, the momentum of flying out is no different from that of a cannonball.


After a bang.

The tongue of the gecko corpse smashed the coffee table into pieces. The broken glass was like raindrops, either embedded in the wall or penetrated into the body of the gecko corpse.

"Oh, it's so scary~~~"

"Brother, this guy is so fierce, I really want to explode his anus."

"Brother, I think so too, hahaha——"

The bloody gecko brother was not in the slightest panic, but was still laughing and saying all kinds of disgusting words.

At the same time, the wounds on its body were also healing rapidly, and the glass fragments shot into its body were all squeezed out of the flesh in the blink of an eye.

"You two, don't you think you are noisy?"

After hearing enough of the rude words of these two guys, Nan Yu felt angry, then jumped up and stepped heavily on the back of Brother Gecko Corpse.

He suddenly exerted force under his feet and forced the tall upper body of Brother Gecko into the floor.

"Eh? Brother, what happened?"

"I don't know, I didn't see anything."

"Oops, we seem to have met a master."

"Master? What is a master? Does it feel better if his anus explodes~~~"

Even though he was suppressed by Nan Yu with brute force, the two mouths of Brother Gecko Corpse were still so unclean.

Just as the two heads were chirping non-stop, its tail quietly touched Nan Yu's back at some point, and the sharp bone spurs were aimed at his lower body, stabbing fiercely with a harsh sound of breaking through the air. .

Use words to distract attention, and then engage in a surprise attack, this is the favorite move of Brother Gecko.

It's such a close distance, let's see how you can hide!
The two heads of the gecko corpse brother stopped talking, and were all smiling sinisterly, imagining the situation of the tail penetrating Nan Yu's body.

However, the scene it imagined did not happen.

Because its tail is hollow.

No, it cannot be said to be stabbed.

Its tail still stung something, its body, and it nailed itself to the floor.

It was obvious that Nan Yu was still stepping on its head, but why didn't he stab him in this sneak attack?
Before Brother Gecko Corpse could figure it out, Nan Yu's voice rang again.

"Are you saying you can't just wait to die?"

"Why do you have to make me angry?"

"It's really nothing to blame."

Immediately afterwards, Brother Gecko Corpse felt a pair of hands insert into his body and grasp his two hearts accurately.

"Brother, this man has captured our hearts!"

"Brother, this man has captured our hearts!"

The two heads of the gecko corpse brother no longer had any thoughts of swearing, but screamed in unison.

The heart is the real core of their body.

When the heart is gone, so are they.

Panicked, the two heads tried to turn their heads to find Nan Yu's position, but after merging with the gecko's body, they were already welded to this body, and no matter how hard they turned their heads, they couldn't see the situation behind them.

Brother Gecko Corpse then tried to pull Nan Yu out by flicking his tail again.

However, Nan Yu stepped on its tail. No matter how hard it tried, it felt like there was something heavy weighing on its tail, making it completely unable to move.

The tail was trampled, the enemy couldn't see it, and the tongue couldn't be stretched out. The gecko corpse, who had no means to resist, could only feel desperately that his body was being torn apart little by little.

Brother Gecko Corpse couldn't feel pain, but the feeling of flesh and bone being separated, and the feeling of his lifeblood being held in someone's hand, made his two mouths howl in agony for mercy.

Nan Yu turned a deaf ear to this, and then used both hands to exert force.

Dark red blood sprinkled like rain on Xiaolu's house.

This gecko corpse entrenched in the Jinding Building was torn into two halves by Nan Yu with brute force. The colorful internal organs and undigested human body parts suddenly flowed to the ground.

Nan Yu, who was covered in blood, held two hearts no bigger than a palm in his hands and slowly walked out of this hell of flesh and blood.

Facts have proved that even if this gecko corpse has super self-healing ability, it will not grow back as long as it is torn in half.

"Middle stage at the prefectural level."

Although this gecko corpse brother had a bad mouth and made Nan Yu extremely upset.

But it still has some strength.

The Qi and blood of the mid-earth level is many times higher than that of the frog corpse brother.

After swallowing up all the essence and blood of these two hearts in one breath, Nan Yu clearly felt that his body felt a little more relaxed.

"Ha ha--"

"It's still useful for these high-level corpse brothers."

Nan Yu looked down at the blood that had caked on his body, and couldn't help but pull off the dirty clothes with a look of disgust.

Then he took a shower in the bathroom of Xiaolu's house and took out a set of clean clothes in the closet to change into.

After doing this, Nan Yu walked through the last three floors until he confirmed that there was no more corpse brother upstairs in the entire Jinding Building. He stood on the empty top floor and said to himself: "I don't know if Bai Xiaofei or the others are here." How was it in the parking lot?"

As he spoke, he took a deep breath and stamped his foot heavily.


With this step, the solid floor of the building broke instantly. Nan Yu's body was like a meteor, piercing through the floor layer by layer, heading straight to the underground parking lot in the fastest way.


Jack pendant.

Ordinary people who have practiced to the extreme can have the strength of a thousand catties. With Nan Yu's physique, this one foot can exert more than ten thousand pounds of power.

(End of this chapter)

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