Chapter 19 The Seriously Injured Bai Xiaofei
The smoke from the grenade detonated gradually dispersed, and Nan Yu, who was still smoking, was revealed.

Of course.

With his physical strength, this kind of grenade that can hurt earth-level experts is actually impossible to cause any harm to him.

The reason why he was dressed in black was purely due to the smoke from the grenade detonating.

And not only was he blackened, but the most important thing was that the new clothes he had just changed at Xiaolu's house were also burnt with big holes and small eyes by sparks, making him look like a beggar's clothes in tatters.

"Who threw the grenade at me?"

Nan Yu walked out slowly with a gloomy expression. The sound of his footsteps coupled with his gloomy voice made Teacher Xiaojia and Xiao Hui tremble.

When Nan Yu's figure completely emerged from the gunpowder smoke.

The little deer even cried out with a 'wow'.

Not only Xiaolu, but Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui also took a few steps back. Xiaolu's mother hugged Xiaolu tightly and did not dare to let go.

This is not because Nan Yu is dressed in black and everyone can't recognize him.

It was because they all saw the head of the dead spider in his hand.

The spider corpse brother who was still invincible just now, that formidable enemy that few people tried their best to defeat, at this moment, its head was held in Nan Yu's hand like a Chinese cabbage, and the bright red blood seemed to be free of money It was bleeding all over the floor, and the expression of fear and fear was frozen on its face forever.

"Hey, let me ask you, who threw the grenade!!!"

Nan Yu's voice sounded again.

This time, there was obvious impatience and annoyance in his voice.

Can you not bother me?

The new clothes I just changed into this look in just a few minutes.

Nan Yu is a decent person.

Even when his cultivation base was low and the most desolate, he at least dressed like a human being. When has he ever been in such a mess like today.

Seeing that he was really angry, Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui swallowed heavily, and then timidly admitted: "Yes, I'm sorry, we threw it, we, we just wanted to."

"Be careful and throw it next time."

Fortunately, Nan Yu was just annoyed that the clothes were burned, so he said one sentence and didn't say anything more, and he didn't mean to blame Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

However, what happened next gave them a feeling of darkness.

I saw Nan Yu raised the head of the spider corpse brother, and then reached out and stabbed it in. After stirring for a long time, he took out a piece of meat full of blood vessels from its head.

This is the blood core of Brother Spider Corpse.

Different from the previous frog corpse brother and gecko corpse brother, this spider corpse brother lost all the organs such as heart and brain when he mutated. Even the spider body under his body is just a weapon. The only core is This piece of meat hidden in the head.

The grenades thrown by Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui earlier only damaged its useless spider body, but were far from killing it.

If Nan Yu hadn't fallen from the sky, stepped on Brother Spider Corpse's body, and twisted off its head by the way, with their little equipment, Brother Spider Corpse would have taken it down in less than a minute.


In front of Teacher Xiaojia and the four of them.

As always, Nan Yu didn't worry about whether he would scare people, and directly swallowed the vitality and blood core of the spider corpse brother alive.

Although this thing does look quite unique, Nan Yu didn't feel any psychological burden when eating it. He even licked his lips with unsatisfied taste after eating.

This is just like humans paying high prices to eat strange-looking things like king crabs. Some foods may look ugly, but they are delicious.

Nan Yu has this kind of mentality now.

This spider corpse brother is also at the mid-earth level, and the energy and blood in his body is stronger than that of the gecko corpse brother.

For Nan Yu, a core with such strong vitality and blood is simply the ultimate delicacy, so naturally he doesn't care what the core looks like.

However, the way he ate still scared Teacher Xiaojia and the others who were watching.

Teacher Xiaojia and Xiaohui have seen him suck blood to kill Teacher Mu, but they can barely maintain emotional stability.

But Xiaolu's mother, who was already in poor physical condition, didn't have such a strong psychological endurance. She passed out as soon as she rolled her eyes, and the anxious Xiaolu kept pushing and shouting.

Nan Yu glanced at them, ignored the flustered scene, and asked casually, "Where's Bai Xiaofei?"

until this time.

The few people who were busy waking Xiaolu's mother came out of the shock and fear brought by Nan Yu, and tremblingly pointed to the place where Bai Xiaofei was thrown.


Looking in the direction they pointed, Nan Yu saw Bai Xiaofei in the darkness at a glance.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei's breath is weak at this moment, and he seems to be breathing more out and less in.

The corner of Nan Yu's mouth twitched, and he rushed to Bai Xiaofei's side with one stride, leaning over to check his situation.

Soon, he had an understanding of Bai Xiaofei's injury.

There is a transparent blood hole on the left shoulder, which looks as if it has been vigorously stirred by something, and all the flesh and blood around it have been worn away, revealing the white bone stubble. Apart from this injury, most of the bones on his body are also gone. They were all comminuted fractures, and almost no one was intact. If nothing else happened, the internal organs must also have ruptured and displaced problems.

However, what surprised Nan Yu was.

After suffering such a serious injury, not only did this guy not die, but even the injuries in his body were still slowly healing themselves, and his originally weak breathing became more and more stable.

"Looking at your exuberant vitality, I have some doubts whether you are a human or a corpse."

Seeing this situation, Nan Yu couldn't help sighing.

He couldn't help but recall the scene when he first met Bai Xiaofei.

At that time, this guy was also punched by Mr. Mu, an earth-level powerhouse, and finally thrown down from the fifth floor. As a result, he was not only fine, but also prepared to perform a bare-handed climb to the fifth floor for Nan Yu on the spot.

"Well, Nan, Brother Nan, is Xiao Fei okay?"

Teacher Xiaojia came behind Nan Yu and asked cautiously.

Xiao Hui supported the mother fawn, whose legs and feet were weak, and looked over with a worried look on her face.

Even Xiaolu, who didn't understand anything, was looking at Bai Xiaofei with tears in his eyes. He almost had the words "Uncle, don't die" written on his face.

"Can't die."

Nan Yu stretched out his hand to copy, and regardless of whether it would make Bai Xiao more injured, he clamped him roughly under his arm, stood up relaxedly and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the evacuation room." At this point, go there and find someone to treat the boy's wounds, and by the way, it can be regarded as fulfilling the promise with him."

Before leaving, he did not forget to retrieve the Blood Demon Blade.

At the same time, he sighed: "Bai Xiaofei, you are really a master at throwing weapons. No matter how good the weapons are given to you, you can throw them wherever you go."

(End of this chapter)

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