Chapter 18 Huh?Did I just step on something?

Underground Parking Lot.

Bursts of violent collisions and gunshots echoed in the empty parking lot.

Accompanied by bursts of violent gasps and insolent laughter.

"Come on, come on, little darlings, why are you running so fast? Come into my arms."

"Yoyoyo, you are concerned about this wild man, okay, I will eat him later, little beauties, you can obediently be my concubine."

"Hoho hahaha——"

The one who was laughing was a mutated corpse with a human upper body and a spider lower body.

The spider corpse was so bulky that its head almost reached the ceiling of the underground parking lot.

At this moment, he was waving his spider legs, attacking Bai Xiaofei fiercely.

If it wasn't for the high quality special alloy shield that Nan Yu got from the bridge guard team, with the attack power of this spider corpse brother, I'm afraid Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be able to survive for so long.

Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui pointed their rifles at Brother Corpse and shot desperately.

Unlike the two mosquito corpse brothers who were small and could fly around, this spider corpse brother was huge, which saved them the trouble of aiming. Every shot could hit the spider corpse brother accurately.

But the special armor-piercing projectile that was enough to injure an earth-level expert like Zuo Hufa didn't even make a ripple when it hit Brother Spider Corpse, and it couldn't stop Brother Spider Corpse from attacking Bai Xiaofei at all.

Brother Corpse's recovery ability is too strong.

Even if the bullet pierces the body, it can recover quickly, and it will even become more excited after being hit, chattering non-stop with words to stimulate everyone's nerves.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei was the only target of this spider.

So the women behind him are safe for the time being.

But it is also because of this.

Bai Xiaofei faced great pressure.

The strength of this spider corpse brother was terrifying. In their first round of fighting, the blood demon blade Nan Yu gave Bai Xiaofei was knocked away, forcing him to rely on the alloy shield to resist the spider corpse brother's attack.

A long battle of strength.

It made Bai Xiaofei's whole body feel like it was about to fall apart, his hands were already bloody, and when the sweat on his head hit the wound, he felt a burst of burning pain.

But no matter what kind of pressure he faced, he always gritted his teeth and insisted on taking a step forward. From time to time, he even cheered for others: "Brother Nan is coming down soon, let's persevere, when Brother Nan comes, this dog Things can’t be arrogant.”

And behind Bai Xiaofei.

In addition to Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui, who were still fighting the Spider Corpse Brother with tears in their eyes, there was also a woman wearing a gray uniform and holding the little deer tightly in her arms.

The time went back to four 10 minutes ago.

Bai Xiaofei and his group wandered around the first floor for a long time, and finally found the entrance to the underground parking lot.

It's just that there are too many cars in this underground parking lot, and there are no lights, so the vehicles can only be vaguely distinguished by a little sunlight coming in from the outside.

This undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty to the work of finding Xiaolu's mother's car.

Fortunately, Xiaolu still remembers the logo on her mother's car.

This made Bai Xiaofei's search work a little easier.


After walking through three passages, Bai Xiaofei and the others found Xiaolu's mother's car.

Even luckier.

They found Xiaolu's mother in the car, and she hadn't been infected yet, but she had passed out after being hungry for an unknown amount of time.

Bai Xiaofei said that his mother fainted from hunger.

Fawn, who carried a lot of snacks with him, hurriedly took out his stock, while Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui fed water and food in a hurry, finally resuscitating Fawn's mother.

Mother and daughter reunion.

The little deer's mother couldn't believe her eyes, hugged the little deer and cried loudly.

This kind of scene can't be said to be very warm, but it finally let Bai Xiaofei and the others relax.

However, when Bai Xiaofei and the others were about to leave with Xiaolu's mother, Xiaolu's mother suddenly said anxiously that there was a very scary corpse brother in the parking lot. reason.

Her voice just fell.

That spider corpse launched a sneak attack from the darkness. If Bai Xiaofei hadn't reacted much faster after being injected with the God's Gene, he might have lost everyone in his first attack.

The two of them have been fighting ever since.

Time goes back to the present.

Brother Spider Corpse, who couldn't take down Bai Xiaofei after a long attack, also became serious.

This human being who has been entangled with him for a long time is actually not very strong. It can persist for so long only because it is playing tricks on Bai Xiaofei and does not use its full strength at all.

It's just that it didn't expect the alloy shield in Bai Xiaofei's hand to be so strong. He almost used all his strength while playing, but he still couldn't break the shield.

Brother Spider Corpse snorted coldly: "Humph, I'm tired of playing."

Then, the upper body of his body opened its mouth.

A piece of white spider silk as thick as an adult's arm spit out from his mouth and stuck to Bai Xiaofei's alloy shield in a swish.


Feeling the huge force coming from the spider thread, Bai Xiaofei's heart shuddered, and then he pulled the shield back with all his strength, trying to break the spider thread.

However, this spider silk is not only extremely sticky, but also extremely tough.

Without the Blood Demon Blade in his hand, Bai Xiaofei tried his best but could not break the spider thread.

As Brother Spider Corpse exerted force.

Bai Xiaofei, who already had a huge disparity in strength, couldn't hold on any longer, and the shield in his hand was pulled by the spider's thread and thrown into the distance.

"This time. It's troublesome."

The unarmed Bai Xiaofei looked at the drooling Spider Corpse Brother, and murmured with trembling lips.

He wasn't afraid.

In fact.

Since the outbreak of the dead brother virus, he has seen so many deaths one after another, and he has long put life and death aside.

But he was still unwilling.

He hasn't found Xiaowei yet.

So he couldn't just die in vain.

"Hey, boy, block again, keep coming."

Brother Spider Corpse laughed jokingly, and thrust forward fiercely with his forelegs. In a split second, the blow pierced through Bai Xiaofei's left shoulder, then hoisted him up and spun rapidly like a windmill.

The blood from his wound was thrown everywhere, on the walls, on the ground, and on the ceiling. With this amount of bleeding, even if Bai Xiaofei hadn't been beaten to death by Brother Spider Corpse, he would have died of hemorrhage sooner or later.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

The excruciating pain made Bai Xiaofei couldn't bear it any longer, and the mournful wailing echoed back and forth in the underground parking lot.

Such screams also made Brother Spider Corpse even more excited, and turned even more vigorously.

"Hahahaha, fun, really fun."

Amidst Brother Spider Corpse's wild laughter, looking at the miserable Bai Xiaofei, Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui finally shed tears that they had held back for a long time.

Teacher Xiaojia, the stronger of the two, took off a grenade from her waist and was about to pull the safety button when her hand was held down by Xiao Hui.

Xiaohui asked in a trembling voice, "Sister Xiaojia, what do you want to do?"

Teacher Xiaojia, who was trembling with fear just now, said very firmly at this time: "If Xiao Fei dies, then we can't survive. Instead of making Xiao Fei suffer so much, why not let us also fight with this corpse?" Brother, I will fight to the death, Xiaohui, take one too, don’t be afraid, Sister Xiaojia will accompany you on the road to heaven.”

Xiao Hui was stunned.

Listening to Bai Xiaofei's screams in her ears, she turned to look at the mother of the deer who was huddled up in her arms. She laughed miserably: "Sister Xiaojia, you are right, we can't rely on Xiaofei alone. "

Then, Xiao Hui also took out a grenade and put her finger on the safety ring, trembling but firm.

Just when the two of them looked at each other and were about to throw a grenade to blow up the brother, a loud rumble suddenly came from above the underground parking lot.

"Huh? What sound?"

The spider corpse raised its head in doubt, its forelimbs stopped, and Bai Xiaofei, who was spinning at high speed, flew out like a shooting star, and then hit the wall with a 'snap', and slid down limply like a rag bag.

"good chance."

When Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui saw Brother Spider Corpse throwing Bai Xiaofei out, they did not waste time and immediately pulled out the safety and threw the grenade at Brother Spider Corpse.

boom -

The ceiling of the underground parking lot suddenly broke at this moment, and a white figure fell from the sky, trampling Brother Spider Corpse into two pieces before he could react in an instant.

At the same time, a confused voice came out from the splashing blood and dust: "Huh? Did I just step on something?"


In an exclamation of "Who the hell, who threw the grenade?", gunpowder smoke filled the air in an instant, and the air was suddenly filled with the strong smell of blood and gunpowder.

"Did we blow up someone?"

After saying this, for some reason, Teacher Xiaojia suddenly had a bad feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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